267 resultados para Lethal pregnancy outcomes
RESUME Introduction : Les naissances prématurées compliquent 6-10 % des grossesses dans les pays industrialisés et contribuent de façon notable aux taux de mortalité périnatale et de morbidité néonatale. Il a été démontré que la colonisation bactérienne du liquide amniotique joue un rôle dans l'étiologie des accouchements prématurés spontanés et des ruptures prématurées des membranes. Le but de ce travail était d'évaluer la présence de Mycoplasma hominis dans le liquide amniotique prélevé au 2eme trimestre de grossesse chez des patientes asymptomatiques et de déterminer son association avec une issue défavorable de la grossesse. Matériels et méthodes : Les échantillons de liquide amniotique de 456 patientes ayant subi une amniocentèse trans-abdominale entre les 15eme et I7eme semaines de grossesse pour diverses indications ont été testés par PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) afin d'identifier Mycoplasma hominis. Les produits ainsi amplifiés étaient ensuite détectés par ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay). Les données cliniques étaient obtenues après l'accouchement. Résultats : Mycoplasma hominis a été identifié dans 29 (6,4%) des échantillons de liquide amniotique. Le taux de menace d'accouchement prématuré chez les patientes positives pour Mycoplasma hominis (14,3%) était plus élevé que chez les patientes négatives (3,3 %) (p=0,01). De même, les naissances prématurées spontanées avec membranes intactes étaient plus fréquentes chez les patientes positives (10,7%) que chez les patientes négatives (1,9 %) (p=0,02). Le taux de menace d'accouchement prématuré lors d'une grossesse antérieure était plus de trois fois plus élevé chez les patientes positives, cependant ce résultat n'était pas statistiquement significatif. Finalement, la présence du mycoplasme n'était pas corrélée à la gestose, au retard de croissance intra-utérin ou aux anomalies chromosomiques foetales. Conclusions : Les résultats montrent que la présence de Mycoplasma hominis dans le liquide amniotique prélevé entre les 15eme et I7eme semaines d' aménorrhée chez des patientes asymptomatiques est associée à un taux plus élevé de menace d'accouchement prématuré et de naissances prématurées spontanées. La détection de ce microorganisme au 2eme trimestre de la grossesse peut donc identifier les patientes à risque de menace d'accouchement et de naissance prématurées. Abstract Objective: The relationship between detection of Mycoplasma hominis in mid-trimester amniotic fluid and subsequent pregnancy outcome was investigated. Study design: Amniotic fluids from 456 women of European background who underwent a transabdominal amniocentesis at weeks 15-17 of pregnancy were tested for M. hominis by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The amplicons were hybridized to an internal probe and detected by ELISA. Pregnancy outcomes and clinical data were subsequently obtained. Results: M. hominis were identified in 29 (6.4%) of the amniotic fluids. The rate of preterm labor in women positive for M. hominis (14.3%) was higher than in the negative women (3.3%) (p = 0.01). Similarly, a spontaneous preterm birth with intact membranes occurred in 10.7% of the M. hominis-posltive women as opposed to only 1.9% of the negative women (p = 0.02). The presence of this mycoplasma was not correlated with fetal chromosomal aberrations, intrauterine growth restriction or preeclampsia. Conclusions: Detection of M. hominis in second-trimester amniotic fluids can identify women at increased risk for subsequent preterm labor and delivery.
