45 resultados para fault correction


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We report a patient with Marfan's syndrome and pectus excavatum who underwent open heart surgery with simultaneous correction of the sternal malformation. Permanent internal stabilization, achieved by bilateral overlapping of the bevelled ends of the lowest ribs and reinforced with sternal closure wires offered a maintained postoperative chest wall stability, avoided the potential postoperative complications of cardiac compression, and improved the aesthetic appearance of the anterior chest wall. The increased risk of bleeding due to extensive dissection was minimized by postponing the repair of pectus excavatum to when protamin is administered after termination of cardiopulmonary bypass.


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This corrects the article on p. e73445 in vol. 8.]. This corrects the article "Topographical Body Fat Distribution Links to Amino Acid and Lipid Metabolism in Healthy Non-Obese Women" , e73445. There was an error in the title of the article. The correct version of the title in the article is: Topographical Body Fat Distribution Links to Amino Acid and Lipid Metabolism in Healthy Obese Women The correct citation is: Martin F-PJ, Montoliu I, Collino S, Scherer M, Guy P, et al. (2013) Topographical Body Fat Distribution Links to Amino Acid and Lipid Metabolism in Healthy Obese Women. PLoS ONE 8(9): e73445. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0073445


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Contexte La tétralogie de Fallot est la cardiopathie congénitale cyanogène la plus courante. Elle se présente avec une prévalence de 1/3000 naissances et sa proportion dans les malformations cardiaques congénitales est de 6.8% (Baltimore-Washington Infant Study). La correction, qui doit être chirurgicale, est généralement faite dans la première année de vie avec une intervention à coeur ouvert qui permet la réparation des différentes malformations. Dans certains cas on effectue d'abord une intervention de type palliatif, qui sera suivie d'une deuxième pour la réparation complète. Objectifs Les objectifs de ce travail sont de présenter les différentes stratégies de correction cardio-chirurgicale pratiquées actuellement et les raisons du choix; d'évaluer les complications rencontrées à long terme et leur prise en charge; ainsi que d'analyser les possibles différences dans l'évolution clinique à long terme de patients ayant subi une réparation unique vs. en deux stades. Méthode Revue de la littérature spécialisée, avec une attention particulière aux études qui traitent du decours clinique à long terme et des complications rencontrées après correction chirurgicale de la tétralogie de Fallot. Comparaison des informations récoltées concernant les deux stratégies pratiquées actuellement: réparation complète précédée ou non d'un traitement palliatif néonatal. Conclusions Ce travail résumera les connaissances actuelles sur le traitement chirurgical de cette anomalie cardiaque. Il permettra d'avoir une analyse récente des dernières études concernant l'évolution à long terme après sa correction et offrira une base de comparaison entre les différentes stratégies de réparation.


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P130 A HIGH-RESOLUTION 2D/3D SEISMIC STUDY OF A THRUST FAULT ZONE IN LAKE GENEVA SWITZERLAND M. SCHEIDHAUER M. BERES D. DUPUY and F. MARILLIER Institute of Geophysics University of Lausanne 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland Summary A high-resolution three-dimensional (3D) seismic reflection survey has been conducted in Lake Geneva near the city of Lausanne Switzerland where the faulted molasse basement (Tertiary sandstones) is overlain by complex Quaternary sedimentary structures. Using a single 48-channel streamer an area of 1200 m x 600 m was surveyed in 10 days. With a 5-m shot spacing and a receiver spacing of 2.5 m in the inline direction and 7.5 m in the crossline direction, a 12-fold data coverage was achieved. A maximum penetration depth of ~150 m was achieved with a 15 cu. in. water gun operated at 140 bars. The multi-channel data allow the determination of an accurate velocity field for 3D processing, and they show particularly clean images of the fault zone and the overlying sediments in horizontal and vertical sections. In order to compare different sources, inline 55 was repeated with a 30/30 and a 15/15 cu. in. double-chamber air gun (Mini GI) operated at 100 and 80 bars, respectively. A maximum penetration depth of ~450 m was achieved with this source.


