394 resultados para CD4 T-lymphocytes


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BACKGROUND: Long-term side-effects and cost of HIV treatment motivate the development of simplified maintenance. Monotherapy with ritonavir-boosted lopinavir (LPV/r-MT) is the most widely studied strategy. However, efficacy of LPV/r-MT in compartments remains to be shown. METHODS: Randomized controlled open-label trial comparing LPV/r-MT with continued treatment for 48 weeks in treated patients with fully suppressed viral load. The primary endpoint was treatment failure in the central nervous system [cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)] and/or genital tract. Treatment failure in blood was defined as two consecutive HIV RNA levels more than 400 copies/ml. RESULTS: The trial was prematurely stopped when six patients on monotherapy (none in continued treatment-arm) demonstrated a viral failure in blood. At study termination, 60 patients were included, 29 randomized to monotherapy and 13 additional patients switched from continued treatment to monotherapy after 48 weeks. All failures occurred in patients with a nadir CD4 cell count below 200/microl and within the first 24 weeks of monotherapy. Among failing patients, all five patients with a lumbar puncture had an elevated HIV RNA load in CSF and four of six had neurological symptoms. Viral load was fully resuppressed in all failing patients after resumption of the original combination therapy. No drug resistant virus was found. The only predictor of failure was low nadir CD4 cell count (P < 0.02). CONCLUSION: Maintenance of HIV therapy with LPV/r alone should not be recommended as a standard strategy; particularly not in patients with a CD4 cell count nadir less than 200/microl. Further studies are warranted to elucidate the role of the central nervous system compartment in monotherapy-failure.


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Leishmania spp. are intracellular protozoan parasites that are delivered within the dermis of their vertebrate hosts. Within this peripheral tissue and the draining lymph node, they find and/or rapidly create dynamic microenvironments that determine their ultimate fate, namely their more or less successful expansion, and favour their transmission to another vertebrate host though a blood-feeding vector. Depending on their genetic characteristics as well as the genetic make-up of their hosts, once within the dermis Leishmania spp. very rapidly drive and maintain sustained T cell-dependent immune responses that arbitrate their ultimate fate within their hosts. The analysis of the parasitism exerted by Leishmania major in mice of different genetic backgrounds has allowed us to recognize some of the early and late mechanisms driven by this parasite that lead to either uncontrolled or restricted parasitism. Uncontrolled parasitism by Leishmania major characterizing mice from a few inbred strains (e.g. BALB/c) is associated with the expansion of parasite reactive Th2 CD4 lymphocytes and results from their rapid and sustained activity. In contrast, restricted parasitism characteristic of mice from the majority of inbred strains results from the development of a polarized parasite-specific Th1 CD4 response. This murine model of infection has already been and will continue to be particularly instrumental in dissecting the rules controlling the pathway of differentiation of T cells in vivo. In the long run, the understanding of these rules should contribute to the rational development of novel immunotherapeutic interventions against severe infectious diseases.


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Cumulative T-cell receptor signal strength and ensuing T-cell responses are affected by both antigen affinity and antigen dose. Here we examined the distinct contributions of these parameters to CD4 T-cell differentiation during infection. We found that high antigen affinity positively correlates with T helper (Th)1 differentiation at both high and low doses of antigen. In contrast, follicular helper T cell (TFH) effectors are generated after priming with high, intermediate, and low affinity ligand. Unexpectedly, memory T cells generated after priming with very low affinity antigen remain impaired in their ability to generate secondary Th1 effectors, despite being recalled with high affinity antigen. These data challenge the view that only strongly stimulated CD4 T cells are capable of differentiating into the TFH and memory T-cell compartments and reveal that differential strength of stimulation during primary T-cell activation imprints unique and long lasting T-cell differentiation programs.