BACKGROUND: The epidemiology of congenital small intestinal atresia (SIA) has not been well studied. This study describes the presence of additional anomalies, pregnancy outcomes, total prevalence and association with maternal age in SIA cases in Europe. METHODS: Cases of SIA delivered during January 1990 to December 2006 notified to 20 EUROCAT registers formed the population-based case series. Prevalence over time was estimated using multilevel Poisson regression, and heterogeneity between registers was evaluated from the random component of the intercept. RESULTS: In total 1133 SIA cases were reported among 5126, 164 registered births. Of 1044 singleton cases, 215 (20.6%) cases were associated with a chromosomal anomaly. Of 829 singleton SIA cases with normal karyotype, 221 (26.7%) were associated with other structural anomalies. Considering cases with normal karyotype, the total prevalence per 10 000 births was 1.6 (95% CI 1.5 to 1.7) for SIA, 0.9 (95% CI 0.8 to 1.0) for duodenal atresia and 0.7 (95% CI 0.7 to 0.8) for jejunoileal atresia (JIA). There was no significant trend in SIA, duodenal atresia or JIA prevalence over time (RR=1.0, 95% credible interval (CrI): 1.0 to 1.0 for each), but SIA and duodenal atresia prevalence varied by geographical location (p=0.03 and p=0.04, respectively). There was weak evidence of an increased risk of SIA in mothers aged less than 20 years compared with mothers aged 20 to 29 years (RR=1.3, 95% CrI: 1.0 to 1.8). CONCLUSION: This study found no evidence of a temporal trend in the prevalence of SIA, duodenal atresia or JIA, although SIA and duodenal atresia prevalence varied significantly between registers.
Abstract This thesis investigates the pathogenicity of a Chlamydia-related bacterium: Waddlia chondrophila, which is suspected to cause abortion in bovines as well as miscarriages in humans. Macrophages represent the first line of defense of the innate immunity against invading pathogens, we thus studied the interaction between W. chondrophila and human macrophages. We observed that W. chondrophila multiplied very efficiently inside monocyte-derived macrophages. Diagnostic tools to detect obligate intracellular bacteria are lacking so we developed a Waddlia specific real-time PCR based on the 16S rRNA encoding gene. Since W. chondrophila could be involved in human miscarriage, we analyzed samples from women having miscarriage or uneventful pregnancy. Waddlia serologies results confirmed an association between the presence of W. chondrophila antibodies and miscarriage (23.2% versus 14.6% in the control group, p-value 0.044). As W. chondrophila's pathogenicity was suggested, we studied its antibiotic susceptibility. W. chondrophila revealed to be susceptible to macrolides and tetracylines but resistant to beta-lactams and fluoroquinolones. This resistance to fluoroquinolones could be explained by mutations in the quinolone resistance determining region of the gyrase (GyrA) and topoisomerase IV (ParC) encoding genes. In conclusion, this thesis allowed to precise the role of W. chondrophila in human miscarriage. However, more studies will be necessary to fully understand the pathogenesis of W. chondrophila in adverse pregnancy outcomes. Résumé Le but de cette thèse a été d'étudier la pathogénicité d'une bactérie apparentée aux Chlamydia: Waddlia chondrophila. Les macrophages représentant la première ligne de défense du système immunitaire inné contre les pathogènes, nous avons d'abord étudié l'interaction entre W. chondrophila and les macrophages humains. Nous avons pu observer que W. chondrophila résistait aux effecteurs microbicides des macrophages et se multipliait efficacement au sein de ces cellules. Au vu du manque d'outils diagnostiques pour détecter cette bactérie intracellulaire obligatoire, nous avons également développé une PCR en temps réel, spécifique pour Waddlia, basée sur le gène de l'ARN ribosomal 16S. Cette PCR a été utilisée dans les différents projets afin de détecter la présence de W. chondrophila. W. chondrophila étant suspectée de pouvoir causer des fausses couches chez la femme, nous avons analysé des échantillons provenant de femmes ayant souffert de fausse couche, ainsi que, comme contrôles, des femmes ayant eu une grossesse normale. Les sérologies ont révélé une association entre la présence d'anticorps dirigés contre Waddlia et la fausse couche (23.2% versus 14.6% chez les contrôles, p-value=0.044). La présence de la bactérie a aussi été détectée par PCR et immunohistochimie dans plusieurs échantillons. L'implication de W. chondrophila dans la fausse couche se précisant, nous avons étudié sa susceptibilité aux antibiotiques. W. chondrophila s'est révélée sensible aux macrolides et aux tetracyclines mais résistante aux beta-lactames et aux quinolones. Cette résistance aux quinolones peut être expliquée par la présence de mutations dans le QRDR (région déterminant la résistance aux quinolones) des gènes gyrA et parC. En conclusion, cette thèse a permis de préciser l'implication de W. chondrophila dans la fausse couche. Des études complémentaires seront cependant nécessaires pour confirmer et préciser le rôle exact de W. chondrophila dans les problèmes obstétricaux.
