364 resultados para primary immunedeficiency


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Cocktail parties, busy streets, and other noisy environments pose a difficult challenge to the auditory system: how to focus attention on selected sounds while ignoring others? Neurons of primary auditory cortex, many of which are sharply tuned to sound frequency, could help solve this problem by filtering selected sound information based on frequency-content. To investigate whether this occurs, we used high-resolution fMRI at 7 tesla to map the fine-scale frequency-tuning (1.5 mm isotropic resolution) of primary auditory areas A1 and R in six human participants. Then, in a selective attention experiment, participants heard low (250 Hz)- and high (4000 Hz)-frequency streams of tones presented at the same time (dual-stream) and were instructed to focus attention onto one stream versus the other, switching back and forth every 30 s. Attention to low-frequency tones enhanced neural responses within low-frequency-tuned voxels relative to high, and when attention switched the pattern quickly reversed. Thus, like a radio, human primary auditory cortex is able to tune into attended frequency channels and can switch channels on demand.


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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Chest wall syndrome (CWS), the main cause of chest pain in primary care practice, is most often an exclusion diagnosis. We developed and evaluated a clinical prediction rule for CWS. METHODS: Data from a multicenter clinical cohort of consecutive primary care patients with chest pain were used (59 general practitioners, 672 patients). A final diagnosis was determined after 12 months of follow-up. We used the literature and bivariate analyses to identify candidate predictors, and multivariate logistic regression was used to develop a clinical prediction rule for CWS. We used data from a German cohort (n = 1212) for external validation. RESULTS: From bivariate analyses, we identified six variables characterizing CWS: thoracic pain (neither retrosternal nor oppressive), stabbing, well localized pain, no history of coronary heart disease, absence of general practitioner's concern, and pain reproducible by palpation. This last variable accounted for 2 points in the clinical prediction rule, the others for 1 point each; the total score ranged from 0 to 7 points. The area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was 0.80 (95% confidence interval 0.76-0.83) in the derivation cohort (specificity: 89%; sensitivity: 45%; cut-off set at 6 points). Among all patients presenting CWS (n = 284), 71% (n = 201) had a pain reproducible by palpation and 45% (n = 127) were correctly diagnosed. For a subset (n = 43) of these correctly classified CWS patients, 65 additional investigations (30 electrocardiograms, 16 thoracic radiographies, 10 laboratory tests, eight specialist referrals, one thoracic computed tomography) had been performed to achieve diagnosis. False positives (n = 41) included three patients with stable angina (1.8% of all positives). External validation revealed the ROC curve to be 0.76 (95% confidence interval 0.73-0.79) with a sensitivity of 22% and a specificity of 93%. CONCLUSIONS: This CWS score offers a useful complement to the usual CWS exclusion diagnosing process. Indeed, for the 127 patients presenting CWS and correctly classified by our clinical prediction rule, 65 additional tests and exams could have been avoided. However, the reproduction of chest pain by palpation, the most important characteristic to diagnose CWS, is not pathognomonic.


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The Swiss postgraduate training program in general internal medicine is now designed as a competency-based curriculum. In other words, by the end of their training, the residents should demonstrate a set of predefined competences. Many of those competences have to be learnt in outpatient settings. Thus, the primary care physicians have more than ever an important role to play in educating tomorrows doctors. A competency-based model of training requires a regular assessment of the residents. The mini-CEX (mini-Clinical Evaluation eXercise) is the assessment tool proposed by the Swiss institute for postgraduate and continuing education. The mini-CEX is based on the direct observation of the trainees performing a specific task, as well as on the ensuing feedback. This article aims at introducing our colleagues in charge of residents to the mini-CEX, which is a useful tool promoting the culture of feedback in medical education.