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The present study evaluates the potential of third-generation lentivirus vectors with respect to their use as in vivo-administered T cell vaccines. We demonstrate that lentivector injection into the footpad of mice transduces DCs that appear in the draining lymph node and in the spleen. In addition, a lentivector vaccine bearing a T cell antigen induced very strong systemic antigen-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses in mice. Comparative vaccination performed in two different antigen models demonstrated that in vivo administration of lentivector was superior to transfer of transduced DCs or peptide/adjuvant vaccination in terms of both amplitude and longevity of the CTL response. Our data suggest that a decisive factor for efficient T cell priming by lentivector might be the targeting of DCs in situ and their subsequent migration to secondary lymphoid organs. The combination of performance, ease of application, and absence of pre-existing immunity in humans make lentivector-based vaccines an attractive candidate for cancer immunotherapy.


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Until now it was thought that the retrovirus mouse mammary tumor virus preferentially infects B cells, which thereafter proliferate and differentiate due to superantigen-mediated T cell help. We describe in this study that dendritic cells are infectable at levels comparable to B cells in the first days after virus injection. Moreover, IgM knockout mice have chronically deleted superantigen-reactive T cells after MMTV injection, indicating that superantigen presentation by dendritic cells is sufficient for T cell deletion. In both subsets initially only few cells were infected, but there was an exponential increase in numbers of infected B cells due to superantigen-mediated T cell help, explaining that at the peak of the response infection is almost exclusively found in B cells. The level of infection in vivo was below 1 in 1000 dendritic cells or B cells. Infection levels in freshly isolated dendritic cells from spleen, Langerhans cells from skin, or bone marrow-derived dendritic cells were compared in an in vitro infection assay. Immature dendritic cells such as Langerhans cells or bone marrow-derived dendritic cells were infected 10- to 30-fold more efficiently than mature splenic dendritic cells. Bone marrow-derived dendritic cells carrying an endogenous mouse mammary tumor virus superantigen were highly efficient at inducing a superantigen response in vivo. These results highlight the importance of professional APC and efficient T cell priming for the establishment of a persistent infection by mouse mammary tumor virus.


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PURPOSE: Vaccination with full-length human tumor antigens aims at inducing or increasing antitumor immune responses, including CD8 CTL in cancer patients across the HLA barrier. We have recently reported that vaccination with a recombinant tumor-specific NY-ESO-1 (ESO) protein, administered with Montanide and CpG resulted in the induction of specific integrated antibody and CD4 T cell responses in all vaccinated patients examined, and significant CTL responses in half of them. Vaccine-induced CTL mostly recognized a single immunodominant region (ESO 81-110). The purpose of the present study was to identify genetic factor(s) distinguishing CTL responders from nonresponders. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: We determined the HLA class I alleles expressed by CTL responders and nonresponders using high-resolution molecular typing. Using short overlapping peptides spanning the ESO immunodominant CTL region and HLA class I/ESO peptide tetramers, we determined the epitopes recognized by the majority of vaccine-induced CTL. RESULTS: CTL induced by vaccination with ESO protein mostly recognized distinct but closely overlapping epitopes restricted by a few frequently expressed HLA-B35 and HLA-Cw3 alleles. All CTL responders expressed at least one of the identified alleles, whereas none of the nonresponders expressed them. CONCLUSIONS: Expression of HLA-B35 and HLA-Cw3 is associated with the induction of immunodominant CTL responses following vaccination with recombinant ESO protein. Because recombinant tumor-specific proteins are presently among the most promising candidate anticancer vaccines, our findings indicate that the monitoring of cancer vaccine trials should systematically include the assessment of HLA association with responsiveness.


