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PURPOSE: Spine surgery rates are increasing worldwide. Treatment failures are often attributed to poor patient selection and inappropriate treatment, but for many spinal disorders there is little consensus on the precise indications for surgery. With an aging population, more patients with lumbar degenerative spondylolisthesis (LDS) will present for surgery. The aim of this study was to develop criteria for the appropriateness of surgery in symptomatic LDS. METHODS: A systematic review was carried out to summarize the current level of evidence for the treatment of LDS. Clinical scenarios were generated comprising combinations of signs and symptoms in LDS and other relevant variables. Based on the systematic review and their own clinical experience, twelve multidisciplinary international experts rated each scenario on a 9-point scale (1 highly inappropriate, 9 highly appropriate) with respect to performing decompression only, fusion, and instrumented fusion. Surgery for each theoretical scenario was classified as appropriate, inappropriate, or uncertain based on the median ratings and disagreement in the ratings. RESULTS: 744 hypothetical scenarios were generated; overall, surgery (of some type) was rated appropriate in 27 %, uncertain in 41 % and inappropriate in 31 %. Frank panel disagreement was low (7 % scenarios). Face validity was shown by the logical relationship between each variable's subcategories and the appropriateness ratings, e.g., no/mild disability had a mean appropriateness rating of 2.3 ± 1.5, whereas the rating for moderate disability was 5.0 ± 1.6 and for severe disability, 6.6 ± 1.6. Similarly, the average rating for no/minimal neurological abnormality was 2.3 ± 1.5, increasing to 4.3 ± 2.4 for moderate and 5.9 ± 1.7 for severe abnormality. The three variables most likely (p < 0.0001) to be components of scenarios rated "appropriate" were: severe disability, no yellow flags, and severe neurological deficit. CONCLUSION: This is the first study to report criteria for determining candidacy for surgery in LDS developed by a multidisciplinary international panel using a validated method (RAM). The panel ratings followed logical clinical rationale, indicating good face validity. The work refines clinical classification and the phenotype of degenerative spondylolisthesis. The predictive validity of the criteria should be evaluated prospectively to examine whether patients treated "appropriately" have better clinical outcomes.


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Background: Shared decision making (SDM) is a process by which a healthcare choice is made jointly by the healthcare professional and the patient. SDM is the essential element of patient-centered care, a core concept of primary care. However, SDM is seldom translated into primary practice. Continuing professional development (CPD) is the principal means by which healthcare professionals continue to gain, improve, and broaden the knowledge and skills required for patient-centered care. Our international collaboration seeks to improve the knowledge base of CPD that targets translating SDM into the clinical practice of primary care in diverse healthcare systems. Methods: Funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), our project is to form an international, interdisciplinary research team composed of health services researchers, physicians, nurses, psychologists, dietitians, CPD decision makers and others who will study how CPD causes SDM to be practiced in primary care. We will perform an environmental scan to create an inventory of CPD programs and related activities for translating SDM into clinical practice. These programs will be critically assessed and compared according to their strengths and limitations. We will use the empirical data that results from the environmental scan and the critical appraisal to identify knowledge gaps and generate a research agenda during a two-day workshop to be held in Quebec City. We will ask CPD stakeholders to validate these knowledge gaps and the research agenda. Discussion: This project will analyse existing CPD programs and related activities for translating SDM into the practice of primary care. Because this international collaboration will develop and identify various factors influencing SDM, the project could shed new light on how SDM is implemented in primary care.


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Road transport emissions are a major contributor to ambient particulate matter concentrations and have been associated with adverse health effects. Therefore, these emissions are targeted through increasingly stringent European emission standards. These policies succeed in reducing exhaust emissions, but do not address "nonexhaust" emissions from brake wear, tire wear, road wear, and suspension in air of road dust. Is this a problem? To what extent do nonexhaust emissions contribute to ambient concentrations of PM10 or PM2.5? In the near future, wear emissions may dominate the remaining traffic-related PM10 emissions in Europe, mostly due to the steep decrease in PM exhaust emissions. This underlines the need to determine the relevance of the wear emissions as a contribution to the existing ambient PM concentrations, and the need to assess the health risks related to wear particles, which has not yet received much attention. During a workshop in 2011, available knowledge was reported and evaluated so as to draw conclusions on the relevance of traffic-related wear emissions for air quality policy development. On the basis of available evidence, which is briefly presented in this paper, it was concluded that nonexhaust emissions and in particular suspension in air of road dust are major contributors to exceedances at street locations of the PM10 air quality standards in various European cities. Furthermore, wear-related PM emissions that contain high concentrations of metals may (despite their limited contribution to the mass of nonexhaust emissions) cause significant health risks for the population, especially those living near intensely trafficked locations. To quantify the existing health risks, targeted research is required on wear emissions, their dispersion in urban areas, population exposure, and its effects on health. Such information will be crucial for environmental policymakers as an input for discussions on the need to develop control strategies.


