54 resultados para Argon ion lasers
The recently discovered epithelial sodium channel (ENaC)/degenerin (DEG) gene family encodes sodium channels involved in various cell functions in metazoans. Subfamilies found in invertebrates or mammals are functionally distinct. The degenerins in Caenorhabditis elegans participate in mechanotransduction in neuronal cells, FaNaC in snails is a ligand-gated channel activated by neuropeptides, and the Drosophila subfamily is expressed in gonads and neurons. In mammals, ENaC mediates Na+ transport in epithelia and is essential for sodium homeostasis. The ASIC genes encode proton-gated cation channels in both the central and peripheral nervous system that could be involved in pain transduction. This review summarizes the physiological roles of the different channels belonging to this family, their biophysical and pharmacological characteristics, and the emerging knowledge of their molecular structure. Although functionally different, the ENaC/DEG family members share functional domains that are involved in the control of channel activity and in the formation of the pore. The functional heterogeneity among the members of the ENaC/DEG channel family provides a unique opportunity to address the molecular basis of basic channel functions such as activation by ligands, mechanotransduction, ionic selectivity, or block by pharmacological ligands.
3D dose reconstruction is a verification of the delivered absorbed dose. Our aim was to describe and evaluate a 3D dose reconstruction method applied to phantoms in the context of narrow beams. A solid water phantom and a phantom containing a bone-equivalent material were irradiated on a 6 MV linac. The transmitted dose was measured by using one array of a 2D ion chamber detector. The dose reconstruction was obtained by an iterative algorithm. A phantom set-up error and organ interfraction motion were simulated to test the algorithm sensitivity. In all configurations convergence was obtained within three iterations. A local reconstructed dose agreement of at least 3% / 3mm with respect to the planned dose was obtained, except in a few points of the penumbra. The reconstructed primary fluences were consistent with the planned ones, which validates the whole reconstruction process. The results validate our method in a simple geometry and for narrow beams. The method is sensitive to a set-up error of a heterogeneous phantom and interfraction heterogeneous organ motion.
Bien qu'intrinsèquement non toxiques, les gaz nobles comme l'argon entraînent à fortes concentrations une déplétion d'oxygène pouvant mener jusqu'à l'asphyxie. Si l'argon se retrouve dans la circulation générale, celui-ci peut même être responsable d'embolies parfois fatales. Cependant, les propriétés d'inerties physicochimiques de ce gaz le rendent très utile dans de nombreuses applications actuelles. Ces applications étant en constante augmentation, il n'est pas rare d'observer proportionnellement des intoxications parfois létales liées à ce gaz. Ainsi, devant le manque d'harmonisation des prélèvements d'échantillons biologiques afin de mettre en évidence de telles intoxications aux gaz nobles et devant l'augmentation du nombre de cas, il devient nécessaire d'établir un état des lieux sur l'utilisation de l'argon, sa toxicité et la stratégie analytique à adopter dans le contexte médico-légal.
In addition to the importance of sample preparation and extract separation, MS detection is a key factor in the sensitive quantification of large undigested peptides. In this article, a linear ion trap MS (LIT-MS) and a triple quadrupole MS (TQ-MS) have been compared in the detection of large peptides at subnanomolar concentrations. Natural brain natriuretic peptide, C-peptide, substance P and D-Junk-inhibitor peptide, a full D-amino acid therapeutic peptide, were chosen. They were detected by ESI and simultaneous MS(1) and MS(2) acquisitions. With direct peptide infusion, MS(2) spectra revealed that fragmentation was peptide dependent, milder on the LIT-MS and required high collision energies on the TQ-MS to obtain high-intensity product ions. Peptide adsorption on surfaces was overcome and peptide dilutions ranging from 0.1 to 25 nM were injected onto an ultra high-pressure LC system with a 1 mm id analytical column and coupled with the MS instruments. No difference was observed between the two instruments when recording in LC-MS(1) acquisitions. However, in LC-MS(2) acquisitions, a better sensitivity in the detection of large peptides was observed with the LIT-MS. Indeed, with the three longer peptides, the typical fragmentation in the TQ-MS resulted in a dramatic loss of sensitivity (> or = 10x).
Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are neuronal Na(+) channels that are members of the epithelial Na(+) channel/degenerin family and are transiently activated by extracellular acidification. ASICs in the central nervous system have a modulatory role in synaptic transmission and are involved in cell injury induced by acidosis. We have recently demonstrated that ASIC function is regulated by serine proteases. We provide here evidence that this regulation of ASIC function is tightly linked to channel cleavage. Trypsin cleaves ASIC1a with a similar time course as it changes ASIC1a function, whereas ASIC1b, whose function is not modified by trypsin, is not cleaved. Trypsin cleaves ASIC1a at Arg-145, in the N-terminal part of the extracellular loop, between a highly conserved sequence and a sequence that is critical for ASIC1a inhibition by the venom of the tarantula Psalmopoeus cambridgei. This channel domain controls the inactivation kinetics and co-determines the pH dependence of ASIC gating. It undergoes a conformational change during inactivation, which renders the cleavage site inaccessible to trypsin in inactivated channels.
The bioenergetic status of cells is tightly regulated by the activity of cytosolic enzymes and mitochondrial ATP production. To adapt their metabolism to cellular energy needs, mitochondria have been shown to exhibit changes in their ionic composition as the result of changes in cytosolic ion concentrations. Individual mitochondria also exhibit spontaneous changes in their electrical potential without altering those of neighboring mitochondria. We recently reported that individual mitochondria of intact astrocytes exhibit spontaneous transient increases in their Na(+) concentration. Here, we investigated whether the concentration of other ionic species were involved during mitochondrial transients. By combining fluorescence imaging methods, we performed a multiparameter study of spontaneous mitochondrial transients in intact resting astrocytes. We show that mitochondria exhibit coincident changes in their Na(+) concentration, electrical potential, matrix pH and mitochondrial reactive oxygen species production during a mitochondrial transient without involving detectable changes in their Ca(2+) concentration. Using widefield and total internal reflection fluorescence imaging, we found evidence for localized transient decreases in the free Mg(2+) concentration accompanying mitochondrial Na(+) spikes that could indicate an associated local and transient enrichment in the ATP concentration. Therefore, we propose a sequential model for mitochondrial transients involving a localized ATP microdomain that triggers a Na(+)-mediated mitochondrial depolarization, transiently enhancing the activity of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Our work provides a model describing ionic changes that could support a bidirectional cytosol-to-mitochondria ionic communication.
The epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) and the acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) form subfamilies within the ENaC/degenerin family of Na(+) channels. ENaC mediates transepithelial Na(+) transport, thereby contributing to Na(+) homeostasis and the maintenance of blood pressure and the airway surface liquid level. ASICs are H(+)-activated channels found in central and peripheral neurons, where their activation induces neuronal depolarization. ASICs are involved in pain sensation, the expression of fear, and neurodegeneration after ischemia, making them potentially interesting drug targets. This review summarizes the biophysical properties, cellular functions, and physiologic and pathologic roles of the ASIC and ENaC subfamilies. The analysis of the homologies between ENaC and ASICs and the relation between functional and structural information shows many parallels between these channels, suggesting that some mechanisms that control channel activity are shared between ASICs and ENaC. The available crystal structures and the discovery of animal toxins acting on ASICs provide a unique opportunity to address the molecular mechanisms of ENaC and ASIC function to identify novel strategies for the modulation of these channels by pharmacologic ligands.