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Coordinated interactions between T and B cells are crucial for inducing physiological B cell responses. Mutant mice in which tyrosine 136 of linker for activation of T cell (LAT) is replaced by a phenylalanine (Lat(Y136F)) exhibit a strong CD4(+) T cell proliferation in the absence of intended immunization. The resulting effector T cells produce high amounts of T(H)2 cytokines and are extremely efficient at inducing polyclonal B cell activation. As a consequence, these Lat(Y136F) mutant mice showed massive germinal center formations and hypergammaglobulinemia. Here, we analyzed the involvement of different costimulators and their ligands in such T-B interactions both in vitro and in vivo, using blocking antibodies, knockout mice, and adoptive transfer experiments. Surprisingly, we showed in vitro that although B cell activation required contact with T cells, CD40, and inducible T cell costimulator molecule-ligand (ICOSL) signaling were not necessary for this process. These observations were further confirmed in vivo, where none of these molecules were required for the unfolding of the LAT CD4(+) T cell expansion and the subsequent polyclonal B cell activation, although, the absence of CD40 led to a reduction of the follicular B cell response. These results indicate that the crucial functions played by CD40 and ICOSL in germinal center formation and isotype switching in physiological humoral responses are partly overcome in Lat(Y136F) mice. By comparison, the absence of CD80-CD86 was found to almost completely block the in vitro B cell activation mediated by Lat(Y136F) CD4(+) T cells. The role of CD80-CD86 in T-B cooperation in vivo remained elusive due to the upstream implication of these costimulatory molecules in the expansion of Lat(Y136F) CD4(+) T cells. Together, our data suggest that CD80 and CD86 costimulators play a key role in the polyclonal B cell activation mediated by Lat(Y136F) CD4(+) T cells even though additional costimulatory molecules or cytokines are likely to be required in this process.


