265 resultados para carlavirus identification
The ability to identify the species origin of an unknown biological sample is relevant in the fields of human and wildlife forensics. However, the detection of several species mixed in the same sample still remains a challenge. We developed and tested a new approach for mammal DNA identification in mixtures of two or three species, based on the analysis of mitochondrial DNA control region interspecific length polymorphism followed by direct sequencing. Contrary to other published methods dealing with species mixtures, our protocol requires a single universal primer pair and is not based on a pre-defined panel of species. Amplicons can be separated either on agarose gels or using CE. The advantages and limitations of the assay are discussed under different conditions, such as variable template concentration, amplicon sizes and size difference among the amplicons present in the mixture. For the first time, this protocol provides a simple, reliable and flexible method for simultaneous identification of multiple mammalian species from mixtures, without any prior knowledge of the species involved.
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: The difficulty of identifying the ownership of lost dentures when found is a common and expensive problem in long term care facilities (LTCFs) and hospitals. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the reliability of using radiofrequency identification (RFID) in the identification of dentures for LTCF residents after 3 and 6 months. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty-eight residents of 2 LTCFs in Switzerland agreed to participate after providing informed consent. The tag was programmed with the family and first names of the participants and then inserted in the dentures. After placement of the tag, the information was read. A second and third assessment to review the functioning of the tag occurred at 3 and 6 months, and defective tags (if present) were reported and replaced. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics. RESULTS: At the 3-month assessment of 34 residents (63 tags) 1 tag was unreadable and 62 tags (98.2%) were operational. At 6 months, the tags of 27 of the enrolled residents (50 tags) were available for review. No examined tag was defective at this time period. CONCLUSIONS: Within the limits of this study (number of patients, 6-month time span) RFID appears to be a reliable method of tracking and identifying dentures, with only 1 of 65 devices being unreadable at 3 months and 100% of 50 initially placed tags being readable at the end of the trial.
BACKGROUND: HSV-1 and HSV-2 cause CNS infections of dissimilar clinico-pathological characteristics with prognostic and therapeutic implications. OBJECTIVES: To validate a type-specific real-time PCR that uses MGB/LNA Taqman probes and to review the virologico-clinical data of 25 eligible patients with non-neonatal CNS infections. RESULTS: This real-time PCR was evaluated against conventional PCR (26 CSF and 20 quality controls), and LightCycler assay (51 mucocutaneous, 8 CSF and 32 quality controls) and culture/immunofluorescence (75 mucocutaneous) to assess typing with independent methods. Taqman real-time PCR detected 240 HSV genomes per ml CSF, a level appropriate for the management of patients, and provided unambiguous typing for the 104 positive (62 HSV-1 and 42 HSV-2) out the 160 independent clinical samples tested. HSV type diagnosed by Taqman real-time PCR predicted final diagnosis (meningitis versus encephalitis/meningoencephalitis, p<0.001) in 24/25 patients at time of presentation, in contrast to clinical evaluation. CONCLUSIONS: Our real-time PCR, as a sensitive and specific means for type-specific HSV diagnosis, provided rapid prognostic information for patient management.
A structural and functional analysis of the 5'-end region of the Xenopus laevis vitellogenin gene A1 revealed two transcription initiation sites located 1.8 kilobases apart. A RNA polymerase II binding assay indicates that both promoters form initiation complexes efficiently. In vitro, using a transcription assay derived from a HeLa whole-cell extract, the upstream promoter is more than 10-fold stronger than the downstream one. In contrast, both promoters have a similar strength in a HeLa nuclear extract. In vivo, that is in estrogen-stimulated hepatocytes, it is the downstream promoter homologous to the one used by the other members of the vitellogenin gene family, which is 50-fold stronger than the upstream promoter. Thus, if functional vitellogenin mRNA results from this latter activity, it would contribute less than 1% to the synthesis of vitellogenin by fully induced Xenopus hepatocytes expressing the four vitellogenin genes. In contrast, both gene A1 promoters are silent in uninduced hepatocytes. Transfection experiments using the Xenopus cell line B3.2 in which estrogen-responsiveness has been introduced reveal that the strong downstream promoter is controlled by an estrogen responsive element (ERE) located 330 bp upstream of it. The upstream promoter can also be controlled by the same ERE. Since the region comprising the upstream promoter is flanked by a 200 base pair long inverted repeat with stretches of homology to other regions of the X. laevis genome, we speculate that it might have been inserted upstream of the vitellogenin gene A1 by a recombination event and consequently brought under control of the ERE lying 1.5 kilobases downstream.
