257 resultados para Calorie expenditure
OBJECTIVES: Leptin may be involved in the regulation of body weight, food intake, and energy expenditure. In view of a possible link between leptin concentrations and diabetes that has been suggested in obese rodents, we investigated the potential relationship between serum leptin concentrations and hyperglycaemia in French patients with morbid obesity. SUBJECTS: Fasting leptin concentrations were measured in 241 morbidly obese patients with various degrees of glucose tolerance in a cross-sectional study. RESULTS: Fasting serum leptin concentrations did not differ between normoglycaemia (NG, 61.5 +/- 24.0 ng/ml) and glucose intolerant morbidly obese subjects (IGT, 56.5 +/- 18.5 ng/ml) and were slightly lower in those with controlled diabetes (55.1 +/- 30.3 ng/ml, P = 0.06 when compared to NG subjects). In contrast, leptin concentrations were 30% lower in patients with poorly controlled diabetes (43.0 +/- 22.2 ng/ml, P = 0.001 vs NG subjects). Leptin concentrations were negatively correlated with fasting glucose in all groups combined (p = -0.24, P = 0.0001) and particularly in NIDDM subjects (p = 0.31, P = 0.0054). Although leptin concentrations were higher in women than in men, similar significant correlation with fasting glucose was found when females were analyzed separately. A positive correlation was found with BMI (p = 0.25, P = 0.0001) in all groups. Multivariate analysis revealed that fasting glucose was independently associated with serum leptin concentrations (F = 12.5, P = 0.0005). Sex, age, BMI, waist/hip ratio, fasting glucose and insulin, total cholesterol and triglycerides, tested in the model, explained 42% of the leptin variability in this population. CONCLUSIONS: Poorly controlled diabetes was accompanied by a significant reduction of serum leptin concentrations in morbidly obese subjects. We suggest that a relative leptin deficiency (lower than expected for the BMI) associated with insulin deficiency in this population might contribute to a vicious cycle maintaining (or even worsening) obesity itself and/or its metabolic complications.
During many years, we thought that food intake was only a question of will. Nevertheless, in the second part on the XXth century, we identified several hormones regulating food intake and energy expenditure. Furthermore, these hormones seem to be implicated in the pathogenesis of obesity and in weight loss following bariatric surgery. This short review highlights the main mechanisms implicated in food intake and energy expenditure and also their implication in obesity and bariatric surgery.
A transportable, whole body indirect calorimeter, designed for use in the tropics, is described. The calorimeter was built to study energy expenditure of people having chronically or acutely low levels of food intake, and it will help to determine energy adaptations made by individuals with restricted food intake. The calorimeter comprises two units: a 27 m3 ventilated chamber connected to an office housing control and monitoring equipment. The system also allows the experimenter to assess the rate of energy expenditure by means of a ventilated hood or a baby respiration chamber. The incoming air flow rate is variable and is typically set at approximately 30 l/min. Carbon dioxide production (VCO2) and oxygen consumption (VO2) are continuously monitored by means of differential gas analysers via a computerized data acquisition unit. Gas production/consumption rates are measured with a delay of 80 s, the complete response to step changes in VCO2 or VO2 consumption being calculated over 15 min using the rate of change terms in the gas exchange equations. The total electrical power required for the whole system is 12 kW. The calorimeter has been functioning for nearly 4 years in a rural village of The Gambia during which ambient temperatures have ranged from 16 to 44 degrees C and dewpoints from -8 to 24 degrees C. The performance and accuracy of the calorimeter were tested using 20 per cent CO2 in N2 infusion and butane burning. Agreement between the theoretical and the measured values was found to be 99 per cent for VO2 and 100 per cent for VCO2 with a precision for both gases of +/- 10 ml/min over a 1-h period.
