34 resultados para perceptions of online learning


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Lay perceptions of collectives (e.g., groups, organizations, countries) implicated in the 2009 H1N1 outbreak were studied. Collectives serve symbolic functions to help laypersons make sense of the uncertainty involved in a disease outbreak. We argue that lay representations are dramatized, featuring characters like heroes, villains and victims. In interviews conducted soon after the outbreak, 47 Swiss respondents discussed the risk posed by H1N1, its origins and effects, and protective measures. Countries were the most frequent collectives mentioned. Poor, underdeveloped countries were depicted as victims, albeit ambivalently, as they were viewed as partly responsible for their own plight. Experts (physicians, researchers) and political and health authorities were depicted as heroes. Two villains emerged: the media (viewed as fear mongering or as a puppet serving powerful interests) and private corporations (e.g., the pharmaceutical industry). Laypersons' framing of disease threat diverges substantially from official perspectives.


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Feelings of invulnerability, seen in judgments of 0% risk, can reflect misunderstandings of risk and risk behaviors, suggesting increased need for risk communication. However, judgments of 0% risk may be given by individuals who feel invulnerable, and by individuals who are rounding from small non-zero probabilities. We examined the effect of allowing participants to give more precise responses in the 0-1% range on the validity of reported probability judgments. Participants assessed probabilities for getting H1N1 influenza and dying from it conditional on infection, using a 0-100% visual linear scale. Those responding in the 0-1% range received a follow-up question with more options in that range. This two-step procedure reduced the use of 0% and increased the resolution of responses in the 0-1% range. Moreover, revised probability responses improved predictions of attitudes and self-reported behaviors. Hence, our two-step procedure allows for more precise and more valid measurement of perceived invulnerability. [Authors]


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Answering patients' evolving, more complex needs has been recognized as a main incentive for the development of interprofessional care. Thus, it is not surprising that patient-centered practice (PCP) has been adopted as a major outcome for interprofessional education. Nevertheless, little research has focused on how PCP is perceived across the professions. This study aimed to address this issue by adopting a phenomenological approach and interviewing three groups of professionals: social workers (n = 10), nurses (n = 10) and physicians (n = 8). All the participants worked in the same department (the General Internal Medicine department of a university affiliated hospital). Although the participants agreed on a core meaning of PCP as identifying, understanding and answering patients' needs, they used many dimensions to define PCP. Overall, the participants expressed value for PCP as a philosophy of care, but there was the sense of a hierarchy of patient-centeredness across the professions, in which both social work and nursing regarded themselves as more patient-centered than others. On their side, physicians seemed inclined to accept their lower position in this hierarchy. Gieryn's concept of boundary work is employed to help illuminate the nature of PCP within an interprofessional context.


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HIV-positive adolescents face a number of challenges in dealing with their disease and its treatment. In this qualitative study, twenty-nine HIV-positive adolescents aged 13 to 20 years (22 girls), who live in Switzerland, were asked, in a semi-structured interview (duration of 40-110 minutes), to describe their perceptions and experiences with the disease itself and with therapeutic adherence. While younger adolescents most often thought of their disease as fate, older adolescents usually knew that they had received it through vertical transmission, although the topic appeared to be particularly difficult to discuss for those living with their HIV-positive mothers. Based on their attending physician's assessment, 18 subjects were judged highly adherent, 4 fairly and 7 poorly adherent. High adherence appeared linked with adequate psychological adjustment and effective coping mechanisms, as well as with the discussion and adoption of explicit medication-taking strategies. The setting and organisation of health care teams should allow for ongoing discussions with HIV-positive adolescents that focus on their perceptions of their disease, how they cope with it and with the treatment, and how they could improve their adherence.


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BACKGROUND: Twelve-step mutual-help groups (TMGs) are among the most available forms of support for homeless individuals with alcohol problems. Qualitative research, however, has suggested that this population often has negative perceptions of these groups, which has been shown to be associated with low TMG attendance. It is important to understand this population's perceptions of TMGs and their association with alcohol outcomes to provide more appropriate and better tailored programming for this multiply affected population. The aims of this cross-sectional study were to (a) qualitatively examine perception of TMGs in this population and (b) quantitatively evaluate its association with motivation, treatment attendance and alcohol outcomes. METHODS: Participants (N=62) were chronically homeless individuals with alcohol problems who received single-site Housing First within a larger evaluation study. Perceptions of TMGs were captured using an open-ended item. Quantitative outcome variables were created from assessments of motivation, treatment attendance and alcohol outcomes. RESULTS: Findings indicated that perceptions of TMGs were primarily negative followed by positive and neutral perceptions, respectively. There were significant, positive associations between perceptions of TMGs and motivation and treatment attendance, whereas no association was found for alcohol outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: Although some individuals view TMGs positively, alternative forms of help are needed to engage the majority of chronically homeless individuals with alcohol problems.


