39 resultados para Spray boom


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Waterproofing agents are widely used to protect leather and textiles in both domestic and occupational activities. An outbreak of acute respiratory syndrome following exposure to waterproofing sprays occurred during the winter 2002-2003 in Switzerland. About 180 cases were reported by the Swiss Toxicological Information Centre between October 2002 and March 2003, whereas fewer than 10 cases per year had been recorded previously. The reported cases involved three brands of sprays containing a common waterproofing mixture, that had undergone a formulation change in the months preceding the outbreak. A retrospective analysis was undertaken in collaboration with the Swiss Toxicological Information Centre and the Swiss Registries for Interstitial and Orphan Lung Diseases to clarify the circumstances and possible causes of the observed health effects. Individual exposure data were generated with questionnaires and experimental emission measurements. The collected data was used to conduct numeric simulation for 102 cases of exposure. A classical two-zone model was used to assess the aerosol dispersion in the near- and far-field during spraying. The resulting assessed dose and exposure levels obtained were spread on large scales, of several orders of magnitude. No dose-response relationship was found between exposure indicators and health effects indicators (perceived severity and clinical indicators). Weak relationships were found between unspecific inflammatory response indicators (leukocytes, C-reactive protein) and the maximal exposure concentration. The results obtained disclose a high interindividual response variability and suggest that some indirect mechanism(s) predominates in the respiratory disease occurrence. Furthermore, no threshold could be found to define a safe level of exposure. These findings suggest that the improvement of environmental exposure conditions during spraying alone does not constitute a sufficient measure to prevent future outbreaks of waterproofing spray toxicity. More efficient preventive measures are needed prior to the marketing and distribution of new waterproofing agents.


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Physicians are in a unique position to advise smokers to quit by the ability to integrate the various aspects of nicotine dependence. This review provides an overview of the intervention strategies for smokers presented in a primary care setting. The strategies that are used for smoking cessation counselling differ according to the patient's readiness to quit. For smokers who do not intend to give up smoking, physicians should inform about tobacco use and the benefits of cessation. For smokers who are dissonant, physicians should use motivational strategies, such as discussing the barriers to successful cessation and their solutions. For smokers who are ready to quit, the physician should show strong support, help set a date to quit, prescribe pharmaceutical therapies for nicotine dependence, such as nicotine replacement therapy (i.e., gum, transdermal patch, nasal spray, mouth inhaler, lozenges, and micro and sublingual tablets) and/or bupropion (an atypical antidepressant thought to work by blocking the neural re-uptake of dopamine and/or noradrenaline), with instructions for use, and suggest behavioural strategies to prevent relapse. The efficacy of all of these pharmacotherapies is comparable, roughly doubling the cessation rates over control conditions.


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New products available for food creations include a wide variety of "supposed" food grade aerosol sprays. However, the gas propellants used cannot be considered as safe. The different legislations available did not rule any maximum residue limits, even though these compounds have some limits when used for other food purposes. This study shows a preliminary monitoring of propane, butane and dimethyl ether residues, in cakes and chocolate after spraying, when these gases are used as propellants in food aerosol sprays. Release kinetics of propane, butane and dimethyl ether were measured over one day with sprayed food, left at room temperature or in the fridge after spraying. The alkanes and dimethyl ether analyses were performed by headspace-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry/thermal conductivity detection, using monodeuterated propane and butane generated in situ as internal standards. According to the obtained results and regardingthe extrapolations of the maximum residue limits existing for these substances, different delays should be respected according to the storage conditions and the gas propellant to consume safely the sprayed food.


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Die auJlerkörperliche Erfaltrung (AKE) hat in den letztenJahren Forscher vieler Fachrichtungen beschäftigt. Vor allem hat das Verständnis der Neurowissenschaften und experimentellen Psychologie zu diesem Boom entscheidend beigetragen. Um zu verdeutlichen, wie bereits wenige klinische Studien ein Feld verändern können, werden im Folgenden phänomenologische, neurologische, psychophysiologische, experimentelle und pharmakologische Studien zur AKE aufgefi:hrt, vor allem jene der Ietzten 20 Jahre. Von besonderer Bedeutung werden Hirnstimulationsstudien bei Patienten mit Epilepsie sein, da bei diesen Patienten das Hirn bei vollem Bewusstsein direk elektrisch stimuliert wird, Weiterhin werden Studien zur AKE vorgestellt, die Hirnströme bei Gesunden und Patienten messen; hinzu kommen Studien, mit denen versucht wird, den Ort einer Hirnschädigung mit dem Auftreten von AKE in Verbindung zu bringen, Die Schlussfolgerungen aus diesen Studien und aus experimentellen Verhaltensstudien sollen aufzeigen, dass man ein zuvor mystifiziertes Phänomen untersuchen kann, aber dass es einen genaueren Anhaltspunkt benötigt, anhand dessen man gezielt Studien planen und durchfi.rhren kann. Ebenfalls soll aufgezeigt werden, welche vielen Fragen zu diesem Phänomen noch immer offen sind und die Forschenden mindestens weitere 20 Jaltre beschäftigen werden.