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Our understanding of how genotype determines phenotype in primary dystonia is limited. Familial young-onset primary dystonia is commonly due to the DYT1 gene mutation. A critical question, given the 30% penetrance of clinical symptoms in DYT1 mutation carriers, is why the same genotype leads to differential clinical expression and whether non-DYT1 adult-onset primary dystonia, with and without family history share pathophysiological mechanisms with DYT1 dystonia. This study examines the relationship between dystonic phenotype and the DYT1 gene mutation by monitoring whole-brain structure using voxel-based morphometry. We acquired magnetic resonance imaging data of symptomatic and asymptomatic DYT1 mutation carriers, of non-DYT1 primary dystonia patients, with and without family history and control subjects with normal DYT1 alleles. By crossing the factors genotype and phenotype we demonstrate a significant interaction in terms of brain anatomy confined to the basal ganglia bilaterally. The explanation for this effect differs according to both gene and dystonia status: non-DYT1 adult-onset dystonia patients and asymptomatic DYT1 carriers have significantly larger basal ganglia compared to healthy subjects and symptomatic DYT1 mutation carriers. There is a significant negative correlation between severity of dystonia and basal ganglia size in DYT1 mutation carriers. We propose that differential pathophysiological and compensatory mechanisms lead to brain structure changes in non-DYT1 primary adult-onset dystonias and DYT1 gene carriers. Given the range of age of onset, there may be differential genetic modulation of brain development that in turn determines clinical expression. Alternatively, a DYT1 gene dependent primary defect of motor circuit development may lead to stress-induced remodelling of the basal ganglia and hence dystonia.


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Although there is consensus that the central nervous system mediates the increases in maximal voluntary force (maximal voluntary contraction, MVC) produced by resistance exercise, the involvement of the primary motor cortex (M1) in these processes remains controversial. We hypothesized that 1-Hz repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of M1 during resistance training would diminish strength gains. Forty subjects were divided equally into five groups. Subjects voluntarily (Vol) abducted the first dorsal interosseus (FDI) (5 bouts x 10 repetitions, 10 sessions, 4 wk) at 70-80% MVC. Another group also exercised but in the 1-min-long interbout rest intervals they received rTMS [Vol+rTMS, 1 Hz, FDI motor area, 300 pulses/session, 120% of the resting motor threshold (rMT)]. The third group also exercised and received sham rTMS (Vol+Sham). The fourth group received only rTMS (rTMS_only). The 37.5% and 33.3% gains in MVC in Vol and Vol+Sham groups, respectively, were greater (P = 0.001) than the 18.9% gain in Vol+rTMS, 1.9% in rTMS_only, and 2.6% in unexercised control subjects who received no stimulation. Acutely, within sessions 5 and 10, single-pulse TMS revealed that motor-evoked potential size and recruitment curve slopes were reduced in Vol+rTMS and rTMS_only groups and accumulated to chronic reductions by session 10. There were no changes in rMT, maximum compound action potential amplitude (M(max)), and peripherally evoked twitch forces in the trained FDI and the untrained abductor digiti minimi. Although contributions from spinal sources cannot be excluded, the data suggest that M1 may play a role in mediating neural adaptations to strength training.