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Les cellules dendritiques sont des cellules du système immunitaire qui permettent d'instruire les lymphocytes T, autres cellules de ce système, pour mettre en place une réponse immunitaire adaptée afin de combattre et vaincre une infection. Ces cellules dendritiques vont reconnaître des motifs spécifiquement exprimés par des pathogènes par l'intermédiaire de récepteurs exprimés à leur surface. En détectant ces molécules, elles vont s'activer et subir diverses modifications pour pouvoir activer les lymphocytes T. Elles vont alors interagir avec les lymphocytes Τ et transférer les informations nécessaires pour que ces cellules s'activent à leur tour et produisent différentes protéines de façon à éliminer le pathogène. En fonction du type de pathogène, les informations transférées entre les cellules dendritiques et les lymphocytes seront différentes de manière à produire la réponse immunitaire la mieux adaptée pour supprimer l'élément infectieux. Dans le corps, les cellules dendritiques circulent continuellement afin de détecter les éléments étrangers. Quand elles reconnaissent une protéine étrangère, elles la phagocytent, c'est-à-dire qu'elles la mangent afin de pouvoir la présenter aux lymphocytes T. Mais quand elles phagocytent un élément étranger, elles peuvent également prendre des éléments du soi, comme par exemple quand elles phagocytent une cellule infectée par un virus. Les cellules dendritiques doivent alors être capables de différentier les molécules du soi et du non-soi de façon à ne pas induire une réponse en présentant un antigène du soi aux lymphocytes T. D'autant plus que lors de leur développement, les lymphocytes Τ qui sont capables de reconnaître le soi sont éliminés mais ce système n'est pas parfait et donc certains lymphocytes Τ auto-reactifs peuvent se trouver dans le corps. Il existe ainsi d'autres mécanismes en périphérie du site de développement pour inhiber ces lymphocytes Τ auto-reactifs. Ce sont les mécanismes de tolérance. Quand les lymphocytes Τ induisent une réponse aux antigènes du soi, cela résulte à des maladies auto-immunes. Dans mon projet de recherche, nous avons travaillé avec des lignées de cellules dendritiques, c'est-à-dire des cellules dendritiques semblables à celles que l'on peut trouver in vivo mais qui sont immortalisées, elles peuvent donc être cultiver et manipuler in vitro. Nous avons génétiquement modifiées ces lignées cellulaires pour qu'elles expriment des molécules immunosuppressives afin d'étudier comment induire une tolérance immunitaire, c'est-à-dire si l'expression de ces molécules permet d'éviter de générer une réponse immunitaire. Pour cela, nous avons utilisé des modèles murins de tumeurs et de maladies auto-immunes. Nous avons démontré que ces lignées de cellules dendritiques peuvent être un grand outil de recherche pour étudier les bénéfices de différentes molécules immuno-modulatrices afin d'induire une tolérance immunitaire à différents antigènes. - Les cellules dendritiques sont responsables de l'induction des réponses immunitaires adaptatives. Suite à une infection microbienne, les cellules dendritiques s'activent, elles induisent l'expression de molécules de costimulation à leur surface, sécrètent des cytokines et induisent la différentiation des cellules Τ effectrices et mémoires. De plus, les cellules dendritiques ont un rôle important dans l'induction et la maintenance de la tolérance immunitaire au niveau du thymus et en périphérie, en induisant l'anergie, la délétion ou la conversion des cellules Τ naïves en cellules régulatrices. Dans notre groupe, une nouvelle lignée de cellules dendritiques appelée MuTu a été crée par la culture de cellules dendritiques tumorales isolées à partir d'une rate d'une souris transgénique, dans laquelle l'expression de l'oncogène SV40 et du GFP sont sous le contrôle du promoteur CD1 le, et sont ainsi spécifiquement exprimés dans les cellules dendritiques. Ces nouvelles lignées appartiennent au sous-type des cellules dendritiques conventionnelles exprimant CD8a. Elles ont conservé leur capacité d'augmenter l'expression des marqueurs de costimulation à leur surface ainsi que le production de cytokines en réponse à des ligands des récepteurs Toll, ainsi que leur capacité à présenter des antigènes associés aux molécules du complexe majeur d'histocompatibilité (CMH) de classe I ou II pour activer la prolifération et la différentiation des lymphocytes T. En utilisant un système de transduction de lentivirus de seconde génération, ces nouvelles lignées de cellules dendritiques ont été génétiquement modifiées pour sur-exprimer des molécules immunosuppressives (IL-10, TGFP latent, TGFp actif, Activin A, Arginase 1, IDO, B7DC et CTLA4). Ces lignées permettent d'étudier de manière reproductible le rôle de ces molécules potentiellement tolérogènes sur les réponses immunitaires in vitro et in vivo. Ces lignées potentiellement tolérogènes ont été testées, tout d'abord, in vitro, pour leur capacité à inhiber l'activation des cellules dendritiques, à bloquer la prolifération des cellules Τ ou à modifier leur polarisation. Nos résultats démontrent qu'en réponse à une stimulation, la sur-expression des molécules costimulatrices et la sécrétion de molécules pro- inflammatoires est réduite quand les cellules dendritiques sur-expriment l'IL-10. La sur¬expression de TGFp sous sa forme active induit le développement de cellules régulatrices CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+ et bloque la réponse CD8 cytotoxique tandis que la sur-expression de CTLA4 à la surface des cellules dendritiques inhibe une réponse Thl et induit des lymphocytes Τ anergiques. Ces lignées ont également été utilisées pour étudier l'induction de tolérance in vivo. Tout d'abord, nous avons étudié l'induction de tolérance dans un modèle de développement de tumeurs. En effet, quand les lignées tumorales sont transférées dans les lignées de souris C57BL/6, elles sont reconnues comme du non-soi du à l'expression de l'oncogène SV40 et du GFP et sont éliminées. Ce mécanisme d'élimination a été étudié en utilisant une lignée de cellules dendritiques modifiée pour exprimer la luciférase et qui a permis de suivre le développement des tumeurs par de l'imagerie in vivo dans des animaux vivants. Ces lignées de cellules