26 resultados para Companion to the almanac, or, Year-book of general information
Magmas of the arc-tholeiitic and calc-alkaline differentiation suites contribute substantially to the formation of continental crust in subduction zones. Different geochemical-petrological models have been put forward to achieve evolved magmas forming large volumes of tonalitic to granitic plutons, building an important part of the continental crust. Primary magmas produced in the mantle wedge overlying the subducted slab migrate through the mantle and the crust. During the transfer, magma can accumulate in intermediate reservoirs at different levels where crystallization leads to differentiation and the heat transfer from the magma, together with gained heat from solidification, lead to partial melting of the crust. Partial melts can be assimilated and mix with more primitive magma. Moreover, already formed crystal cumulates or crystal mushes can be recycled and reactivated to transfer to higher crustal levels. Magma transport in the crust involves fow through fractures within a brittle elastic rock. The solidified magma filled crack, a dyke, can crosscut previously formed geological structures and thus serves as a relative or absolute time marker. The study area is situated in the Adamello massif. The Adamello massif is a composite of plutons that were emplaced between 42 and 29 million years. A later dyke swarm intruded into the southern part of the Adamello Batholith. A fractionation model covering dyke compositions from picrobasalts to dacites results in the cummulative crystallization of 17% olivine, 2% Cr-rich spinel, 18% clinopyroxene, 41% amphibole, 4% plagioclase and 0.1% magnetite to achieve an andesitic composition out of a hydrous primitive picrobasalt. These rocks show a similar geochemical evolution as experimental data simulating fractional crystallization and associated magma differentiation at lower crustal depth (7-10 kbar). The peraluminous, corundum normative composition is one characteristic of more evolved dacitic magmas, which has been explained in a long lasting debate with two di_erent models. Melting of mafic crust or politic material provides one model, whereas an alternative is fractionation from primary mantle derived melts. Amphibole occurring in basaltic-andesitic and andesitic dyke rocks as fractionating cumulate phase extracted from lower crustal depth (6-7.5 kbar) is driving the magmas to peraluminous, corundum normative compositions, which are represented by tonalites forming most of the Adamello Batholith. Most primitive picrobasaltic dykes have a slightly steepened chondrite normalized rare earth elements (REE) pattern and the increased enrichment of light-REE (LREE) for andesites and dacites can be explained by the fractional crystallization model originating from a picrobasalt, taking the changing fractionating phase assemblage and temperature into account. The injection of hot basaltic magma (~1050°C) in a closely spaced dyke swarm increases the surface of the contact to the mainly tonalitic wallrock. Such a setting induces partial melting of the wall rock and selective assimilation. Partial melting of the tonalite host is further expressed through intrusion breccias from basaltic dykes. Heat conduction models with instantaneous magma injection for such a dyke swarm geometry can explain features of partial melting observed in the field. Geochemical data of minerals and bulk rock further underline the selective or bulk assimilation of the tonalite host rock at upper crustal levels (~2-3 kbar), in particular with regard to light ion lithophile elements (LILE) such as Sr, Ba and Rb. Primitive picrobasalts carry an immiscible felsic assimilant as enclaves that bring along refractory rutile and zircon with textures typically found in oceanic plagiogranites or high pressure/low-temperature metamorphic rocks in general. U-Pb data implies a lower Cretaceous age for zircon not yet described as assimilant in Eocene to Oligocene magmatic rocks of the Central Southern Alps. The distribution of post-plutonic dykes in large batholiths such as the Adamello is one of the key features for understanding the regional stress field during the post-batholith emplacement cooling history. The emplacement of the regional dyke swarm covering the southern part of the Adamello massif was associated with consistent left lateral strike-slip movement along magma dilatation planes, leading to en echelon segmentation of dykes. Through the dilation by magma of pre-existing weaknesses and cracks in an otherwise uniform host rock, the dyke propagation and according orientation in the horizontal plane adjusted continuously perpendicular to least compressive remote stress σ3, resulting in an inferred rotation of the remote principal stress field. Les magmas issus des zones de subduction contribuent substantiellement à la formation de la croûte continentale. Les plutons tonalitiques et granitiques représentent, en effet, une partie importante de la croûte continentale. Des magmas