In order to explore the magnitude and duration of the long-term residual effect of physical exercise, a mixed meal (55% CHO, 27% fat and 18% protein) was given to 10 young male volunteers on two occasions: after a 4-h resting period, and on the next day, 30 min after completion of a 3-h exercise at 50% VO2max. Energy expenditure and substrate utilization were determined by indirect calorimetry for 17 h after meal ingestion. The fuel mix oxidized after the meal was characterized by a greater contribution of lipid oxidation to total energy expenditure when the meal was ingested during the post-exercise period as compared with the meal ingested without previous exercise. During the night following the exercise, the stimulation of energy expenditure observed during the early recovery period gradually faded out. However, resting energy expenditure measured the next morning was significantly higher (+4.7%) than that measured without previous exercise. It is concluded that intense exercise stimulates both energy expenditure and lipid oxidation for a prolonged period.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Fish oil (FO) supplementation prevents the development of obesity and insulin resistance, and upregulate the expression of UCP3 in skeletal muscle in rodents. This may represent indirect evidence that FO promotes fat oxidation and/or alter energy efficiency. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether such effects can be observed in humans. The metabolic effects of FO were assessed during exercise in order to obtain a direct measurement of energy efficiency. METHODS: Eight healthy male volunteers were studied with and without supplementation with 7.2 g/day FO (including 1.1 g/day eicosopentaenoic acid and 0.7 g/day decosahexaenoic acid) during 14 days. Their VO(2 max) was measured on cycle ergometer. Thereafter, energy metabolism (substrate oxidation, energy expenditure and energy efficiency) was assessed during a 30 min cycling exercise at 50% VO(2 max) performed 2 h 30 after a standardized, high carbohydrate breakfast. RESULTS: VO(2 max) was 38.6+/-2.2 after FO and 38.4+/-2.0 (mL x kg(-1) x min(-1)) in control conditions (NS). Basal plasma glucose, insulin and NEFA concentrations, and energy metabolism were similar with FO and in controls. During exercise, the increases in plasma NEFA concentrations, energy expenditure, glucose and lipid oxidation, and the decreases in glycaemia and insulinemia were not altered by FO intake. Energy efficiency was 22.4+/-0.6% after FO vs 21.8+/-0.7% in controls. In order to ascertain that the absence of effects of FO was not due to consumption of a carbohydrate meal immediately before exercise, 4 of the 8 subjects were re-studied in fasting conditions, FO also failed to alter energy efficiency in this subset of studies. CONCLUSION: FO supplementation did not significantly alter energy metabolism and energy efficiency during exercise in healthy humans.
This paper aims to estimate empirically the efficiency of a Swiss telemedicine service introduced in 2003. We used claims' data gathered by a major Swiss health insurer, over a period of 6 years and involving 160 000 insured adults. In Switzerland, health insurance is mandatory, but everyone has the option of choosing between a managed care plan and a fee-for-service plan. This paper focuses on a conventional fee-for-service plan including a mandatory access to a telemedicine service; the insured are obliged to phone this medical call centre before visiting a physician. This type of plan generates much lower average health expenditures than a conventional insurance plan. Reasons for this may include selection, incentive effects or efficiency. In our sample, about 90% of the difference in health expenditure can be explained by selection and incentive effects. The remaining 10% of savings due to the efficiency of the telemedicine service amount to about SFr 150 per year per insured, of which approximately 60% is saved by the insurer and 40% by the insured. Although the efficiency effect is greater than the cost of the plan, the big winners are the insured who not only save monetary and non-monetary costs but also benefit from reduced premiums. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Identifying the factors that mediate covariation between an ornament and other phenotypic attributes is important to determine the signaling function of ornaments. Sign and magnitude of a covariation may vary across environments if the expression of the ornament or of its linked genes regulating correlated phenotypes is condition-dependent. I investigated in the barn owl Tyto alba whether sign and magnitude of covariation between body mass and two heritable melanin-based plumage ornaments change with food supply, along the reproductive cycle and from the morning to the evening. Using a dataset of 1,848 measurements of body mass in 336 breeding females, I found that females displaying large black spots were heavier than conspecifics with smaller spots in the afternoon (i.e., a long time after the last feeding) but not in the morning (i.e., a short time after the last feeding). This is consistent with the recently proposed hypothesis that eumelanin-based ornaments are associated with the ability to maintain energy balance between food intake and energy expenditure. Thus, covariation between melanin-based coloration and body mass can be detected only under specific conditions potentially explaining why it has been reported in only ten out of 28 vertebrate species. The proposition that ornamented individuals achieve a higher fitness than drab conspecifics only in specific environments should be tested for other ornaments.
