366 resultados para Drug degradation


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Strigolactones (SLs) are phytohormones that play a central role in regulating shoot branching. SL perception and signaling involves the F-box protein MAX2 and the hydrolase DWARF14 (D14), proposed to act as an SL receptor. We used strong loss-of-function alleles of the Arabidopsis thaliana D14 gene to characterize D14 function from early axillary bud development through to lateral shoot outgrowth and demonstrated a role of this gene in the control of flowering time. Our data show that D14 distribution in vivo overlaps with that reported for MAX2 at both the tissue and subcellular levels, allowing physical interactions between these proteins. Our grafting studies indicate that neither D14 mRNA nor the protein move over a long range upwards in the plant. Like MAX2, D14 is required locally in the aerial part of the plant to suppress shoot branching. We also identified a mechanism of SL-induced, MAX2-dependent proteasome-mediated degradation of D14. This negative feedback loop would cause a substantial drop in SL perception, which would effectively limit SL signaling duration and intensity.


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Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty is frequently used in patients with severe arterial narrowing due to atherosclerosis. However, it induces severe arterial injury and an inflammatory response leading to restenosis. Here, we studied a potential activation of the endocannabinoid system and the effect of FA amide hydrolase (FAAH) deficiency, the major enzyme responsible for endocannabinoid anandamide degradation, in arterial injury. We performed carotid balloon injury in atherosclerosis-prone apoE knockout (apoE(-/-)) and apoE(-/-)FAAH(-/-) mice. Anandamide levels were systemically elevated in apoE(-/-) mice after balloon injury. ApoE(-/-)FAAH(-/-) mice had significantly higher baseline anandamide levels and enhanced neointima formation compared with apoE(-/-) controls. The latter effect was inhibited by treatment with CB1 antagonist AM281. Similarly, apoE(-/-) mice treated with AM281 had reduced neointimal areas, reduced lesional vascular smooth-muscle cell (SMC) content, and proliferating cell counts. The lesional macrophage content was unchanged. In vitro proliferation rates were significantly reduced in CB1(-/-) SMCs or when treating apoE(-/-) or apoE(-/-)FAAH(-/-) SMCs with AM281. Macrophage in vitro adhesion and migration were marginally affected by CB1 deficiency. Reendothelialization was not inhibited by treatment with AM281. In conclusion, endogenous CB1 activation contributes to vascular SMC proliferation and neointima formation in response to arterial injury.


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Drug eluting stent (DES) restenosis has emerged as a significant clinical entity owing to the increasing use of DES in complex lesions and patients. However, to date, there is a paucity of studies that have addressed the management of DES restenosis and the resulting outcome, leaving the interventional cardiologist with a therapeutic dilemma. The purpose of this paper is therefore to provide a concise review of available data's dealing with the treatment of DES restenosis, including the outcome of patients treated for DES restenosis, the prognostic importance of the angiographic pattern and the available therapeutic modalities.


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Although most delayed drug hypersensitivity reactions are mild and show rapid improvement after drug discontinuation, there are severe systemic and/or cutaneous drug reactions which may be life-threatening. These entities are discussed here, namely DRESS syndrome (Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms), acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP), Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN). Early detection of warning signs and symptoms may help to take appropriate measures precociously.


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BACKGROUND: Poor long-term adherence is an important cause of uncontrolled hypertension. We examined whether monitoring drug adherence with an electronic system improves long-term blood pressure (BP) control in hypertensive patients followed by general practitioners (GPs). METHODS: A pragmatic cluster randomised controlled study was conducted over one year in community pharmacists/GPs' networks randomly assigned either to usual care (UC) where drugs were dispensed as usual, or to intervention (INT) group where drug adherence could be monitored with an electronic system (Medication Event Monitoring System). No therapy change was allowed during the first 2 months in both groups. Thereafter, GPs could modify therapy and use electronic monitors freely in the INT group. The primary outcome was a target office BP<140/90 mmHg. RESULTS: Sixty-eight treated uncontrolled hypertensive patients (UC: 34; INT: 34) were enrolled. Over the 12-month period, the likelihood of reaching the target BP was higher in the INT group compared to the UC group (p<0.05). At 4 months, 38% in the INT group reached the target BP vs. 12% in the UC group (p<0.05), and 21% vs. 9% at 12 months (p: ns). Multivariate analyses, taking account of baseline characteristics, therapy modification during follow-up, and clustering effects by network, indicate that being allocated to the INT group was associated with a greater odds of reaching the target BP at 4 months (p<0.01) and at 12 months (p=0.051). CONCLUSION: GPs monitoring drug adherence in collaboration with pharmacists achieved a better BP control in hypertensive patients, although the impact of monitoring decreased with time.