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La planification scanographique (3D) a démontré son utilité pour une reconstruction anatomique plus précise de la hanche (longueur du fémur, centre de rotation, offset, antéversion et rétroversion). Des études ont montré que lors de la planification 2D 50% seulement correspondaient à l'implant définitif du fémur alors que dans une autre étude ce taux s'élevait à 94% pour une planification 3D. Les erreurs étaient liées à l'agrandissement des radiographies. L'erreur sur la taille de la tige est liée à l'estimation inadéquate de la morphologie osseuse ainsi qu'à la densité osseuse. L'erreur de l'antéversion, augmentée par l'inclinaison du bassin, a pu être éliminée par la planification 3D et l'offset restauré dans 98%. Cette étude est basée sur une nouvelle technique de planification scanographique en trois dimensions pour une meilleure précision de la reconstruction de la hanche. Le but de cette étude est de comparer l'anatomie post-opératoire à celle préopératoire en comparant les tailles d'implant prévu lors de la planification 3D à celle réellement utilisée lors de l'opération afin de déterminer l'exactitude de la restauration anatomique avec étude des différents paramètres (centre de rotation, densité osseuse, L'offset fémoral, rotations des implants, longueur du membre) à l'aide du Logiciel HIP-PLAN (Symbios) avec évaluation de la reproductibilité de notre planification 3D dans une série prospective de 50 patients subissant une prothèse totale de hanche non cimentée primaire par voie antérieure. La planification pré-opératoire a été comparée à un CTscan postopératoire par fusion d'images. CONCLUSION ET PRESPECTIVE Les résultats obtenus sont les suivants : La taille de l'implant a été prédit correctement dans 100% des tiges, 94% des cupules et 88% des têtes (longueur). La différence entre le prévu et la longueur de la jambe postopératoire était de 0,3+2,3 mm. Les valeurs de décalage global, antéversion fémorale, inclinaison et antéversion de la cupule étaient 1,4 mm ± 3,1, 0,6 ± 3,3 0 -0,4 0 ± 5 et 6,9 ° ± 11,4, respectivement. Cette planification permet de prévoir la taille de l'implant précis. Position de la tige et de l'inclinaison de la cupule sont exactement reproductible. La planification scanographique préopératoire 3D permet une évaluation précise de l'anatomie individuelle des patients subissant une prothèse totale de hanche. La prédiction de la taille de l'implant est fiable et la précision du positionnement de la tige est excellente. Toutefois, aucun avantage n'est observée en termes d'orientation de la cupule par rapport aux études impliquant une planification 2D ou la navigation. De plus amples recherches comparant les différentes techniques de planification pré-opératoire à la navigation sont nécessaire.


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The incidence of contralateral breast cancer is high and constant with age, around five per 1000 women who had a primary breast cancer. For other neoplasms, the pattern of incidence of second primary neoplasms with age is less known, particularly as for only a few neoplasms the site of origin is not totally removed, and hence remains at risk of a second primary. Using the dataset from the Cancer Registry of the Swiss Canton of Vaud, we show that the incidence of second neoplasms is constant with age also after oral and pharyngeal, colorectal cancers, cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) and basal cell carcinoma. The incidence of first primary oral and pharyngeal cancer increased 20-fold between age 30-39 and 70-89 years, whereas the incidence of second neoplasms did not increase with age. Rates of second colorectal cancer remained relatively constant with age, between 2.5 per 1000 at age 40-59 years and 3.8 per 1000 at 70 years and above. Likewise, for CMM, the age-specific incidence rates of second primary CMM did not vary, ranging between 1 and 2.5 per 1000 in various subsequent age groups. The pattern of incidence for second basal cell carcinoma was similar, with no clear rise with age. These patterns are compatible with the occurrence of a single mutational event in a population of susceptible individuals. A possible implication of these observations is that a variable, but potentially large, proportion of cancers arise in very high-risk individuals and the incidence, on average, increases at a high constant level at a predetermined age.


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Copy-number variants (CNVs) represent a significant interpretative challenge, given that each CNV typically affects the dosage of multiple genes. Here we report on five individuals with coloboma, microcephaly, developmental delay, short stature, and craniofacial, cardiac, and renal defects who harbor overlapping microdeletions on 8q24.3. Fine mapping localized a commonly deleted 78 kb region that contains three genes: SCRIB, NRBP2, and PUF60. In vivo dissection of the CNV showed discrete contributions of the planar cell polarity effector SCRIB and the splicing factor PUF60 to the syndromic phenotype, and the combinatorial suppression of both genes exacerbated some, but not all, phenotypic components. Consistent with these findings, we identified an individual with microcephaly, short stature, intellectual disability, and heart defects with a de novo c.505C>T variant leading to a p.His169Tyr change in PUF60. Functional testing of this allele in vivo and in vitro showed that the mutation perturbs the relative dosage of two PUF60 isoforms and, subsequently, the splicing efficiency of downstream PUF60 targets. These data inform the functions of two genes not associated previously with human genetic disease and demonstrate how CNVs can exhibit complex genetic architecture, with the phenotype being the amalgam of both discrete dosage dysfunction of single transcripts and also of binary genetic interactions.


