135 resultados para complete mitochondrial DNA sequence
We examined the sequence variation of mitochondrial DNA control region and cytochrome b gene of the house mouse (Mus musculus sensu lato) drawn from ca. 200 localities, with 286 new samples drawn primarily from previously unsampled portions of their Eurasian distribution and with the objective of further clarifying evolutionary episodes of this species before and after the onset of human-mediated long-distance dispersals. Phylogenetic analysis of the expanded data detected five equally distinct clades, with geographic ranges of northern Eurasia (musculus, MUS), India and Southeast Asia (castaneus, CAS), Nepal (unspecified, NEP), western Europe (domesticus, DOM) and Yemen (gentilulus). Our results confirm previous suggestions of Southwestern Asia as the likely place of origin of M. musculus and the region of Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and northern India, specifically as the ancestral homeland of CAS. The divergence of the subspecies lineages and of internal sublineage differentiation within CAS were estimated to be 0.37-0.47 and 0.14-0.23 million years ago (mya), respectively, assuming a split of M. musculus and Mus spretus at 1.7 mya. Of the four CAS sublineages detected, only one extends to eastern parts of India, Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Philippines, South China, Northeast China, Primorye, Sakhalin and Japan, implying a dramatic range expansion of CAS out of its homeland during an evolutionary short time, perhaps associated with the spread of agricultural practices. Multiple and non-coincident eastward dispersal events of MUS sublineages to distant geographic areas, such as northern China, Russia and Korea, are inferred, with the possibility of several different routes.
The ability to identify the species origin of an unknown biological sample is relevant in the fields of human and wildlife forensics. However, the detection of several species mixed in the same sample still remains a challenge. We developed and tested a new approach for mammal DNA identification in mixtures of two or three species, based on the analysis of mitochondrial DNA control region interspecific length polymorphism followed by direct sequencing. Contrary to other published methods dealing with species mixtures, our protocol requires a single universal primer pair and is not based on a pre-defined panel of species. Amplicons can be separated either on agarose gels or using CE. The advantages and limitations of the assay are discussed under different conditions, such as variable template concentration, amplicon sizes and size difference among the amplicons present in the mixture. For the first time, this protocol provides a simple, reliable and flexible method for simultaneous identification of multiple mammalian species from mixtures, without any prior knowledge of the species involved.
Danger signals released by damaged organelles can promote inflammation. In this issue of Immunity, Shimada et al. (2012) report that oxidized DNA, released by mitochondria, directly binds and activates the NLRP3 inflammasome.
Résumé:Background:La mutation 3243 de 1'ADN mitochondrial est associee avec le syndrome l\/HDD (surdite, diabète transmis par la mère) et le syndrome MELAS (Myopathie, Encéphalopathie, acidose Lactique et attaques cérébrales). Elle est aussi associe à des troubles cardiaques, digestifs, endo- et exocrines. Nous rapportons deux cas de maculopathie associée à cette mutation.Histoire et symptomes: pCas l: il s'agit d'une femme de 60 ans soufrant d'un diabète et d'une surdité sans plainte visuelle lors de la présentation. Son acuité visuelle était de 10/ l0 des deux yeux.Cas 2: il s'agit d'une femme de 54 ans souffrant d'une surdité et d'un diabète qui se plaint d'une baisse de vision principalement de l'oeil gauche. Son acuité visuelle était de 6/10 pour l'oeil droit et de 0.5/l0 pour l'oeil gauche.Les deux patientes présentaient une atrophie choriorétinienne aréolaire centrale. La patiente 1 a été suivie durant plus de 15 ans. Une évolution lente et progressive de la maculopathie a été observée. Lors de la dernière visite, l'acuité visuelle était de 6/ l0 dans les deux yeux. Elle présentait un handicap marqué des suites du scotome annulaire.Thérapie et pronostic:AucunConclusion:Les deux patientes présentaient une atrophie rétinienne annulaire périmaculaire. Les patients atteints d'une mutation 3243 de l'ADN mitochondrial devraient bénéficier d'un examen du fond d'oeil à la recherche d'une maculopahtie, même s'ils sont asymptomatiques.Inversement, la découverte d'une telle maculopathie géographique devrait suggérer la possibilité d'une mutation au locus 3243 de l'ADN mitochondrial, surtout en présence d'un diabète et/ou d'une surdité.
