388 resultados para IL-7Ra
It is known that differentiation of Th17 cells is promoted by activation of STAT3 and inhibited by activation of STAT1. Although both transcription factors are activated by several cytokines, including IL-6, IL-21, and IL-27, each of these cytokines has a very different effect on Th17 differentiation, ranging from strong induction (IL-6) to strong inhibition (IL-27). To determine the molecular basis for these differences, we measured STAT3 and STAT1 activation profiles for IL-6, IL-21, and IL-27, as well as for cytokine pairs over time. We found that the ratio of activated STAT3/activated STAT1 is crucial in determining whether cytokines promote or inhibit Th17 differentiation. IL-6 and IL-21 induced p-STAT3/p-STAT1 ratios > 1, leading to the promotion of Th17 differentiation, whereas IL-27 or IL-6+IL-27 induced p-STAT3/p-STAT1 ratios < 1, resulting in inhibition of Th17 differentiation. Consistent with these findings, we show that IL-27 induces sufficient p-STAT3 to promote Th17 differentiation in the absence of STAT1. Furthermore, IL-27-induced STAT1-deficient T cells were indistinguishable from bona fide highly proinflammatory Th17 cells because they induced severe experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis upon adoptive transfer. Our results suggest that the ratio of p-STAT3/p-STAT1 induced by a cytokine or cytokine pairs can be used to predict whether they induce a competent Th17-differentiation program.
Cette rubrique présente les résultats d'une revue systématique récente telle que publiée dans la Cochrane Library (www.thecochranelibrary.com). Volontairement limité à un champ de recherche circonscrit, cet article reflète l'état actuel des connaissances de ce domaine. Il ne s'agit donc pas de recommandations pour guider la prise en charge d'une problématique clinique considérée dans sa globalité (guidelines). Les auteurs de ce résumé se basent sur la revue systématique et ne remettent pas en question le choix des articles inclus dans la revue. Scénario: Vous suivez un patient de 71 ans connu pour un diabète et une hypertension bien contrôlés, ainsi qu'une insuffisance rénale chronique de longue date, progressive, actuellement sévère (créatinine à 267 mmol/l, taux de filtration glomérulaire estimé (TFGe) à 21 ml/min/1,73 m2). Son état général est bon, son poids est stable et il ne présente pas de symptômes urémiques. Question: Faut-il adresser ce patient à un néphrologue ?
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a progressive devastating, yet untreatable fibrotic disease of unknown origin. We investigated the contribution of the B-cell activating factor (BAFF), a TNF family member recently implicated in the regulation of pathogenic IL-17-producing cells in autoimmune diseases. The contribution of BAFF was assessed in a murine model of lung fibrosis induced by airway administered bleomycin. We show that murine BAFF levels were strongly increased in the bronchoalveolar space and lungs after bleomycin exposure. We identified Gr1(+) neutrophils as an important source of BAFF upon BLM-induced lung inflammation and fibrosis. Genetic ablation of BAFF or BAFF neutralization by a soluble receptor significantly attenuated pulmonary fibrosis and IL-1β levels. We further demonstrate that bleomycin-induced BAFF expression and lung fibrosis were IL-1β and IL-17A dependent. BAFF was required for rIL-17A-induced lung fibrosis and augmented IL-17A production by CD3(+) T cells from murine fibrotic lungs ex vivo. Finally we report elevated levels of BAFF in bronchoalveolar lavages from IPF patients. Our data therefore support a role for BAFF in the establishment of pulmonary fibrosis and a crosstalk between IL-1β, BAFF and IL-17A.
Serie di saggi dedicati alla poesia italiana del Novecento, muovendo da un'analisi della poetica dell'"ultimo" Montale, caratterizzata da un ambito più prosastico e satirico e da una ricerca di nuovi significati da attribuire alla poesia stessa. Lo studio di alcuni dei più importanti rappresentanti della letteratura poetica del secondo Novecento prosegue nella seconda sezione, dedicata a Giorgio Orelli, considerato uno dei maggiori poeti viventi in lingua italiana, a Remo Fasani, a Cristina Campo, a Giancarlo Majorino, e, infine, a Gilberto Isella, la cui ricerca poetica si inserisce a pieno titolo nella grande stagione del simbolismo europeo. La terza sezione è dedicata interamente a Guido Ceronetti, poeta, scrittore, traduttore (sia dal latino, sia dall'antico ebraico) e autore di teatro. Conclude il volume uno studio panoramico sugli scrittori della Svizzera italiana: si tratta di esperienze che hanno in comune una straordinaria capacità di reinterpretare la tradizione letteraria italiana, fino ad aprirla verso orizzonti non solo transnazionali, ma anche inediti ed innovativi.