RESUME LARGE PUBLIC Le système nerveux central est principalement composé de deux types de cellules :les neurones et les cellules gliales. Ces dernières, bien que l'emportant en nombre sur les neurones, ont longtemps été considérées comme des cellules sans intérêts par les neuroscientifiques. Hors, les connaissances modernes à leurs sujets indiquent qu'elles participent à la plupart des tâches physiologiques du cerveau. Plus particulièrement, elles prennent part aux processus énergétiques cérébraux. Ceux-ci, en plus d'être vitaux, sont particulièrement intrigants puisque le cerveau représente seulement 2 % de la masse corporelle mais consomme environ 25 % du glucose (substrat énergétique) corporel. Les astrocytes, un type de cellules gliales, jouent un rôle primordial dans cette formidable utilisation de glucose par le cerveau. En effet, l'activité neuronale (transmission de l'influx nerveux) est accompagnée d'une augmentation de la capture de glucose, issu de la circulation sanguine, par les astrocytes. Ce phénomène est appelé le «couplage neurométabolique » entre neurones et astrocytes. L'ion sodium fait partie des mécanismes cellulaires entrant en fonction lors de ces processus. Ainsi, dans le cadre de cette thèse, les aspects dynamiques de la régulation du sodium astrocytaire et leurs implications dans le couplage neurométabolique ont été étudiés par des techniques d'imagerie cellulaires. Ces études ont démontré que les mitochondries, machineries cellulaires convertissant l'énergie contenue dans le glucose, participent à la régulation du sodium astrocytaire. De plus, ce travail de thèse a permis de découvrir que les astrocytes sont capables de se transmettre, sous forme de vagues de sodium se propageant de cellules en cellules, un message donnant l'ordre d'accroître leur consommation d'énergie. Cette voie de signalisation leur permettrait de fournir de l'énergie aux neurones suite à leur activation. RESUME Le glutamate libéré dans la fente synaptique pendant l'activité neuronale, est éliminé par les astrocytes environnants. Le glutamate est co-transporté avec des ions sodiques, induisant une augmentation intracellulaire de sodium (Na+i) dans les astrocytes. Cette élévation de Na+i déclenche une cascade de mécanismes moléculaires qui aboutissent à la production de substrats énergétiques pouvant être utilisés par les neurones. Durant cette thèse, la mesure simultanée du sodium mitochondrial (Na+mit) et cytosolique par des techniques d'imagerie utilisant des sondes fluorescentes spécifiques, a indiqué que les variations de Na+i induites par le transport du glutamate sont transmises aux mitochondries. De plus, les voies d'entrée et de sortie du sodium mitochondrial ont été identifiées. L'échangeur de Na+ et de Ca2+ mitochondrial semble jouer un rôle primordial dans l'influx de Na+mit, alors que l'efflux de Na+mit est pris en charge par l'échangeur de Na+ et de H+ mitochondrial. L'étude du Na+mit a nécessité l'utilisation d'un système de photoactivation. Les sources de lumière ultraviolette (UV) classiques utilisées à cet effet (lasers, lampes à flash) ayant plusieurs désavantages, une alternative efficace et peu coûteuse a été développée. Il s'agit d'un système compact utilisant une diode électroluminescente (LED) à haute puissance et de longueur d'onde de 365nm. En plus de leurs rôles dans le couplage neurométabolique, les astrocytes participent à la signalisation multicellulaire en transmettant des vagues intercellulaires de calcium. Ce travail de thèse démontre également que des vagues intercellulaires de sodium peuvent être évoquées en parallèle à ces vagues calciques. Le glutamate, suite à sa libération par un mécanisme dépendent du calcium, est réabsorbé par les transporteurs au glutamate. Ce mécanisme a pour conséquence la génération de vagues sodiques se propageant de cellules en cellules. De plus, ces vagues sodiques sont corrélées spatialement avec une consommation accrue de glucose par les astrocytes. En conclusion, ce travail de thèse a permis de montrer que le signal sodique astrocytaire, déclenché en