Waddlia chondrophila is a obligate intracellular bacterium belonging to the Chlamydiales order, a clade that also includes the well-known classical Chlamydia responsible for a number of severe human and animal diseases. Waddlia is an emerging pathogen associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes in humans and abortion in ruminants. Adhesion to the host cell is an essential prerequisite for survival of every strict intracellular bacteria and, in classical Chlamydia, this step is partially mediated by polymorphic outer membrane proteins (Pmps), a family of highly diverse autotransporters that represent about 15% of the bacterial coding capacity. Waddlia chondrophila genome however only encodes one putative Pmp-like protein. Using a proteomic approach, we identified several bacterial proteins potentially implicated in the adhesion process and we characterized their expression during the replication cycle of the bacteria. In addition, we demonstrated that the Waddlia Pmp-like autotransporter as well as OmpA2 and OmpA3, two members of the extended Waddlia OmpA protein family, exhibit adhesive properties on epithelial cells. We hypothesize that the large diversity of the OmpA protein family is linked to the wide host range of these bacteria that are able to enter and multiply in various host cells ranging from protozoa to mammalian and fish cells.
Waddlia chondrophila is a known bovine abortigenic Chlamydia-related bacterium that has been associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes in human. However, there is a lack of knowledge regarding how W. chondrophila infection spreads, its ability to elicit an immune response and induce pathology. A murine model of genital infection was developed to investigate the pathogenicity and immune response associated with a W. chondrophila infection. Genital inoculation of the bacterial agent resulted in a dose-dependent infection that spread to lumbar lymph nodes and successively to spleen and liver. Bacterial-induced pathology peaked on day 14, characterized by leukocyte infiltration (uterine horn, liver, and spleen), necrosis (liver) and extramedullary hematopoiesis (spleen). Immunohistochemistry demonstrated the presence of a large number of W. chondrophila in the spleen on day 14. Robust IgG titers were detected by day 14 and remained high until day 52. IgG isotypes consisted of high IgG2a, moderate IgG3 and no detectable IgG1, indicating a Th1-associated immune response. This study provides the first evidence that W. chondrophila genital infection is capable of inducing a systemic infection that spreads to major organs, induces uterus, spleen, and liver pathology and elicits a Th1-skewed humoral response. This new animal model will help our understanding of the mechanisms related to intracellular bacteria-induced miscarriages, the most frequent complication of pregnancy that affects one in four women.
This article presents a longitudinal study of the development of "family alliance" from pregnancy to toddlerhood in a community sample, as well as its links with the emotional and cognitive development of the child at age 5 years. Family alliance is defined as the quality of the interactive coordination between family members. We consider that the alliance constitutes a context for the child to learn emotion regulation and to develop an understanding of inner states. Family interactions (N = 38) were observed at the 5th month of pregnancy and at 3, 9, and 18 months after birth in a standardized situation of observation (Lausanne Trilogue Play). Marital satisfaction and child temperament were assessed through self-reported questionnaires. Several outcomes of the child at age 5 years were measured: theory of mind performances, predominant emotional themes in pretend play, internalized and externalized symptoms. Results show that (a) three patterns of evolution of family alliance occur: "high stable" (n = 19), "high to low" (n = 10), and "low stable" (n = 9); (b) a high stable alliance is predictive of better outcomes in children at age 5 years, especially regarding theory of mind; (c) the temperament of the child is predictive of child outcomes; and (d) an interaction effect occurs between family alliance and temperament. These results highlight the importance of both family-level and individual-level variables for understanding individual differences in the social and cognitive development of children.