primaires produits dans le 'mantle wedge ', partie du manteau se trouvant au-dessus de la plaque plongeante dans des zones de subduction, migrent à travers le manteau puis la croûte. Pendant ce transfert, le magma peut s'accumuler dans des réservoirs intermédiaires à différentes profondeurs. Le stockage de magma dans ces réservoirs engendre, d'une part, la différentiation des magmas par cristallisation fractionnée et, d'autre part, une fusion partielle la croûte continentale préexistante associée au transfert de la chaleur des magmas vers l'encaissant. Ces liquides magmatiques issus de la croûte peuvent, ensuite, se mélanger avec des magmas primaires. Le transport du magma dans la croûte implique notamment un flux de magma à travers différentes fractures recoupant les roches encaissantes élastiques. Au cours de ce processus de migration, des cumulats de cristaux ou des agrégats de cristaux encore non-solidifiés, peuvent être recyclés et réactivés pour être transportés à des niveaux supérieures de la croûte. Le terrain d'étude est situé dans le massif d'Adamello. Celui-ci est composé de plusieurs plutons mis en place entre 42 et 29 millions d'années. Dans une phase tardive de l'activité magmatique liée à ce batholite, une série de filons de composition variable allant de picrobasalte à des compositions dacitiques s'est mise en place la partie sud du massif. Deux modèles sont proposés dans la littérature, pour expliquer la formation des magmas dacitiques caractérisés par des compositions peralumineux (i.e. à corindon normatif). Le premier modèle propose que ces magmas soient issus de la fusion de matériel mafique et pélitique présent dans la partie inférieur de la croûte, alors que le deuxième modèle suggère une évolution par cristallisation fractionnée à partir de liquides primaires issus du manteau. Un modèle de cristallisation fractionnée a pu être développé pour expliquer l'évolution des filons de l'Adamello. Ce modèle explique la formation des filons dacitiques par la cristallisation fractionnée de 17% olivine, 2% spinelle riche en Cr, 18% clinopyroxène, 41% amphibole, 4% plagioclase et 0.1% magnetite à partir de liquide de compositions picrobasaltiques. Ce modèle prend en considération les contraintes pétrologiques déduites de l'observation des différents filons ainsi que du champ de stabilité des différentes phases en fonction de la température. Ces roches montrent une évolution géochimique similaire aux données expérimentales simulant la cristallisation fractionnée de magmas évoluant à des niveaux inférieurs de la croûte (7-10 kbar). Le modèle montre, en particulier, le rôle prépondérant de l'amphibole, une phase qui contrôle en particulier le caractère peralumineux des magmas différentiés ainsi que leurs compositions en éléments en traces. Des phénomènes de fusion partielle de l'encaissant tonalitique lors de la mise en place de _lons mafiques sont observée sur le terrain. L'injection du magma basaltique chaud (~1050°C) sous forme de filons rapprochés augmente la surface du contact avec l'encaissante tonalitique. Une telle situation produit la fusion partielle des roches encaissantes nécessaire à l'incorporation d'enclaves mafiques observés au sein des tonalites. Pour comprendre les conditions nécessaires pour la fusion partielle des roches encaissantes, des modèles de conduction thermique pour une injection simultanée d'une série de filons ont été développées. Des données géochimiques sur les minéraux et sur les roches totales soulignent qu'au niveau supérieur de la croûte, l'assimilation sélective ou totale de l'encaissante tonalitique modifie la composition du liquide primaire pour les éléments lithophiles tel que le Sr, Ba et Rb. Un autre aspect important concernant la pétrologie des filons de l'Adamello est la présence d'enclaves felsiques dans les filons les plus primitifs. Ces enclaves montrent, en particulier, des textures proches de celles rencontrées dans des plagiogranites océaniques ou dans des roches métamorphiques de haute pression/basse température. Ces enclaves contiennent du zircon et du rutile. La datations de ces zircons à l'aide du géochronomètre U-Pb indique un âge Crétacé inférieur. Cet âge est important, car aucune roche de cet âge n'a été considérée comme un assimilant potentiel pour des roches magmatiques d'âge Eocène à Oligocène dans les Alpes Sud Centrales. La réparation spatiale des filons post-plutoniques dans des grands batholites tel que l'Adamello, est une caractéristique clé pour la compréhension des champs de contraintes lors du refroidissement du batholite. L'orientation des filons va, en particulier, indiqué la contrainte minimal au sein des roches encaissante. La mise en place de la série de filon recoupant la partie Sud du massif de l'Adamello est associée à un décrochement senestre, un décrochement que l'on peut lié aux contraintes tectoniques régionales auxquelles s'ajoutent l'effet de la dilatation produite par la mise en place du batholite lui-même. Ce décrochement senestre produit une segmentation en échelon des filons.