réponse au glutamate, se propage à la fois de façon intracellulaire aux mitochondries et de façon intercellulaire. Ces résultats suggèrent que les astrocytes fonctionnent comme un réseau de cellules nécessaire au couplage énergétique concerté entre neurones et astrocytes et que le sodium est un élément clé dans les mécanismes de signalisations cellulaires sous-jacents. SUMMARY Glutamate, released in the synaptic cleft during neuronal activity, is removed by surrounding astrocytes. Glutamate is taken-up with Na+ ions by specific transporters, inducing an intracellular Na+ (Na+i) elevation in astrocytes which triggers a cascade of molecular mechanisms that provides metabolic substrates to neurons. Thus, astrocytic Na+i homeostasis represents a key component of the so-called neurometabolic coupling. In this context, the first part of this thesis work was aimed at investigating whether cytosolic Na+ changes are transmitted to mitochondria, which could therefore influence their function and contribute to the overall intracellular Na+ regulation. Simultaneous monitoring of both mitochondrial Na+ (Na+mit) and cytosolic Na+ changes with fluorescent dyes revealed that glutamate-evoked cytosolic Na+ elevations are indeed transmitted to mitochondria. The mitochondrial Na+/Ca2+ exchangers have a prominent role in the regulation of Na+mit influx pathway, and Na+mit extrusion appears to be mediated by Na+/H+ exchangers. To demonstrate the implication of Na+/Ca2+ exchangers, this study has required the technical development of an UV-flash photolysis system. Because light sources for flash photolysis have to be powerful and in the near UV range, the use of UV lasers or flash lamps is usually required. As an alternative to these UV sources that have several drawbaks, we developped a compact, efficient and lowcost flash photolysis system which employs a high power 365nm light emitting diode. In addition to their role in neurometabolic coupling, astrocytes participate in multicellular signaling by transmitting intercellular Ca2+ waves. The third part of this thesis show that intercellular Na+ waves can be evoked in parallel to Ca2+ waves. Glutamate released by a Ca2+ wave-dependent mechanism is taken up by glutamate transporters, resulting in a regenerative propagation of cytosolic Na+ increases. Na+ waves in turn lead to a spatially correlated increase in glucose uptake. In conclusion, the present thesis demonstrates that glutamate-induced Na+ changes occurring in the cytosol of astrocytes propagate to both the mitochondrial matrix and the astrocytic network. These results furthermore support the view that astrocytic Na+ is a signal coupled to the brain energy metabolism.
Extracellular acidification has been shown to generate action potentials (APs) in several types of neurons. In this study, we investigated the role of acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) in acid-induced AP generation in brain neurons. ASICs are neuronal Na(+) channels that belong to the epithelial Na(+) channel/degenerin family and are transiently activated by a rapid drop in extracellular pH. We compared the pharmacological and biophysical properties of acid-induced AP generation with those of ASIC currents in cultured hippocampal neurons. Our results show that acid-induced AP generation in these neurons is essentially due to ASIC activation. We demonstrate for the first time that the probability of inducing APs correlates with current entry through ASICs. We also show that ASIC activation in combination with other excitatory stimuli can either facilitate AP generation or inhibit AP bursts, depending on the conditions. ASIC-mediated generation and modulation of APs can be induced by extracellular pH changes from 7.4 to slightly <7. Such local extracellular pH values may be reached by pH fluctuations due to normal neuronal activity. Furthermore, in the plasma membrane, ASICs are localized in close proximity to voltage-gated Na(+) and K(+) channels, providing the conditions necessary for the transduction of local pH changes into electrical signals.