dendritiques MuTu sont éliminées dans la souris C57BL/6 par les lymphocytes CD8 et l'action cytotoxique de la perforine. Après plusieurs injections, les cellules dendritiques sur-exprimant CTLA4 ou l'actif TGFp peuvent casser cette réponse immunitaire inhérente aux antigènes de la lignée et induire le développement de la tumeur dans la souris C57BL/6. Le développement tumoral a pu être suivi en mesurant la bioluminescence émise par des cellules dendritiques modifiées pour exprimer à la fois l'actif TGFp et la luciférase. Ces tumeurs ont pu se développer grâce à la mise en place d'un microenvironnement suppressif pour échapper à l'immunité en recrutant des cellules myéloïde suppressives, des lymphocytes CD4 régulateurs et en induisant l'expression d'une molécule inhibitrice PD-1 à la surface des lymphocytes CD8 infiltrant la tumeur. Dans un deuxième temps, ces lignées tolérogènes ont également été testées dans un modèle murin de maladies auto-immunes, appelé l'encéphalomyélite auto-immune expérimental (EAE), qui est un modèle pour la sclérose en plaques. L'EAE a été induite dans la souris par le transfert de cellules de ganglions prélevées d'une souris donneuse préalablement immunisée avec une protéine du système nerveux central, la glycoprotéine myéline oligodendrocyte (MOG) émulsifiée dans de l'adjuvant complet de Freund. La vaccination des souris donneuses et receveuses avec les cellules sur-exprimant l'actif TGFP préalablement chargées avec la protéine MOG bloque l'induction de l'EAE. Nous sommes actuellement en train de définir les mécanismes qui permettent de protéger la souris du développement de la maladie auto-immune. Dans cette étude, nous avons ainsi démontré la possibilité d'induire la tolérance in vivo et in vitro à différents antigènes en utilisant nos nouvelles lignées de cellules dendritiques et en les modifiant pour exprimer des molécules immunosuppressives. En conséquence, ces nouvelles lignées de cellules dendritiques représentent un outil pour explorer les bénéfices de différentes molécules ayant des propriétés immuno-modulatrices pour manipuler le système immunitaire vers un phénotype tolérogène. - Dendritic cells (DC) are widely recognized as potent inducers of the adaptive immune responses. Importantly, after microbial infections, DC become activated, induce co- stimulation, secrete cytokines and induce effector and memory Τ cells. DC furthermore play an important role in inducing and maintaining central and peripheral tolerance by inducing anergy, deletion or commitment of antigen-specific naïve Τ cells into regulatory Τ cells. In our group, stable MuTu DC lines were generated by culture of splenic DC tumors from transgenic mice expressing the SV40 large Τ oncogene and the GFP under DC-specific CDllc promoter. These transformed DC belong to the CD8a+ conventional DC subtype and have fully conserved their capacity to upregulate co-stimulatory markers and produce cytokines after activation with Toll Like Receptors-ligands, and to present Major Histocompatibility class-I or MHCII-restricted antigens to activate Τ cell expansion and differentiation. Using a second- generation lentiviral transduction system, these newly developed MuTu DC lines were genetically modified to overexpress immunosuppressive molecules (IL-10, latent TGFp, active TGFp, Activin A, Arginase 1, IDO, B7DC and CTLA4). This allows to reproducibly investigate the role of these potentially tolerogenic molecules on in vitro and in vivo immune responses. These potentially tolerogenic DC were tested in vitro for their ability to inhibit DC activation, to prevent Τ cell proliferation and to modify Τ cell polarization. Our results show that the upregulation of costimulatory molecules and the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines were reduced upon stimulation of DC overexpressing IL-10. The overexpression of active TGFP induced the development of CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+ regulatory Τ cells and inhibited the cytotoxic CD8 Τ cell response as shown by using the OT-II Τ cell system whereas the surface expression of CTLA-4 on DC prevented the Thl response and prompted an anergic antigen-specific Τ cell response. These MuTu DC lines were also used in vivo in order to study the induction of tolerance. First we addressed the induction of tolerance in a model of tumorogenesis. The adoptively transferred tumor cell lines were cleared in C57BL/6 mice due to the foreign expression of SV40 LargeT and GFP. The mechanism of clearance of MuTu DC line into C57BL/6 mice was investigated by using luciferase-expressing DC line. These DC line allowed to follow, by in vivo imaging, the tumor development in living animals and determined that MuTu DC lines were eliminated in a perforin-mediated CD8 Τ cell dependent and CD4 Τ cell independent response. After multiple injections, DC overexpressing CTLA4 or active TGFp could break the immune response to these inherent antigens and induced DC tumorogenesis in wild type mice. The tumor outgrowth in C57BL/6 mice was nicely observed by double-transduced DC lines to express both luciferase and active TGFp. actTGFp-DC tumor was shown to recruit myeloid-derived suppressor cells, induce CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+ regulatory Τ cells and induce the expression of the inhibitory receptor PD-1 on tumor- infiltrating CD8+ Τ cells in order to escape tumor immunity. Tolerogenic DC lines were also tested for the induction of tolerance in a murine model of autoimmune disease, the experimental autoimmune encephalitis (EAE) model for human multiple sclerosis. EAE was induced in C57BL/6 mice by the adoptive transfer of lymph node cells isolated from donor mice previously immunized by a protein specific to the central nervous system, the myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) emulsified in the complete freund adjuvant. The vaccination of donor and recipient mice with MOG-pulsed actTGFP-DC line prevented EAE induction. We are still investigating how the active TGFP protect mice from EAE development. We generated tolerogenic DC lines inducing tolerance in vitro and in vivo. Thereby these MuTu DC lines represent a great tool to explore the benefits of various immuno-modulatory molecules to manipulate the immune system toward a tolerogenic phenotype.