This thesis is composed of three main parts. The first consists of a state of the art of the different notions that are significant to understand the elements surrounding art authentication in general, and of signatures in particular, and that the author deemed them necessary to fully grasp the microcosm that makes up this particular market. Individuals with a solid knowledge of the art and expertise area, and that are particularly interested in the present study are advised to advance directly to the fourth Chapter. The expertise of the signature, it's reliability, and the factors impacting the expert's conclusions are brought forward. The final aim of the state of the art is to offer a general list of recommendations based on an exhaustive review of the current literature and given in light of all of the exposed issues. These guidelines are specifically formulated for the expertise of signatures on paintings, but can also be applied to wider themes in the area of signature examination. The second part of this thesis covers the experimental stages of the research. It consists of the method developed to authenticate painted signatures on works of art. This method is articulated around several main objectives: defining measurable features on painted signatures and defining their relevance in order to establish the separation capacities between groups of authentic and simulated signatures. For the first time, numerical analyses of painted signatures have been obtained and are used to attribute their authorship to given artists. An in-depth discussion of the developed method constitutes the third and final part of this study. It evaluates the opportunities and constraints when applied by signature and handwriting experts in forensic science. A brief summary covering each chapter allows a rapid overview of the study and summarizes the aims and main themes of each chapter. These outlines presented below summarize the aims and main themes addressed in each chapter. Part I - Theory Chapter 1 exposes legal aspects surrounding the authentication of works of art by art experts. The definition of what is legally authentic, the quality and types of the experts that can express an opinion concerning the authorship of a specific painting, and standard deontological rules are addressed. The practices applied in Switzerland will be specifically dealt with. Chapter 2 presents an overview of the different scientific analyses that can be carried out on paintings (from the canvas to the top coat). Scientific examinations of works of art have become more common, as more and more museums equip themselves with laboratories, thus an understanding of their role in the art authentication process is vital. The added value that a signature expertise can have in comparison to other scientific techniques is also addressed. Chapter 3 provides a historical overview of the signature on paintings throughout the ages, in order to offer the reader an understanding of the origin of the signature on works of art and its evolution through time. An explanation is given on the transitions that the signature went through from the 15th century on and how it progressively took on its widely known modern form. Both this chapter and chapter 2 are presented to show the reader the rich sources of information that can be provided to describe a painting, and how the signature is one of these sources. Chapter 4 focuses on the different hypotheses the FHE must keep in mind when examining a painted signature, since a number of scenarios can be encountered when dealing with signatures on works of art. The different forms of signatures, as well as the variables that may have an influence on the painted signatures, are also presented. Finally, the current state of knowledge of the examination procedure of signatures in forensic science in general, and in particular for painted signatures, is exposed. The state of the art of the assessment of the authorship of signatures on paintings is established and discussed in light of the theoretical facets mentioned previously. Chapter 5 considers key elements that can have an impact on the FHE during his or her2 examinations. This includes a discussion on elements such as the skill, confidence and competence of an expert, as well as the potential bias effects he might encounter. A better understanding of elements surrounding handwriting examinations, to, in turn, better communicate results and conclusions to an audience, is also undertaken. Chapter 6 reviews the judicial acceptance of signature analysis in Courts and closes the state of the art section of this thesis. This chapter brings forward the current issues pertaining to the appreciation of this expertise by the non- forensic community, and will discuss the increasing number of claims of the unscientific nature of signature authentication. The necessity to aim for more scientific, comprehensive and transparent authentication methods will be discussed. The theoretical part of this thesis is concluded by a series of general recommendations for forensic handwriting examiners in forensic science, specifically for the expertise of signatures on paintings. These recommendations stem from the exhaustive review of the literature and the issues exposed from this review and can also be applied to the traditional examination of signatures (on paper). Part II - Experimental part Chapter 7 describes and defines the sampling, extraction and analysis phases of the research. The sampling stage of artists' signatures and their respective simulations are presented, followed by the steps that were undertaken to extract and determine sets of characteristics, specific to each artist, that describe their signatures. The method is based on a study of five artists and a group of individuals acting as forgers for the sake of this study. Finally, the analysis procedure of these characteristics to assess of the strength of evidence, and based on a Bayesian reasoning process, is presented. Chapter 8 outlines the results concerning both the artist and simulation corpuses after their optical observation, followed by the results of the analysis phase of the research. The feature selection process and the likelihood ratio evaluation are the main themes