BACKGROUND: A point mutation at the locus 3243 of the mitonchondrial DNA (mtDNA) is associated with either the MIDD syndrome (maternally inherited diabetes, deafness), the MELAS syndrome (myopathy, encephalitis, lactic acidosis, stroke) or cardiac, digestive, endocrine or exocrine dysfunctions. We report a peculiar maculopathy in two patients with an mtDNA 3243 mutation. HISTORY AND SIGNS: Case 1: A visually asymptomatic 40-year-old woman was examined for screening of diabetic retinopathy. Visual acuity was 10 / 10 in both eyes. Case 2: A 54-year-old woman with deafness and diabetes complained of visual loss. Visual acuity was 6 / 10 for the right eye and 0.5 / 10 for the left eye. Both patients exhibited a chorioretinal areolar atrophy. Case 1 was followed over 15 years and exhibited a slow progression of the maculopathy with moderate loss of visual acuity to 6 / 10 in both eyes, but marked handicap from the annular scotoma. THERAPY AND OUTCOME: None. CONCLUSION: Both patients presented a perimacular annular retinal atrophy. Patients harbouring mtDNA 3243 mutation should be examined for the presence of a maculopathy, even if they are asymptomatic. Conversely, the finding of such a geographic maculopathy should suggest the possibility of a point mutation at the locus 3243 of the mitochondrial DNA, especially in the presences of diabetes mellitus and/or deafness
BACKGROUND: Alterations of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) have been found in cancer patients, therefore informative mtDNA mutations could serve as biomarkers for the disease. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The two hypervariable regions HVR1 and HVR2 in the D-Loop region were sequenced in ten paired tissue and plasma samples from breast cancer patients. RESULTS: MtDNA mutations were found in all patients' samples, suggesting a 100% detection rate. Examining germline mtDNA mutations, a total of 85 mutations in the D-loop region were found; 31 of these mutations were detected in both tissues and matched plasma samples, the other 54 germline mtDNA mutations were found only in the plasma samples. Regarding somatic mtDNA mutations, a total of 42 mutations in the D-loop region were found in breast cancer tissues. CONCLUSION: Somatic mtDNA mutations in the D-loop region were detected in breast cancer tissues but not in the matched plasma samples, suggesting that more sensitive methods will be needed for such detection to be of clinical utility.
A repeated DNA element in Xenopus laevis is described that is present in about 7500 copies dispersed throughout the genome. It was first identified in the 5' flanking region of one vitellogenin gene and was therefore named the Vi element. Seven copies are present within the vitellogenin gene region, three of them within introns of the genes A1, A2 and B2, and the other four copies in the gene flanking regions. Four of these copies have been sequenced. The Vi element is bounded by a well-conserved 13 base-pair inverted repeat; in addition, it is flanked by a three base-pair direct repeat that appears to be site-specific. The length of these four copies varies from 112 to 469 base-pairs; however, sequence homology between the different copies is very high. Their structural characteristics suggest that length heterogeneity may have arisen by either unequal recombinations, deletions or tandem duplications. Altogether, the characteristics and properties of the Vi element indicate that it might represent a mobile genetic element. One of the four copies sequenced is inserted close (position -535) to the transcription initiation site of the vitellogenin gene B2 in a region otherwise showing considerable homology with the closely related gene B1. Nevertheless, the presence of the Vi element does not seem to influence significantly the estrogen-controlled expression of gene B2. In addition, three alleles of this gene created by length polymorphism in intron 3 and in the Vi element inserted near the transcription initiation site are described.
