328 resultados para Not in our genes
BACKGROUND Current guidelines give recommendations for preferred combination antiretroviral therapy (cART). We investigated factors influencing the choice of initial cART in clinical practice and its outcome. METHODS We analyzed treatment-naive adults with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection participating in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study and starting cART from January 1, 2005, through December 31, 2009. The primary end point was the choice of the initial antiretroviral regimen. Secondary end points were virologic suppression, the increase in CD4 cell counts from baseline, and treatment modification within 12 months after starting treatment. RESULTS A total of 1957 patients were analyzed. Tenofovir-emtricitabine (TDF-FTC)-efavirenz was the most frequently prescribed cART (29.9%), followed by TDF-FTC-lopinavir/r (16.9%), TDF-FTC-atazanavir/r (12.9%), zidovudine-lamivudine (ZDV-3TC)-lopinavir/r (12.8%), and abacavir/lamivudine (ABC-3TC)-efavirenz (5.7%). Differences in prescription were noted among different Swiss HIV Cohort Study sites (P < .001). In multivariate analysis, compared with TDF-FTC-efavirenz, starting TDF-FTC-lopinavir/r was associated with prior AIDS (relative risk ratio, 2.78; 95% CI, 1.78-4.35), HIV-RNA greater than 100 000 copies/mL (1.53; 1.07-2.18), and CD4 greater than 350 cells/μL (1.67; 1.04-2.70); TDF-FTC-atazanavir/r with a depressive disorder (1.77; 1.04-3.01), HIV-RNA greater than 100 000 copies/mL (1.54; 1.05-2.25), and an opiate substitution program (2.76; 1.09-7.00); and ZDV-3TC-lopinavir/r with female sex (3.89; 2.39-6.31) and CD4 cell counts greater than 350 cells/μL (4.50; 2.58-7.86). At 12 months, 1715 patients (87.6%) achieved viral load less than 50 copies/mL and CD4 cell counts increased by a median (interquartile range) of 173 (89-269) cells/μL. Virologic suppression was more likely with TDF-FTC-efavirenz, and CD4 increase was higher with ZDV-3TC-lopinavir/r. No differences in outcome were observed among Swiss HIV Cohort Study sites. CONCLUSIONS Large differences in prescription but not in outcome were observed among study sites. A trend toward individualized cART was noted suggesting that initial cART is significantly influenced by physician's preference and patient characteristics. Our study highlights the need for evidence-based data for determining the best initial regimen for different HIV-infected persons.
AIMS: Previous neuroimaging reports described morphological and functional abnormalities in anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) in schizophrenia and mood disorders. In earlier neuropathological studies, microvascular changes that could affect brain perfusion in these disorders have rarely been studied. Here, we analysed morphological parameters of capillaries in this area in elderly cases affected by these psychiatric disorders. METHODS: We analysed microvessel diameters in the dorsal and subgenual parts of the ACC in eight patients with schizophrenia, 10 patients with sporadic bipolar disorder, eight patients with sporadic major depression, and seven age- and gender-matched control cases on sections stained with modified Gallyas silver impregnation using a stereological counting approach. All individuals were drug-naïve or had received psychotropic medication for less than 6 months, and had no history of substance abuse. Statistical analysis included Kruskal-Wallis group comparisons with Bonferroni correction as well as multivariate regression models. RESULTS: Mean capillary diameter was significantly decreased in the dorsal and subgenual parts of areas 24 in bipolar and unipolar depression cases, both in layers III and V, whereas schizophrenia patients were comparable with controls. These differences persisted when controlling for age, local neuronal densities, and cortical thickness. In addition, cortical thickness was significantly smaller in both layers in schizophrenia patients. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicate that capillary diameters in bipolar and unipolar depression but not in schizophrenia are reduced in ACC. The significance of these findings is discussed in the light of the cytoarchitecture, brain metabolism and perfusion changes observed in ACC in mood disorders.
Given the anthropometric differences between men and women and previous evidence of sex-difference in genetic effects, we conducted a genome-wide search for sexually dimorphic associations with height, weight, body mass index, waist circumference, hip circumference, and waist-to-hip-ratio (133,723 individuals) and took forward 348 SNPs into follow-up (additional 137,052 individuals) in a total of 94 studies. Seven loci displayed significant sex-difference (FDR<5%), including four previously established (near GRB14/COBLL1, LYPLAL1/SLC30A10, VEGFA, ADAMTS9) and three novel anthropometric trait loci (near MAP3K1, HSD17B4, PPARG), all of which were genome-wide significant in women (P<5×10(-8)), but not in men. Sex-differences were apparent only for waist phenotypes, not for height, weight, BMI, or hip circumference. Moreover, we found no evidence for genetic effects with opposite directions in men versus women. The PPARG locus is of specific interest due to its role in diabetes genetics and therapy. Our results demonstrate the value of sex-specific GWAS to unravel the sexually dimorphic genetic underpinning of complex traits.