There is increasing evidence that modular neck stems are prone to corrosion-related complications. Recent studies showed elevated metal ions levels and occasional pseudotumor formation in patients with such implants. The purpose of this study was to compare systemic metal-ion levels in patients after primary THA with modular neck stems to those of patients after non-modular implants. To our knowledge, this is the first cohort study including a control group, THA without CoCr heads and dry-assembled neck-stem connections. Methods: 50 patients after THA at a minimum follow-up of 1 year have been selected for the study. Patients with multiple prosthesis or other implants have been deselected. All received a cementless SPS stem from Symbios (Ti6Al4V). 40 patients have the modular neck (CoCr) version and 10 a monobloc version. All bearings were either ceramic-ceramic or ceramic-polyethylene to minimize other sources of CoCr ion release. In the modular group, the neck was chosen pre-operatively based on a 3D planning, allowing for a dry assembly of the stem and neck on the back table before implantation. A plasma system coupled to mass spectrometry was used for a complete elementary quantification in blood and serum separately. Clinical outcome was measured using the Oxford Hip Score. Results : Complete data sets of 29 patients (24 in the modular neck-group (10male, mean age 63y, 35-84y) and 5 in the monobloc-group (3 male, 69 y, 51-83y) are available to date. Mean Co blood levels were .95 ug/L (.14-12.4) in the modular group vs .27 ug/L (.10-.73) in the monobloc group (p=.2). Respective values for Cr were significantly higher in the modular group (.99 g/L; range .75-1.21) compared to those in the monobloc group (.74 g/L ;.62-.86; p=.001). No significant difference was found when comparing serum levels. 5/24 patients had Co levels above 1 g/L (12/24 for Cr), which is by some considered as a relevant elevation. The maximum Co level was measured in an asymptomatic patient. The Oxford Hip Scores were similar in both groups. Conclusion: Cr levels were significantly elevated in the modular neck group compared to those in the monobloc group. 1/24 patients with a modular prosthesis exhibited Co levels, which are beyond the threshold accepted even for metal-on-metal bearing couples. These results have contributed to our decision to abandon the use of modular neck stems. Routine follow-up including annual measurements of systemic CoCr concentrations should be considered.
A simple method using liquid chromatography-linear ion trap mass spectrometry for simultaneous determination of testosterone glucuronide (TG), testosterone sulfate (TS), epitestosterone glucuronide (EG) and epitestosterone sulfate (ES) in urine samples was developed. For validation purposes, a urine containing no detectable amount of TG, TS and EG was selected and fortified with steroid conjugate standards. Quantification was performed using deuterated testosterone conjugates to correct for ion suppression/enhancement during ESI. Assay validation was performed in terms of lower limit of detection (1-3ng/mL), recovery (89-101%), intraday precision (2.0-6.8%), interday precision (3.4-9.6%) and accuracy (101-103%). Application of the method to short-term stability testing of urine samples at temperature ranging from 4 to 37 degrees C during a time-storage of a week lead to the conclusion that addition of sodium azide (10mg/mL) is required for preservation of the analytes.
Résumé Les canaux ioniques ASICs (acid-sensing ion channels) appartiennent à la famille des canaux ENaC/Degenerin. Pour l'instant, quatre gènes (1 à 4) ont été clonés dont certains présentent des variants d'épissage. Leur activation par une acidification rapide du milieu extracellulaire génère un courant entrant transitoire essentiellement sodique accompagné pour certains types d'ASICs d'une phase soutenue. Les ASICs sont exprimés dans le système nerveux, central (SNC) et périphérique (SNP). On leur attribue un rôle dans l'apprentissage, la mémoire et l'ischémie cérébrale au niveau central ainsi que dans la nociception (douleur aiguë et inflammatoire) et la méchanotransduction au niveau périphérique. Toutefois, les données sont parfois contradictoires. Certaines études suggèrent qu'ils sont des senseurs primordiaux impliqués dans la détection de l'acidification et la douleur. D'autres études suggèrent plutôt qu'ils ont un rôle modulateur inhibiteur dans la douleur. De plus, le fait que leur activation génère majoritairement un courant transitoire alors que les fibres nerveuses impliquées dans la douleur répondent à un stimulus nocif avec une adaptation lente suggère que leurs propriétés doivent être modulés par des molécules endogènes. Dans une première partie de ma thèse, nous avons abordé la question de l'expression fonctionnelle des ASICs dans les