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No consensus exists on whether acyclovir prophylaxis should be given for varicella-zoster virus (VZV) prophylaxis after hematopoietic cell transplantation because of the concern of "rebound" VZV disease after discontinuation of prophylaxis. To determine whether rebound VZV disease is an important clinical problem and whether prolonging prophylaxis beyond 1 year is beneficial, we examined 3 sequential cohorts receiving acyclovir from day of transplantation until engraftment for prevention of herpes simplex virus reactivation (n = 932); acyclovir or valacyclovir 1 year (n = 1117); or acyclovir/valacyclovir for at least 1 year or longer if patients remained on immunosuppressive drugs (n = 586). In multivariable statistical models, prophylaxis given for 1 year significantly reduced VZV disease (P < .001) without evidence of rebound VZV disease. Continuation of prophylaxis beyond 1 year in allogeneic recipients who remained on immunosuppressive drugs led to a further reduction in VZV disease (P = .01) but VZV disease developed in 6.1% during the second year while receiving this strategy. In conclusion, acyclovir/valacyclovir prophylaxis given for 1 year led to a persistent benefit after drug discontinuation and no evidence of a rebound effect. To effectively prevent VZV disease in long-term hematopoietic cell transplantation survivors, additional approaches such as vaccination will probably be required.


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P>Aim: To determine the effects of imperfect adherence (i.e. occasionally missing prescribed doses), and the influence of rate of loss of antihypertensive effect during treatment interruption, on the predicted clinical effectiveness of antihypertensive drugs in reducing mean systolic blood pressure (SBP) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk.Method:The effects of imperfect adherence to antihypertensive treatment regimens were estimated using published patterns of missed doses, and taking into account the rate of loss of antihypertensive effect when doses are missed (loss of BP reduction in mmHg/day; the off-rate), which varies between drugs. Outcome measures were the predicted mean SBP reduction and CVD risk, determined from the Framingham Risk Equation for CVD.Results:In patients taking 75% of prescribed doses (typical of clinical practice), only long-acting drugs with an off-rate of similar to 1 mmHg/day were predicted to maintain almost the full mean SBP-lowering effect throughout the modelled period. In such patients, using shorter-acting drugs (e.g. an off-rate of similar to 5-6 mmHg/day) was predicted to lead to a clinically relevant loss of mean SBP reduction of > 2 mmHg. This change also influenced the predicted CVD risk reduction; in patients with a baseline 10-year CVD risk of 27.0% and who were taking 75% of prescribed doses, a difference in off-rate from 1 to 5 mmHg/day led to a predicted 0.5% absolute increase in 10-year CVD risk.Conclusions:In patients who occasionally miss doses of antihypertensives, modest differences in the rate of loss of antihypertensive effect following treatment interruption may have a clinically relevant impact on SBP reduction and CVD risk. While clinicians must make every effort to counsel and encourage each of their patients to adhere to their prescribed medication, it may also be prudent to prescribe drugs with a low off-rate to mitigate the potential consequences of missing doses.