The eye is a complex organ, which provides one of our most important senses, sight. The retina is the neuronal component of the eye and represents the connection with the central nervous system for the transmission of the information that leads to image processing. Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is one of the most common forms of inherited retinal degeneration, in which the primary death of rods, resulting in night blindness, is always followed by the loss of cones, which leads to legal blindness. Clinical and genetic heterogeneity in retinitis pigmentosa is not only due to different mutations in different genes, but also to different effects of the same mutation in different individuals, sometimes even within the same family. My thesis work has been mainly focused on an autosomal dominant form of RP linked to mutations in the PRPF31 gene, which often shows reduced penetrance. Our study has led to the identification of the major regulator of the penetrance of PRPF31 mutations, the CNOT3 protein, and to the characterization of its mechanism of action. Following the same rationale of investigating molecular mechanisms that are responsible for clinical and genetic heterogeneity of retinitis pigmentosa, we studied a recessive form of the disease associated with mutations in the recently-identified gene FAMI61 A, where mutations in the same gene give rise to variable clinical manifestations. Our data have increased the knowledge of the relationship between genotype and phenotype in this form of the disease. Whole genome sequencing technique was also tested as a strategy for disease gene identification in unrelated patients with recessive retinitis pigmentosa and proved to be effective in identifying disease-causing variants that might have otherwise failed to be detected with other screening methods. Finally, for the first time we reported a choroidal tumor among the clinical manifestations of PTEN hamartoma tumor syndrome, a genetic disorder caused by germline mutations of the tumor suppressor gene PTEN. Our study has highlighted the heterogeneity of this choroidal tumor, showing that genetic and/or epigenetic alterations in different genes may contribute to the tumor development and growth. - L'oeil est un organe complexe, à l'origine d'un de nos sens les plus importants, la vue. La rétine est la composante neuronale de l'oeil qui constitue la connexion avec le système nerveux central pour la transmission de l'information et qui conduit à la formation des images. La rétinite pigmentaire (RP) est une des formes les plus courantes de dégénérescence rétinienne héréditaire, dans laquelle la mort primaire de bâtonnets, entraînant la cécité nocturne, est toujours suivie par la perte de cônes qui conduit à la cécité complète. L'hétérogénéité clinique et génétique dans la rétinite pigmentaire n'est pas seulement due aux différentes mutations dans des gènes différents, mais aussi à des effets différents de la même mutation chez des individus différents, parfois même dans la même famille. Mon travail de thèse s'est principalement axé sur une forme autosomique dominante de RP liée à des mutations dans le gène PRPF31, associées souvent à une pénétrance réduite, me conduisant à l'identification et à la caractérisation du mécanisme d'action du régulateur principal de la pénétrance des mutations: la protéine CNOT3. Dans la même logique d'étude des mécanismes moléculaires responsables de l'hétérogénéité clinique et génétique de la RP, nous avons étudié une forme récessive de la maladie associée à des mutations dans le gène récemment identifié FAMI61 A, dont les mutations dans le même gène donnent lieu à des manifestations cliniques différentes. Nos données ont ainsi accru la connaissance de la relation entre le génotype et le phénotype dans cette forme de maladie. La technique de séquençage du génome entier a été ensuite testée en tant que stratégie pour l'identification du gène de la maladie chez les patients atteints de RP récessive. Cette approche a montré son efficacité dans l'identification de variantes pathologiques qui n'auraient pu être détectées avec d'autres méthodes de dépistage. Enfin, pour la première fois, nous avons identifié une tumeur choroïdienne parmi les manifestations cliniques du PTEN hamartoma tumor syndrome, une maladie génétique causée par des mutations germinales du gène suppresseur de tumeur PTEN. Notre étude a mis en évidence l'hétérogénéité de cette tumeur choroïdienne, montrant que les altérations génétiques et/ou épigénétiques dans les différents gènes peuvent contribuer au développement et à la croissance tumorale.