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Intrathymic expression of endogenous mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV)-encoded superantigens (SAg) induces the clonal deletion of T cells bearing SAg-reactive T-cell receptor (TCR) Vbeta elements. However, the identity of the thymic antigen-presenting cells (APC) involved in the induction of SAg tolerance remains to be defined. We have analyzed the potential of dendritic cells (DC) to mediate the clonal deletion of Mtv-7-reactive TCR alphabeta P14 transgenic thymocytes in an in vitro assay. Our results show that both thymic and splenic DC induced the deletion of TCR transgenic double positive (DP) thymocytes. DC appear to be more efficient than splenic B cells as negatively selecting APC in this experimental system. Interestingly, thymic and splenic DC display a differential ability to induce CD4+ SP thymocyte proliferation. These observations suggest that thymic DC may have an important role in the induction of SAg tolerance in vivo.


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Recent immunotherapy trials have shown that lymphodepletion induced by short-term chemotherapy favors subsequent expansion of adoptively transferred T cells, by homeostatic mechanisms. To take advantage of this effect, novel regimens are being developed with the aim to enhance tumor immunity and reduce treatment toxicity. We have designed a clinical phase I trial combining chemotherapy, reinfusion of PBMC containing Melan-A(MART-1)-specific T cells, and vaccination with Melan-A peptide in Incomplete Freund's Adjuvant. Treatment with Busulfan plus Fludarabine depleted lymphocytes only weakly. Cyclophosphamide (CTX) plus Fludarabine depleted lymphocytes more profoundly, with a maximal effect using high doses of CTX. It is interesting to note that, the degree of homeostatic T-cell proliferation correlated tightly with the extent of lymphodepletion. As compared with CD4 T cells, CD8 T cells showed higher susceptibility to chemotherapy, followed by more rapid homeostatic proliferation and recovery, resulting in strong inversions of CD4/CD8 ratios. Despite efficient homeostatic proliferation of total CD4 and CD8 T cells, the frequency of CD8 T cells specific for Melan-A and cancer-testis antigens remained relatively low. In contrast, EBV-specific T cells expanded and reached high numbers. We conclude that short-term chemotherapy promoted homeostatic lymphocyte proliferation depending on the intensity of lymphocyte depletion, however without preferential expansion of tumor antigen-specific T cells.


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Protective immunity to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is commonly ascribed to a Th1 profile; however, the involvement of Th17 cells remains to be clarified. Here, we characterized Mtb-specific CD4(+) T cells in blood and bronchoalveolar lavages (BALs) from untreated subjects with either active tuberculosis disease (TB) or latent Mtb infection (LTBI), considered as prototypic models of uncontrolled or controlled infection, respectively. The production of IL-17A, IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-2 by Mtb-specific CD4(+) T cells was assessed both directly ex vivo and following in vitro antigen-specific T-cell expansion. Unlike for extracellular bacteria, Mtb-specific CD4(+) T-cell responses lacked immediate ex vivo IL-17A effector function in both LTBI and TB individuals. Furthermore, Mtb-specific Th17 cells were absent in BALs, while extracellular bacteria-specific Th17 cells were identified in gut biopsies of healthy individuals. Interestingly, only Mtb-specific CD4(+) T cells from 50% of LTBI but not from TB subjects acquired the ability to produce IL-17A following Mtb-specific T-cell expansion. Finally, IL-17A acquisition by Mtb-specific CD4(+) T cells correlated with the coexpression of CXCR3 and CCR6, currently associated to Th1 or Th17 profiles, respectively. Our data demonstrate that Mtb-specific Th17 cells are selectively undetectable in peripheral blood and BALs from TB patients.


