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BACKGROUND: Serosorting is practiced by men who have sex with men (MSM) to reduce human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission. This study evaluates the prevalence of serosorting with casual partners, and analyses the characteristics and estimated numbers of serosorters in Switzerland 2007-2009. METHODS: Data were extracted from cross-sectional surveys conducted in 2007 and 2009 among self-selected MSM recruited online, through gay newspapers, and through gay organizations. Nested models were fitted to ascertain the appropriateness of pooling the datasets. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed on pooled data to determine the association between serosorting and demographic, lifestyle-related, and health-related factors. Extrapolations were performed by applying proportions of various types of serosorters to Swiss population data collected in 2007. RESULTS: A significant and stable number of MSM (approximately 39% in 2007 and 2009) intentionally engage in serosorting with casual partners in Switzerland. Variables significantly associated with serosorting were: gay organization membership (aOR = 1.67), frequent internet use for sexual encounters (aOR = 1.71), having had a sexually transmitted infection (STI) at any time in the past 12 months (aOR = 1.70), HIV-positive status (aOR = 0.52), regularly frequenting sex-on-premises venues (aOR = 0.42), and unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) with partners of different or unknown HIV status in the past 12 months (aOR = 0.22). Approximately one-fifth of serosorters declared HIV negativity without being tested in the past 12 months; 15.8% reported not knowing their own HIV status. CONCLUSION: The particular risk profile of serosorters having UAI with casual partners (multiple partners, STI history, and inadequate testing frequency) requires specific preventive interventions tailored to HIV status.


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As a constantly evolving set of complex biotechnologies, medically assisted procreation (MAP) jeopardises a category that seems to be taken for granted: that of 'natural'. What is 'natural' or not when MAP is used to procreate? What are the boundaries between a 'natural' and a 'non-natural' fertilisation? Drawing upon a dialogical approach to language and cognition, our study examined the semantic field of the category 'natural' as expressed in interviews between a psychiatrist and seven couples who resorted to MAP and had to decide whether to keep their frozen pre-embryonic cells (zygotes) for further procreation or to allow them be destroyed. We examined how these couples evoked the category 'natural' and showed that in their argumentation, the category 'natural' encompassed a wide variety of phenomena, which shifted the boundaries between the 'natural' and 'non-natural'. In so doing, the couples 'renaturalised' MAP, normalized it, moved the boundaries between what is legitimate or not, and showed their accountability. Hence, reference to the category 'natural' seemed to act both as an argumentative and a psychological resource in the elaboration of the person's experience in resorting to MAP.


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The current study conceptualized observer reactions to uncivil behavior towards women as an ethical behavior and examined three factors (target reaction, actor motive, and actor-target relationship) that influence these reactions. Two vignette studies with women and men undergraduate and graduate students in western Switzerland were conducted. Study 1 (N=148) was a written vignette study that assessed how the reaction of female targets to incivility and the motives of actors influenced observer reactions. Results showed that a female target's reaction influenced observers' evaluations of the harm caused by an uncivil incident, and that an actor's motive affected observers' assessments of the necessity to intervene. Study 2 (N=81) was a video vignette study that assessed the effects of the reactions by female targets to incivility and the relationship between the target and the actor on observer reactions.We found that female targets' reactions influenced observers' evaluations of harm and the perceived necessity to intervene. Furthermore, the effect of a female target's reaction on observers' evaluations of harm was moderated by the relationship between the actor and the target: a female target who laughed at the uncivil behavior was perceived as less harmed, when she and the actor had a personal relationship than when they had a professional relationship. When the female target reacted hurt or neutrally, actor-target relationship did not affect observers' evaluations of harm. We conclude by discussing the implications of our findings for theory and practice.


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Introduction: Apoptosis plays a central role in chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Although the activation of cell death signals has been reported, HCV infection persists in most patients suggesting a pro-survival adaptation, eventually developing hepatocellular carcinoma. This study focused on the role of mitochondria in the activation of pro- and antiapoptotic response in cells expressing HCV proteins. Materials and Methods: Human Osteosarcoma U2-OS cells inducibly expressing the HCV polyprotein; huh7.5 hepatoma cells transfected with full length HCV genome. Results: Long term induction of viral proteins in U2-OS cells induced a cyclosporine A-sensitive cytochrome c partial release from mitochondria, revealed by immunofluorescence, western blot and spectral analysis. In HCV-transfected Huh7.5 cells, release of the apoptosis inducing factor (AIF) with no apparent nuclear translocation was also observed. HCV positive cells displayed an HIF-dependent enhanced glycolysis, charachterized by up-regulation of the mitochondria-bound Hexokinase II (HKII); preliminary data on signal transduction pathway revealed the iperphosphorylation of Glycogen synthase kinase 3b(GSK3b). Conclusion: HCV causes a cell stress activating an early apoptotic response, the entity of which likely depends on the cell type. Nevertheless a wide series of cell survival mechanisms are also triggered resulting in a metabolic adaptation possibly favouring carcinogenesis. Based on our results, we propose a pro-survival mechanism linking HCV infection to inhibition of GSK-3b, stabilization of HIF1a and up-regulation of HKII, the last events causing a glycolytic shift and protecting from apoptosis.


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Development and Phase 3 testing of the most advanced malaria vaccine, RTS,S/AS01, indicates that malaria vaccine R&D is moving into a new phase. Field trials of several research malaria vaccines have also confirmed that it is possible to impact the host-parasite relationship through vaccine-induced immune responses to multiple antigenic targets using different platforms. Other approaches have been appropriately tested but turned out to be disappointing after clinical evaluation. As the malaria community considers the potential role of a first-generation malaria vaccine in malaria control efforts, it is an apposite time to carefully document terminated and ongoing malaria vaccine research projects so that lessons learned can be applied to increase the chances of success for second-generation malaria vaccines over the next 10 years. The most comprehensive resource of malaria vaccine projects is a spreadsheet compiled by WHO thanks to the input from funding agencies, sponsors and investigators worldwide. This spreadsheet, available from WHO's website, is known as "the rainbow table". By summarizing the published and some unpublished information available for each project on the rainbow table, the most comprehensive review of malaria vaccine projects to be published in the last several years is provided below.