that are addressed. The discrimination power between both corpuses is illustrated through multivariate analysis. Part III - Discussion Chapter 9 discusses the materials, the methods, and the obtained results of the research. The opportunities, but also constraints and limits, of the developed method are exposed. Future works that can be carried out subsequent to the results of the study are also presented. Chapter 10, the last chapter of this thesis, proposes a strategy to incorporate the model developed in the last chapters into the traditional signature expertise procedures. Thus, the strength of this expertise is discussed in conjunction with the traditional conclusions reached by forensic handwriting examiners in forensic science. Finally, this chapter summarizes and advocates a list of formal recommendations for good practices for handwriting examiners. In conclusion, the research highlights the interdisciplinary aspect of signature examination of signatures on paintings. The current state of knowledge of the judicial quality of art experts, along with the scientific and historical analysis of paintings and signatures, are overviewed to give the reader a feel of the different factors that have an impact on this particular subject. The temperamental acceptance of forensic signature analysis in court, also presented in the state of the art, explicitly demonstrates the necessity of a better recognition of signature expertise by courts of law. This general acceptance, however, can only be achieved by producing high quality results through a well-defined examination process. This research offers an original approach to attribute a painted signature to a certain artist: for the first time, a probabilistic model used to measure the discriminative potential between authentic and simulated painted signatures is studied. The opportunities and limits that lie within this method of scientifically establishing the authorship of signatures on works of art are thus presented. In addition, the second key contribution of this work proposes a procedure to combine the developed method into that used traditionally signature experts in forensic science. Such an implementation into the holistic traditional signature examination casework is a large step providing the forensic, judicial and art communities with a solid-based reasoning framework for the examination of signatures on paintings. The framework and preliminary results associated with this research have been published (Montani, 2009a) and presented at international forensic science conferences (Montani, 2009b; Montani, 2012).
BACKGROUND: Existing prediction models for mortality in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients have not yet been validated in primary care, which is where the majority of patients receive care. OBJECTIVES: Our aim was to validate the ADO (age, dyspnoea, airflow obstruction) index as a predictor of 2-year mortality in 2 general practice-based COPD cohorts. METHODS: Six hundred and forty-six patients with COPD with GOLD (Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease) stages I-IV were enrolled by their general practitioners and followed for 2 years. The ADO regression equation was used to predict a 2-year risk of all-cause mortality in each patient and this risk was compared with the observed 2-year mortality. Discrimination and calibration were assessed as well as the strength of association between the 15-point ADO score and the observed 2-year all-cause mortality. RESULTS: Fifty-two (8.1%) patients died during the 2-year follow-up period. Discrimination with the ADO index was excellent with an area under the curve of 0.78 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.71-0.84]. Overall, the predicted and observed risks matched well and visual inspection revealed no important differences between them across 10 risk classes (p = 0.68). The odds ratio for death per point increase according to the ADO index was 1.50 (95% CI 1.31-1.71). CONCLUSIONS: The ADO index showed excellent prediction properties in an out-of-population validation carried out in COPD patients from primary care settings. © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel.
The Teggiolo zone is the sedimentary cover of the Antigorio nappe, one of the lowest tectonic units of the Penninic Central Alps. Detailed mapping, stratigraphic and structural analyses, and comparisons with less metamorphic series in several well-studied domains of the Alps, provide a new stratigraphic interpretation. The Teggiolo zone is comprised of several sedimentary cycles, separated by erosive surfaces and large stratigraphic gaps, which cover the time span from Triassic to Eocene. At Mid-Jurassic times it appears as an uplifted, partially emergent block, marking the southern limit of the main Helvetic basin (the Limiting South-Helvetic Rise LSHR). The main mass of the Teggiolo calcschists, whose base truncates the Triassic-Jurassic cycles and can erode the Antigorio basement, consists of fine-grained clastic sediments analogous to the deep-water flyschoid deposits of Late Cretaceous to Eocene age in the North-Penninic (or Valais s.l.) basins. Thus the Antigorio-Teggiolo domain occupies a crucial paleogeographic position, on the boundary between the Helvetic and Penninic realms: from Triassic to Early Cretaceous its affinity is with the Helvetic; at the end of Cretaceous it is incorporated into the North-Penninic basins. An unexpected result is the discovery of the important role played by complex formations of wildflysch type at the top of the Teggiolo zone. They contain blocks of various sizes. According to their nature, three different associations are distinguished that have specific vertical and lateral distributions. These blocks give clues to the existence of territories that have disappeared from the present-day level of observation and impose constraints on the kinematics of early folding and embryonic nappe emplacement. Tectonics produced several phases of superimposed folds and schistosities, more in the metasediments than in the gneissic basement. Older deformations that predate the amplification of the frontal hinge of the nappe generated the dominant schistosity and the km-wide Vanzèla isoclinal fold.