Abstract Animal behaviours or structures are used by senders as signals to try to increase their fitness by altering the behaviour of receivers. A large fraction of studies on sexual selection have focussed on male ornaments and have demonstrated that these ornaments signal the quality of their owner and are used by female for mate choice. Although females can also exhibit conspicuous traits, studies on female ornaments are markedly lacking. In chapter 1, we show that female starlings are showier on chest whiteness than males and that females' whiteness may potentially indicate female condition at the start of breeding and provide fitness advantages to breeding birds. Furthermore we point out that feather density and abrasion are important factors shaping the expression of chest whiteness. This suggests that further understanding of the evolution of chest whiteness in Starlings requires to examine the environmental and physiological factors that shape feather condition. Plumage may suffer from damage through abrasion and bacterial activity. In chapter 2, we focus on factors that influence feather-degrading bacterial communities. Within the hypothesis that parental care can be trade-off against the demands of self-maintenance, we show that a brood size manipulation modifies the structure of feather-degrading bacterial communities and the density of free- living bacteria. Thus we have pointed out a potentially poorly known cost of reproduction. In the same context of a trade-off between reproductive activities and individual self-maintenance, chapter 3 shows that at a proximate level in females but not in males, the individual variation in time and/or energy allocated in reproductive activities is associated with prolactin hormone levels. Our study provides evidence for the existence of a sex related difference in the relationship between brood size and prolactin levels. Birds have evolved sanitation behaviours and preen gland secretions to preserve the condition of their plumage. In chapter 4, we describe a method that allows to measure preen gland in situ. Then we use this method to characterize a number of phenotypic and ecological factors that explain variation in preen gland size in free-living individuals. In parent-offspring interactions, parents use offspring signals to provision their brood. In chapter 5, we demonstrate that nestling flanges and body skin reflect in the ultra-violet (UV) wavelengths ant that parents use this UV reflectance in food allocation decisions. Résumé Certains comportements et structures chez les animaux agissent, pour ceux qui les émettent, comme des signaux permettant d'augmenter leur fitness en altérant les comportements de ceux qui les perçoivent. Une grande partie des études sur la sélection sexuelle s'est focalisée sur les ornements mâles. Ces études ont démontré que ces ornements pouvaient signaler la qualité de celui qui les porte et influencer le choix des femelles. Bien que les femelles puissent aussi présenter des traits voyants, les études sur leurs ornements font défaut. Dans le chapitre 1 de ce travail, nous montrons que les étourneaux femelles sont plus voyantes que les mâles sur la base de la blancheur de la poitrine. De plus la blancheur des femelles peut signaler leur condition au début de la saison de reproduction et ainsi être corrélée avec leur fitness. Nous mettons aussi en évidence que la densité et l'abrasion des plumes sont des facteurs importants, contrôlant l'expression de la blancheur de la poitrine. Ceci suggère que des études futures pourraient examiner le rôle des facteurs environnementaux et physiologiques qui influencent la condition des plumes pour mieux comprendre l'évolution de la blancheur chez les étourneaux. Le plumage subit des dommages à travers l'abrasion et probablement aussi par l'activité de dégradation de bactéries. Dans le chapitre 2 de ce travail, nous nous intéressons aux facteurs qui influencent les communautés de bactéries dégradant les plumes. Nous basant sur l'hypothèse selon laquelle il existe un compromis entre les soins parentaux et la maintenance corporelle, nous montrons qu'une manipulation de la taille de nichée modifie la structure des communautés de bactéries dégradant les plumes ainsi que les densités de bactéries libres présentes sur le plumage. Ainsi nous mettons en évidence un coût encore peu connu des activités de reproduction. Dans le même contexte, nous montrons, dans le chapitre 3, que des variations individuelles dans l'énergie et/ou le temps alloué dans les activités de reproduction sont associés, chez les femelles, à un niveau proximal à l'hormone prolactine. Cette relation n'est pas présente chez les mâles. Cette étude montre que la relation entre la taille de nichée et les niveaux de prolactine diffère avec le sexe des individus. Les oiseaux utilisent des comportements de nettoyage associés aux sécrétions de la glande uropygiale afin de préserver la condition de leurs plumes. Dans le chapitre 4 de ce travail, nous décrivons une méthode qui permet de mesurer la taille de la glande in situ. Puis nous caractérisons certains facteurs écologiques et physiologiques qui expliquent les variations de la taille de la glande chez des individus capturés dans leur environnement. Les parents nourrissent leur progéniture en réponse à des signaux émis par ceux-ci. Dans le chapitre 5 de ce travail, nous démontrons que les commissures et la peau sur le corps des oisillons reflètent la lumière dans l'ultraviolet. Nous montrons que les parents utilisent cette réflexion dans l'ultraviolet lors de l'allocation de nourriture pour leurs jeunes.