neurones sensoriels primaires afférents du rat adulte pour clarifier le rôle des ASICs dans les neurones sensoriels. Nous avons caractérisé leurs propriétés biophysiques et pharmacologiques par la technique du patch-clamp en configuration « whole-cell ». Nous avons pu démontrer que près de 60% des neurones sensoriels de petit diamètre expriment des courants ASICs. Nous avons mis en évidence trois types de courant ASIC dans ces neurones. Les types 1 et 3 ont des propriétés compatibles avec un rôle de senseur du pH alors que le type 2 est majoritairement activé par des pH inférieurs à pH6. Le type 1 est médié par des homomers de la sous-unité ASIC1 a qui sont perméables aux Ca2+. Nous avons étudié leur co-expression avec des marqueurs des nocicepteurs ainsi que la possibilité d'induire une activité neuronale suite à une acidification qui soit dépendante des ASICs. Le but était d'associer un type de courant ASIC avec une fonction potentielle dans les neurones sensoriels. Une majorité des neurones exprimant les courants ASIC co-expriment des marqueurs des nocicepteurs. Toutefois, une plus grande proportion des neurones exprimant le type 1 n'est pas associée à la nociception par rapport aux types 2 et 3. Nous avons montré qu'il est possible d'induire des potentiels d'actions suite à une acidification. La probabilité d'induction est proportionnelle à la densité des courants ASIC et à l'acidité de la stimulation. Puis, nous avons utilisé cette classification comme un outil pour appréhender les potentielles modulations fonctionnelles des ASICs dans un model de neuropathie (spared nerve injury). Cette approche fut complétée par des expériences de «quantitative RT-PCR ». En situation de neuropathie, les courants ASIC sont dramatiquement changés au niveau de leur expression fonctionnelle et transcriptionnelle dans les neurones lésés ainsi que non-lésés. Dans une deuxième partie de ma thèse, suite au test de différentes substances sécrétées lors de l'inflammation et l'ischémie sur les propriétés des ASICs, nous avons caractérisé en détail la modulation des propriétés des courants ASICs notamment ASIC1 par les sérines protéases dans des systèmes d'expression recombinants ainsi que dans des neurones d'hippocampe. Nous avons montré que l'exposition aux sérine-protéases décale la dépendance au pH de l'activation ainsi que la « steady-state inactivation »des ASICs -1a et -1b vers des valeurs plus acidiques. Ainsi, l'exposition aux serine protéases conduit à une diminution du courant quand l'acidification a lieu à partir d'un pH7.4 et conduit à une augmentation du courant quand l'acidification alleu à partir d'un pH7. Nous avons aussi montré que cette régulation a lieu des les neurones d'hippocampe. Nos résultats dans les neurones sensoriels suggèrent que certains courants ASICs sont impliqués dans la transduction de l'acidification et de la douleur ainsi que dans une des phases du processus conduisant à la neuropathie. Une partie des courants de type 1 perméables au Ca 2+ peuvent être impliqués dans la neurosécrétion. La modulation par les sérines protéases pourrait expliquer qu'en situation d'acidose les canaux ASICs soient toujours activables. Résumé grand publique Les neurones sont les principales cellules du système nerveux. Le système nerveux est formé par le système nerveux central - principalement le cerveau, le cervelet et la moelle épinière - et le système nerveux périphérique -principalement les nerfs et les neurones sensoriels. Grâce à leur nombreux "bras" (les neurites), les neurones sont connectés entre eux, formant un véritable réseau de communication qui s'étend dans tout le corps. L'information se propage sous forme d'un phénomène électrique, l'influx nerveux (ou potentiels d'actions). A la base des phénomènes électriques dans les neurones il y a ce que l'on appelle les canaux ioniques. Un canal ionique est une sorte de tunnel qui traverse l'enveloppe qui entoure les cellules (la membrane) et par lequel passent les ions. La plupart de ces canaux sont normalement fermés et nécessitent d'être activés pour s'ouvrire et générer un influx nerveux. Les canaux ASICs sont activés par l'acidification et sont exprimés dans tout le système nerveux. Cette acidification a lieu notamment lors d'une attaque cérébrale (ischémie cérébrale) ou lors de l'inflammation. Les expériences sur les animaux ont montré que les canaux ASICs avaient entre autre un rôle dans la mort des neurones lors d'une attaque cérébrale et dans la douleur inflammatoire. Lors de ma thèse je me suis intéressé au rôle des ASICs dans la douleur et à l'influence des substances produites pendant l'inflammation sur leur activation par l'acidification. J'ai ainsi pu montrer chez le rat que la majorité des neurones sensoriels impliqués dans la douleur ont des canaux ASICs et que l'activation de ces canaux induit des