Liddle's syndrome is a genetic form of hypertension linked to Na(+) retention caused by activating mutations in the COOH terminus of the beta or gamma subunit of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC). In this study, we used the short-circuit current (I(sc)) method to investigate the effects of deamino-8-d-arginine vasopressin (dDAVP) on Na(+) and Cl(-) fluxes in primary cultures of cortical collecting ducts (CCDs) microdissected from the kidneys of mice with Liddle's syndrome carrying a stop codon mutation, corresponding to the beta-ENaC R(566) stop mutation (L) found in the original pedigree. Compared to wild-type (+/+) CCD cells, untreated L/+ and L/L CCD cells exhibited 2.7- and 4.2-fold increases, respectively, in amiloride-sensitive (Ams) I(sc), reflecting ENaC-dependent Na(+) absorption. Short-term incubation with dDAVP caused a rapid and significant increase (approximately 2-fold) in Ams I(sc) in +/+, but not in L/+ or L/L CCD cells. In sharp contrast, dDAVP induced a greater increase in 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropamino)benzoate (NPPB)-inhibited apical Cl(-) currents in amiloride-treated L/L and L/+ cells than in their +/+ counterparts. I(sc) recordings performed under apical ion substituted conditions revealed that the dDAVP-stimulated apical secretion of Cl(-), which was absent in cultured CCDs lacking CFTR, was 1.8-fold greater in L/+ and 3.7-fold greater in L/L CCD cells than in their +/+ CCD counterparts. After the basal membrane had been permeabilized with nystatin and a basal-to-apical Cl(-) gradient had been imposed, dDAVP also stimulated larger Cl(-) currents across L/L and L/+ CCD layers than +/+ CCD layers. These findings demonstrate that vasopressin stimulates greater apical CFTR Cl(-) conductance in the renal CCD cells of mice with Liddle's syndrome than in wild-type mice. This effect could contribute to the enhanced NaCl reabsorption observed in the distal nephron of patients with Liddle's syndrome.
In this paper, we study the average inter-crossing number between two random walks and two random polygons in the three-dimensional space. The random walks and polygons in this paper are the so-called equilateral random walks and polygons in which each segment of the walk or polygon is of unit length. We show that the mean average inter-crossing number ICN between two equilateral random walks of the same length n is approximately linear in terms of n and we were able to determine the prefactor of the linear term, which is a = (3 In 2)/(8) approximate to 0.2599. In the case of two random polygons of length n, the mean average inter-crossing number ICN is also linear, but the prefactor of the linear term is different from that of the random walks. These approximations apply when the starting points of the random walks and polygons are of a distance p apart and p is small compared to n. We propose a fitting model that would capture the theoretical asymptotic behaviour of the mean average ICN for large values of p. Our simulation result shows that the model in fact works very well for the entire range of p. We also study the mean ICN between two equilateral random walks and polygons of different lengths. An interesting result is that even if one random walk (polygon) has a fixed length, the mean average ICN between the two random walks (polygons) would still approach infinity if the length of the other random walk (polygon) approached infinity. The data provided by our simulations match our theoretical predictions very well.