Obesity is associated with a chronic low-grade inflammation, and specific antiinflammatory interventions may be beneficial for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and other obesity-related diseases. The lipid kinase PI3Kγ is a central proinflammatory signal transducer that plays a major role in leukocyte chemotaxis, mast cell degranulation, and endothelial cell activation. It was also reported that PI3Kγ activity within hematopoietic cells plays an important role in obesity-induced inflammation and insulin resistance. Here, we show that protection from insulin resistance, metabolic inflammation, and fatty liver in mice lacking functional PI3Kγ is largely consequent to their leaner phenotype. We also show that this phenotype is largely based on decreased fat gain, despite normal caloric intake, consequent to increased energy expenditure. Furthermore, our data show that PI3Kγ action on diet-induced obesity depends on PI3Kγ activity within a nonhematopoietic compartment, where it promotes energetic efficiency for fat mass gain. We also show that metabolic modulation by PI3Kγ depends on its lipid kinase activity and might involve kinase-independent signaling. Thus, PI3Kγ is an unexpected but promising drug target for the treatment of obesity and its complications.
The thermogenic response induced by glucose/insulin administered intravenously was examined in 22 healthy male volunteers using indirect calorimetry in combination with the euglycaemic insulin clamp technique. Five increasing steady state levels of insulinaemia (62 muU/ml to 1132 muU/ml) were achieved by means of continuous infusions of insulin at 5 rates ranging from 0.5 mU/kg.min to 10 mU/kg.min. Euglycaemia was maintained at each insulin level by infusing glucose at different rates ranging from steady state values of 0.41 g/min to 0.77 g/min. These glucose/insulin infusions resulted in a significant net rise in resting energy expenditure from 0.33 kJ/min to 0.94 kJ/min over preinfusion baseline values for the lowest and the highest doses respectively. There was a highly significant relationship (r = 0.93, p<0.001, n = 42) between the amount of glucose infused and the net increase in energy expenditure over preinfusion baseline values. Intravenous glucose induced thermogenesis (GIT(iv)) was calculated as incremental values of energy expenditure related to step changes in glucose infusion rates. GIT(iv) was found to be approximately 5.5% a physiological plasma insulin levels (i.e. below 200 muU/ml) whereas at supraphysiological levels (i.e.>400 muU/ml) GIT(iv) was increased up to 8%. It was concluded that: 1. the magnitude of the GIT(iv) at physiological insulinaemia was similar to that found by other investigators who have administered glucose per os; 2. the elevated thermogenesis observed at high doses of glucose/insulin infusion is consistent with recent clinical findings showing a markedly increased energy expenditure in patients supported by large quantities of intravenous glucose (TPN).
After nutrient ingestion there is an increase in energy expenditure that has been referred to as dietary-induced thermogenesis. In the present study we have employed indirect calorimetry to compare the increment in energy expenditure after the ingestion of 75 g of glucose or fructose in 17 healthy volunteers. During the 4 h after glucose ingestion the plasma insulin concentration increased by 33 +/- 4 microU/ml and this was associated with a significant increase in carbohydrate oxidation and decrement in lipid oxidation. Energy expenditure increased by 0.08 +/- 0.01 kcal/min. When fructose was ingested, the plasma insulin concentration increased by only 8 +/- 2 microU/ml vs. glucose. Nonetheless, the increments in carbohydrate oxidation and decrement in lipid oxidation were significantly greater than with glucose. The increment in energy expenditure was also greater with fructose. When the mean increment in plasma insulin concentration after fructose was reproduced using the insulin clamp technique, the increase in carbohydrate oxidation and decrement in lipid oxidation were markedly reduced compared with the fructose-ingestion study; energy expenditure failed to increase above basal levels. To examine the role of the adrenergic nervous system in fructose-induced thermogenesis, fructose ingestion was also performed during beta-adrenergic blockade with propranolol. The increase in energy expenditure during fructose plus propranolol was lower than with fructose ingestion alone. These results indicate that the stimulation of thermogenesis after carbohydrate ingestion is related to an augmentation of cellular metabolism and is not dependent on an increase in the plasma insulin concentration per se.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Continuous respiratory exchange measurements were performed in nine obese and eight lean women for 1 h before, 3 h during, and 1 h after the intravenous administration of a nutrient mixture infused at twice the postabsorptive resting energy expenditure (REE). This experiment was conducted without or with beta-adrenergic blockade (iv propranolol). Propranolol administration did not change the postabsorptive REE [i.e., 1.03 +/- 0.07 before vs. 1.01 +/- 0.02 kcal/min after administration in lean women and 1.16 +/- 0.04 vs. 1.15 +/- 0.03 kcal/min (NS) in obese women]. The mean overall thermogenic response expressed as a percentage of the infused energy was similar in both groups and was not significantly blunted after propranolol infusion [6.9 +/- 0.4 vs. 5.9 +/- 0.6% in the lean women and 7.5 +/- 0.5 vs. 7.1 +/- 0.6% (NS) in the obese women]. During beta-adrenergic blockade the rate of lipid oxidation decreased in the lean group but was unchanged in the obese group and the glycemic response to nutrient administration was significantly higher in both groups than without propranolol. It is concluded that beta-adrenergic blockade has no effect on REE and on intravenous nutrient-induced thermogenesis in both lean and obese women.