We investigated sex specificities in the evolutionary processes shaping Y chromosome, autosomes, and mitochondrial DNA patterns of genetic structure in the Valais shrew (Sorex antinorii), a mountain dwelling species with a hierarchical distribution. Both hierarchical analyses of variance and isolation-by-distance analyses revealed patterns of population structure that were not consistent across maternal, paternal, and biparentally inherited markers. Differentiation on a Y microsatellite was lower than expected from the comparison with autosomal microsatellites and mtDNA, and it was mostly due to genetic variance among populations within valleys, whereas the opposite was observed on other markers. In addition, there was no pattern of isolation by distance for the Y, whereas there was strong isolation by distance on mtDNA and autosomes. We use a hierarchical island model of coancestry dynamics to discuss the relative roles of the microevolutionary forces that may induce such patterns. We conclude that sex-biased dispersal is the most important driver of the observed genetic structure, but with an intriguing twist: it seems that dispersal is strongly male biased at large spatial scale, whereas it is mildly biased in favor of females at local scale. These results add to recent reports of scale-specific sex-biased dispersal patterns, and emphasize the usefulness of the Y chromosome in conjunction with mtDNA and autosomes to infer sex specificities.
The estrogen-responsive element (ERE) present in the 5'-flanking region of the Xenopus laevis vitellogenin (vit) gene B1 has been characterized by transient expression analysis of chimeric vit-tk-CAT (chloramphenicol acetyltransferase) gene constructs transfected into the human estrogen-responsive MCF-7 cell line. The vit B1 ERE behaves like an inducible enhancer, since it is able to confer estrogen inducibility to the heterologous HSV thymidine kinase (tk) promoter in a relative position- and orientation-independent manner. In this assay, the minimal B1 ERE is 33 bp long and consists of two 13 bp imperfect palindromic elements both of which are required for the enhancer activity. A third imperfect palindromic element is present further upstream within the 5'-flanking region of the gene but is unable to confer hormone responsiveness by itself. Similarly, neither element forming the B1 ERE can alone confer estrogen inducibility to the tk promoter. However, in combinations of two, all three imperfect palindromes can act cooperatively to form a functional ERE. In contrast a single 13 bp perfect palindromic element, GGTCACTGTGACC, such as the one found upstream of the vit gene A2, is itself sufficient to act as a fully active ERE. Single point mutations within this element abolish estrogen inducibility, while a defined combination of two mutations converts this ERE into a glucocorticoid-responsive element.
BACKGROUND: We report a patient with a highly unusual presentation of a mitochondrial disorder. HISTORY AND SIGNS: An 8-year old girl presented with muscular cramps as well as height and weight deceleration. Investigations revealed lactic acidosis, electrolytic imbalance and urinary loss of glucose and electrolytes secondary to proximal renal tubulopathy consistent with Fanconi syndrome (FS). Ophthalmic examination revealed asymptomatic retinitis pigmentosa (RP) with no other ocular manifestations. A mitochondriopathy was suspected and genetic analysis performed. THERAPY AND OUTCOME: Southern blotting documented a heteroplasmic mutation of mtDNA with deletion/duplication. Three discrete mitochondrial genomes were detected: normal; deletion of 6.7 kb and a deletion/duplication consisting of 1 normal and 1 deleted genome. The relative proportions varied considerably between tissues. CONCLUSIONS: The association of FS and RP combines features of Kearns-Sayre syndrome and Pearson marrow-pancreas syndrome, without being typical of either. This highly unusual clinical presentation emphasises the need for systemic investigation of patients with FS and further underlines the importance of mtDNA analysis in patients with unexpected associations of affected tissues.
