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It has been suggested that an inappropriate relationship between renin and exchangeable sodium is responsible for the hypertension of patients with chronic renal failure. Long-term blockade of the renin system by captopril made it possible to test this hypothesis in 8 patients on maintenance hemodialysis. Captopril was administered orally in 2 daily doses of 25 to 200 mg. Previously, blood pressure averaged 179/105 +/- 6/3 (mean +/- SEM) pre- and 182/103 +/- 7/3 mm HG post-dialysis, despite intensive ultrafiltration and conventional antihypertensive therapy. The 4 patients with the highest plasma renin activity normalized their blood pressure with captopril alone, whereas in the 4 remaining patients, captopril therapy was complemented by salt subtraction which consisted in replacement of 1-2 liters of ultrafiltrate by an equal volume of 5% dextrose until blood pressure was controlled. After an average treatment period of 5 months, blood pressure of all 8 patients was reduced to 134/76 +/- 7/5 mm Hg (P less than 0.001) pre- and 144/81 +/- 9/5 mm Hg (P less than 0.001) post-dialysis without a significant change in body weight. The present data suggest that captopril alone or combined with salt subtraction normalizes blood pressure of patients on chronic hemodialysis with so called uncontrollable hypertension.
We report the case of a drug interaction between methotrexate (MTX) and chloral hydrate (CH) observed in a child treated for acute leukemia. Significantly slower MTX clearance and increased MTX exposure occurred on the first three courses of a high-dose chemotherapy when co-administered with CH despite normal renal function, adequate hydration, and alkalinization. Mean MTX area under the curve associated with CH administration was 1,134 µmol hours/L, compared to 608 µmol hours/L after discontinuation of CH. This interaction possibly resulted from a competition between anionic CH metabolites and MTX for renal tubular excretion.
Water-soluble metalla-cages were used to deliver hydrophobic porphin molecules to cancer cells. After internalization, the photosensitizer was photoactivated, significantly increasing the cytotoxicity in cells. During the transport, the photosensitizer remains nonreactive to light, offering a new strategy to tackle overall photosensitization, a limitation often encountered in photodynamic therapy.
В статье будут рассмотрены два исследования русского и советского лингвиста Е.Д. Поливанова, посвященные фонетике «интеллигентского языка». В начале 1930-ч гг. Поливанов выдвинул новаторскую теорию языка, основанную на изучении социолектов и групповых диалектов русского языка современности. Язык интеллигенции - один из излюбленных предметов исследований лингвиста. Поливанов доказывает, что изменениям подвержен не только словарный запас, но и фонетика, и приводит конкретные примеры фонетических изменений, вызванных революцией.
The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) is involved in a wide variety of biological and toxicological responses, including neuroendocrine signaling. Due to the complexity of neuroendocrine pathways in e.g. the hypothalamus and pituitary, there are limited in vitro models available despite the strong demand for such systems to study and predict neuroendocrine effects of chemicals. In this study, the applicability of the AhR-expressing rat hypothalamic GnV-3 cell line was investigated as a novel model to screen for neuroendocrine effects of AhR ligands using 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) as reference compound. The qRT-PCR analyses demonstrated the presence of several sets of neurotransmitter receptors in the GnV-3 cells. TCDD (10nM) altered neurotransmitter signaling by up-regulation of glutamate (Grik2), gamma-amino butyric acid (Gabra2) and serotonin (Ht2C) receptor mRNA levels. However, no significant changes in basal and serotonin-evoked intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)]i) or serotonin release were observed. On the other hand, TCDD de-regulated period circadian protein homolog 1 (Per1) and gonadotropin releasing hormone (Gnrh) mRNA levels within a 24-h time period. Both Per1 and Gnrh genes displayed a similar mRNA expression pattern in GnV-3 cells. Moreover, the involvement of AhR in TCDD-induced alteration of Neuropeptide Y (Npy) gene expression was found and confirmed by using siRNA targeted against Ahr in GnV-3 cells. Overall, the combined results demonstrate that GnV-3 cells may be a suitable model to predict some mechanisms of action and effects of AhR ligands in the hypothalamus.
Tumor-infiltrating plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) promote an immunosuppressive milieu that drives tumor growth in melanoma. This phenomenon typically results from the lack of appropriate pDC activation signals in the tumor microenvironment, but it is also actively controlled by tumor cells, which have evolved strategies to inhibit type I IFN production by pDCs. In this issue, Camisaschi et al. identify a new mechanism in which tumors avoid type I IFN production by triggering LAG-3-dependent activation of pDCs. Combination therapies that restore pDC functionality and trigger innate activation to produce type I IFN should be envisaged to induce effective antitumor immunity.
Cet article discute l'hypothèse d'un lien entre l'émergence du thème du visage dans des textes ou des productions iconographiques provenant de diverses traditions religieuses et une expérience primordiale de contemplation d'un visage face à face. Pour dire la quête du transcendant, de ce qui n'est pas immédiatement accessible, l'être humain puiserait ainsi dans l'expérience d'une des premières grandes quêtes de tout humain : la recherche du face à face entre le nourrisson et sa mère qui se met peu à peu en place entre la naissance et l'âge de trois mois. C'est cette expérience qui serait élaborée par les textes parlant du désir de voir Dieu face à face et par les productions iconographiques représentant le visage de figures divines. Loin de répondre à un penchant régressif, cette reprise d'une des premières expériences enfantines serait l'expression d'un mouvement progressif : la référence à une victoire durement acquise durant les premiers mois de la vie pour parler d'un désir actuel de dépassement. Les pages qui suivent examinent successivement différents aspects de cette question.
As future treatments increasingly target the protein chemistry underlying the different dementias, itbecomes crucially important to distinguish between the dementias during life. Neither specific proteinnor genetic markers are as yet available in clinical practice. However, neuroimaging is an obviouscandidate technique that may yield enhanced diagnostic accuracy when applied to thedementias. The physiopathology and anatomopathology is complex in dementia with Lewy bodies(DLB). Besides the relative sparing of medial temporal lobe structures in DLB in comparison toAlzheimer's disease, no clear signature pattern of cerebral atrophy associated with DLB has beenestablished so far. Among others, one reason may be the difficulty in visualizing the small brainnuclei that are differentially involved among the dementias. While we think that structural magneticresonance imaging neuroimaging should be part of the diagnostic workup of most dementia syndromesdue to its usefulness in the differential diagnosis, its contribution to a positive diagnosis ofDLB is as yet limited. The development of different neuroimaging techniques may help distinguishreliably DLB from other neurodegenerative disorders. However, in order to become accepted as partof standard care, these techniques must still prove their effectiveness under routine conditions suchas those encountered by the general practitioner.
La Bible est un immense trésor d'histoires racontées. De la Genèse à l'Apocalypse, chaque récit déploie un monde que le lecteur est invité à habiter. Une discipline récente, la narratologie, s'attache à étudier cet art millénaire du « raconter ». Qu'il soit romancier ou écrivain biblique, tout conteur utilise les mêmes outils : il construit une intrigue, il tisse un réseau de personnages, il induit un système de valeurs, il sollicite l'imaginaire du lecteur et le fait voyager dans l'espace et le temps... Sept biblistes présentent ici des « travaux pratiques » d'analyse narrative appliquée à la Bible. Après avoir été invité par Daniel Marguerat à «Entrer dans le monde du récit », le lecteur goûtera la magie du raconter : qu'ils aient été bergers ou érudits, les conteurs bibliques étaient des artistes !