The present study was performed to assess the interlaboratory reproducibility of the molecular detection and identification of species of Zygomycetes from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded kidney and brain tissues obtained from experimentally infected mice. Animals were infected with one of five species (Rhizopus oryzae, Rhizopus microsporus, Lichtheimia corymbifera, Rhizomucor pusillus, and Mucor circinelloides). Samples with 1, 10, or 30 slide cuts of the tissues were prepared from each paraffin block, the sample identities were blinded for analysis, and the samples were mailed to each of seven laboratories for the assessment of sensitivity. A protocol describing the extraction method and the PCR amplification procedure was provided. The internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) region was amplified by PCR with the fungal universal primers ITS1 and ITS2 and sequenced. As negative results were obtained for 93% of the tissue specimens infected by M. circinelloides, the data for this species were excluded from the analysis. Positive PCR results were obtained for 93% (52/56), 89% (50/56), and 27% (15/56) of the samples with 30, 10, and 1 slide cuts, respectively. There were minor differences, depending on the organ tissue, fungal species, and laboratory. Correct species identification was possible for 100% (30 cuts), 98% (10 cuts), and 93% (1 cut) of the cases. With the protocol used in the present study, the interlaboratory reproducibility of ITS sequencing for the identification of major Zygomycetes species from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues can reach 100%, when enough material is available.
The distribution of the uncoupling protein (UCP) in brown adipocyte mitochondria of the hibernant Muscardinus avellanarius was obtained by ultrastructural immunocytochemistry. In both cryosections and sections of Lowicryl-embedded material UCP was localized in the mitochondrial cristae of brown adipocytes, but not in liver mitochondria. It should now be possible to easily identify the morphology of cells committed to BAT differentiation in the tissue as well as in cell culture.
Le 5 octobre 1994, 48 membres de la secte de l'Ordre du Temple Solaire ont été trouvés morts à Cheiry (FR) et à Salvan (VS). L'Institut Universitaire de Médecine Légale de Lausanne a été chargé de s'occuper des problèmes médico-légaux de cette tragédie, notemment l'estimation de l'heure du décès, la détermination de la cause et des circonstances du décès et l'identification des victimes. Pour cette intervention, nous avons dû faire face à une série de facteurs inhabituels comme l'absence d'une "liste de passagers" (c'est à dire de personnes touchées par la catastrophe), des victimes de différentes nationalités (dont certaines uniquement de passage en Suisse), un groupe de configurations familiales complexes, des corps souvent carbonisés et, de plus, une couverture médiatique exceptionnelle.
Cells defective in any of the RAD51 paralogs (RAD51B, RAD51C, RAD51D, XRCC2, and XRCC3) are sensitive to DNA cross-linking agents and to ionizing radiation. Because the paralogs are required for the assembly of DNA damage-induced RAD51 foci, and mutant cell lines are defective in homologous recombination and show genomic instability, their defect is thought to be caused by an inability to promote efficient recombinational repair. Here, we show that the five paralogs exist in two distinct complexes in human cells: one contains RAD51B, RAD51C, RAD51D, and XRCC2 (defined as BCDX2), whereas the other consists of RAD51C with XRCC3. Both protein complexes have been purified to homogeneity and their biochemical properties investigated. BCDX2 binds single-stranded DNA and single-stranded gaps in duplex DNA, in accord with the proposal that the paralogs play an early (pre-RAD51) role in recombinational repair. Moreover, BCDX2 complex binds specifically to nicks in duplex DNA. We suggest that the extreme sensitivity of paralog-defective cell lines to cross-linking agents is owing to defects in the processing of incised cross links and the consequential failure to initiate recombinational repair at these sites.