The aim of the present study was to determine whether and how rats can use local olfactory cues for spatial orientation. Rats were trained in an eight-arm radial maze under different conditions as defined by the presence or absence of supplementary olfactory cues marking each arm, the availability of distant visuospatial information, and the illumination of the maze (light or darkness). The different visual conditions were designed to dissociate among the effects of light per se and those of visuospatial cues, on the use of olfactory cues for accurate arm choice. Different procedures with modifications of the arrangement of olfactory cues were used to determine if rats formed a representation of the spatial configuration of the olfactory cues and if they could rely on such a representation for accurate arm choice in the radial maze. The present study demonstrated that the use of olfactory cues to direct arm choice in the radial arm maze was critically dependent on the illumination conditions and implied two different modes of processing of olfactory information according to the presence or the absence of light. Olfactory cues were used in an explicit manner and enabled accurate arm choice only in the absence of light. Rats, however, had an implicit memory of the location of the olfactory cues and formed a representation of the spatial position of these cues, whatever the lighting conditions. They did not memorize the spatial configuration of the olfactory cues per se but needed these cues to be linked to the external spatial frame of reference.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The use of ± 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, 'ecstasy') is associated with cardiovascular complications and hyperthermia. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: We assessed the effects of the α(1) - and β-adrenoceptor antagonist carvedilol on the cardiostimulant, thermogenic and subjective responses to MDMA in 16 healthy subjects. Carvedilol (50 mg) or placebo was administered 1 h before MDMA (125 mg) or placebo using a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, four-period crossover design. KEY RESULTS Carvedilol reduced MDMA-induced elevations in blood pressure, heart rate and body temperature. Carvedilol did not affect the subjective effects of MDMA including MDMA-induced good drug effects, drug high, drug liking, stimulation or adverse effects. Carvedilol did not alter the plasma exposure to MDMA. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: α(1) - and β-Adrenoceptors contribute to the cardiostimulant and thermogenic effects of MDMA in humans but not to its psychotropic effects. Carvedilol could be useful in the treatment of cardiovascular and hyperthermic complications associated with ecstasy use.
Matrix attachment regions are DNA sequences found throughout eukaryotic genomes that are believed to define boundaries interfacing heterochromatin and euchromatin domains, thereby acting as epigenetic regulators. When included in expression vectors, MARs can improve and sustain transgene expression, and a search for more potent novel elements is therefore actively pursued to further improve recombinant protein production. Here we describe the isolation of new MARs from the mouse genome using a modified in silico analysis. One of these MARs was found to be a powerful activator of transgene expression in stable transfections. Interestingly, this MAR also increased GFP and/or immunoglobulin expression from some but not all expression vectors in transient transfections. This effect was attributed to the presence or absence of elements on the vector backbone, providing an explanation for earlier discrepancies as to the ability of this class of elements to affect transgene expression under such conditions.
In the present study, we searched for genes highly expressed in placenta and that could contribute to the establishment and maintenance of a malignant phenotype in different types of tumours, and in astrocytomas in particular. We employed a strategy based on the integration of in silico data from previously generated massively parallel signature sequencing and public serial analysis of gene expression databases. Among 12 selected genes, CD99 exhibited the highest relative mRNA expression in GBM compared to non-neoplastic brain tissues. In a larger cohort of astrocytic tumours, we further demonstrated increased CD99 expression in all malignant grades, with GBMs showing the highest values. These findings were confirmed at the protein level by Western blotting and immunohistochemistry. Additionally, we demonstrated the CD99 localisation profile in astrocytic tumours. Interestingly, CD99 expression was confined to the cytoplasm or membrane in more malignant astrocytomas, in contrast to non-neoplastic brain tissue or non-infiltrative pilocytic astrocytoma, which showed no obvious staining in these structures. Comparison of three GBM cell lines revealed higher CD99 expression at the membrane and higher migratory capacity in the A172 and U87MG lines, but lower CD99 expression and no migratory ability in the T98 line. Knocking down CD99 expression by siRNA decreased significantly the migration of both cell lines. These integrated CD99 gene and protein expression results suggest that CD99 expression in astrocytomas of different malignant grades might contribute to the infiltrative ability and support the importance of CD99 as a potential target to reduce infiltrative astrocytoma capacity in migration and invasion.
The CD8 molecule is a glycoprotein expressed on a subset of mature T lymphocytes. It has been postulated to be a receptor for class I major histocompatibility complex molecules. In the mouse, CD8 is a heterodimer composed of Ly-2 and Ly-3 chains. We have isolated and analyzed cDNA and cosmid clones corresponding to the Ly-3 subunit. One of the isolated, cosmid clones was subsequently transfected, alone or in combination with the Ly-2 gene, into mouse Ltk- cells. Analysis of the Ly-2,3 molecules expressed at the surface of the double transfectants indicated that they are serologically and biochemically indistinguishable from their normal counterparts expressed on lymphoid cells. Ltk- cells transfected with the Ly-2 gene alone were shown to react with a subset of anti-CD8 monoclonal antibodies whereas Ly-3 transfectants did not stain with any of the anti-Ly-3 antibodies employed in this study. Since at least one of these antibodies (53-5.8) has been previously shown to recognize an epitope which is retained on the Ly-3 subunit after dissociation of the heterodimeric Ly-2,3 complex, these observations suggest that the expression of the Ly-2 polypeptide is required to permit the detectable cell surface expression of the antigenic determinants carried by the Ly-3 subunit.