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Crohn's disease (CD) is a chronic progressive destructive disease. Currently available instruments measure disease activity at a specific point in time. An instrument to measure cumulative structural damage to the bowel, which may predict long-term disability, is needed. The aim of this article is to outline the methods to develop an instrument that can measure cumulative bowel damage. The project is being conducted by the International Program to develop New Indexes in Crohn's disease (IPNIC) group. This instrument, called the Crohn's Disease Digestive Damage Score (the Lémann score), should take into account damage location, severity, extent, progression, and reversibility, as measured by diagnostic imaging modalities and the history of surgical resection. It should not be "diagnostic modality driven": for each lesion and location, a modality appropriate for the anatomic site (for example: computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging enterography, and colonoscopy) will be used. A total of 24 centers from 15 countries will be involved in a cross-sectional study, which will include up to 240 patients with stratification according to disease location and duration. At least 120 additional patients will be included in the study to validate the score. The Lémann score is expected to be able to portray a patient's disease course on a double-axis graph, with time as the x-axis, bowel damage severity as the y-axis, and the slope of the line connecting data points as a measure of disease progression. This instrument could be used to assess the effect of various medical therapies on the progression of bowel damage. (Inflamm Bowel Dis 2011).


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Apart from therapeutic advances related to new treatments, our practices in the management of early breast cancer have been modified by to key organizational settings (1) mass screening, substantially altering the presentation and epidemiology of breast cancer and (2) the development of guidelines to ensure that any patient management is in agreement with the demonstrated impact in the adjuvant treatment. In daily practice, the impact of screening and guidelines recommendations has put us now in a paradoxical situation: while the majority of non-metastatic breast cancers treated in the hexagon are node negative, most of the results of clinical studies on chemotherapy and targeted therapies today arise from populations predominantly node positive. Therefore, it seemed legitimate to convene a working group around a reflection on the directions of adjuvant chemotherapy in a growing node negative population in order to better respond to the questions of the field oncologists, trying to address the discrepancies between different existing guidelines.


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While the hospital remains an important element of the psychiatric health-care system, the fact that it is always the best place to treat acute psychotic episodes is still debated. After a brief review of the literature relative to the main existing community care models, the authors describe the development in the Department Universitaire de Psychiatrie Adulte (DUPA), of an alternative to hospitalisation for patient going through a severe acute psychiatric episode. They present three clinical situations and the aims of the research project, which will follow this pilot phase.


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Quantitative information from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may substantiate clinical findings and provide additional insight into the mechanism of clinical interventions in therapeutic stroke trials. The PERFORM study is exploring the efficacy of terutroban versus aspirin for secondary prevention in patients with a history of ischemic stroke. We report on the design of an exploratory longitudinal MRI follow-up study that was performed in a subgroup of the PERFORM trial. An international multi-centre longitudinal follow-up MRI study was designed for different MR systems employing safety and efficacy readouts: new T2 lesions, new DWI lesions, whole brain volume change, hippocampal volume change, changes in tissue microstructure as depicted by mean diffusivity and fractional anisotropy, vessel patency on MR angiography, and the presence of and development of new microbleeds. A total of 1,056 patients (men and women ≥ 55 years) were included. The data analysis included 3D reformation, image registration of different contrasts, tissue segmentation, and automated lesion detection. This large international multi-centre study demonstrates how new MRI readouts can be used to provide key information on the evolution of cerebral tissue lesions and within the macrovasculature after atherothrombotic stroke in a large sample of patients.


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On June 26-27, 2006, 60 academic and industry scientists gathered during the PROSAFE workshop to discuss recommendations on taxonomy, antibiotic resistance, in vitro assessment of virulence and in vivo assessment of safety of probiotics used for human consumption. For identification of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) intended for probiotic use, it was recommended that conventional biochemical methods should be complemented with molecular methods and that these should be performed by an expert lab. Using the newly developed LAB Susceptibility test Medium (LSM), tentative epidemiological cut-off values were proposed. It was recommended that potentially probiotic strains not belonging to the wildtype distributions of relevant antimicrobials should not be developed as future products for human or animal consumption. Furthermore, it was recommended that the use of strains harbouring known and confirmed virulence genes should be avoided. Finally, for in vivo assessment of safety by investigating strain pathogenicity in animal models, the rat endocarditis model appeared to be the most reliable model tested in the PROSAFE project. Moreover, consensus was reached for approving the necessity of a human colonisation study in a randomised placebo-controlled double-blind design; however, further discussions are needed on the details of such as study.