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Many species are able to learn to associate behaviours with rewards as this gives fitness advantages in changing environments. Social interactions between population members may, however, require more cognitive abilities than simple trial-and-error learning, in particular the capacity to make accurate hypotheses about the material payoff consequences of alternative action combinations. It is unclear in this context whether natural selection necessarily favours individuals to use information about payoffs associated with nontried actions (hypothetical payoffs), as opposed to simple reinforcement of realized payoff. Here, we develop an evolutionary model in which individuals are genetically determined to use either trial-and-error learning or learning based on hypothetical reinforcements, and ask what is the evolutionarily stable learning rule under pairwise symmetric two-action stochastic repeated games played over the individual's lifetime. We analyse through stochastic approximation theory and simulations the learning dynamics on the behavioural timescale, and derive conditions where trial-and-error learning outcompetes hypothetical reinforcement learning on the evolutionary timescale. This occurs in particular under repeated cooperative interactions with the same partner. By contrast, we find that hypothetical reinforcement learners tend to be favoured under random interactions, but stable polymorphisms can also obtain where trial-and-error learners are maintained at a low frequency. We conclude that specific game structures can select for trial-and-error learning even in the absence of costs of cognition, which illustrates that cost-free increased cognition can be counterselected under social interactions.


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La perception du patient vis-à-vis de son médecin traitant (MT) a suscité beaucoup de recherches et d'interet, notamment à cause de l'importance de la relation médecin-patient nécessaire à la qualité des soins. En Suisse, dans un contexte de libre choix du médecin, le rôle de MT peut être assumé par un generalise mais aussi, théoriquement, par un spécialiste. La fréquence de cette situation est cependant inconnue de même que son impact sur l'expérience des patients. L'objectif principal de cette etude était de décrire l'expérience des personnes âgées du canton de Vaud auprès de leur medecin traitant et de tester l'hypothèse selon laquelle cette expérience serait différente lorsque le MT est décrit comme « Généraliste » (MT Gén) ou comme « Spécialiste » (MT Spéc). Méthode : La recherche a été effectuée sur la base des données d'une enquête par questionnaire, envoyé à la population lausannoise participant à l'étude Lc65+ et à un échantillon supplémentaire de personnes agees de 68 ans ou plus sélectionnées aléatoirement dans le canton de Vaud. L'analyse a porté sur 17 items relatifs à la perception qu'ont les patients de leur MT, regroupés en 4 thèmes ? Access,bihte/Disponibilité, Relation Médecin-Patient, Information et Continuité des soins Nous ayons également analysé le recours déclaré aux soins ambulatoires, aux consultations de services d urgence, ainsi qu'aux actes de prévention. Les différences de perception et de recours selon le type de MT (Gen vs Spéc) ont été analysées par des modèles multivariés tenant compte de l'âge du sexe de I education, de la morbidité, de la présence de symptômes dépressifs et de la durée de la relation medecin-patient. Résultats : Les participants ont exprimé une perception favorable de leur MT à des taux excédant 75% pour la plupart des 17 items. Cependant, seulement 38 à 51% des participants ont répondu positivement aux questions relatives à la disponibilité en dehors des heures d'ouvertures, à l'accès au MT le soir ou en tin de semaine, à la possibilité de visites à domicile, à la probabilité de se voir prescrire des medicaments coûteux en cas de besoin, ou à la connaissance du médecin des médicaments en vente libre que le patient consomme. Les analyses bivariées et multivariées n'ont pas montré de différence entre les groupes MT Gén et MT Spec quant à la perception qu'ont les patients de leur MT, au recours aux actes de prévention ou aux services de santé. Conclusion : L'expérience des personnes interrogées était globalement positive, à part quelques questions concernant principalement le thème de l'Accessibilité/Disponibilité du MT. Nous n'avons pas mis en evidence de différence de perception ou de recours aux soins entre les deux groupes que nous avons analyses pour tester notre hypothèse. Perspective : Cette étude connaît des limites (données rapportées par les participants, groupe des MT Spéc de taille restreinte, absence de données sur les non-répondants, possible conflit de loyauté vis-à-vis du MT pour certaines questions) mais repose sur un large échantillon lui conférant une puissance suffisante, aléatoirement sélectionné dans une population géographiquement définie. Bien que ces résultats ne soient généralisables qu'au canton de Vaud, elle montre d'abord que les spécialistes reconnus comme MT s'inscrivent généralement dans des disciplines impliquant une formation en medec.ne interne. Dans cette circonstance, elle ne met en évidence aucune différence de résultats entre les personnes âgées traitées par un MT généraliste ou spécialiste.