Introduction: Statin use for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia in women of childbearing age is increasingly common. However, published data on pregnancy outcome after exposure to statins are scarce and conflicting. This contribution addresses the safety of exposure to statins during pregnancy.Method: In a multi-center (n = 11) observational, prospective study we compared the outcomes of 249 women exposed during the 1st trimester of pregnancy to simvastatin (n = 124), atorvastatin (n = 67), pravastatin (n = 32), rosuvastatin (n = 18), fluvastatin (n = 7) or cerivastatin (n = 1) with a control group exposed to agents known to be non-teratogenic (n = 249). The data were collected by members of the European Network of Teratology Information Services (ENTIS) during individual risk counseling between 1990 and 2009. Standardized procedures for data collection were used in each center.Results: The difference in the rate of major birth defects between the statin-exposed group and the control group was not statistically significant (4.0% vs. 2.7% OR 1.5; 95% CI 0.5-4.5, P = 0.44). The crude rate of spontaneous abortions (12.8% vs. 7.1%, OR 1.9, 95% CI 1.0-3.6, P = 0.04) was higher in the exposed group. However, after adjustment to maternal age and gestational age at initial contact, the difference became statistically insignificant. The rate of elective pregnancy-termination (8.8% vs. 4.4%, P = 0.05) was higher and the rate of deliveries resulting in live births was significantly lower in the statin exposed group (77.9% vs. 88.4%, P = 0.002). Prematurity was more frequent in exposed pregnancies (16.1% vs. 8.5%; OR 2.1, 95% CI 1.1-3.8, P = 0.02). Nonetheless, gestational age at birth (median 39 weeks, IQR 37-40 vs. 39 weeks, IQR 38-40, P = 0.27) and birth weight (median 3280 g, IQR 2835-3590 vs. 3250 g, IQR 2880-3600, P = 0.95) did not differ between exposed and non-exposed pregnancies.Conclusion: This study did not detect a clear teratogenic effect of statins. Its statistical power however is not sufficient to reverse the recommendation of treatment discontinuation during pregnancy. At most, the results are reassuring in case of inadvertent exposure.
Introduction Statin use in women of childbearing age is increasingly common. However, published data on pregnancy outcome after exposure to statins are scarce and conflicting. This contribution addresses the safety of statin use during pregnancy.Materials and Methods In a multi-centre (n = 11), prospective study we compared the outcomes of 249 women exposed during the 1st trimester of pregnancy to simvastatin (n = 124), atorvastatin (n = 67), pravastatin (n = 32), rosuvastatin (n = 18), fl uvastatin (n = 7) or cerivastatin (n = 1) with a control group exposed to agents known to be non-teratogenic (n = 249). Data were collected by members of the European Network of Teratology Information Services during individual risk counselling.Results The difference in the rate of major birth defects between the statinexposed and the control group was statistically insignificant (4.0% versus 2.7% OR 1.5; 95% CI 0.5-4.5, p = 0.44). The crude rate of spontaneous abortions (12.8% versus 7.1%, OR 1.9, 95% CI 1.0-3.6, p = 0.04) was higher in the exposed group. However, after adjustment to maternal age and gestational age at initial contact, the difference became insignificant. The rate of elective pregnancy-termination (8.8% versus 4.4%, p = 0.05) was higher and the rate of live births was lower in the exposed group (77.9% versus 88.4%, p = 0.002). Prematurity was more frequent in exposed pregnancies (16.1% versus 8.5%; OR 2.1, 95% CI 1.1- 3.8, p = 0.02). Nonetheless, gestational age at birth (median 39 weeks, IQR 37-40 versus 39 weeks, IQR 38-40, p = 0.27) and birth weight (median 3280 g, IQR 2835-3590 versus 3250 g, IQR 2880- 3600, p = 0.95) did not differ between exposed and non-exposed pregnancies.Conclusion This study did not detect a teratogenic effect of statins. Its statistical power however is not sufficient to reverse the recommendation of treatment discontinuation during pregnancy.