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CONTEXT: A passive knee-extension test has been shown to be a reliable method of assessing hamstring tightness, but this method does not take into account the potential effect of gravity on the tested leg. OBJECTIVE: To compare an original passive knee-extension test with 2 adapted methods including gravity's effect on the lower leg. DESIGN: Repeated measures. SETTING: Laboratory. PARTICIPANTS: 20 young track and field athletes (16.6 ± 1.6 y, 177.6 ± 9.2 cm, 75.9 ± 24.8 kg). INTERVENTION: Each subject was tested in a randomized order with 3 different methods: In the original one (M1), passive knee angle was measured with a standard force of 68.7 N (7 kg) applied proximal to the lateral malleolus. The second (M2) and third (M3) methods took into account the relative lower-leg weight (measured respectively by handheld dynamometer and anthropometrical table) to individualize the force applied to assess passive knee angle. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Passive knee angles measured with video-analysis software. RESULTS: No difference in mean individualized applied force was found between M2 and M3, so the authors assessed passive knee angle only with M2. The mean knee angle was different between M1 and M2 (68.8 ± 12.4 vs 73.1 ± 10.6, P < .001). Knee angles in M1 and M2 were correlated (r = .93, P < .001). CONCLUSIONS: Differences in knee angle were found between the original passive knee-extension test and a method with gravity correction. M2 is an improved version of the original method (M1) since it minimizes the effect of gravity. Therefore, we recommend using it rather than M1.


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Images acquired using optical microscopes are inherently subject to vignetting effects due to imperfect illumination and image acquisition. However, such vignetting effects hamper accurate extraction of quantitative information from biological images, leading to less effective image segmentation and increased noise in the measurements. Here, we describe a rapid and effective method for vignetting correction, which generates an estimate for a correction function from the background fluorescence without the need to acquire additional calibration images. We validate the usefulness of this algorithm using artificially distorted images as a gold standard for assessing the accuracy of the applied correction and then demonstrate that this correction method enables the reliable detection of biologically relevant variation in cell populations. A simple user interface called FlattifY was developed and integrated into the image analysis platform YeastQuant to facilitate easy application of vignetting correction to a wide range of images.


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The Polochic and Motagua faults define the active plate boundary between the North American and Caribbean plates in central Guatemala. A splay of the Polochic Fault traverses the rapidly growing city of San Miguel Uspantan that is periodically affected by destructive earthquakes. This fault splay was located using a 2D electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) survey that also characterized the fault damage zone and evaluated the thickness and nature of recent deposits upon which most of the city is built. ERT images show the fault as a similar to 50 m wide, near-vertical low-resistivity anomaly, bounded within a few meters by high resistivity anomalies. Forward modeling reproduces the key aspects of the observed electrical resistivity data with remarkable fidelity thus defining the overall location, geometry, and internal structure of the fault zone as well as the affected lithologies. Our results indicate that the city is constructed on a similar to 20 m thick surficial layer consisting of poorly consolidated, highly porous, water-logged pumice. This soft layer is likely to amplify seismic waves and to liquefy upon moderate to strong ground shaking. The electrical conductivity as well as the major element chemistry of the groundwater provides evidence to suggest that the local aquifer might, at least in part, be fed by water rising along the fault. Therefore, the potential threat posed by this fault splay may not be limited to its seismic activity per se, but could be compounded its potential propensity to enhance seismic site effects by injecting water into the soft surficial sediments. The results of this study provide the basis for a rigorous analysis of seismic hazard and sustainable development of San Miguel Uspantan and illustrate the potential of ERT surveying for paleoseismic studies.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of a real-time adaptive trigger delay on image quality to correct for heart rate variability in 3D whole-heart coronary MR angiography (MRA). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twelve healthy adults underwent 3D whole-heart coronary MRA with and without the use of an adaptive trigger delay. The moment of minimal coronary artery motion was visually determined on a high temporal resolution MRI. Throughout the scan performed without adaptive trigger delay, trigger delay was kept constant, whereas during the scan performed with adaptive trigger delay, trigger delay was continuously updated after each RR-interval using physiological modeling. Signal-to-noise, contrast-to-noise, vessel length, vessel sharpness, and subjective image quality were compared in a blinded manner. RESULTS: Vessel sharpness improved significantly for the middle segment of the right coronary artery (RCA) with the use of the adaptive trigger delay (52.3 +/- 7.1% versus 48.9 +/- 7.9%, P = 0.026). Subjective image quality was significantly better in the middle segments of the RCA and left anterior descending artery (LAD) when the scan was performed with adaptive trigger delay compared to constant trigger delay. CONCLUSION: Our results demonstrate that the use of an adaptive trigger delay to correct for heart rate variability improves image quality mainly in the middle segments of the RCA and LAD.