potentiels d'action. Nous avons opéré des rats pour qu'ils présentent les symptômes d'une maladie chronique appelée neuropathie. La neuropathie se caractérise par une plus grande sensibilité à la douleur. Les rats neuropathiques présentent des changements de leurs canaux ASICs suggérant que ces canaux ont une peut-être un rôle dans la genèse ou les symptômes de cette maladie. J'ai aussi montré in vitro qu'un type d'enryme produit lors de l'inflammation et l'ischémie change les propriétés des ASICs. Ces résultats confirment un rôle des ASICs dans la douleur suggérant notamment un rôle jusque là encore non étudié dans la douleur neuropathique. De plus, ces résultats mettent en évidence une régulation des ASICs qui pourrait être importante si elle se confirmait in vivo de part les différents rôles des ASICs. Abstract Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are members of the ENaC/Degenerin superfamily of ion channels. Their activation by a rapid extracellular acidification generates a transient and for some ASIC types also a sustained current mainly mediated by Na+. ASICs are expressed in the central (CNS) and in the peripheral (PNS) nervous system. In the CNS, ASICs have a putative role in learning, memory and in neuronal death after cerebral ischemia. In the PNS, ASICs have a putative role in nociception (acute and inflammatory pain) and in mechanotransduction. However, studies on ASIC function are somewhat controversial. Some studies suggest a crucial role of ASICs in transduction of acidification and in pain whereas other studies suggest rather a modulatory inhibitory role of ASICs in pain. Moreover, the basic property of ASICs, that they are activated only transiently is irreconcilable with the well-known property of nociception that the firing of nociceptive fibers demonstrated very little adaptation. Endogenous molecules may exist that can modulate ASIC properties. In a first part of my thesis, we addressed the question of the functional expression of ASICs in adult rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons. Our goal was to elucidate ASIC roles in DRG neurons. We characterized biophysical and pharmacological properties of ASIC currents using the patch-clamp technique in the whole-cell configuration. We observed that around 60% of small-diameter sensory neurons express ASICs currents. We described in these neurons three ASIC current types. Types 1 and 3 have properties compatible with a role of pH-sensor whereas type 2 is mainly activated by pH lower than pH6. Type 1 is mediated by ASIC1a homomultimers which are permeable to Ca 2+. We studied ASIC co-expression with nociceptor markers. The goal was to associate an ASIC current type with a potential function in sensory neurons. Most neurons expressing ASIC currents co-expressed nociceptor markers. However, a higher proportion of the neurons expressing type 1 was not associated with nociception compared to type 2 and -3. We completed this approach with current-clamp measurements of acidification-induced action potentials (APs). We showed that activation of ASICs in small-diameter neurons can induce APs. The probability of AP induction is positively correlated with the ASIC current density and the acidity of stimulation. Then, we used this classification as a tool to characterize the potential functional modulation of ASICs in the spared nerve injury model of neuropathy. This approach was completed by quantitative RT-PCR experiments. ASICs current expression was dramatically changed at the functional and transcriptional level in injured and non-injured small-diameter DRG neurons. In a second part of my thesis, following an initial screening of the effect of various substances secreted during inflammation and ischemia on ASIC current properties, we characterized in detail the modulation of ASICs, in particular of ASIC1 by serine proteases in a recombinant expression system as well as in hippocampal neurons. We showed that protease exposure shifts the pH dependence of ASIC1 activation and steady-state inactivation to more acidic pH. As a consequence, protease exposure leads to a decrease in the current response if ASIC1 is activated by a pH drop from pH 7.4. If, however, acidification occurs from a basal pH of 7, protease-exposed ASIC1a shows higher activity than untreated ASIC1a. We provided evidence that this bi-directional regulation of ASIC1a function also occurs in hippocampal neurons. Our results in DRG neurons suggest that some ASIC currents are involved in the transduction of peripheral acidification and pain. Furthermore, ASICs may participate to the processes leading to neuropathy. Some Ca 2+-permeable type 1 currents may be involved in neurosecretion. ASIC modulation by serine proteases may be physiologically relevant, allowing ASIC activation under sustained slightly acidic conditions.
