529 resultados para Psychiatrie.


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Basé sur les psychothérapies cognitives des psychoses, Michael's Game est un jeu de cartes qui propose à des patients de s'entraîner au raisonnement par hypothèses. Après une présentation théorique du jeu (cadre, déroulement, bénéfices attendus pour les patients...) les auteurs illustrent avec des réactions d'un groupe de patients.


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Les comportements de recherche de sécurité avec des personnes qui ont un diagnostic de schizophrénie et qui présentent des hallucinations auditives verbales sont fréquents. Ils nécessitent d'être étudiés afin de développer des interventions pour soulager les patients.


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The Constructive Thinking Inventory (CTI) measures cognitive coping strategies used in everyday problem solving. The main objective of this study was to assess the factorial structure, the internal consistency, the correspondence with the American normative values, and the discriminant validity of the French translation. A community sample of 777 students aged 12 to 26 years, recruited from schools, colleges and universities, answered the 108item selfreport CTI questionnaire during a class period. A sample of 60 male adolescent offenders aged 13 to 18 years, recruited from two institutions for juvenile offenders, answered the CTI during an individual interview. Results show that the French translation of the CTI follows an identical factorial structure as the Epstein's American version in both adolescents and young adults, and that its internal consistency is satisfactory. Differences in Constructive Thinking profiles according to gender and age and between Swiss and American samples, are discussed. Juvenile offenders differed from community youths on most of the scales, speaking for a good discriminant validity of the CTI. In conclusion, the French translation of the CTI appears to preserve the original version's psychometric properties. The present study provides normative values from a community sample of Swiss adolescents and young adults.


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Freud defined the drive as "a concept on the frontier between the mental and the somatic". Today this view that was based on clinical observations interpreted within the psychoanalytical framework, can be revisited in light of the current neuroscientific notions of neuronal plasticity and somatic states. Indeed, through the mechanisms of plasticity experience leaves a trace that forms the neural basis of a representation of the experience. Such a representation R is associated with a somatic state S in the sense taken from the "somatic marker" model of Damasio. Thus, the internal reality of the subject, particularly the unconscious one, is constituted by such connected R's and S's. In the model that we discuss, the posterior insula represents the primary interoceptive cortex where information about somatic states S converges, while in the anterior insula the connection between R and S can take place and establish a neurobiological correlate for the notion of drive. We posit that the re-representations of S associated with R in the anterior insula may correspond to the Vorstellungsrepräsentanz postulated by Freud. We further propose that the tension between R and S established in the anterior insula is discharged according to the notion of drive through the motor arm of the limbic system, namely the anterior cingulate cortex which is heavily connected with the anterior insula.


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Introduction. La détresse psychique touche entre 30 et 50% des patients atteints de cancer (1-5). Les troubles psychiatriques les plus fréquemment observés sont les états dépressifs et les troubles anxieux et d'adaptation (1). En ce qui concerne les approches psychodynamiques auprès de patients atteints de cancer, il manque des études évaluant l'effet de ces thérapies. L'objectif de ce travail de master est d'investiguer une intervention psychothérapeutique d'inspiration psychodynamique effectuée auprès de patients nouvellement diagnostiqués de cancer. Méthode. Basée sur la lecture de 20 rapports, une grille de lecture des thématiques abordées dans les interventions a été élaborée puis discutée en deux focus groups entre trois chercheurs. Pour l'analyse semi-quantitative, deux de ces chercheurs ont appliqué la grille d'analyse à tous les rapports (N=135) et ont ensuite confronté et discuté leurs classifications jusqu'à l'obtention d'un consensus. Résultats. Une liste de vingt thématiques classées dans deux catégories a été élaborée: 1) témoignage/demande de soutien et 2) introspection avec les sous-catégories 2.1) changement de fonctionnement psychologique et 2.2) modification du positionnement relationnel. La moitié (50,4%) des patients ont consulté pour témoigner ou demander un soutien, 27,4% pour un changement de fonctionnement psychologique et 9,6% pour une modification du positionnement relationnel; 12,6% des patients n'ont pas pu être classifiés. En général, les patients consultant pour témoigner ou demander un soutien sont légèrement plus âgés et présentent un stade de maladie plus avancé, et consultent en moyenne durant 4 à 5 séances. Les patients qui visent un changement de fonctionnement psychologique suivent une tendance inverse et consultent en moyenne durant 11 à 12 séances; ceux qui désirent une modification de leur positionnement relationel sont également légèrement plus jeunes, avec un stade de maladie moins avancé, mais leur nombre de séances effectuées est très variable. Lorsque les patients effectuent un travail sur soi ou sur leurs relations, les sujets abordés ne sont que rarement centrés sur le cancer. Par contre, chez des patients qui consultent pour témoigner ou être soutenus, les angoisses liées au cancer sont plus souvent au coeur de l'intervention thérapeutique. Discussion. Les rapports de psychothérapie de patients atteints de cancer rédigés dans le cadre d'une étude sont sujets à la subjectivité des thérapeutes et à leurs interprétations quant au processus thérapeutique. Et il en va de même pour l'analyse que les chercheurs en font. Néanmoins, les résultats montrent qu'une grande variété de thématiques sont abordées durant les thérapies et que "l'évènement cancer" n'est pas toujours au centre des entretiens; avec certains patients les thérapeutes entament un travail plus conséquent en ce qui concerne sa durée et son contenu; travail qui va au-delà de "l'évènementiel". Les patients des différentes catégories identifiées se distinguent clairement quant à leur désir d'approfondir un travail thérapeutique, quant aux objectifs qu'ils souhaitent atteindre et quant au type d'intervention psychothérapeutique dont ils ont besoin. Conclusion. Les approches psychothérapeutiques pour les patients atteints de cancer demandent du thérapeute une grande souplesse, afin de s'adapter à la demande et aux capacités d'élaboration des patients. Une clarification rapide de ces deux paramètres dans les premières séances devrait faire partie intégrante de la prise en charge.


