78 resultados para Persuasive Messages
To improve care and services to victims of interpersonal violence, a medico-legal consultation unit was set up at the Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland in 2006. Adult victims of violence are referred to the consultation by the emergency department. Patients are received by forensic nurses for support, forensic examination and community orientation. A descriptive study of medical reports filled for the 2006 population was conducted in 2007 with the aim to explore characteristics of this specific population and to better orient prevention. Among the 422 patients in 2006, 57% were men and 43% women, with a median age of 31 years old. Violent episodes took place in a public place for 90% of male victims and at home for 70% of female victims. The perpetrators were mostly unknown to male victims (62% of all men victims) and mostly known (usually the partner or a former partner) to female victims (90% of all women victims). For 80% of the women and 47% of the men, the violent event which brought them to the consultation, was not the first one. Because 90% of all patients under study were victimized by men., not only is it necessary to target prevention program to match the potential victims, prevention messages must also focus on potential offenders, especially on young men.
Purpose: Although young males encounter sexually-related concerns, they are mostly absent from specialized services. Our objective is to assess whether the internet is used by boys to find answers to these types of problems and questions. Methods: In the context of a qualitative study assessing young males' barriers to access sexual and reproductive health facilities, we conducted two focus groups gathering 12 boys aged 17-20. Discussions were triggered through the presentation of four vignettes corresponding to questions posted by 17-20 year old boys and girls on an information website for adolescents (www.ciao.ch), concerning various sexual dysfunction situations. In order to avoid having to talk about their own experience, participants were asked what they would do in those cases. Results: In general, the internet was mentioned quite thoroughly as a means of searching for information through research engines and a place to address professionals for advice.Within the hierarchy of consultation possibilities, the internet was given the first place as a way to deal with these types of problems presenting many advantages: (1) the internet enables to maintain intimacy; (2) it is anonymous (use of a pseudo); (3) it avoids having to confront someone face-to-face with personal problems which can be embarrassing and challenging for one's pride; (4) it is free; and (5) it is accessible at all times. In other words, participants value the internet as a positive tool to avoid many barriers which prevent offline consultations to take place. Most participants consider the internet at least as a first step in trying to solve a problem; for instance, by better defining the seriousness of a problem and judging if it is worth consulting a doctor. However, despite the positive qualities of the internet, they do put forward the importance of having specialists answering questions, trustworthiness, and being followed-up by the same person. Participants suggested that a strategy to break down barriers for boys to consult in face-to-face settings is to have a consultation on the internet as a first step which could then guide the person to an in-person consultation if necessary. Conclusions: The internet as a means of obtaining information or consulting received high marks overall. Although the internet cannot replace an in-person consultation, the screen and the keyboard have the advantage of not involving a face-to-face encounter and raise the possibility of discussing sexual problems anonymously and in private. The internet tools together with other new technologies should continue to develop in a secure manner as a space providing prevention messages and to become an easy access door to sexual and reproductive health services for young men, which can then guide youths to appropriate resource persons. Sources of support: This study was supported by the Maurice Chalumeau Foundation, Switzerland.
Infection by intracellular bacteria can lead to several diseases in both veterinary and human medicine. Unfortunately, the biology of these intracellular bacteria is highly complex due to their interactions with their host cells. Thus, it is very important to develop several tools in order to better understand the complex intracellular life of these pathogens, so allowing to improve the diagnosis options and the treatments of infectious diseases that they are causing. The workshop organised in Villars-sur-Ollon (Switzerland) by the ESCMID Study group on intracellular bacteria was a good opportunity to enhance our knowledge on these fastidious pathogens. During 5 days, 15 speakers gave 41 talks, covering all fields, from biology to clinic of different intracellular bacteria such as Bartonella, Chlamydia, Coxiella, Ehrlichia, Listeria, Parachlamydia, Rickettsia, and Waddlia. The format of this postgraduate course, which took place in the Swiss mountains, allowed interactive sessions and living discussions between the participants coming from all around the world. One of the major strength was to gather epidemiologists, clinical microbiologists, infectious diseases specialists, entomologists, veterinarians as well as bioinformaticians, biochemists and biologists to deliver a unique "one-health science" on intracellular bacteria. Here, we summarise the main take-home messages delivered during this meeting.