OBJECTIVES: Evaluation of the clinical impact of multiple infections of the cervix by human papillomavirus, including human papillomavirus-16, compared with single human papillomavirus-16 infection. STUDY DESIGN: One hundred sixty-nine women were classified in 3 categories depending on their human papillomavirus profile: human papillomavirus-16 only, human papillomavirus-16 and low-risk type(s), and human papillomavirus-16 and other high-risk type(s). Cervical brush samples were analyzed for human papillomavirus DNA by polymerase chain reaction and reverse line blot hybridization. All women were evaluated with colposcopy during 24 months or more. Management was according to the Bethesda recommendations. RESULTS: Women infected with human papillomavirus-16 and other high-risk human papillomavirus type(s) presented more progression or no change in the grade of dysplasia, compared with women of the other groups (relative risk [RR], 1.39; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.07-1.82; P = .02 at 6 months; RR, 2.10; 95% CI, 1.46-3.02; P < .001 at 12 months; RR, 1.82; 95% CI, 1.21-2.72; P = .004 at 24 months). CONCLUSION: Coinfection of women with human papillomavirus-16 and other high-risk human papillomavirus type(s) increases the risk of unfavorable evolution.
Cyclooxyganase-2 (COX-2), a rate-limiting enzyme in the prostaglandin synthesis pathway, is overexpressed in many cancers and contributes to cancer progression through tumor cell-autonomous and paracrine effects. Regular use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or selective COX-2 inhibitors (COXIBs) reduces the risk of cancer development and progression, in particular of the colon. The COXIB celecoxib is approved for adjunct therapy in patients with Familial adenomatous polyposis at high risk for colorectal cancer (CRC) formation. Long-term use of COXIBs, however, is associated with potentially severe cardiovascular complications, which hampers their broader use as preventive anticancer agents. In an effort to better understand the tumor-suppressive mechanisms of COXIBs, we identified MAGUK with Inverted domain structure-1 (MAGI1), a scaffolding protein implicated in the stabilization of adherens junctions, as a gene upregulated by COXIB in CRC cells and acting as tumor suppressor. Overexpression of MAGI1 in CRC cell lines SW480 and HCT116 induced an epithelial-like morphology; stabilized E-cadherin and β-catenin localization at cell-cell junctions; enhanced actin stress fiber and focal adhesion formation; increased cell adhesion to matrix proteins and suppressed Wnt signaling, anchorage-independent growth, migration and invasion in vitro. Conversely, MAGI1 silencing decreased E-cadherin and β-catenin localization at cell-cell junctions; disrupted actin stress fiber and focal adhesion formation; and enhanced Wnt signaling, anchorage-independent growth, migration and invasion in vitro. MAGI1 overexpression suppressed SW480 and HCT116 subcutaneous primary tumor growth, attenuated primary tumor growth and spontaneous lung metastasis in an orthotopic model of CRC, and decreased the number and size of metastatic nodules in an experimental model of lung metastasis. Collectively, these results identify MAG1 as a COXIB-induced inhibitor of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway, with tumor-suppressive and anti-metastatic activity in experimental colon cancer.
We report the generation and analysis of functional data from multiple, diverse experiments performed on a targeted 1% of the human genome as part of the pilot phase of the ENCODE Project. These data have been further integrated and augmented by a number of evolutionary and computational analyses. Together, our results advance the collective knowledge about human genome function in several major areas. First, our studies provide convincing evidence that the genome is pervasively transcribed, such that the majority of its bases can be found in primary transcripts, including non-protein-coding transcripts, and those that extensively overlap one another. Second, systematic examination of transcriptional regulation has yielded new understanding about transcription start sites, including their relationship to specific regulatory sequences and features of chromatin accessibility and histone modification. Third, a more sophisticated view of chromatin structure has emerged, including its inter-relationship with DNA replication and transcriptional regulation. Finally, integration of these new sources of information, in particular with respect to mammalian evolution based on inter- and intra-species sequence comparisons, has yielded new mechanistic and evolutionary insights concerning the functional landscape of the human genome. Together, these studies are defining a path for pursuit of a more comprehensive characterization of human genome function.