Summary Ecotones are sensitive to change because they contain high numbers of species living at the margin of their environmental tolerance. This is equally true of tree-lines, which are determined by attitudinal or latitudinal temperature gradients. In the current context of climate change, they are expected to undergo modifications in position, tree biomass and possibly species composition. Attitudinal and latitudinal tree-lines differ mainly in the steepness of the underlying temperature gradient: distances are larger at latitudinal tree-lines, which could have an impact on the ability of tree species to migrate in response to climate change. Aside from temperature, tree-lines are also affected on a more local level by pressure from human activities. These are also changing as a consequence of modifications in our societies and may interact with the effects of climate change. Forest dynamics models are often used for climate change simulations because of their mechanistic processes. The spatially-explicit model TreeMig was used as a base to develop a model specifically tuned for the northern European and Alpine tree-line ecotones. For the latter, a module for land-use change processes was also added. The temperature response parameters for the species in the model were first calibrated by means of tree-ring data from various species and sites at both tree-lines. This improved the growth response function in the model, but also lead to the conclusion that regeneration is probably more important than growth for controlling tree-line position and species' distributions. The second step was to implement the module for abandonment of agricultural land in the Alps, based on an existing spatial statistical model. The sensitivity of its most important variables was tested and the model's performance compared to other modelling approaches. The probability that agricultural land would be abandoned was strongly influenced by the distance from the nearest forest and the slope, bath of which are proxies for cultivation costs. When applied to a case study area, the resulting model, named TreeMig-LAb, gave the most realistic results. These were consistent with observed consequences of land-abandonment such as the expansion of the existing forest and closing up of gaps. This new model was then applied in two case study areas, one in the Swiss Alps and one in Finnish Lapland, under a variety of climate change scenarios. These were based on forecasts of temperature change over the next century by the IPCC and the HadCM3 climate model (ΔT: +1.3, +3.5 and +5.6 °C) and included a post-change stabilisation period of 300 years. The results showed radical disruptions at both tree-lines. With the most conservative climate change scenario, species' distributions simply shifted, but it took several centuries reach a new equilibrium. With the more extreme scenarios, some species disappeared from our study areas (e.g. Pinus cembra in the Alps) or dwindled to very low numbers, as they ran out of land into which they could migrate. The most striking result was the lag in the response of most species, independently from the climate change scenario or tree-line type considered. Finally, a statistical model of the effect of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) browsing on the growth of Pinus sylvestris was developed, as a first step towards implementing human impacts at the boreal tree-line. The expected effect was an indirect one, as reindeer deplete the ground lichen cover, thought to protect the trees against adverse climate conditions. The model showed a small but significant effect of browsing, but as the link with the underlying climate variables was unclear and the model was not spatial, it was not usable as such. Developing the TreeMig-LAb model allowed to: a) establish a method for deriving species' parameters for the growth equation from tree-rings, b) highlight the importance of regeneration in determining tree-line position and species' distributions and c) improve the integration of social sciences into landscape modelling. Applying the model at the Alpine and northern European tree-lines under different climate change scenarios showed that with most forecasted levels of temperature increase, tree-lines would suffer major disruptions, with shifts in distributions and potential extinction of some tree-line species. However, these responses showed strong lags, so these effects would not become apparent before decades and could take centuries to stabilise. Résumé Les écotones son sensibles au changement en raison du nombre élevé d'espèces qui y vivent à la limite de leur tolérance environnementale. Ceci s'applique également aux limites des arbres définies par les gradients de température altitudinaux et latitudinaux. Dans le contexte actuel de changement climatique, on s'attend à ce qu'elles subissent des modifications de leur position, de la biomasse des arbres et éventuellement des essences qui les composent. Les limites altitudinales et latitudinales diffèrent essentiellement au niveau de la pente des gradients de température qui les sous-tendent les distance sont plus grandes pour les limites latitudinales, ce qui pourrait avoir un impact sur la capacité des espèces à migrer en réponse au changement climatique. En sus de la température, la limite des arbres est aussi influencée à un niveau plus local par les pressions dues aux activités humaines. Celles-ci sont aussi en mutation suite aux changements dans nos sociétés et peuvent interagir avec les effets du changement climatique. Les modèles de dynamique forestière sont souvent utilisés pour simuler les effets du changement climatique, car ils sont basés sur la modélisation de processus. Le modèle spatialement explicite TreeMig a été utilisé comme base pour développer un modèle spécialement adapté pour la limite des arbres en Europe du Nord et dans les Alpes. Pour cette dernière, un module servant à simuler des changements d'utilisation du sol a également été ajouté. Tout d'abord, les paramètres de la courbe de réponse à la température pour les espèces inclues dans le modèle ont été calibrées au moyen de données dendrochronologiques pour diverses espèces et divers sites des deux écotones. Ceci a permis d'améliorer la courbe de croissance du modèle, mais a également permis de conclure que la régénération est probablement plus déterminante que la croissance en ce qui concerne la position de la limite des arbres et la distribution des espèces. La seconde étape consistait à implémenter le module d'abandon du terrain agricole dans les Alpes, basé sur un modèle statistique spatial existant. La sensibilité des variables les plus importantes du modèle a été testée et la performance de ce dernier comparée à d'autres approches de modélisation. La probabilité qu'un terrain soit abandonné était fortement influencée par la distance à la forêt la plus proche et par la pente, qui sont tous deux des substituts pour les coûts liés à la mise en culture. Lors de l'application en situation réelle, le nouveau modèle, baptisé TreeMig-LAb, a donné les résultats les plus réalistes. Ceux-ci étaient comparables aux conséquences déjà observées de l'abandon de terrains agricoles, telles que l'expansion des forêts existantes et la fermeture des clairières. Ce nouveau modèle a ensuite été mis en