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La recherche « Le sens des messages préventifs du sida » a été dirigée par une équipe de spécialistes relevant de domaines distincts - linguistique (Pr Pascal Singy), santé publique (Dre Brenda Spencer), médecine psychosociale (Pr Patrice Guex). Partant du constat que les langues naturelles n'existent que sous la forme de variétés, il a été postulé que le registre lexical du VIH/sida et de sa prévention n'échappe pas au principe de variabilité sémantique qui veut que, séparés par la multiplicité de leurs identités (sexe, appartenance socioculturelle, âge, etc.), les membres d'une « même » communauté linguistique tendent à associer à une unité lexicale donnée des significations différentes, voire antagonistes. Menée entre 2004 et 2006 en Suisse romande, la recherche « Le sens des messages préventifs du sida » s'appuie sur une approche sémantique de la prévention. Elle interroge les limites d'une communication préventive différée - par voie d'affiches et de brochures, en particulier - qui suppose que le destinataire ou récepteur d'un message en prend connaissance en l'absence de celui qui l'a émis. Les différents mécanismes conversationnels d'ajustement faisant à l'évidence défaut dans ce type de situation de communication, la variabilité sémantique peut dès lors apparaître problématique. S'agissant de l'objectif de cette recherche, il a essentiellement tenu dans la mise en évidence du degré de consensus que montrent les récepteurs (la population générale) ainsi que les émetteurs des messages préventifs à propos des significations attachées à des unités constitutives du lexique du VIH/sida et de sa prévention. Cette mise en évidence a par ailleurs permis d'évaluer la convergence des résultats obtenus pour les premiers et pour les seconds. Du point de vue méthodologique, un corpus de documents préventifs a été constitué - des brochures, principalement, publiées en français entre 1996 et 2004 - et analysé. Soixante et une unités lexicales, relevant du français commun ou spécialisé, ont alors été sélectionnées. L'ensemble de ces unités a été soumis à soixante représentants de la population générale vaudoise ainsi qu'à trente professionnels vaudois de la prévention dans le cadre d'entretiens en face à face. Ces entretiens ont permis de dégager les significations que ces deux populations attachent à une partie des unités lexicales (N=21) et le niveau d'intelligibilité/utilisation de l' autre partie des unités (N=40) - cf. infra *. Sur la base des résultats obtenus pour la population générale vaudoise, quinze unités lexicales apparues particulièrement problématiques ont été sélectionnées et soumises par le moyen d'une enquête téléphonique (CATI) à cinq cents Romands. Mêlant techniques qualitatives et quantitatives, la recherche « Le sens des messages préventifs du sida » apporte des résultats intéressant non plus seulement les agents de la prévention du VIH/sida, mais également les patients de celle-ci, c'est-à-dire la population générale. Des résultats qui se trouvent susceptibles de renforcer la portée de la prévention du VIH/sida en particulier dans la partie francophone de la Suisse. *Les unités lexicales sélectionnées sont les suivantes : abstinence, anus, caresses, coït anal, contact sexuel, contamination par voie sexuelle, coucher avec, cunnilingus, dépistage, « évitez le contact de la bouche avec du sperme ou du sang », faire l'amour, fellation, fidèle, gai, gay, immunisé, infection sexuellement transmissible, IST, liquides biologiques, maladies vénériennes, menstruation, MST, muqueuses, muqueuse buccale, muqueuses génitales, « pas de sperme dans la bouche », pathogène, pénétration, plaie ouverte, préservatif, préservatif féminin, prophylaxie de post-exposition [PEP], rapport bucco-génital, rapport sexuel, rapports sexuels non protégés, rapports sexuels oraux, rectum, relation anale, relation stable, relation vaginale, safer sex, sécrétions sexuelles, sécrétions vaginales, séronégatif, séropositif, sexe à moindre risque, sexe anal, sida, sperme, surcontamination, symptôme, système immunitaire, test d'anticorps VIH, test VIH, traitements antirétroviraux combinés, traitement combiné, trithérapies, urètre, vaginal, VIH, virus IH.


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Scientific reporting and communication is a challenging topic for which traditional study programs do not offer structured learning activities on a regular basis. This paper reports on the development and implementation of a web application and associated learning activities that intend to raise the awareness of reporting and communication issues among students in forensic science and law. The project covers interdisciplinary case studies based on a library of written reports about forensic examinations. Special features of the web framework, in particular a report annotation tool, support the design of various individual and group learning activities that focus on the development of knowledge and competence in dealing with reporting and communication challenges in the students' future areas of professional activity.