BACKGROUND: Little is known on the impact of travel vaccinations during pregnancy on child outcomes, in particular on the long-term psychomotor development. The objectives of the study were (1) to estimate the rate of premature births, congenital abnormalities, and mental and physical development problems of children born from mothers who had been vaccinated during pregnancy and (2) to compare these rates with those of children whose mothers had not been vaccinated during pregnancy. METHODS: Longitudinal study including (1) retrospectively pregnant women having attended our travel clinic before (vaccinated) and (2) prospectively mothers attending our clinic (nonvaccinated). We performed phone interviews with mothers vaccinated during pregnancy, up to 10 years before, and face-to-face interviews with nonvaccinated age-matched mothers, ie, women attending the travel clinic who had one child of about the same age as the one of the case to compare child development between both groups. RESULTS: Fifty-three women vaccinated during pregnancy were interviewed as well as 53 nonvaccinated ones. Twenty-eight (53%) women received their vaccination during the first trimester. The most frequent vaccine administered was hepatitis A (55% of the cases), followed by di-Te (34%), IM poliomyelitis (23%), yellow fever (12%), A-C meningitis (8%), IM typhoid (4%), and oral poliomyelitis (4%). Children were followed for a range of 1 to 10 years. Rates of premature births were 5.7% in both groups; congenital abnormalities were 1.9% in the vaccinated cohort versus 5.7% in the nonvaccinated one; children took their first steps at a median age of 12 months in both cohorts; among schoolchildren, 5% of the vaccinated cohort versus 7.7% of the nonvaccinated attended a lower level or a specialized school. CONCLUSION: In this small sample size, there was no indication that usual travel vaccinations, including the yellow fever one, had deleterious effect on child outcome and development
OBJECTIVE: In 2005-2006, several studies noted an increased risk of cardiovascular birth defects associated with maternal use of paroxetine compared with other antidepressants in the same class. In this study, the authors sought to determine whether paroxetine was associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular defects in infants of women exposed to the drug during the first trimester of pregnancy. METHOD: From teratology information services around the world, the authors collected prospectively ascertained, unpublished cases of infants exposed to paroxetine early in the first trimester of pregnancy and compared them with an unexposed cohort. The authors also contacted the authors of published database studies on antidepressants as a class to determine how many of the women in those studies had been exposed to paroxetine and the rates of cardiovascular defects in their infants. RESULTS: The authors were able to ascertain the outcomes of 1,174 infants from eight services. The rates of cardiac defects in the paroxetine group and in the unexposed group were both 0.7%. The rate in the database studies (2,061 cases from four studies) was 1.5%. CONCLUSIONS: Paroxetine does not appear to be associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular defects following use in early pregnancy, as the incidence in more than 3,000 infants was well within the population incidence of approximately 1%.
BACKGROUND: No data on long-term outcomes of survivors of 2009 influenza A(H1N1) (A[H1N1])-associated ARDS are available. The objective of this study was to compare the 1-year outcomes of survivors of A(H1N1)-associated ARDS, according to use or no use of extracorporeal lung assist (ECLA), using its need as an ARDS severity surrogate. METHODS: Survivors of ARDS (12 with ECLA use vs 25 without, corresponding to 75% and 54% of the eligible patients for each group, respectively) selected from the Réseau Européen de Ventilation Artificielle (REVA) registry had previously been healthy, with only pregnancy and/or moderate obesity (BMI ≤ 35 kg/m²) as known risk factors for A(H1N1) infection. Lung function and morphology, health-related quality of life (HRQoL), and psychologic impairment were evaluated. RESULTS: At 1 year post-ICU discharge for the ECLA and no-ECLA groups, respectively, 50% and 40% reported significant exertion dyspnea, 83% and 64% had returned to work, and 75% and 64% had decreased diffusion capacity across the blood-gas barrier, despite their near-normal and similar lung function test results. For both groups, exercise test results showed diminished but comparable exercise capacities, with similar alveolar-arterial oxygen gradients at peak exercise, and CT scans showed minor abnormal findings. HRQoL assessed by the 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey was poorer for both groups than for a sex- and age-matched general population group, but without between-group differences. ECLA and no-ECLA group patients, respectively, had symptoms of anxiety (50% and 56%) and depression (28% and 28%) and were at risk for posttraumatic stress disorder (41% and 44%). CONCLUSIONS: One year post-ICU discharge, a majority of survivors of A(H1N1)-associated ARDS had minor lung disabilities with diminished diffusion capacities across the blood-gas barrier, and most had psychologic impairment and poorer HRQoL than a sex- and age-matched general population group. ECLA and no-ECLA group patients had comparable outcomes. TRIAL REGISTRY: ClinicalTrials.gov; No.: NCT01271842; URL: www.clinicaltrials.gov