application dans deux zones d'étude, l'une dans les Alpes suisses et l'autre en Laponie finlandaise, avec divers scénarios de changement climatique. Ces derniers étaient basés sur les prévisions de changement de température pour le siècle prochain établies par l'IPCC et le modèle climatique HadCM3 (ΔT: +1.3, +3.5 et +5.6 °C) et comprenaient une période de stabilisation post-changement climatique de 300 ans. Les résultats ont montré des perturbations majeures dans les deux types de limites de arbres. Avec le scénario de changement climatique le moins extrême, les distributions respectives des espèces ont subi un simple glissement, mais il a fallu plusieurs siècles pour qu'elles atteignent un nouvel équilibre. Avec les autres scénarios, certaines espèces ont disparu de la zone d'étude (p. ex. Pinus cembra dans les Alpes) ou ont vu leur population diminuer parce qu'il n'y avait plus assez de terrains disponibles dans lesquels elles puissent migrer. Le résultat le plus frappant a été le temps de latence dans la réponse de la plupart des espèces, indépendamment du scénario de changement climatique utilisé ou du type de limite des arbres. Finalement, un modèle statistique de l'effet de l'abroutissement par les rennes (Rangifer tarandus) sur la croissance de Pinus sylvestris a été développé, comme première étape en vue de l'implémentation des impacts humains sur la limite boréale des arbres. L'effet attendu était indirect, puisque les rennes réduisent la couverture de lichen sur le sol, dont on attend un effet protecteur contre les rigueurs climatiques. Le modèle a mis en évidence un effet modeste mais significatif, mais étant donné que le lien avec les variables climatiques sous jacentes était peu clair et que le modèle n'était pas appliqué dans l'espace, il n'était pas utilisable tel quel. Le développement du modèle TreeMig-LAb a permis : a) d'établir une méthode pour déduire les paramètres spécifiques de l'équation de croissance ä partir de données dendrochronologiques, b) de mettre en évidence l'importance de la régénération dans la position de la limite des arbres et la distribution des espèces et c) d'améliorer l'intégration des sciences sociales dans les modèles de paysage. L'application du modèle aux limites alpines et nord-européennes des arbres sous différents scénarios de changement climatique a montré qu'avec la plupart des niveaux d'augmentation de température prévus, la limite des arbres subirait des perturbations majeures, avec des glissements d'aires de répartition et l'extinction potentielle de certaines espèces. Cependant, ces réponses ont montré des temps de latence importants, si bien que ces effets ne seraient pas visibles avant des décennies et pourraient mettre plusieurs siècles à se stabiliser.
There is no doubt that the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery is a success story. In 2011, we celebrated the 25th anniversary of this professional organization. In 2012, we will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. In addition, two other journals have been initiated, Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery and the Multimedia Manual of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, and all of them can be accessed through CTSnet (www.ctsnet.org). The most recent development was the birth of EACTS House, and it was to celebrate the official opening of EACTS House on 10 February 2011, that we held the second Strategic meeting, 'EACTS in the Future'. On this occasion, the EACTS council and delegates of the EACTS Domains (Domain of Thoracic Disease, Domain of Vascular Disease, Domain of Congenital Cardiac Disease and Domain of Adult Cardiac Disease) came together with representative thoracic and cardio-vascular surgeons from North America, Asia and BRICS countries as well as senior managers from industry in order to decide where to go from there. As a basis for starting the discussions, a sector analysis of the activities of the Department of Cardio-Vascular Surgery at CHUV in Lausanne, Switzerland was performed in order to identify the trends in the activities of our group of surgeons by pulling the consolidated data for the period running from 1 January 1995 to 31 December 2010. Interestingly enough, the most frequent procedures like coronary artery bypass graft and valve repair/replacement did not increase despite a growing programme. In our setting, the compensation came mainly from vascular surgery and mechanical circulatory support. These data have to be put in perspective by the reports provided by the EACTS domain chairs in order to identify the challenges and opportunities for the future development of our specialties.
BACKGROUND: Within the frame of a twinning programme with Nicaragua, The La Mascota project, we evaluated in our study the contribution of cytogenetic characterization of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) as prognostic factor compared to clinical, morphological, and immunohistochemical parameters. METHODS: All patients with ALL treated at the only cancer pediatric hospital in Nicaragua during 2006 were studied prospectively. Diagnostic immunophenotyping was performed locally and bone marrow or blood samples were sent to the cytogenetic laboratory of Zurich for fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis and G-banding. RESULTS: Sixty-six patients with ALL were evaluated. Their mean age at diagnosis was 7.3 years, 31.8% were >or=10 years. Thirty-four patients (51.5%) presented with hyperleucocytosis >or=50 x 10(9)/L, 45 (68.2%) had hepatosplenomegaly. Immunophenotypically 63/66 patients (95%) had a B-precursor, 2 (3%) a T- and 1 (1.5%) a B-mature ALL. FISH analysis demonstrated a TEL/AML1 fusion in 9/66 (14%), BCR/ABL fusion in 1 (1.5%), MLL rearrangement in 2 (3.1%), iAMP21 in 2 (3.1%), MYC rearrangement in 1 (1.5%), and high-hyperdiploidy in 16 (24%). All patients but two with TEL/AML1 fusion and high-hyperdiploidy were clinically and hematologically in the standard risk group whereas those with poor cytogenetic factors had clinical high-risk features and were treated intensively. CONCLUSIONS: Compared to Europe, the ALL population in Nicaragua is older, has a higher proportion of poor prognostic clinical and hematological features and receives more intensive treatment, while patients with TEL/AML1 translocations and high-hyperdiploidy are clinically in the standard risk group. Cytogenetics did not contribute as an additional prognostic factor in this setting.