There has been much concern regarding the role of dietary fructose in the development of metabolic diseases. This concern arises from the continuous increase in fructose (and total added caloric sweeteners consumption) in recent decades, and from the increased use of high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) as a sweetener. A large body of evidence shows that a high-fructose diet leads to the development of obesity, diabetes, and dyslipidemia in rodents. In humans, fructose has long been known to increase plasma triglyceride concentrations. In addition, when ingested in large amounts as part of a hypercaloric diet, it can cause hepatic insulin resistance, increased total and visceral fat mass, and accumulation of ectopic fat in the liver and skeletal muscle. These early effects may be instrumental in causing, in the long run, the development of the metabolic syndrome. There is however only limited evidence that fructose per se, when consumed in moderate amounts, has deleterious effects. Several effects of a high-fructose diet in humans can be observed with high-fat or high-glucose diets as well, suggesting that an excess caloric intake may be the main factor involved in the development of the metabolic syndrome. The major source of fructose in our diet is with sweetened beverages (and with other products in which caloric sweeteners have been added). The progressive replacement of sucrose by HFCS is however unlikely to be directly involved in the epidemy of metabolic disease, because HFCS appears to have basically the same metabolic effects as sucrose. Consumption of sweetened beverages is however clearly associated with excess calorie intake, and an increased risk of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases through an increase in body weight. This has led to the recommendation to limit the daily intake of sugar calories.
Résumé Les études épidémiologiques indiquent que la restriction intra-utérine confère un risque accru de développement de diabète de type 2 au cours de la vie. Certaines études ont documenté la présence d'une résistance à l'insuline chez les jeunes adultes ou les adolescents nés petits pour l'âge gestationnel. Comme la plupart des études ont impliqués des individus post-pubères et comme la puberté influence de manière marquée le métabolisme énergétique, nous avons évalué le devenir du glucose administré oralement dans un groupe incluant essentiellement des enfants pré-pubères ou en début de puberté avec restriction intra-utérine, et chez des enfants matchés pour l'âge et pour le poids. Tous les enfants ont eu une évaluation de leur composition corporelle par mesure des plis cutanés. Ils ont ensuite été étudiés dans des conditions standardisées et ont reçu 4 charges consécutives orales de glucose à raison de 180 mg/kg de poids corporel jusqu'à atteindre un état d'équilibre relatif. La dépense énergétique et l'oxydation des substrats ont été évaluées durant la quatrième heure par calorimétrie indirecte. Comparativement avec les enfants matchés pour l'âge et le poids, les enfants nés petits pour l'âge gestationnel avaient une plus petite stature. Leur dépense énergétique n'était pas significativement abaissée, mais leur oxydation du glucose était plus basse. Ces résultats indiquent que des altérations métaboliques sont présentes précocement chez les enfants nés petits pour l'âge gestationnel, et qu'elles sont possiblement reliées à des altérations de la composition corporelle. Abstract: Epidemiological studies indicate that intrauterine growth restriction confers an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus in subsequent life. Several studies have further documented the presence of insulin resistance in young adults or adolescent children born small for gestational age. Since most studies addressed postpubertal individuals, and since puberty markedly affects energy metabolism, we evaluated the disposal of oral glucose in a group including mainly prepubertal and early pubertal children with intrauterine growth restriction and in healthy age- and weight-matched control children. All children had an evaluation of their body composition by skinfold thickness measurements. They were then studied in standardized conditions and received 4 consecutive hourly loads of 180 mg glucose/kg body weight to reach a near steady state. Energy expenditure and substrate oxidation were evaluated during the fourth hour by indirect calorimetry. Compared to both age- and weight-matched children, children born small for gestational age had lower stature. Their energy expenditure was not significantly decreased, but they had lower glucose oxidation rates. These results indicate that metabolic alterations are present early in children born small for gestational age, and are possibly related to alterations of body composition.