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SUMMARY : Phytochromes constitute a family of red/far-red photoreceptors regulating all the major transitions during the life cycle of plants. In Arabidopsis, five members: phyA,_ B, C, D and E, were identified. Phytochromes are synthesized in their inactive red-light absorbing form called Pr. Upon light absorbance they convert to the far-red light absorbing Pfr form. The Pfr form is the active conformer which converts back to the Pr form either rapidly upon far-red perception or in a slower process called dark reversion. ph~A represents an exception, in that it does not significantly dark-revert and two specific processes have been developed by the plants to decrease the amount of biologically active phyA. The first one is alight-dependent repression of the PHYA gene expression and the second one is alight-dependent degradation of the phyA protein. The latter is the most efficient process to rapidly decrease the level of active phyA. The ability of plants to regulate the amount of active phyA is critical in a far-red rich environment, a situation observed under a canopy. In these conditions, phyA is essential to induce the germination and the deetiolation of the young seedling. Later in the development the ability of phyA to repress growth counteracts the shade avoidance response. Therefore decreasing the amount of phyA allows stem growth and to compete with neighbours for the light. In this thesis, I investigate the light-dependent degradation of phyA. I developed a reverse genetic approach based on the systematic analysis of the light-dependent accumulation of phyA in the different cullin mutant cull, cul3a; cul3b and cul4. This analysis allowed me to show that CUL1 and CUL3A-based E3 ligase complexes are involved in the regulation of phyA degradation. Surprisingly, our results also demonstrate that cu14 is not affected in the degradation of phyA whereas constitutive Photomorphogenic 1 (COP1) a subunit of one CUL4based E3 complex was reported to be involved. Further investigations showed that the phenotype of cop1 is conditional, the mutant being defective in phyA degradation only in the presence of metabolisable sugars. I also showed that phyA is degraded by a proteasome-dependent mechanism both in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus using mutants and transgenic lines affected in the localization of phyA. Interestingly, I observed that phyA degradation was faster in the nucleus than in the cytosol and that rapid degradation of Pr also occurred in the nucleus suggesting that cytosolic accumulation of phyA in the dark is a way to regulate its proteolysis. Finally, we identify a short region similar to a PEST sequence required for phyA stability and we developed a unbiased genetic screen to identify new components involved in the regulation of the light-dependent degradation of phyA. The significance of these results are discussed. RESUME : Les phytochromes (phy) constituent une famille de photorécepteurs absorbant la lumière rouge et rouge lointaine et régulant toutes les étapes de transitions majeures dans la vie des plantes. Chez Arabidopsis, cinq membres : phyA, B, C, D et E ont été identifiés. Les phytochromes sont synthétisés sous une forme inactive appelée Pr absorbant la lumière rouge. Après perception de lumière ils passent sous une forme active Pfr absorbant dans le rouge lointain. La forme Pfr peut retourner sous la forme Pr après absorption de lumiëre rouge lointaine ou dans un processus lent appelé «réversion à l'obscurité ». phyA représente une exception à cette règle car il ne retoune pas significativement sous sa forme inactive dans le noir. Deux processus spécifiques ont donc été développés pour diminuer le taux de phyA actif. Le premier consiste en la répression du gène PHYA en condition de lumière et le second en une dégradation induite par la lumière de la protéine phyA. Ce dernier processus est le plus efficace pour diminuer rapidement le niveau de phyA. La capacité des plantes à réguler le taux de phyA actifs est critique dans un environnement riche en lumière rouge lointaine, une situation observée sous une canopée. Sous une canopée, phyA est essentiel pour induire la germination et la dé-étiolation de la jeune pousse. Plus tard dans le développement la capacité de phyA de réprimer la croissance freine la «réponse à l'évitement de l'ombre ». Par conséquent diminuer le taux de phyA permet la croissance de la tige et donc de rentrer en compétition pour la lumière avec les plantes avoisinantes. Dans cette thèse, j'ai étudié la dégradation de phyA. J'ai développé une approche génétique inverse basée sur l'analyse systématique de l'accumulation de phyA en condition de lumière dans les différents mutants cullin, cul1, cul3a, cul3b et cul4. Ces analyses nous ont permis d'identifier qu'un complexe E3 ligase CUL1 et un complexe E3 ligase CUL3A sont impliqués dans la régulation de la dégradation de phyA. Mes résultats démontrent aussi que le mutant cul4 n'est pas affecté dans la dégradation de phyA alors que Çonstitutive Photomorphogenic 1 (COPI) une sous unité d'un complexe CUL4 à été identifier dans la régulation de cette dégradation. Des analyses supplémentaires suggèrent que l'effet de la mutation cop1 est dépendante dë la présence de sucres métabolisables. J'ai aussi montré que phyA est dégradé dans le noyau et dans le cytoplasme par un mécanisme dépendant du protéasome et que la dégradation dans le.noyau est non seulement aspécifique de la forme Pr ou Pfr mais aussi est plus rapide que dans le cytoplasme. Ceci suggère que l'accumulation de phyA dans le cytoplasme permet son accumulation à des niveaux élevés à l'obscurité. Enfin j'ai identifié une région similaire à un motif PEST requise pour la stabilité de phyA et j'ai aussi développé un criblage génétique non biaisé pour identifier de nouveaux composants impliqués dans la régulation de la dégradation de phyA. L'importance de ces résultats est discutée dans le dernier chapitre de cette thèse.


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Excessive sweating is a well-known side effect of a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment, but little is known about the impact of sweating on treatment discontinuation or the general quality of life of patients. In this case report, we present a patient suffering from excessive sweating induced by escitalopram. When mirtazapine was administered as an additional treatment, a dose-dependent reduction of drug-induced excessive sweating was observed. Taking into account the particular serotonin antagonistic properties of mirtazapine, its eventual influence on the regulation of body temperature and diaphoresis in the central nervous system is discussed.