BACKGROUND: The A3243G point mutation in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is associated with MELAS (mitochondrial encephalomyopathy with lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes) and MIDD syndromes (maternally inherited diabetes and deafness). Both MELAS and MIDD patients can present with visual symptoms due to a retinopathy, sometimes before the genetic diagnosis is made. CASE PRESENTATION: Patient 1: 46 year-old woman with diabetes mellitus and hearing loss was referred for an unspecified maculopathy detected during screening evaluation for diabetic retinopathy. Visual acuity was 20/20 in both eyes. Fundus examination showed bilateral macular and peripapillary hyperpigmented/depigmented areas.Patient 2: 45 year-old woman was referred for recent vision loss in her left eye. History was remarkable for chronic fatigue, migraine and diffuse muscular pain. Visual acuity was 20/20 in her right eye and 20/30 in her left eye. Fundus exhibited several nummular perifoveal islands of retinal pigment epithelium atrophy and adjacent pale deposits in both eyes.Retinal anatomy was investigated with autofluorescence, retinal angiography and optical coherence tomography. Retinal function was assessed with automated static perimetry, full-field and multifocal electroretinography and electro-oculography. Genetic testing of mtDNA identified a point mutation at the locus 3243. CONCLUSION: Observation of RPE abnormalities in the context of suggestive systemic findings should prompt mtDNA testing.
Wood mice of the genus Apodemus are widely distributed in Eurasia, with the Eastern Mediterranean being considered as a hotspot. Indeed, numerous species have been documented in Iran, including A. witherbyi, A. hyrcanicus, A. uralensis, A. avicennicus, A. hermonensis, and A. arianus. In this study, 129 specimens were collected from different Iranian localities and two specimens from Afghanistan. The animals were identified taxonomically and their phylogenetic relationships were investigated using cytochrome b mitochondrial DNA sequences. Five species of the genus Apodemus were identified in Iran, including A. hyrcanicus, A. witherbyi, A. cf. ponticus, A. uralensis, and A. mystacinus, beside, A. pallipes from Afghanistan. This study found no evidence of A. flavicollis or A. sylvaticus in Iran, despite their occurrence in Turkey, shedding doubt on the status of A. flavicollis in Iran, Asia Minor, and the Levant. Phylogenetic analyses imply that A. witherbyi has priority over A. avicennicus, A. hermonensis, and A. iconicus. Estimation of the divergence time for these taxa suggests a separation at around 7.2 Ma for the subgenera Karstomys (including A. mystacinus and A. epimelas) and Sylvaemus (including A. flavicollis, A. sylvaticus, A. uralensis, A. pallipes, A. hyrcanicus, A. witherbyi, and A. cf. ponticus). Within the subgenus Karstomys, the divergence times for A. mystacinus and A. epimelas were between 3.0 and 6.1 Ma, and divergence times within the subgenus Sylvaemus were between 5.2 and 6.9 Ma for A. witherbyi and other species in this subgenus. It is postulated that vicariance events including the uplifting of the Zagros Mountains and Anatolian Plateau in the middle Miocene and climate oscillations during the Messinian Salinity Crisis besides formation of the Hyrcanian tertiary forests during the Neogene probably played substantial roles in the radiation and distribution of the genus Apodemus in the Eastern Mediterranean.
The common shrew Sorex araneus Linnaeus, 1758 is subject to intense chromosomal polymorphism. About 65 chromosome races are presently known. One of these chromosome races (the Valais race) is karyologically, morphologically, biochemically, and genetically clearly distinct from all other chromosome races of the species. Recent studies of hybrid zones between the Valais race and other chromosome races in the Swiss and French Alps add further strong evidence for the specific taxonomic status of the Valais race. Chromosomes and diagnostic protein markers reveal sharp frequency clines and strong heterozygote deficits. In one hybrid zone, the maintenance of the strong genetic differentiation of the hybridizing taxa was confirmed by a study with autosomal microsatellites indicating minimal gene flow. A microsatellite marker on the Y-chromosome showed complete absence of male mediated gene flow suggesting hybrid male sterility. To clarify the taxonomic status of this taxon, additional analyses were conducted. A morphometric analysis of the mandible indicated the Valais race is morphologically as distinct from neighbouring chromosome races of S. araneus as from other related Sorex species. In a phylogeny based on complete mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene sequences, the Valais race clearly appears as the sister taxon to all other races of S. araneus. Therefore, the chromosome race Valais of S. araneus herein is elevated to specific status and the name Sorex antinorii Bonaparte, 1840 is applied.