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We argue that attitudes about immigration can be better understood by paying closer attention to the various ways in which national group boundaries are demarcated. We describe two related lines of work that address this. The first deals with national group definitions and, based on evidence from studies carried out in England and analyses of international survey data, argues that the relationship between national identification and prejudice toward immigrants is contingent on the extent to which ethnic or civic definitions of nationality are endorsed. The second, which uses European survey data, examines support for ascribed and acquired criteria that can be applied when determining who is permitted to migrate to one's country, and the various forms of national and individual threat that affect support for these criteria. We explain how the research benefits from a multilevel approach and also suggest how these findings relate to some current policy debates.


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BACKGROUND: There is little information regarding the determinants and trends of the prevalence of low cardiovascular risk factor (RF) profile in the general population. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence and trends of low RF profile in the Swiss population according to different definitions. METHODS: Population-based cross-sectional studies conducted in 1984-1986 (N=3300), 1988-1989 (N=3331), 1992-1993 (N=3133) and 2003-2006 (N=6170) and restricted to age group 35-75 years. Seven different definitions of low RF profile were used to assess determinants, while two definitions were used to assess trends. RESULTS: Prevalence of low RF profile varied between 6.5% (95% confidence interval: 5.9-7.1) and 9.7% (9.0-10.5) depending on the definition used. This prevalence was higher than in other countries. Irrespective of the definition used, the prevalence of low RF profile was higher in women and in physically active participants, and decreased with increasing age or in the presence of a family history of cardiovascular disease. Using one definition, the prevalence of low RF profile increased from 3.8% (3.1-4.5) in 1984-1986 to 6.7% (6.1-7.3) in 2003-2006; using another definition, the results were 5.9% (5.1-6.8) and 9.7% (9.0-10.5), respectively. CONCLUSION: Switzerland is characterized by a high and increasing prevalence of low RF profile within the age group 35 to 75, irrespective of the criteria used. This high prevalence might partly explain the low and decreasing trend in cardiovascular mortality rates.


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Work-related stress of the oncology clinician is not only due to heavy clinical and administrative duties, but also arises when breaking bad news. However, there is important interindividual variation in stress levels during patient encounters, mainly due to the significance the situation represents for the oncologist. A reflection on his own development, his professional identity, and ways of dealing with the patient's suffering can reduce his levels of stress and distress and prevent burnout and other psychiatric disturbances. This chapter summarizes the psychological challenges the oncology clinician is facing when he announces the diagnosis of cancer, deals with the deception of relapse, discusses the transition to palliative care, copes with progression of the disease and uncertainty, and cares for the dying who is facing the unknown. Ways of refiecting on and dealing with these situations from a psychological and communicational perspective are described and illustrated by case vignettes.


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Cet article présente une réflexion sur le développement de l'identité de soi chez l'enfant. Nous étudions pour cela le développement de l'autobiographie, la façon dont l'enfant apprend à raconter qui « il » est. Les narrations autobiographiques apparaissent tôt dans le développement dans une forme linguistique même rudimentaire, et sont produites notamment lorsque l'enfant a vécu une expérience émotionnellement chargée. La narration autobiographique permet d'intégrer le divers de l'expérience en un tout cohérent, selon la perspective du narrateur, et de donner sens aux événements vécus en les organisant en fonction d'un agent, d'une action, d'un temps et d'un lieu. La sélection des événements à raconter et la valeur à leur donner résultent d'un apprentissage social, réalisé en premier lieu dans la famille, qui va à long terme modéliser la façon dont l'enfant se raconte. Des exemples d'interactions narratives mère-enfant illustrant cet apprentissage sont présentés. A contrario, le conflit familial peut menacer cette intégration ; différentes formes de conflit et leurs conséquences possibles sur le développement de l'autobiographie sont évoquées. This paper presents a reflection about the development of the self in children, through the study of autobiographical narratives - i.e. the way the child tells who "she/he" is. Children produce narratives early in the development, even in a simple linguistic form. Narratives are first triggered when the child has lived an emotional event. The function of narratives is to integrate the various aspects of the lived event in a coherent whole. It organizes the events according to an agent, an action, a time and a place. The child learns in the interaction with significant others what events are to be told and which is the value to give to them. This social learning will in the long run shape the way the child tells who she/he is. We illustrate this process through examples of narrative interactions between mothers and children. Finally, the way conflicts in the family might disturb this learning process is discussed, as well as the consequences they might have on the development of the self.


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A survey was undertaken among a representative sample of the female population, aged 20 to 74, of the Canton of Vaud, Switzerland (total population 550,000) to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices of women in respect to breast cancer and its prevention. The present study focuses on access by women to medical preventive measures (breast examination by physician and information on breast self-examination). The data are analyzed in relation to the individual risk factors affecting women, in particular age. While with age the risk of breast cancer grows in a linear fashion, the proportion of women having their breast examined by a physician declines. Women over 50 who had no children before the age of 30 constitute an especially high risk category, with the lowest access to information and prevention. This is explained in large part by the fact that they consult gynecologists less often. In this regard it should be noted that a visit to a gynecologist's office is associated much more often with breast examination than a visit to a family physician. It is important to take such findings into account in providing more appropriate and complete care for those groups. This involves sensitization of the physician and improved information for the women themselves.