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Arising from either retrotransposition or genomic duplication of functional genes, pseudogenes are "genomic fossils" valuable for exploring the dynamics and evolution of genes and genomes. Pseudogene identification is an important problem in computational genomics, and is also critical for obtaining an accurate picture of a genome's structure and function. However, no consensus computational scheme for defining and detecting pseudogenes has been developed thus far. As part of the ENCyclopedia Of DNA Elements (ENCODE) project, we have compared several distinct pseudogene annotation strategies and found that different approaches and parameters often resulted in rather distinct sets of pseudogenes. We subsequently developed a consensus approach for annotating pseudogenes (derived from protein coding genes) in the ENCODE regions, resulting in 201 pseudogenes, two-thirds of which originated from retrotransposition. A survey of orthologs for these pseudogenes in 28 vertebrate genomes showed that a significant fraction ( approximately 80%) of the processed pseudogenes are primate-specific sequences, highlighting the increasing retrotransposition activity in primates. Analysis of sequence conservation and variation also demonstrated that most pseudogenes evolve neutrally, and processed pseudogenes appear to have lost their coding potential immediately or soon after their emergence. In order to explore the functional implication of pseudogene prevalence, we have extensively examined the transcriptional activity of the ENCODE pseudogenes. We performed systematic series of pseudogene-specific RACE analyses. These, together with complementary evidence derived from tiling microarrays and high throughput sequencing, demonstrated that at least a fifth of the 201 pseudogenes are transcribed in one or more cell lines or tissues.


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This paper presents a pilot project to reinforce participatory practices in standardization. The INTERNORM project creates an interactive knowledge center based on the sharing of academic skills and experiences accumulated by the civil society, especially consumer associations, environmental associations and trade unions to strengthen the participatory process of standardization. The first objective of the project is action-oriented: INTERNORM provides a common knowledge pool supporting the participation of civil society actors to international standard-setting activities by bringing them together with academic experts in working groups and providing logistic and financial support to their participation in meetings of national and international technical committees. The second objective is analytical: the standardization action provides a research field for a better understanding of the participatory dynamics underpinning international standardization. This paper presents three incentives that explain civil society (non-)involvement in standardization that overcome conventional resource-based hypotheses: an operational incentive related to the use of standards in the selective goods provided by associations to their membership; a thematic incentive provided by the setting of priorities by strategic committees created in some standardization organization; and a rhetorical incentive related to the discursive resource that civil society concerns offers to the different stakeholders.


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The National Center of Competence in Research project "SYNAPSY" aims at identifying certain mechanisms of psychiatric and cognitive disorders, in order to improve the understanding and the genesis of such pathologies, and to promote the development of better diagnostic tools and of new therapeutic approaches. It provides an excellent opportunity for clinical psychiatrists and neuroscientists to develop a synergic mode of collaboration. On the basis of questions stemming from clinical practice and in the frame of patients cohorts, various research projects in neuroscience should lead to progresses that may have a considerable impact on clinical practice.


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OBJECTIVES: In 2002, the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland, implemented a coordinated pharmaceutical care service in nursing homes to promote rational drug use. In the context of this service, a project was conducted to develop recommendations for the pharmacological management of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) in nursing home residents. DESIGN AND METHODS: Selected evidence-based guidelines and meta-analysis sources related to the management of depression, insomnia, and agitation in dementia patients were systematically searched and evaluated. Evidence and controversies regarding the pharmacological treatment of the most common BPSD symptoms were reviewed, and treatment algorithms were developed. RESULTS: Ten evidence-based guidelines and meta-analyses for BPSD management were identified, with none specifically addressing issues related to nursing home residents. Based on this literature, recommendations were developed for the practice of pharmacological management of depression, sleep disturbances, and agitation in nursing home residents. For depression, SSRIs are considered the first choice if an antidepressant is required. No clear evidence has been found for sleep disturbances; the underlying conditions need to be investigated closely before the introduction of any drug therapy. Many drugs have been investigated for the treatment of agitation, and if necessary, antipsychotics could be used, although they have significant side effects. Several areas of uncertainty were identified, such as the current controversy about typical and atypical antipsychotic use or the appropriateness of cholinesterase inhibitors for controlling agitation. Treatment algorithms were presented to general practitioners, pharmacists, and medical directors of nursing homes in the canton of Fribourg, and will now be implemented progressively, using educational sessions, pharmaceutical counseling, and monitoring. CONCLUSION: Based on existing evidence-based studies, recommendations were developed for the practice of pharmacological management of depression, sleep disturbances, and agitation in nursing home residents. It should be further studied whether these algorithms implemented through pharmaceutical care services will improve psychotropic drug prescriptions and prevent drug-related problems in nursing home residents


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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Shared decision-making is not widely implemented in healthcare. We aimed to set a research agenda about promoting shared decision-making through continuing professional development. METHODS: Thirty-six participants met for two days. RESULTS: Participants suggested ways to improve an environmental scan that had inventoried 53 shared decision-making training programs from 14 countries. Their proposed research agenda included reaching an international consensus on shared decision-making competencies and creating a framework for accrediting continuing professional development initiatives in shared decision-making. CONCLUSIONS: Variability in shared decision-making training programs showcases the need for quality assurance frameworks.