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This article describes the long-lasting psychological after-effects of a traumatic experience. There is growing lmowledge of the biomedical underpinnings of these phenomena: the underlying mechanisms belong to an implicit learning process whereby the victim remains under the influence of painful past experiences. One of these mechanisms concerns the development of a traumatic bonding which Iioticeably impedes the establishment of interpersona! relationships. The other mechanism, called "contextualisation deficit", is the difficulty of adjusting a person's emotional and behavioural reactivity to the context of present day !ife. This capacity of a traumatic experience to become incrusted long-termina human being's mind, and to haunt the victim with various forms of psychological and physical suffering, can be compared with the presence of a tumour or an abscess in somatic medicine. Th us, severe drug addiction can be conceptualised as a disorder in which the patient tries - in most cases ineffectively - to soothe the pain of today's world in cmmection with the trauma of the past. In conclusion, this article urges the development of psychiatrie care programmes which operate at the centre of the suffering encountered by the se patients, as a complement to the already well-established offers such as harm reduction, substitution therapy and social support.


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While the hospital remains an important element of the psychiatric health-care system, the fact that it is always the best place to treat acute psychotic episodes is still debated. After a brief review of the literature relative to the main existing community care models, the authors describe the development in the Department Universitaire de Psychiatrie Adulte (DUPA), of an alternative to hospitalisation for patient going through a severe acute psychiatric episode. They present three clinical situations and the aims of the research project, which will follow this pilot phase.


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It is common knowledge that patients' satisfaction influences their compliance with the proposed treatment and their future use of health services, and that the therapeutic alliance represents a recognised factor in the success of psychotherapeutic management. In May and June 2011 we conducted an enquiry in all the paedopsychiatric outpatient units of the Canton of Vaud in Switzerland, from which we gathered 1261 questionnaires from consulting children and their parents. The questions covered inter alia overall satisfaction concerning the quality of the care on off er, perception of the therapeutie alliance and the helpfulness of the varions types of treatment. The instruments used are recognised and validated internationally (HAQII and CSQS). The results reve al a high degree of satisfaction and a good perception of the therapeutic alliance's quality: an average of 4.9 for children and 5.9 for parents concerning the therapeutic alliance, on a scale from 1 (totally disagree) to 6 (totally agree), and concerning patient satisfaction an average of 3.2 for children and 3.4 for parents on a scale of 1 to 4. Regarding perception of the benefit derived from different forms of treatment, individual and family interviews were overwhel~ningly approved (3.2 out of 4), while compliance with drug treatment was less recognised as helpful to children (2.3 out of 4).


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We report the case of a 20-year-old woman, with no medical history, who in a short period of time developed the association of a bilateral vestibulocochlear deficit and a nonsyphilitic interstitial keratitis, the usual clinical presentation of Cogan's syndrome. This rare disease was named after David Cogan, the ophthalmologist to whom we owe the description of the first series of cases. The precise aetiology of Cogan's syndrome has yet to be defined, but clinical and biological evidence point toward an immunopathological process. Some authors distinguish between a typical and an atypical form of Cogan's syndrome, the former being associated with interstitial keratitis, the latter with other forms of ocular involvement. The diagnosis of Cogan's syndrome is mainly a clinical one, the association of a bilateral vestibulocochlear deficit and a non-syphilitic keratitis being almost specific. Cogan's syndrome is frequently associated with general signs and cardiovascular, neurological, rheumathological and digestive involvement. Laboratory data usually show nonspecific inflammatory signs (elevation of the white cell count and of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate). The mortality of the disease is essentially determined by its cardiovascular involvement, mostly aortic insufficiency, which should therefore actively be sought for in every patient. It is useful to emphasise that the typical form of Cogan's syndrome carries a higher risk regarding the development of aortic insufficiency, whereas the atypical form is more often associated with a systemic vasculitis. Treatment is mandatory, based upon corticosteroids, and must sometimes be intensified by the administration of a steroid-sparing immunosuppressive drug. Although our patient perfectly met the diagnostic criteria of Cogan's syndrome, the vestibular symptoms preceded the visual complaints, the reverse temporal sequence being more often reported in the literature. Systemic signs and cardiovascular involvement are frequently seen in Cogan's syndrome, but were notably absent in our patient. Blood samples showed inflammatory signs, whereas both lumbar puncture and cerebral MRI were normal, which is the usual pattern encountered in Cogan's syndrome. Following the rapid initiation of immunosuppressive therapy (Prednisone), the visual symptoms due to the bilateral keratitis resolved in a matter of days, whereas the vestibulocochlear deficit was only partly - but dramatically - reduced. This is in accordance with literature data, showing that a severe and permanent auditory deficit occurs at some time in the majority of patients suffering from Cogan's syndrome. Tapering off Prednisone unfortunately reactivated the audiovestibular and ocular symptoms of the disease in our patient so that a steroid-sparing immunosuppressive drug had to be added (azathioprine, followed by mycophenolate mofetil because the patient developed hepatic intolerance). Only after these therapeutic measures could the disease be stabilised. With this case report, we would like to emphasise the importance of rapidly identifying the clinical picture of Cogan's syndrome, so that immunosuppressive therapy can be started without delay, which may significantly reduce both morbidity and mortality of this disease.


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