The neuron-specific K-Cl cotransporter, KCC2, is highly expressed in the vicinity of excitatory synapses in pyramidal neurons, and recent in vitro data suggest that this protein plays a role in the development of dendritic spines. The in vivo relevance of these observations is, however, unknown. Using in utero electroporation combined with post hoc iontophoretic injection of Lucifer Yellow, we show that premature expression of KCC2 induces a highly significant and permanent increase in dendritic spine density of layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons in the somatosensory cortex. Whole-cell recordings revealed that this increased spine density is correlated with an enhanced spontaneous excitatory activity in KCC2-transfected neurons. Precocious expression of the N-terminal deleted form of KCC2, which lacks the chloride transporter function, also increased spine density. In contrast, no effect on spine density was observed following in utero electroporation of a point mutant of KCC2 (KCC2-C568A) where both the cotransporter function and the interaction with the cytoskeleton are disrupted. Transfection of the C-terminal domain of KCC2, a region involved in the interaction with the dendritic cytoskeleton, also increased spine density. Collectively, these results demonstrate a role for KCC2 in excitatory synaptogenesis in vivo through a mechanism that is independent of its ion transport function.
The present work describes a fast gas chromatography/negative-ion chemical ionization tandem mass spectrometric assay (Fast GC/NICI-MS/MS) for analysis of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), 11-hydroxy-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC-OH) and 11-nor-9-carboxy-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC-COOH) in whole blood. The cannabinoids were extracted from 500 microL of whole blood by a simple liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and then derivatized by using trifluoroacetic anhydride (TFAA) and hexafluoro-2-propanol (HFIP) as fluorinated agents. Mass spectrometric detection of the analytes was performed in the selected reaction-monitoring mode on a triple quadrupole instrument after negative-ion chemical ionization. The assay was found to be linear in the concentration range of 0.5-20 ng/mL for THC and THC-OH, and of 2.5-100 ng/mL for THC-COOH. Repeatability and intermediate precision were found less than 12% for all concentrations tested. Under standard chromatographic conditions, the run cycle time would have been 15 min. By using fast conditions of separation, the assay analysis time has been reduced to 5 min, without compromising the chromatographic resolution. Finally, a simple approach for estimating the uncertainty measurement is presented.
The epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) is highly selective for Na+ and Li+ over K+ and is blocked by the diuretic amiloride. ENaC is a heterotetramer made of two alpha, one beta, and one gamma homologous subunits, each subunit comprising two transmembrane segments. Amino acid residues involved in binding of the pore blocker amiloride are located in the pre-M2 segment of beta and gamma subunits, which precedes the second putative transmembrane alpha helix (M2). A residue in the alpha subunit (alphaS589) at the NH2 terminus of M2 is critical for the molecular sieving properties of ENaC. ENaC is more permeable to Li+ than Na+ ions. The concentration of half-maximal unitary conductance is 38 mM for Na+ and 118 mM for Li+, a kinetic property that can account for the differences in Li+ and Na+ permeability. We show here that mutation of amino acid residues at homologous positions in the pre-M2 segment of alpha, beta, and gamma subunits (alphaG587, betaG529, gammaS541) decreases the Li+/Na+ selectivity by changing the apparent channel affinity for Li+ and Na+. Fitting single-channel data of the Li+ permeation to a discrete-state model including three barriers and two binding sites revealed that these mutations increased the energy needed for the translocation of Li+ from an outer ion binding site through the selectivity filter. Mutation of betaG529 to Ser, Cys, or Asp made ENaC partially permeable to K+ and larger ions, similar to the previously reported alphaS589 mutations. We conclude that the residues alphaG587 to alphaS589 and homologous residues in the beta and gamma subunits form the selectivity filter, which tightly accommodates Na+ and Li+ ions and excludes larger ions like K+.