Abstract This thesis proposes a set of adaptive broadcast solutions and an adaptive data replication solution to support the deployment of P2P applications. P2P applications are an emerging type of distributed applications that are running on top of P2P networks. Typical P2P applications are video streaming, file sharing, etc. While interesting because they are fully distributed, P2P applications suffer from several deployment problems, due to the nature of the environment on which they perform. Indeed, defining an application on top of a P2P network often means defining an application where peers contribute resources in exchange for their ability to use the P2P application. For example, in P2P file sharing application, while the user is downloading some file, the P2P application is in parallel serving that file to other users. Such peers could have limited hardware resources, e.g., CPU, bandwidth and memory or the end-user could decide to limit the resources it dedicates to the P2P application a priori. In addition, a P2P network is typically emerged into an unreliable environment, where communication links and processes are subject to message losses and crashes, respectively. To support P2P applications, this thesis proposes a set of services that address some underlying constraints related to the nature of P2P networks. The proposed services include a set of adaptive broadcast solutions and an adaptive data replication solution that can be used as the basis of several P2P applications. Our data replication solution permits to increase availability and to reduce the communication overhead. The broadcast solutions aim, at providing a communication substrate encapsulating one of the key communication paradigms used by P2P applications: broadcast. Our broadcast solutions typically aim at offering reliability and scalability to some upper layer, be it an end-to-end P2P application or another system-level layer, such as a data replication layer. Our contributions are organized in a protocol stack made of three layers. In each layer, we propose a set of adaptive protocols that address specific constraints imposed by the environment. Each protocol is evaluated through a set of simulations. The adaptiveness aspect of our solutions relies on the fact that they take into account the constraints of the underlying system in a proactive manner. To model these constraints, we define an environment approximation algorithm allowing us to obtain an approximated view about the system or part of it. This approximated view includes the topology and the components reliability expressed in probabilistic terms. To adapt to the underlying system constraints, the proposed broadcast solutions route messages through tree overlays permitting to maximize the broadcast reliability. Here, the broadcast reliability is expressed as a function of the selected paths reliability and of the use of available resources. These resources are modeled in terms of quotas of messages translating the receiving and sending capacities at each node. To allow a deployment in a large-scale system, we take into account the available memory at processes by limiting the view they have to maintain about the system. Using this partial view, we propose three scalable broadcast algorithms, which are based on a propagation overlay that tends to the global tree overlay and adapts to some constraints of the underlying system. At a higher level, this thesis also proposes a data replication solution that is adaptive both in terms of replica placement and in terms of request routing. At the routing level, this solution takes the unreliability of the environment into account, in order to maximize reliable delivery of requests. At the replica placement level, the dynamically changing origin and frequency of read/write requests are analyzed, in order to define a set of replica that minimizes communication cost.
Cette étude est destinée à: 1) évaluer l'impact des messages de prévention chez le personnel hospitalier sous les deux aspects de la vie professionnelle et de la vie privée (connaissance sur les modes de transmission du VIH, représentation et attitudes, comportements, estimation du risque couru de contamination par le VIH dans l'exercice de la profession, attitudes face au dépistage / face à l'information / face au secret médical, etc); 2) décrire les diverses problématiques en relation avec le SIDA chez le personnel hospitalier; 3) évaluer le rôle possible de multiplicateur de messages de prévention de cette population: si ce rôle existe, va-t-il dans le sens d'un renforcement de l'action préventive ou au contraire d'un affaiblissement de cette action par la diffusion de contre-messages ?
With no less than 15,000 estimated new cases diagnosed per year, non melanomatous carcinomas are the commonest cutaneous cancers in the Swiss population. About 1 in 3 new cancer case is a basal (BCC) or a squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Incidence rates are steadily increasing, faster for BCC than SCC. Rates are higher for men than women and increase exponentially with age. Systematic population-based registration of non melanomatous skin cancers faces many challenges that few cancer registries can meet. Rates of these cancers in Switzerland are among the highest in Europe. Primary and secondary nationwide prevention campaigns have been carried out for nearly 20 years with a focus on the deadliest cutaneous cancer: melanoma. However, detection of non melanomatous skin cancers benefits from these campaigns since prevention messages and means of early detection are similar for melanomas and other skin cancers.