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Patients who had a colorectal cancer have a 1.5- to 2-fold excess risk of a second colorectal cancer as compared to the general population, the excess being higher at younger age at diagnosis. To further investigate the risk and the age-relation of the incidence of second primary colorectal cancer, we considered 9,389 first colon and rectal cancers registered in the Vaud Cancer Registry, Switzerland, between 1974 and 2008, and followed-up to the end of 2008 for a total of 44,113 person-years. There were 136 second colorectal cancers versus 90.5 expected, corresponding to a standardized incidence ratio (SIR) of 1.5 (95% confidence interval, CI, 1.3-1.8). The SIRs were not heterogeneous between men and women, and in strata of calendar year at diagnosis, duration of follow-up, and subsite. However, the SIR was 7.5 (95% CI 4.2-12.4) for subjects diagnosed below age 50 and declined thereafter to reach 1.0 (95% CI 0.6-1.6) at age 80 or over. Consequently, the incidence of second primary colorectal cancer was stable, and exceedingly high, around 300-400/100,000 between age 30-39 and 70 or over. This age pattern is consistent with the existence of a single mutational event in a population of highly susceptible individuals.


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Background: Modelling epidemiological knowledge in validated clinical scores is a practical mean of integrating EBM to usual care. Existing scores about cardiovascular disease have been largely developed in emergency settings, but few in primary care. Such a toll is needed for general practitioners (GP) to evaluate the probability of ischemic heart disease (IHD) in patients with non-traumatic chest pain. Objective: To develop a predictive model to use as a clinical score for detecting IHD in patients with non-traumatic chest-pain in primary care. Methods: A post-hoc secondary analysis on data from an observational study including 672 patients with chest pain of which 85 had IHD diagnosed by their GP during the year following their inclusion. Best subset method was used to select 8 predictive variables from univariate analysis and fitted in a multivariate logistic regression model to define the score. Reliability of the model was assessed using split-group method. Results: Significant predictors were: age (0-3 points), gender (1 point), having at least one cardiovascular risks factor (hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, smoking, family history of CVD; 3 points), personal history of cardiovascular disease (1 point), duration of chest pain from 1 to 60 minutes (2 points), substernal chest pain (1 point), pain increasing with exertion (1 point) and absence of tenderness at palpation (1 point). Area under the ROC curve for the score was of 0.95 (IC95% 0.93; 0.97). Patients were categorised in three groups, low risk of IHD (score under 6; n = 360), moderate risk of IHD (score from 6 to 8; n = 187) and high risk of IHD (score from 9-13; n = 125). Prevalence of IHD in each group was respectively of 0%, 6.7%, 58.5%. Reliability of the model seems satisfactory as the model developed from the derivation set predicted perfectly (p = 0.948) the number of patients in each group in the validation set. Conclusion: This clinical score based only on history and physical exams can be an important tool in the practice of the general physician for the prediction of ischemic heart disease in patients complaining of chest pain. The score below 6 points (in more than half of our population) can avoid demanding complementary exams for selected patients (ECG, laboratory tests) because of the very low risk of IHD. Score above 6 points needs investigation to detect or rule out IHD. Further external validation is required in ambulatory settings.


