221 resultados para PRAXIS
Die empfohlene Therapie des Typ-1- Diabetes beruht auf einer intensiven Blutzuckerkontrolle, mit der im Vergleich zur weniger strikten (konventionellen) Blutzuckerkontrolle das Risiko für mikrovaskuläre Komplikationen minimiert werden kann. Die Wirksamkeit einer intensiven Blutzuckerkontrolle bezüglich makrovaskulärer Komplikationen ist dagegen weniger klar, und die Frage des Therapieziels ist Gegenstand der Diskussion. Seit den 1990er Jahren hat es zum Typ-1-Diabetes beim Erwachsenen keine neuen Studien mehr gegeben. Jene für Typ-2-Diabetiker zeigten bezüglich Komplikationsrisiko keinen Nutzen. Unter intensiver Blutzuckerkontrolle kam es sogar zu einer Erhöhung des Mortalitätsrisikos verglichen mit der weniger strikten Strategie. Ziel dieses Reviews war es, die Vor- und Nachteile einer intensiven Blutzuckerkontrolle bei Typ-1-Diabetikern zu bestimmen.
The combination of skin induration with clinical features such as dyspnea, facial telangiectasia, digital infarctions and/or dysphagia supports the diagnosis of systemic sclerosis. The oesophageal dysmotility is associated with symptoms which may delay the diagnosis of gastro-oesophageal cancer. Herein we report a case of long standing systemic sclerosis with heartburn and dysphagia symptoms which were monitored closely. Unfortunately, these symptoms delayed the diagnosis of gastric adenocarcinoma. This case prompted us to review the evidence of the association of cancer and systemic sclerosis and if any oncologic evaluation is required during the follow-up of patients affected with systemic sclerosis.
A 98-year-old woman was referred to our hospital because of myoclonia. The concentration of calcium and vitamin D in the serum was low. In this context, we concluded of neuromuscular irritability secondary to hypocalcaemia. The symptoms disappeared after a treatment of intravenous calcium. This case shows how important it is to investigate electrolytes in case of neuromuscular irritability symptoms in elderly people.
Pulmonary involvement is the most frequent extra-articular manifestation of rheumatoid arthritis. The occurrence of a chronic hydro-pneumo-thorax associated with pulmonary nodules is rare. Cavitation of the most superficial nodules and their rupture into the pleural cavity are most likely involved in this complication. The presence of broncho-pleural fistulae may be responsible for the persistence of the phenomenon in our patient.
Around 15% of diabetic patients will suffer from a diabetic foot ulcus and subsequent amputation. Prevention and adapted treatment of a foot at risk is important and should be carried out by a multidisciplinary team. A foot at risk needs patient training and adapted footwear. Local wound care and control of vascular status follow. In case of deterioration of the local status surgical debridement and occasionally amputation have to be considered.
We proceeded to an extensive etiologic search in a young women with a hepatosplenomegaly and a chronic persistent fever. We discuss the differential diagnosis of this situation with a final diagnosis of sarcoidosis.
Dermatomyositis (DM) and polymyositis (PM) are idiopathic inflammatory muscle diseases which remain a therapeutic challenge. The association between DM and malignancy is relatively well established while this relationship is weaker with PM. The clinical management and research for an occult malignancy as well as the follow-up of patients with DM or PM is a matter of debate. Herein we report a case of DM who, despite an extensive clinical, radiological and biological work-up developed an occult ovarian cancer 12 months after the initial diagnosis. This case report was used as support to review the actual expert recommendations for the search of an occult malignancy in presence of DM or PM.
Depuis plus de 30 ans, la prothèse totale de genou est une solution fréquemment proposée aux patients présentant une arthrose de genou avancée pour laquelle les traitements conservateurs, à but symptomatique, sont dépassés. Cette intervention, désormais bien maîtrisée, permet d'obtenir des résultats fi ables. Les questions, récurrentes et légitimes de la part d'un(e) futur(e) opéré(e), concernent principalement la longévité de l'implant, la récupération fonctionnelle et l'amélioration de sa qualité de vie altérée par les symptômes. Naturellement, la charge pondérale, l'activité du patient ainsi que les propriétés mécaniques et les choix liés à la prothèse (fi xation des implants avec ou sans ciment, conservation ou non des ligaments croisés, utilisation de plateau mobile ou fi xe, resurfaçage ou non de la rotule) sont tous des facteurs déterminants dans le succès thérapeutique.