Messages à retenir: Les séquences de ciné MR sont utiles pour rechercher une bicuspidie. Les séquences en contraste de phase permettent de mesurer les vitesses et flux transvalvulaires. La fraction de régurgitation est corrélée à la sévérité de l'insuffisance aortique. Une planimétrie peut être effectuée sur les séquences de ciné MR ou de flux. Résumé: L'étude de la valve aortique en IRM nécessite un placement rigoureux des plans de coupes à partir de 2 incidences orthogonales passant par la chambre de chasse. Les séquences de ciné IRM permettent une analyse dynamique de l'ouverture de la valve et sont utiles pour rechercher une bicuspidie et une dilatation de l'aorte. Leur sensibilité au flux turbulents est relativement faible vu leur TE court, à l'inverse des séquences en écho de gradient à TE long. Les séquences de ciné MR permettent également de calculer les volumes ventriculaires gauches et la fraction d'éjection, paramètres importants dans le traitement. Les séquences en contraste permettent de mesurer la vitesse trans-valvulaire et de calculer le volume éjecté dans l'aorte et le volume régurgité dans le ventricule gauche. Elles peuvent être réalisées dans le plan du flux ou au travers du plan. Il est important de régler correctement la vitesse de codage maximale afin d'éviter des erreurs de codage de vitesse (phénomène d'"aliasing"). Dans le cadre d'une insuffisance aortique, le ratio volume régurgité / volume éjecté, appelé fraction de régurgitation, est relié à la sévérité de la valvulopathie. L'IRM peut également permettre de réaliser une planimétrie de l'orifice valvulaire aortique.
Migrants tend to present higher overweight and obesity levels, but whether this relationship applies to all nationalities has seldom been studied. The present study aimed to assess the prevalence of overweight and obesity according to nationality in adults. Cross-sectional population-based samples. Five-year nationwide interview surveys (Swiss Health Surveys - SHS) from 1992 to 2007 (n 63 766) and a local examination survey (CoLaus Study in Lausanne 2004-2006, n 6743). Participants were separated into Swiss, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish nationals, those from the former Republic of Yugoslavia and from other European and other countries. Compared with Swiss nationals, German and French nationals presented a lower prevalence of overweight and obesity, whereas nationals from Italy, Spain, Portugal and the former Republic of Yugoslavia presented higher levels. Adjusting the SHS data for age, gender, education, smoking, leisure-time physical activity and survey year, a lower risk for overweight and obesity was found for German (OR = 0·80, 95 % CI 0·70, 0·92) and French (OR = 0·74, 95 % CI 0·61, 0·89) nationals, whereas higher risks were found for participants from Italy (OR = 1·45, 95 % CI 1·33, 1·58), Spain (OR = 1·36, 95 % CI 1·15, 1·61), Portugal (OR = 1·25, 95 % CI 1·06, 1·47) and the former Republic of Yugoslavia (OR = 1·98, 95 % CI 1·69, 2·32). Similar findings were observed in the CoLaus Study for Italian (OR = 1·63, 95 % CI 1·29, 2·06), Spanish (OR = 1·54, 95 % CI 1·17, 2·04) and Portuguese (OR = 1·49, 95 % CI 1·16, 1·91) participants and for those from the former Republic of Yugoslavia (OR = 5·34, 95 % CI 3·00, 9·50). Overweight and obesity are unevenly distributed among migrants in Switzerland. Migrants from Southern Europe and from the former Republic of Yugoslavia present higher prevalence rates. This suggests that preventive messages should be tailored to these specific populations.