Summary : Cancer stem cells (CSC) that display tumor-initiating properties have recently been identified in several distinct types of malignancies, holding promise for more effective therapeutic strategies. However, evidence of such cells in sarcomas, which include some of the most aggressive and therapy-resistant tumors, has not been demonstrated to date. Here, we .identify and characterize cancer stem cells in Ewing's sarcoma family tumors (ESPY), a highly aggressive pediatric malignancy believed to be of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) origin. Using magnetic bead cell separation of primary ESFT, we have isolated a subpopulation of CD133+ tumor cells that display the capacity to initiate and sustain tumor growth through serial transplantation in NOD/SCID mice, re-establishing at each in vivo passage the parental tumor phenotype and hierarchical cell organization. Consistent with the plasticity of MSCs, in vitro differentiation assays showed that the CD133+ cell population retained the ability to differentiate along adipogenic, osteogenic and chondrogenic lineages. Quantitative Real-Time PCR analysis of genes implicated in stem cell maintenance revealed that CD133+ ESFT cells express significantly higher levels of OCT4 and NANOG than their CD133- counterparts. Taken together, our observations provide the first identification of ESFT cancer stem cells (ET-CSC) and demonstration of their mesenchymal stem cell properties, a critical step toward a better biological understanding and rational therapeutic targeting of these tumors. Résumé : Des cellules souches tumorales avec des propriétés exclusives d'initiation tumorale ont récemment été identifiées dans différents types de cancers, permettant ainsi d'espérer le développement de thérapies plus efficaces. Cependant, l'existence de telles cellules dans les sarcomes, un sous-groupe de cancers d'origine mésenchymateuse très agressifs, n'a pas encore été démontrée. Dans ce travail de recherche, nous identifions et caractérisons des cellules souches tumorales dans le sarcome d'Ewing, une tumeur pédiatrique très agressive vraisemblablement dérivée de cellules souches mésenchymateuses (MSC). Afin de séparer des populations cellulaires dans des échantillons primaires de sarcome d'Ewing, nous avons utilisé des billes magnétiques couplées à des anticorps monoclonaux. Ceci nous a permis d'isoler une sous-population de cellules tumorales CD133+ qui ont la capacité d'initier et de maintenir la croissance tumorale dans des xénotransplantations en série effectuées dans des souris immunodéficientes NOD/SCID. Ces cellules reétablissent à chaque passage in vivo le phénotype de la tumeur d'origine ainsi que son organisation hiérarchique. En accord avec la plasticité des MSC, des tests de différentiation in vitro ont montré que les cellules CD133+ maintiennent la capacité de se différentier en adipocytes, ostéocytes et chondrocytes. Une analyse par PCR quantitative de gènes impliqués dans le maintien des cellules souches a montré que les cellules CD133+ expriment un niveau beaucoup plus élevé de OCT4 and NANOG que les cellules CD133-. En résumé, nos observations constituent la première identification de cellules souches tumorales dans le sarcome d'Ewing et démontrent leur propriété de cellules souches mésenchymateuses. Ceci constitue une étape clé vers une meilleure compréhension biologique et une meilleure approche thérapeutique de ces tumeurs.
Van der Woude syndrome (VWS), caused by dominant IRF6 mutation, is the most common cleft syndrome. In 15% of the patients, lip pits are absent and the phenotype mimics isolated clefts. Therefore, we hypothesized that some of the families classified as having non-syndromic inherited cleft lip and palate could have an IRF6 mutation. We screened in total 170 patients with cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL/P): 75 were syndromic and 95 were a priori part of multiplex non-syndromic families. A mutation was identified in 62.7 and 3.3% of the patients, respectively. In one of the 95 a priori non-syndromic families with an autosomal dominant inheritance (family B), new insights into the family history revealed the presence, at birth, of lower lip pits in two members and the diagnosis was revised as VWS. A novel lower lip sign was observed in one individual in this family. Interestingly, a similar lower lip sign was also observed in one individual from a 2nd family (family A). This consists of 2 nodules below the lower lip on the external side. In a 3rd multiplex family (family C), a de novo mutation was identified in an a priori non-syndromic CL/P patient. Re-examination after mutation screening revealed the presence of a tiny pit-looking lesion on the inner side of the lower lip leading to a revised diagnosis of VWS. On the basis of this data, we conclude that IRF6 should be screened when any doubt rises about the normality of the lower lip and also if a non-syndromic cleft lip patient (with or without cleft palate) has a family history suggestive of autosomal dominant inheritance.