22 resultados para BENCHMARKING
Primary bloodstream infection (BSI) is a leading, preventable infectious complication in critically ill patients and has a negative impact on patients' outcome. Surveillance definitions for primary BSI distinguish those that are microbiologically documented from those that are not. The latter is known as clinical sepsis, but information on its epidemiologic importance is limited. We analyzed prospective on-site surveillance data of nosocomial infections in a medical intensive care unit. Of the 113 episodes of primary BSI, 33 (29%) were microbiologically documented. The overall BSI infection rate was 19.8 episodes per 1,000 central-line days (confidence interval [CI] 95%, 16.1 to 23.6); the rate fell to 5.8 (CI 3.8 to 7.8) when only microbiologically documented episodes were considered. Exposure to vascular devices was similar in patients with clinical sepsis and patients with microbiologically documented BSI. We conclude that laboratory-based surveillance alone will underestimate the incidence of primary BSI and thus jeopardize benchmarking.
En Suisse, le nombre des bénéficiaires de l'aide sociale et les dépenses publiques correspondantes augmentent constamment depuis plusieurs années. La consommation de ressources budgétaires pour la prévoyance sociale de la Confédération, des cantons et des communes a plus que quadruplé entre 1980 et 2004. L'aide sociale constitue donc un domaine majeur dans lequel identifier des potentiels d'amélioration par une analyse par comparaison peut contribuer à stabiliser les dépenses. Pourtant, dans ce domaine, on dénombre encore très peu d'analyses allant au-delà de la présentation de statistiques primaires et permettant de se faire une idée de l'efficience avec laquelle les organismes concernés opèrent. Par conséquent, cette contribution, en se concentrant sur l'évaluation de l'efficience technique avec laquelle les prestations de l'aide sociale sont allouées, apparaît par conséquent comme inédite. Son objectif méthodologique est de proposer une démarche pour comparer l'efficience avec laquelle les prestations financières de l'aide sociale sont délivrées aux bénéficiaires. Elle a ensuite pour objectif empirique d'appliquer cette démarche aux centres qui, dans le canton de Vaud, sont responsables de fournir ces prestations.
During recent years, an increasingly comprehensive set of rules and guidelines has been developed around clinical trials, to ensure their proper ethical, methodological, administrative and financial conduct. While initially limited to new drug development, this regulation is progressively invading all areas of clinical research, with limited respect for the heterogeneity in aims, resources, sponsors and epistemological grounds. No clinical study should be planned without consideration of a series of legal requirements, which are reviewed. Concerns about their practical implications are critically assessed.
Quest for Orthologs (QfO) is a community effort with the goal to improve and benchmark orthology predictions. As quality assessment assumes prior knowledge on species phylogenies, we investigated the congruency between existing species trees by comparing the relationships of 147 QfO reference organisms from six Tree of Life (ToL)/species tree projects: The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) taxonomy, Opentree of Life, the sequenced species/species ToL, the 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) database, and trees published by Ciccarelli et al. (Ciccarelli FD, et al. 2006. Toward automatic reconstruction of a highly resolved tree of life. Science 311:1283-1287) and by Huerta-Cepas et al. (Huerta-Cepas J, Marcet-Houben M, Gabaldon T. 2014. A nested phylogenetic reconstruction approach provides scalable resolution in the eukaryotic Tree Of Life. PeerJ PrePrints 2:223) Our study reveals that each species tree suggests a different phylogeny: 87 of the 146 (60%) possible splits of a dichotomous and rooted tree are congruent, while all other splits are incongruent in at least one of the species trees. Topological differences are observed not only at deep speciation events, but also within younger clades, such as Hominidae, Rodentia, Laurasiatheria, or rosids. The evolutionary relationships of 27 archaea and bacteria are highly inconsistent. By assessing 458,108 gene trees from 65 genomes, we show that consistent species topologies are more often supported by gene phylogenies than contradicting ones. The largest concordant species tree includes 77 of the QfO reference organisms at the most. Results are summarized in the form of a consensus ToL (http://swisstree.vital-it.ch/species_tree) that can serve different benchmarking purposes.
We address the challenges of treating polarization and covalent interactions in docking by developing a hybrid quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) scoring function based on the semiempirical self-consistent charge density functional tight-binding (SCC-DFTB) method and the CHARMM force field. To benchmark this scoring function within the EADock DSS docking algorithm, we created a publicly available dataset of high-quality X-ray structures of zinc metalloproteins ( http://www.molecular-modelling.ch/resources.php ). For zinc-bound ligands (226 complexes), the QM/MM scoring yielded a substantially improved success rate compared to the classical scoring function (77.0% vs 61.5%), while, for allosteric ligands (55 complexes), the success rate remained constant (49.1%). The QM/MM scoring significantly improved the detection of correct zinc-binding geometries and improved the docking success rate by more than 20% for several important drug targets. The performance of both the classical and the QM/MM scoring functions compare favorably to the performance of AutoDock4, AutoDock4Zn, and AutoDock Vina.
INTRODUCTION: Dispatch-assisted cardiopulmonary resuscitation (DA-CPR) plays a key role in out-of-hospital cardiac arrests. We sought to measure dispatchers' performances in a criteria-based system in recognizing cardiac arrest and delivering DA-CPR. Our secondary purpose was to identify the factors that hampered dispatchers' identification of cardiac arrests, the factors that prevented them from proposing DA-CPR, and the factors that prevented bystanders from performing CPR. METHODS AND RESULTS: We reviewed dispatch recordings for 1254 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occurring between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2013. Dispatchers correctly identified cardiac arrests in 71% of the reviewed cases and 84% of the cases in which they were able to assess for patient consciousness and breathing. The median time to recognition of the arrest was 60s. The median time to start chest compression was 220s. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that performances from a criteria-based dispatch system can be similar to those from a medical-priority dispatch system regarding out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) time recognition and DA-CPR delivery. Agonal breathing recognition remains the weakest link in this sensitive task in both systems. It is of prime importance that all dispatch centers tend not only to implement DA-CPR but also to have tools to help them reach this objective, as today it should be mandatory to offer this service to the community. In order to improve benchmarking opportunities, we completed previously proposed performance standards as propositions.
[...] L'Etat se doit d'imposer aux institutions des objectifs de qualité corollairement aux objectifs financiers. La préparation et la négociation des contrats de prestations ainsi que du cadre budgétaire et le contrôle du respect des éléments y relatifs devient une tâche primordiale de l'Etat. C'est par ce biais qu'il garde un certain contrôle sur les objectifs des institutions. Dès lors, pour ne pas recréer les conditions-cadres que l'on veut justement changer, à savoir le manque d'incitation à la bonne gestion, l'État doit se doter d'instruments de surveillance capables de mettre en évidence suffisamment tôt une éventuelle dérive financière, de manière à permettre la prise de mesures adéquates. Il doit également surveiller l'activité des institutions et en mesurer les effets au sein de la population (qualité des soins, accessibilité, etc.). Cette surveillance nécessite la collecte de données épidémiologiques et elle s'exerce grâce à la création de tableaux de bord composés d'indicateurs pertinents. [...] [Auteur, p. 20]