Context: The complexity of genetic testing in Kallmann syndrome (KS) is growing and costly. Thus, it is important to leverage the clinical evaluations of KS patients to prioritize genetic screening. Objective: The objective of the study was to determine which reproductive and nonreproductive phenotypes of KS subjects have implications for specific gene mutations. Subjects: Two hundred nineteen KS patients were studied: 151 with identified rare sequence variants (RSVs) in 8 genes known to cause KS (KAL1, NELF, CHD7, HS6ST1, FGF8/FGFR1, or PROK2/PROKR2) and 68 KS subjects who remain RSV negative for all 8 genes. Main Outcome Measures: Reproductive and nonreproductive phenotypes within each genetic group were measured. Results: Male KS subjects with KAL1 RSVs displayed the most severe reproductive phenotype with testicular volumes (TVs) at presentation of 1.5 ± 0.1 mL vs 3.7 ± 0.3 mL, P < .05 vs all non-KAL1 probands. In both sexes, synkinesia was enriched but not unique to patients with KAL1 RSVs compared with KAL1-negative probands (43% vs 12%; P < .05). Similarly, dental agenesis and digital bone abnormalities were enriched in patients with RSVs in the FGF8/FGFR1 signaling pathway compared with all other gene groups combined (39% vs 4% and 23% vs 0%; P < .05, respectively). Hearing loss marked the probands with CHD7 RSVs (40% vs 13% in non-CHD7 probands; P < .05). Renal agenesis and cleft lip/palate did not emerge as statistically significant phenotypic predictors. Conclusions: Certain clinical features in men and women are highly associated with genetic causes of KS. Synkinesia (KAL1), dental agenesis (FGF8/FGFR1), digital bony abnormalities (FGF8/FGFR1), and hearing loss (CHD7) can be useful for prioritizing genetic screening.
In Switzerland, the land management regime is characterized by a liberal attitude towards the institution of property rights, which is guaranteed by the Constitution. Under the present Swiss constitutional arrangement, authorities (municipalities) are required to take into account landowners' interests when implementing their spatial planning policy. In other words, the institution of property rights cannot be restricted easily in order to implement zoning plans and planning projects. This situation causes many problems. One of them is the gap between the way land is really used by the landowners and the way land should be used based on zoning plans. In fact, zoning plans only describe how landowners should use their property. There is no sufficient provision for handling cases where the use is not in accordance with zoning plans. In particular, landowners may not be expropriated for a non-conforming use of the land. This situation often leads to the opening of new building areas in greenfields and urban sprawl, which is in contradiction with the goals set into the Federal Law on Spatial Planning. In order to identify legal strategies of intervention to solve the problem, our paper is structured into three main parts. Firstly, we make a short description of the Swiss land management regime. Then, we focus on an innovative land management approach designed to implement zoning plans in accordance with property rights. Finally, we present a case study that shows the usefulness of the presented land management approach in practice. We develop three main results. Firstly, the land management approach brings a mechanism to involve landowners in planning projects. Coordination principle between spatial planning goals and landowners' interests is the cornerstone of all the process. Secondly, the land use is improved both in terms of space and time. Finally, the institution of property rights is not challenged, since there is no expropriation and the market stays free.
Background and objective: Patients in the ICU often get many intravenous (iv) drugs at the same time. Even with three-lumen central venous catheters, the administration of more than one drug in the same iv line (IVL) is frequently necessary. The objective of this study was to observe how nurses managed to administer these many medications and to evaluate the proportion of two-drugs associations (TDA) that are compatible or not, based on known compatibility data. Design: Observational prospective study over 4 consecutive months. All patients receiving simultaneously more than one drugs in the same IVL (Y-site injection or mixed in the same container) were included. For each patient, all iv drugs were recorded, as well as concentration, infusion solution, location on the IVL system, time, rate and duration of administration. For each association of two or more drugs, compatibility of each drug was checked with each other. Compatibilities between these pairs of drugs were assessed using published data (mainly Trissel LA. Handbook on Injectable Drugs and Trissel's Tables of Physical Compatibility) and visual tests performed in our quality control laboratory. Setting: 34 beds university hospital adult ICU. Main outcome measures: Percentage of compatibilities and incompatibilities between drugs administered in the same IVL. Results: We observed 1,913 associations of drugs administered together in the same IVL, 783 implying only two drugs. The average number of drugs per IVL was 3.1 ± 0.8 (range: 2-9). 83.2% of the drugs were given by continuous infusion, 14.3% by intermittent infusion and 2.5% in bolus. The associations observed allowed to form 8,421 pairs of drugs (71.7% drug-drug and 28.3% drug-solute). According to literature data, 80.2% of the association were considered as compatible and 4.4% incompatible. 15.4% were not interpretable because of different conditions between local practices and those described in the literature (drug concentration, solute, etc.) or because of a lack of data. After laboratory tests performed on the most used drugs (furosemide, KH2PO4, morphine HCl, etc.), the proportion of compatible TDA raised to 85.7%, the incompatible stayed at 4.6% and only 9.7% remain unknown or not interpretable. Conclusions: Nurses managed the administration of iv medications quite well, as only less than 5% of observed TDA were considered as incompatible. But the 10% of TDA with unavailable compatibility data should have been avoided too, since the consequences of their concomitant administration cannot be predictable. For practical reasons, drugs were analysed only by pairs, which constitutes the main limit of this work. The average number of drugs in the same association being three, laboratory tests are currently performed to evaluate some of the most observed three-drugs associations.