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Airborne particles can come from a variety of sources and contain variable chemical constituents. Some particles are formed by natural processes, such as volcanoes, erosion, sea spray, and forest fires, while other are formed by anthropogenic processes, such as industrial- and motor vehicle-related combustion, road-related wear, and mining. In general, larger particles (those greater than 2.5 μm) are formed by mechanical processes, while those less than 2.5 μm are formed by combustion processes. The chemical composition of particles is highly influenced by the source: for combustion-related particles, factors such as temperature of combustion, fuel type, and presence of oxygen or other gases can also have a large impact on PM composition. These differences can often be observed at a regional level, such as the greater sulphate-composition of PM in regions that burn coal for electricity production (which contains sulphur) versus regions that do not. Most countries maintain air monitoring networks, and studies based on the resulting data are the most common basis for epidemiology studies on the health effects of PM. Data from these monitoring stations can be used to evaluate the relationship between community-level exposure to ambient particles and health outcomes (i.e., morbidity or mortality from various causes). Respiratory and cardiovascular outcomes are the most commonly assessed, although studies have also considered other related specific outcomes such as diabetes and congenital heart disease. The data on particle characteristics is usually not very detailed and most often includes some combination of PM2.5, PM10, sulphate, and NO2. Other descriptors that are less commonly found include particle number (ultrafine particles), metal components of PM, local traffic intensity, and EC/OC. Measures of association are usually reported per 10 μg/m3 or interquartile range increase in pollutant concentration. As the exposure data are taken from regional monitoring stations, the measurements are not representative of an individual's exposure. Particle size is an important descriptor for understanding where in the human respiratory system the particles will deposit: as a general rule, smaller particles penetrate to deeper regions of the lungs. Initial studies on the health effects of particulate matter focused on mass of the particles, including either all particles (often termed total suspended particulate or TSP) or PM10 (all particles with an aerodynamic diameter less than 10 μm). More recently, studies have considered both PM10 and PM2.5, with the latter corresponding more directly to combustion-related processes. UFPs are a dominant source of particles in terms of PNC, yet are negligible in terms of mass. Very few epidemiology studies have measured the effect of UFPs on health; however, the numbers of studies on this topic are increasing. In addition to size, chemical composition is of importance when understanding the toxicity of particles. Some studies consider the composition of particles in addition to mass; however this is not common, in part due the cost and labour involved in such analyses.


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Fibrin sealant is used in many areas of surgery. We present a novel aspect of flap insetting in the ischial region using fibrin spray to seal the transferred tissue. We analyzed 10 patients suffering from decubital ulcers and assessed drainage output, time of drain removal, as well as complications following fasciocutaneous flap surgery. Patients were randomized to receive sprayed fibrin glue (study group) or not (control group) before wound closure. The mean drainage time was 4 +/- 1 days in the study group and 6 +/- 1 days in the control group ( P = 0.06). The mean drainage volume was 100 +/- 20 mL in the study group and 168 +/- 30 mL in the control group ( P < 0.01). Fibrin sealant led to reduced drainage volumes and duration of drainage, indicating a beneficial effect of the application of fibrin glue in fasciocutaneous flap surgery for pressure sore coverage.


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The advertising poster's main characteristic is the ability to convey a commercial message quickly and publicly thanks to its straightforward image and text. The young people, being the tobacco industry's principal target, are particularly exposed to these messages. This kind of advertisement becomes a mean of counterstroke as soon as the cigarette's harmfulness is acknowledged. Some of the cigarette industry's strategies can be revealed by the historical analysis of a 253 posters corpus selected among the main cigarette manufacturers in Switzerland at the time of the post-war economic boom. With the misuse of sport's theme, the overvaluation of the filter's efficiency, the use of a vocabulary that implies lightness and by erasing the image of smoke in its advertisement, the industry tries to reassure the smoker wrongly.


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La prévalence mondiale du tabagisme est environ cinq fois plus importante chez les hommes que chez les femmes, toutefois cet écart tend à s'égaliser. En ce qui concerne les conséquences sur la santé du tabagisme, les femmes semblent plus susceptibles que les hommes. Elles sont notamment plus à risque de présenter certains cancers pulmonaires ou de décéder de maladies cardiovasculaires. Si les hommes sont moins enclins à demander de l'aide pour arrêter de fumer, les femmes quant à elles ont moins de succès dans leurs tentatives d'arrêt et les traitements semblent moins efficaces chez ces dernières. Des interventions d'aide à l'arrêt et des mesures de prévention du tabagisme adaptées aux spécificités de genre ont le potentiel d'améliorer la prise en charge des fumeurs et de diminuer les disparités de genre en santé. Smoking remains a major public health problem in Switzerland and is responsible for about 9000 deaths annually. In 2013, a quarter of the Swiss population (15 and over) were smokers and more than half of them wanted to quit smoking. This article provides an update of Swiss clinical practice guidelines published in 2011 and covers several new features, including views regarding smoking reduction, gradual quitting, use of nicotine replacement therapy for a short period prior to quitting, nicotine mouth spray marketing and the reimbursement of varenicline and bupropion treatments (under certain conditions) by basic health insurance. An algorithm summarizes the different stages of management of patients who smoke.