Purpose: After tobacco and alcohol, cannabis is the most used substance among adolescents in Switzerland. Our aim is to assess whether cannabis use has become an ordinary means of socialization. We hypothesize that cannabis consumption has become a normative, although still illegal, behavior. Methods: As part of a larger qualitative study aimed at assessing new ways [patterns] of cannabis consumption, 16 daily cannabis consumers (11 males) and 2 former heavy consumers (both females), aged 15 to 20 years, participated in interviews and focus groups. Data were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using Atlas.ti qualitative analysis software. Results: Most consumers define the beginning of their consumption as a moment when they made new friends. They commonly use cannabis in group settings, which encourages the belief that all adolescents use cannabis. Thus, cannabis is mainly identified as an everyday social act. Joints are smoked like cigarettes: at all times of the day, during or after school or work with peers, often starting at lunch break, and mostly in public places. Friends offer a joint in a group setting, much like beer in a bar, as a means of making contact. Consumption invariably increases while socializing on vacation: "During vacation, we smoke up to 10-15 joints a day; at the end we're just dead." Additionally, in order to obtain cannabis, consumers have to be part of the right networks; they generally have several dealers to assure their supply, buy and sell themselves, or practice group-buying. As a result, all friends or acquaintances of consumers are themselves cannabis users. For instance, 4 boys, who say they are best friends, always smoke together and that, in order to quit, "All four of us should say to ourselves, 'Okay, now, let's all stop smoking'. That would be the only solution. . .but it would be impossible!" The 2 former consumers state that when they started using cannabis, "I found myself little by little in a vicious circle where I saw only people who also smoked". When they quit, they separated from their group of friends: "Either you make new friends who don't smoke or you smoke." Conclusions: Discussions with consumers demonstrate a normative facet of cannabis consumption as part of teenage socialization. Consequently, cannabis consumers develop a significant dependency since a majority of their friends use cannabis and their consumption involves most of their daily social life. Our study highlights the need for clear messages about the harmful aspects of using this substance while also suggesting that cessation efforts should include helping users separate from their consumption milieu. Sources of Support: Dept. of Public Health of the canton of Vaud.
OBJECTIVES: The Swiss Aids prevention strategy has been subject to a continuous process of evaluation for the past 12 years. This paper describes the conceptual approach, methodology, results obtained and contribution to policy-making of that evaluation.¦DESIGN: The evaluation is on-going, global with respect to all components of the strategy, and utilization-focused. Each successive phase of the evaluation has included 10-20 studies centred either on aspects of process, of outcome or of environmental context. Findings are synthesized at the end of each phase. METHODS: Both quantitative and qualitative methods are used. Studies generally have one of three functions within the overall evaluation: assessment of trends through surveys or other types of repeated studies; evaluation of specific areas through a series of studies from different viewpoints; in-depth investigation or rapid assessment through one-off studies. Various methods of triangulation are used to validate findings. RESULTS: The evaluation has allowed for: the observation of behavioural change in different populations; the availability of scientific data in controversial fields such as drug-use policy; an understanding of the diversity of public appropriation of prevention messages. Recommendations are regularly formulated and have been used by policy-makers and field workers for strategy development. CONCLUSIONS: The global approach adopted corresponds well to the evaluation requirements of an integrated long-term prevention strategy. Cost is low relative to the extent of information provided. Such an evaluation cannot however address the question of causal relationship between the strategy and observed changes. The evaluation has contributed to the development of a culture of evaluation in Swiss AIDS prevention more generally.
In January 2006 the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), a large university hospital in Lausanne, Switzerland, became the first hospital in Switzerland to allow assisted suicide (AS) in exceptional cases within its walls. However, euthanasia is illegal. This decision has posed several ethical and practical dilemmas for the hospital's palliative care consult service. To address these, the team embarked on a formal process of open dialogue amongst its members with the goal of identifying a collective response and position. This process involved meetings every 4 to 6 weeks over the course of 10 months. An iterative process unfolded. One of the principal dilemmas relates to finding a balance between the team's position against AS and the patient's autonomy and the institution's directive. Although all team members expressed opposition to AS, there were mixed opinions as to whether or not the team members should be present during the act if requested so by patients. Some thought this could be misinterpreted as complicity in the act and could send out mixed messages to the public and other health professionals about palliative care. Others felt that the team's commitment to nonabandonment obliged them to be present even if they did not provide the drug or give any advice or assistance. The implications of nonabandonment are explored, as are several other questions such as whether or not the teams are obliged to provide detailed information on AS when requested by patients.