Combined liver-kidney transplantation is considered a low risk for immunologic complication. We report an unusual case of identical ABO liver-kidney recipient without preformed anti-human leukocyte antigen (HLA) antibodies, transplanted across a T- and B-cell-negative cross-match and complicated by early acute humoral and cellular rejection, first in the liver then in the kidney. While analyzing the immunologic complications in our cohort of 12 low-risk combined liver-kidney recipients, only one recipient experienced a rejection episode without detection of anti-HLA antibody over time. Although humoral or cellular rejection is rare after combined kidney-liver transplantation, our data suggest that even in low-risk recipients, the liver does not always systematically protect the kidney from acute rejection. Indeed, the detection of C4d in the liver should be carefully followed after combined liver-kidney transplantation.
The management of lymph nodes in nonmelanoma skin cancer patients is currently still debated. Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), pigmented epithelioid melanocytoma (PEM), and other rare skin neoplasms have a well-known risk to spread to regional lymph nodes. The use of sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) could be a promising procedure to assess this risk in clinically N0 patients. Metastatic SNs have been observed in 4.5-28% SCC (according to risk factors), in 9-42% MCC, and in 14-57% PEM. We observed overall 30.8% positive SNs in 13 consecutive patients operated for high-risk nonmelanoma skin cancer between 2002 and 2011 in our institution. These high rates support recommendation to implement SLNB for nonmelanoma skin cancer especially for SCC patients. Completion lymph node dissection following positive SNs is also a matter of discussion especially in PEM. It must be remembered that a definitive survival benefit of SLNB in melanoma patients has not been proven yet. However, because of its low morbidity when compared to empiric elective lymph node dissection or radiation therapy of lymphatic basins, SLNB has allowed sparing a lot of morbidity and could therefore be used in nonmelanoma skin cancer patients, even though a significant impact on survival has not been demonstrated.
In mammals, the presence of excitable cells in muscles, heart and nervous system is crucial and allows fast conduction of numerous biological information over long distances through the generation of action potentials (AP). Voltage-gated sodium channels (Navs) are key players in the generation and propagation of AP as they are responsible for the rising phase of the AP. Navs are heteromeric proteins composed of a large pore-forming a-subunit (Nav) and smaller ß-auxiliary subunits. There are ten genes encoding for Navl.l to Nav1.9 and NaX channels, each possessing its own specific biophysical properties. The excitable cells express differential combinations of Navs isoforms, generating a distinct electrophysiological signature. Noteworthy, only when anchored at the membrane are Navs functional and are participating in sodium conductance. In addition to the intrinsic properties of Navs, numerous regulatory proteins influence the sodium current. Some proteins will enhance stabilization of membrane Navs while others will favour internalization. Maintaining equilibrium between the two is of crucial importance for controlling cellular excitability. The E3 ubiquitin ligase Nedd4-2 is a well-characterized enzyme that negatively regulates the turnover of many membrane proteins including Navs. On the other hand, ß-subunits are known since long to stabilize Navs membrane anchoring. Peripheral neuropathic pain is a disabling condition resulting from nerve injury. It is characterized by the dysregulation of Navs expressed in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) sensory neurons as highlighted in different animal models of neuropathic pain. Among Navs, Nav1.7 and Nav1.8 are abundantly and specifically expressed in DRG sensory neurons and have been recurrently incriminated in nociception and neuropathic pain development. Using the spared nerve injury (SNI) experimental model of neuropathic pain in mice, I observed a specific reduction of Nedd4-2 in DRG sensory neurons. This decrease subsequently led to an upregulation of Nav1.7 and Nav1.8 protein and current, in the axon and the DRG neurons, respectively, and was sufficient to generate neuropathic pain-associated hyperexcitability. Knocking out Nedd4-2 specifically in nociceptive neurons led to the same increase of Nav1.7 and Nav1.8 concomitantly with an increased thermal sensitivity in mice. Conversely, rescuing Nedd4-2 downregulation using viral vector transfer attenuated neuropathic pain mechanical hypersensitivity. This study demonstrates the significant role of Nedd4-2 in regulating cellular excitability in vivo and its involvement in neuropathic pain development. The role of ß-subunits in neuropathic pain was already demonstrated in our research group. Because of their stabilization role, the increase of ßl, ß2 and ß3 subunits in DRGs after SNI led to increased Navs anchored at the membrane. Here, I report a novel mechanism of regulation of a-subunits by ß- subunits in vitro; ßl and ß3-subunits modulate the glycosylation pattern of Nav1.7, which might account for stabilization of its membrane expression. This