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Astonishing as it may seem, one organism's waste is often ideal food for another. Many waste products generated by human activities are routinely degraded by microorganisms under controlled conditions during waste-water treatment. Toxic pollutants resulting from inadvertent releases, such as oil spills, are also consumed by bacteria, the simplest organisms on Earth. Biodegradation of toxic or particularly persistent compounds, however, remains problematic. What has escaped the attention of many is that bacteria exposed to pollutants can adapt to them by mutating or acquiring degradative genes. These bacteria can proliferate in the environment as a result of the selection pressures created by pollutants. The positive outcome of selection pressure is that harmful compounds may eventually be broken down completely through biodegradation. The downside is that biodegradation may require extremely long periods of time. Although the adaptation process has been shown to be reproducible, it remains very difficult to predict.


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A sensitive and selective ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) method was developed for the fast quantification of ten psychotropic drugs and metabolites in human plasma for the needs of our laboratory (amisulpride, asenapine, desmethyl-mirtazapine, iloperidone, mirtazapine, norquetiapine, olanzapine, paliperidone, quetiapine and risperidone). Stable isotope-labeled internal standards were used for all analytes, to compensate for the global method variability, including extraction and ionization variations. Sample preparation was performed by generic protein precipitation with acetonitrile. Chromatographic separation was achieved in less than 3.0min on an Acquity UPLC BEH Shield RP18 column (2.1mm×50mm; 1.7μm), using a gradient elution of 10mM ammonium formate buffer pH 3.0 and acetonitrile at a flow rate of 0.4ml/min. The compounds were quantified on a tandem quadrupole mass spectrometer operating in positive electrospray ionization mode, using multiple reaction monitoring. The method was fully validated according to the latest recommendations of international guidelines. Eight point calibration curves were used to cover a large concentration range 0.5-200ng/ml for asenapine, desmethyl-mirtazapine, iloperidone, mirtazapine, olanzapine, paliperidone and risperidone, and 1-1500ng/ml for amisulpride, norquetiapine and quetiapine. Good quantitative performances were achieved in terms of trueness (93.1-111.2%), repeatability (1.3-8.6%) and intermediate precision (1.8-11.5%). Internal standard-normalized matrix effects ranged between 95 and 105%, with a variability never exceeding 6%. The accuracy profiles (total error) were included in the acceptance limits of ±30% for biological samples. This method is therefore suitable for both therapeutic drug monitoring and pharmacokinetic studies.


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OBJECTIVE(S): To investigate the relationship between detection of HIV drug resistance by 2 years from starting antiretroviral therapy and the subsequent risk of progression to AIDS and death. DESIGN: Virological failure was defined as experiencing two consecutive viral loads of more than 400 copies/ml in the time window between 0.5 and 2 years from starting antiretroviral therapy (baseline). Patients were grouped according to evidence of virological failure and whether there was detection of the International AIDS Society resistance mutations to one, two or three drug classes in the time window. METHODS: Standard survival analysis using Kaplan-Meier curves and Cox proportional hazards regression model with time-fixed covariates defined at baseline was employed. RESULTS: We studied 8229 patients in EuroSIDA who started antiretroviral therapy and who had at least 2 years of clinical follow-up. We observed 829 AIDS events and 571 deaths during 38,814 person-years of follow-up resulting in an overall incidence of new AIDS and death of 3.6 per 100 person-years of follow-up [95% confidence interval (CI):3.4-3.8]. By 96 months from baseline, the proportion of patients with a new AIDS diagnosis or death was 20.3% (95% CI:17.7-22.9) in patients with no evidence of virological failure and 53% (39.3-66.7) in those with virological failure and mutations to three drug classes (P = 0.0001). An almost two-fold difference in risk was confirmed in the multivariable analysis (adjusted relative hazard = 1.8, 95% CI:1.2-2.7, P = 0.005). CONCLUSION: Although this study shows an association between the detection of resistance at failure and risk of clinical progression, further research is needed to clarify whether resistance reflects poor adherence or directly increases the risk of clinical events via exhaustion of drug options.


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Fungi are primitive eukaryotes and have adapted to a variety of niches during evolution. Some fungal species may interact with other life forms (plants, insects, mammals), but are considered as pathogens when they cause mild to severe diseases. Chemical control strategies have emerged with the development of several drugs with antifungal activity against pathogenic fungi. Antifungal agents have demonstrated their efficacy by improving patient health in medicine. However, fungi have counteracted antifungal agents in several cases by developing resistance mechanisms. These mechanisms rely on drug resistance genes including multidrug transporters and drug targets. Their regulation is crucial for the development of antifungal drug resistance and therefore transcriptional factors critical for their regulation are being characterized. Recent genome-wide studies have revealed complex regulatory circuits involving these genetic and transcriptional regulators. Here, we review the current understanding of the transcriptional regulation of drug resistance genes from several fungal pathogens including Candida and Aspergillus species.