Les questions de mal-être au travail et de risques psychosociaux sont centrales dans le monde du travail actuel. L'ergonomie nous enseigne qu'une analyse des formes d'organisation du travail est nécessaire pour comprendre les origines des plaintes des travailleurs. Dans cette recherche, nous avons étudié une population spécifique, les employés du siège d'une organisation non gouvernementale humanitaire en Suisse (150 personnes environ). Partant du constat de l'expression de nombreuses plaintes de fatigue et de mal-être au travail par ces employés, nous avons cherché à objectiver ces plaintes et avons étudié les éléments d'organisation susceptibles d'y être liés.Dans le cadre d'une démarche inductive, nous avons utilisé conjointement des méthodes qualitatives (entretiens semi-directifs, observation non participante) et quantitatives (questionnaires) et avons appliqué le principe de triangulation méthodologique pour l'analyse des données.Trois thématiques relatives au mode de fonctionnement de l'organisation ont émergé des analyses : le fonctionnement dans l'urgence en permanence, la professionnalisation de l'organisation et le fort engagement des employés dans leur activité.L'organisation fonctionne selon une logique d'urgence en permanence. La nature de ses interventions, qui sont considérées de la plus haute importance, et la forte valorisation des activités « de terrain » conduisent à l'enfermement de l'activité dans la gestion des tâches urgentes, ce qui ne laisse pas de place à l'anticipation et à la planification. Ensuite, cette organisation a connu une forte croissance au cours des dernières décennies : d'une petite association, elle est devenue une véritable institution. La logique de fonctionnement institutionnelle n'est cependant pas venue remplacer totalement la logique associative, mais toutes deux cohabitent. L'organisation continue à demander à ses employés un engagement associatif et militant total mais applique parallèlement un management de type entrepreneurial, ce qui génère des messages paradoxaux pour les employés. Finalement, le fonctionnement de l'organisation dans son ensemble repose sur l'engagement de toute la chaîne des acteurs. Ceci est clairement intégré et repris par les employés du siège : ils relèvent que ce qu'ils font représente bien plus qu'un travail et qu'il est nécessaire de « tout donner », car les besoins sont immenses et la charge de travail énorme. Cependant, la limite entre engagement et surengagement conduisant à l'épuisement est très facilement franchie.Ces éléments participent à générer un environnement de travail potentiellement pathogène, où il est peu légitime pour l'employé de se préoccuper de sa propre santé, et où la charge de travail et le rythme ne lui laissent pas le temps de mettre en place des stratégies de préservation de sa santé. Ce mode de fonctionnement spécifique véhicule des messages paradoxaux et soumet les employés à des exigences contradictoires.
Objectifs: comprendre que les connections cérébrales forment un réseau structurel complexe de grande taille, comprendre que l'organisation architecturale de ce réseau définit les propriétés fonctionnelles de ce dernier, comprendre qu'il y a une interdépendance intime entre la structure et la fonction , le métabolisme, comprendre que le réseau change au cours du développement ou lors de lésions ou maladie cérébrale. Messages à retenir: le cerveau est un réseau neuronal complexe qui peut être mesurer avec l'IRM, la connectivité cérébrale est inhomogène, la connectivité structurelle détermine largement la fonction cérébrale, les réseau neuronaux se modifient au cours de la vie et dans certaines maladies cérébrales. Résumé: La "connectomique" est un domaine émergeant et prometteur des neurosciences qui utilise l'IRM de diffusion en combinaison avec des traitements algorithmiques avancés afin de mesurer les trajectoires de faisceaux de fibres et la connectivité cérébrale permettant d'étudier l'organisation de la structure du réseau neuronal cérébral dans son ensemble. Lors de ce cours nous reverrons les méthodes rendant cette cartographie possible et exposerons les techniques d'analyse utilisées pour obtenir de nouvelles informations sur l'architecture cérébrale. Nous reverrons également un certains nombre d'exemple d'applications où la connectomique offre une nouvelle manière d'analyser et de comprendre le fonctionnement du cerveau normal ou malade.
We study the strategic interaction between a decision maker who needs to take a binary decision but is uncertain about relevant facts and an informed expert who can send a message to the decision maker but has a preference over the decision.We show that the probability that the expert can persuade the decision maker to take the expert's preferred decision is a hump-shaped function of his costs of sending dishonest messages.
L'analyse qui va suivre tentera de donner un panorama de la diffusion et de la répercussion des campagnes de prévention dans les médias. Ce panorama nous permettra d'estimer quantitativement et qualitativement l'impact des messages d'information et de prévention sur les médias.