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PURPOSE: Primary bone lymphoma (PBL) represents less than 1% of all malignant lymphomas. In this study, we assessed the disease profile, outcome, and prognostic factors in patients with Stages I and II PBL.¦PATIENTS AND METHODS: Thirteen Rare Cancer Network (RCN) institutions enrolled 116 consecutive patients with PBL treated between 1987 and 2008 in this study. Eighty-seven patients underwent chemoradiotherapy (CXRT) without (78) or with (9) surgery, 15 radiotherapy (RT) without (13) or with (2) surgery, and 14 chemotherapy (CXT) without (9) or with (5) surgery. Median RT dose was 40 Gy (range, 4-60). The median number of CXT cycles was six (range, 2-8). Median follow-up was 41 months (range, 6-242).¦RESULTS: The overall response rate at the end of treatment was 91% (complete response [CR] 74%, partial response [PR] 17%). Local recurrence or progression was observed in 12 (10%) patients and systemic recurrence in 17 (15%). The 5-year overall survival (OS), lymphoma-specific survival (LSS), and local control (LC) were 76%, 78%, and 92%, respectively. In univariate analyses (log-rank test), favorable prognostic factors for OS and LSS were International Prognostic Index (IPI) score ≤1 (p = 0.009), high-grade histology (p = 0.04), CXRT (p = 0.05), CXT (p = 0.0004), CR (p < 0.0001), and RT dose >40 Gy (p = 0.005). For LC, only CR and Stage I were favorable factors. In multivariate analysis, IPI score, RT dose, CR, and CXT were independently influencing the outcome (OS and LSS). CR was the only predicting factor for LC.¦CONCLUSION: This large multicenter retrospective study confirms the good prognosis of early-stage PBL treated with combined CXRT. An adequate dose of RT and complete CXT regime were associated with better outcome.


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Venous symptoms and quality of life (QOL) of 78 patients (54 women, mean age 49,5±13,3 years) with primary superficial venous insufficiency (PSVI) were compared at one year after treatment with crossectomy and stripping (C/S, 56 patients) or endovenous laser ablation (EVLA, 22 patients) using the VEINES-QOL questionnaire. Both treatments significantly (p<0,001) improved the scores for venous symptoms (difference 10,6±9,9 and 9,9±8,2 score points for C/S and EVLA, respectively) and QOL (difference 10,3±8,7 and 8,4±6,6 score points for C/S and EVLA, respectively). No difference was found between treatments regarding symptoms or QOL improvement (p=0,30). We conclude that C/S and EVLA are equally effective in improving symptoms and QOL in PSVI.


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Injection of cells expressing the retroviral superantigen Mls-1 (Mtv-7 sag) into adult Mls-1- mice induces a strong immune response including both T- and B-cell activation. This model was used for studying qualitative aspects of the immune response in normal mice with a defined antigen-presenting cell (the B cell) and without the use of adjuvant. BALB/c mice were injected locally or systemically with Mls-1-expressing spleen cells from Mls-1-congenic BALB.D2 mice. Intravenous injection led to an initially strong expansion of Mls-1-reactive V beta 6+ CD4+ cells mainly in the spleen, to a large degree explained by the trapping of reactive cells, and a rapid down-regulation of interleukin-2 (IL-2) and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) production, consistent with the proposed tolerogenic property of B cells as antigen-presenting cells. However, these mice developed a slowly appearing but persistent B-cell response dominated by IgG1-producing cells, suggesting a shift in lymphokines produced rather than complete unresponsiveness. Subcutaneous injection into the hind footpad with the same number of cells led to a strong local response in the draining lymph node, characterized by a dramatic increase of V beta 6+ CD4+ T cells, local production of IL-2 and IFN-gamma and a strong but short-lived antibody response dominated by IgG2a-producing cells, characteristic of a T-helper type 1 (Th1) type of response. Both routes of injection led ultimately to deletion of reactive T cells and anergy, as defined by the inability to produce IL-2 upon in vitro stimulation with Mls-1. It is concluded that Mls-1 presented by B cells induces qualitatively different responses in vivo dependent on the route of injection. We propose that the different responses result from the migration of the injected cells to different micro-anatomical sites in the lymphoid tissue. Furthermore, these results suggest that B cells may function as professional antigen-presenting cells in vivo present in an appropriate environment.