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Three-dimensional free-breathing coronary magnetic resonance angiography was performed in eight healthy volunteers with use of real-time navigator technology. Images acquired with the navigator localized at the right hemidiaphragm and at the left ventricle were objectively compared. The diaphragmatic navigator was found to be superior for vessel delineation of middle to distal portions of the coronary arteries.


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Attempts to use a stimulated echo acquisition mode (STEAM) in cardiac imaging are impeded by imaging artifacts that result in signal attenuation and nulling of the cardiac tissue. In this work, we present a method to reduce this artifact by acquiring two sets of stimulated echo images with two different demodulations. The resulting two images are combined to recover the signal loss and weighted to compensate for possible deformation-dependent intensity variation. Numerical simulations were used to validate the theory. Also, the proposed correction method was applied to in vivo imaging of normal volunteers (n = 6) and animal models with induced infarction (n = 3). The results show the ability of the method to recover the lost myocardial signal and generate artifact-free black-blood cardiac images.


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RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was the investigation of the impact of real-time adaptive motion correction on image quality in navigator-gated, free-breathing, double-oblique three-dimensional (3D) submillimeter right coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Free-breathing 3D right coronary MRA with real-time navigator technology was performed in 10 healthy adult subjects with an in-plane spatial resolution of 700 x 700 microm. Identical double-oblique coronary MR-angiograms were performed with navigator gating alone and combined navigator gating and real-time adaptive motion correction. Quantitative objective parameters of contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) and vessel sharpness and subjective image quality scores were compared. RESULTS: Superior vessel sharpness, increased CNR, and superior image quality scores were found with combined navigator gating and real-time adaptive motion correction (vs. navigator gating alone; P < 0.01 for all comparisons). CONCLUSION: Real-time adaptive motion correction objectively and subjectively improves image quality in 3D navigator-gated free-breathing double-oblique submillimeter right coronary MRA.


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The Monte Perdido thrust fault (southern Pyrenees) consists of a 6-m-thick interval of intensely deformed clay-bearing rocks. The fault zone is affected by a pervasive pressure solution seam and numerous shear surfaces. Calcite extensional-shear veins are present along the shear surfaces. The angular relationships between the two structures indicate that shear surfaces developed at a high angle (70°) to the local principal maximum stress axis r1. Two main stages of deformation are present. The first stage corresponds to the development of calcite shear veins by a combination of shear surface reactivation and extensional mode I rupture. The second stage of deformation corresponds to chlorite precipitation along the previously reactivated shear surfaces. The pore fluid factor k computed for the two deformation episodes indicates high fluid pressures during the Monte Perdido thrust activity. During the first stage of deformation, the reactivation of the shear surface was facilitated by a suprahydrostatic fluid pressure with a pore fluid factor kv equal to 0.89. For the second stage, the fluid pressure remained still high (with a k value ranging between 0.77 and 0.84) even with the presence of weak chlorite along the shear surfaces. Furthermore, evidence of hydrostatic fluid pressure during calcite cement precipitation supports that incremental shear surface reactivations are correlated with cyclic fluid pressure fluctuations consis- tent with a fault-valve model.