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Development of Peyer's patches and lymph nodes requires the interaction between CD4+ CD3- IL-7Ralpha+ lymphoid-tissue inducer (LTi) and VCAM-1+ organizer cells. Here we showed that by promoting their survival, enhanced expression of interleukin-7 (IL-7) in transgenic mice resulted in accumulation of LTi cells. With increased IL-7 availability, de novo formation of VCAM-1+ Peyer's patch anlagen occurred along the entire fetal gut resulting in a 5-fold increase in Peyer's patch numbers. IL-7 overexpression also led to formation of multiple organized ectopic lymph nodes and cecal patches. After immunization, ectopic lymph nodes developed normal T cell-dependent B cell responses and germinal centers. Mice overexpressing IL-7 but lacking either RORgamma, a factor required for LTi cell generation, or lymphotoxin alpha1beta2 had neither Peyer's patches nor ectopic lymph nodes. Therefore, by controlling LTi cell numbers, IL-7 can regulate the formation of both normal and ectopic lymphoid organs.


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Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) against human colon carcinoma cells grown in vitro was demonstrated with two specific rabbit anti-carcinoembryonic antigen (cea) antisera. The same antisera did not lyse the colon carcinoma cells in the presence of complement but without lymphocytes. The normal human lymphocytes in the absence of anti-CEA antiserum had a very low cytotoxic activity during the three hours 51Cr release assay used in this study. Two colon carcinoma cell lines, HT-29 and Co-115, expressing CEA on their surface as demonstrated by immunofluorescence, were significantly lysed in the ADCC test, whereas control tumor cell lines, not expressing CEA, were not affected by the anti-CEA sera and the lymphocytes. The specificity of the reaction was further demonstrated by the inhibition of antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity after the addition of increasing amounts of purified CEA to the antiserum. The absorption of the anti-CEA antisera was controlled by radioimmunoassay. Absorption of the antisera by normal lung extracts and red cells of different blood groups did not decrease the cytotoxicity.


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Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) has recently been implicated in the pathogenesis of malarial anaemia. However, field studies have reported contradictory results on circulating MIF concentrations in patients with clinically overt Plasmodium falciparum malaria. We determined plasma MIF levels over time in 10 healthy volunteers during experimental P. falciparum infection. Under fully controlled conditions, MIF levels decreased significantly during early blood-stage infection and reached a nadir at day 8 post-infection. A decrease in the number of circulating lymphocytes, which are an important source of MIF production, paralleled the decrease in MIF levels. Monocyte/macrophage counts remained unchanged. At MIF nadir, the anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin (IL)-10, which is an inhibitor of T-cell MIF production, was detectable in only 2 of 10 volunteers. Plasma concentrations of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-8 and IL-1beta were only marginally elevated. We conclude that circulating MIF levels decrease early in blood-stage malaria as a result of the decline in circulating lymphocytes.


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The identification of clinical risk factors for AIDS in patients with preserved immune function is of significant interest. We examined whether patients with fungal infection (FI) and CD4 cell count >or=200/microl were at higher risk of disease progression in the era of cART. 11,009 EuroSIDA patients were followed from their first CD4 cell count >or=200/microl after 1 January 1997 until progression to any non-azoles/amphotericin B susceptible (AAS) AIDS disease, last visit or death. Initiation of antimycotic therapy (AMT) was used as a marker of FI and was modelled as a time-updated covariate using Poisson regression. After adjustment for current CD4 cell count, HIV-RNA, starting cART and diagnosis of AAS-AIDS, AMT was significantly associated with an increased incidence of non-AAS-AIDS (IRR=1.55, 95% CI 1.17-2.06, p=0.0024). Despite low incidence of AIDS in the cART era, FI in patients with a CD4 cell count >or=200/microl is associated with a 55% higher risk of non-AAS-AIDS (95% confidence interval 1.17-2.06, p=0.0024). These data suggest that patients with FI are more immune compromized than would be expected from their CD4 cell count alone. FI can be used as a clinical marker for disease progression and indirect indicator for initiation/changing cART in settings where laboratory facilities are limited.