OBJECTIVE: This contribution addresses the risk associated with exposure to statins during pregnancy. DESIGN: Multicentre observational prospective controlled study. SETTING: European Network of Teratology Information Services. POPULATION: Pregnant women who contacted one of 11 participating centres, seeking advice about exposure to statins during pregnancy, or to agents known to be nonteratogenic. METHODS: Pregnancies exposed during first trimester to statins were followed up prospectively, and their outcomes were compared with a matched control group. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Rates of major birth defects, live births, miscarriages, elective terminations, preterm deliveries and gestational age and birthweight at delivery. RESULTS: We collected observations from 249 exposed pregnancies and 249 controls. The difference in the rate of major birth defects between the statin-exposed and the control groups was small and statistically nonsignificant (4.1% versus 2.7% odds ratio [OR] 1.5; 95% confidence interval [95% CI] 0.5-4.5, P = 0.43). In an adjusted Cox model, the difference between miscarriage rates was also small and not significant (hazard ratio 1.36, 95% CI 0.63-2.93, P = 0.43). Premature birth was more frequent in exposed pregnancies (16.1% versus 8.5%; OR 2.1, 95% CI 1.1-3.8, P = 0.019). Nonetheless, median gestational age at birth (39 weeks, interquartile range [IQR] 37-40 versus 39 weeks, IQR 38-40, P = 0.27) and birth weight (3280 g, IQR 2835-3590 versus 3250 g, IQR 2880-3630, P = 0.95) did not differ between exposed and non-exposed pregnancies. CONCLUSIONS: This study did not detect a teratogenic effect of statins. Its statistical power remains insufficient to challenge current recommendations of treatment discontinuation during pregnancy.
INTRODUCTION: Psychiatric disorders are among the leading causes of disability in Western societies. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are the most frequently prescribed antidepressant drugs during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Over the last decade, conflicting findings regarding the safety of SSRI drugs during pregnancy and lactation have questioned whether such treatments should be used during this period. AREAS COVERED: We discuss the main criteria that should be considered in the risk/benefit assessment of SSRI treatment in pregnant and/or breastfeeding patients (i.e., risks associated with SSRI use and with untreated depression as well as therapeutic benefits of SSRI and some alternative treatment strategies). For each criterion, available evidence has been synthesized and stratified by methodological quality as well as discussed for clinical impact. EXPERT OPINION: Currently, it is impossible for most of the evaluated outcomes to distinguish between the effects related to the mother's underlying disease and those inherent to SSRI treatment. In women suffering from major depression and responding to a pharmacological treatment, introduction or continuation of an SSRI should be encouraged in order to prevent maternal complications and to preserve maternal-infant bonding. The choice of the right drug depends above all on individual patient characteristics such as prior treatment response, diagnoses and comorbid conditions.
Cardiac rhabdomyomas are benign cardiac tumours with few cardiac complications, but with a known association to tuberous sclerosis that affects the neurologic outcome of the patients. We have analysed the long-term cardiac and neurological outcomes of patients with cardiac rhabdomyomas in order to allow comprehensive prenatal counselling, basing our findings on the records of all patients seen prenatally and postnatally with an echocardiographic diagnosis of cardiac rhabdomyoma encountered from August, 1982, to September, 2007. We analysed factors such as the number and the location of the tumours to establish their association with a diagnosis of tuberous sclerosis, predicting the cardiac and neurologic outcomes for the patients.Cardiac complications include arrhythmias, obstruction of the ventricular outflow tracts, and secondary cardiogenic shock. Arrhythmias were encountered most often during the neonatal period, with supraventricular tachycardia being the commonest rhythm disturbance identified. No specific dimension or location of the cardiac rhabdomyomas predicted the disturbances of rhythm.The importance of the diagnosis of tuberous sclerosis is exemplified by the neurodevelopmental complications, with four-fifths of the patients showing epilepsy, and two-thirds having delayed development. The presence of multiple cardiac tumours suggested a higher risk of being affected by tuberous sclerosis. The tumours generally regress after birth, and cardiac-related problems are rare after the perinatal period. Tuberous sclerosis and the associated neurodevelopmental complications dominate the clinical picture, and should form an important aspect of the prenatal counselling of parents.