La réponse métabolique de l'obèse apparemment « sainen situation d'agression aiguë (polytraumatisés, traumatisés crâniens, patients chirurgicaux, grands brûlés, opérations électives) ne se distingue pas ou peu de celle de l'individu non-obèse. Cependant, les complications médicales liées à l'agression (insuffisances respiratoire et cardiaque, bronchopneumonie, infections de plaies, thrombophlébites et embolies) demeurent plus importantes chez l'obèse morbide que chez l'individu de poids normal. Grâce à l'inflation de ses réserves énergétiques, l'obèse apparemment sain est avantagé, par rapport au sujet mince, au cours d'une agression nutritionnelle chronique telle que le jeûne prolongé. Le facteur fonctionnel limitant la survie dépend avant tout de la composition corporelle initiale et du degré d'adaptation métabolique (et comportementale) en particulier du degré de conservation de la masse maigre par rapport à la masse grasse. La mobilisation accrue de la masse grasse associée à la perte de poids chez l'obèse (par rapport à son homologue non-obèse) est favorable à une prolongation de la vie, car, en brûlant davantage de graisse corporelle, la part des protéines corporelles endogènes utilisée à des fins énergétiques est plus faible. Il s'ensuit chez l'obèse qu'un niveau de masse maigre critique pour la survie n'est atteint qu'après une réduction très marquée de ses réserves énergétiques. En revanche, le sujet mince perd davantage de masse maigre lors de l'amaigrissement et, par conséquent, son métabolisme de repos diminuera plus rapidement que celui du sujet obèse. Cela peut constituer un avantage énergétique évident en termes d'économie d'énergie consécutive à l'adaptation métabolique, mais un inconvénient majeur quant à la durée de la survie. The metabolic response of « apparently healthyobese individuals following acute injury (multiple trauma, head injury and surgical patients, extended burns, elective surgery) is not dramatically different from that of a non-obese individuals. However, the medical complications following the injury (respiratory and cardiac insufficiency, broncho-pneumonia, infections of wounds, trombophlebitis and embolism) are more prevalent in morbid obese patients than in individuals of normal body weight. Because of a large increase in their individuals energy store, "apparently healthy" obese individuals have an advantage over very lean subjects when exposed to a chronic nutritional aggression such as total fasting. The functional limiting factor for survival depends primarily on initial body composition and the magnitude of metabolic adaptation (including behavioral adaptation). The key factor is the extent to which the fat-free mass is maintained (versus to the fat mass) during weight loss. The increased proportion of body fat mobilized during weight loss in obese patients, compared with their non-obese counterparts, favors prolonged survival, because more adipose tissue is burned off, the fraction of body protein endogenously utilized for energy purpose individuals, is smaller. This implies that obese individuals do not reach a fat-free mass "critical" for their survival until their energy stores reach very low values. In contrast, lean subject tend to lose more fat-free mass during weight loss than obese subjects and, as a result, their energy expenditure drops more rapidly. This may offer a potential advantage in terms of energy economy (more energy saving) but a major disadvantage in terms of duration of survival.
Non-invasive methods, including stable isotope techniques, indirect calorimetry, nutritional balance and skinfold thickness, have given a new insight into early postnatal growth in neonates. Neonates and premature infants in particular, create an unusual opportunity to study the fluid and metabolic adaptation to extrauterine life because their physical environment can be controlled, fluid and energy balance can be measured and the link between metabolism and the energetics of their postnatal growth can be assessed accurately. Thus the postnatal time course of total body water, heat production, energy cost of growth and composition of weight gain have been quantified in a series of "healthy" low-birth-weight premature infants. These results show that total body water is remarkably stable between postnatal days 3-21. Energy expenditure and heat production rates increase postnatally from mean values of 40 kcal/kg/day during the first week to 60 kcal/kg/day in the third week. An apparent energy balance deficit of 180 kcal/kg can be ascribed to premature delivery. The cost of protein metabolism is the highest energy demanding process related to growth. The fact that nitrogen balance becomes positive within 72 h after birth places the newborn in a transitional situation of dissociated balance between energy and protein metabolism during early postnatal growth: skinfold thickness, dry body mass and fat decrease, while there is a gain in protein and increase in supine length. This particular situation ends during the second postnatal week and soon thereafter the rate of weight gain matches statural growth. The goals of the following review are to summarize data on total body water and energy metabolism in premature infants and to discuss how they correlate with physiological aspects of early postnatal growth.