opens new perspectives for investigation Navs state of glycosylation in ß-subunits dependent diseases, such as in neuropathic pain. - Chez les mammifères, la présence de cellules excitables dans les muscles, le coeur et le système nerveux est cruciale; elle permet la conduction rapide de nombreuses informations sur de longues distances grâce à la génération de potentiels d'action (PA). Les canaux sodiques voltage-dépendants (Navs) sont des participants importants dans la génération et la propagation des PA car ils sont responsables de la phase initiale de dépolarisation du PA. Les Navs sont des protéines hétéromériques composées d'une grande sous-unité a (formant le pore du canal) et de petites sous-unités ß accompagnatrices. Il existe dix gènes qui codent pour les canaux sodiques, du Nav 1.1 au Nav 1.9 ainsi que NaX, chacun possédant des propriétés biophysiques spécifiques. Les cellules excitables expriment différentes combinaisons des différents isoformes de Navs, qui engendrent une signature électrophysiologique distincte. Les Navs ne sont fonctionnels et ne participent à la conductibilité du Na+, que s'ils sont ancrés à la membrane plasmique. En plus des propriétés intrinsèques des Navs, de nombreuses protéines régulatrices influencent également le courant sodique. Certaines protéines vont favoriser l'ancrage et la stabilisation des Navs exprimés à la membrane, alors que d'autres vont plutôt favoriser leur internalisation. Maintenir l'équilibre des deux processus est crucial pour contrôler l'excitabilité cellulaire. Dans ce contexte, Nedd4-2, de la famille des E3 ubiquitin ligase, est une enzyme bien caractérisée qui régule l'internalisation de nombreuses protéines, notamment celle des Navs. Inversement, les sous-unités ß sont connues depuis longtemps pour stabiliser l'ancrage des Navs à la membrane. La douleur neuropathique périphérique est une condition débilitante résultant d'une atteinte à un nerf. Elle est caractérisée par la dérégulation des Navs exprimés dans les neurones sensoriels du ganglion spinal (DRG). Ceci a été démontré à de multiples occasions dans divers modèles animaux de douleur neuropathique. Parmi les Navs, Nav1.7 et Nav1.8 sont abondamment et spécifiquement exprimés dans les neurones sensoriels des DRG et ont été impliqués de façon récurrente dans le développement de la douleur neuropathique. En utilisant le modèle animal de douleur neuropathique d'épargne du nerf sural (spared nerve injury, SNI) chez la souris, j'ai observé une réduction spécifique des Nedd4-2 dans les neurones sensoriels du DRG. Cette diminution avait pour conséquence l'augmentation de l'expression des protéines et des courants de Nav 1.7 et Nav 1.8, respectivement dans l'axone et les neurones du DRG, et était donc suffisante pour créer l'hyperexcitabilité associée à la douleur neuropathique. L'invalidation pour le gène codant pour Nedd4-2 dans une lignée de souris génétiquement modifiées a conduit à de similaires augmentations de Nav1.7 et Nav1.8, parallèlement à une augmentation à la sensibilité thermique. A l'opposé, rétablir une expression normale de Nedd4-2 en utilisant un vecteur viral a eu pour effet de contrecarrer le développement de l'hypersensibilité mécanique lié à ce modèle de douleur neuropathique. Cette étude démontre le rôle important de Nedd4-2 dans la régulation de l'excitabilité cellulaire in vivo et son implication dans le développement des douleurs neuropathiques. Le rôle des sous-unités ß dans les douleurs neuropathiques a déjà été démontré dans notre groupe de recherche. A cause de leur rôle stabilisateur, l'augmentation des sous-unités ßl, ß2 et ß3 dans les DRG après SNI, conduit à une augmentation des Navs ancrés à la membrane. Dans mon travail de thèse, j'ai observé un nouveau mécanisme de régulation des sous-unités a par les sous-unités ß in vitro. Les sous-unités ßl et ß3 régulent l'état de glycosylation du canal Nav1.7, et stabilisent son expression membranaire. Ceci ouvre de nouvelles perspectives dans l'investigation de l'état de glycosylation des Navs dans des maladies impliquant les sous-unités ß, notamment les douleurs neuropathiques.
The ability of a retinoid X receptor (RXR) to heterodimerize with many nuclear receptors, including LXR, PPAR, NGF1B and RAR, underscores its pivotal role within the nuclear receptor superfamily. Among these heterodimers, PPAR:RXR is considered an important signalling mediator of both PPAR ligands, such as fatty acids, and 9-cis retinoic acid (9-cis RA), an RXR ligand. In contrast, the existence of an RXR/9-cis RA signalling pathway independent of PPAR or any other dimerization partner remains disputed. Using in vivo chromatin immunoprecipitation, we now show that RXR homodimers can selectively bind to functional PPREs and induce transactivation. At the molecular level, this pathway requires stabilization of the homodimer-DNA complexes through ligand-dependent interaction with the coactivator SRC1 or TIF2. This pathway operates both in the absence and in the presence of PPAR, as assessed in cells carrying inactivating mutations in PPAR genes and in wild-type cells. In addition, this signalling pathway via PPREs is fully functional and can rescue the severe hypothermia phenotype observed in fasted PPARalpha-/- mice. These observations have important pharmacological implications for the development of new rexinoid-based treatments.