343 resultados para Spatial Mortality


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BACKGROUND: Alcohol use causes high burden of disease and injury globally. Switzerland has a high consumption of alcohol, almost twice the global average. Alcohol-attributable deaths and years of life lost in Switzerland were estimated by age and sex for the year 2011. Additionally, the impact of heavy drinking (40+grams/day for women and 60+g/day for men) was estimated. METHODS: Alcohol consumption estimates were based on the Addiction Monitoring in Switzerland study and were adjusted to per capita consumption based on sales data. Mortality data were taken from the Swiss mortality register. Methodology of the Comparative Risk Assessment for alcohol was used to estimate alcohol-attributable fractions. RESULTS: Alcohol use caused 1,600 (95% CI: 1,472 - 1,728) net deaths (1,768 deaths caused, 168 deaths prevented) among 15 to 74 year olds, corresponding to 8.7% of all deaths (men: 1,181 deaths; women: 419 deaths). Overall, 42,627 years of life (9.7%, 95% CI: 40,245 - 45,008) were lost due to alcohol. Main causes of alcohol-attributable mortality were injuries at younger ages (15-34 years), with increasing age digestive diseases (mainly liver cirrhosis) and cancers (particularly breast cancers among women). The majority (62%) of all alcohol-attributable deaths was caused by chronic heavy drinking (men: 67%; women: 48 %). CONCLUSION: Alcohol is a major cause of premature mortality in Switzerland. Its impact, among young people mainly via injuries, among men mainly through heavy drinking, calls for a mix of preventive actions targeting chronic heavy drinking, binge drinking and mean consumption.


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Summary The present thesis work focused on the ecology of benthic invertebrates in the proglacial floodplain of the Rhone in the Swiss Alps. The main glacial Rhone River and a smaller glacial tributary, the Mutt River, joined and entered a braiding multi-thread area. A first part concentrated on the disruption of the longitudinal patterns of environmental conditions and benthic invertebrate fauna in the Rhone by its tributary the Mutt. The Mutt had less harsh environmental conditions, higher taxonomic richness and more abundant zoobenthos compared to the Rhone upstream of the confluence. Although the habitat conditions in the main stream were little modified by the tributary, the fauna was richer and more diverse below the confluence. Colonisation from the Mutt induced the occurrence of faunal elements uncommon of glacial streams in the upper Rhone, where water temperature remains below 4°C. Although the glacial Rhone dominated the system with regard to hydrology and certain environmental conditions, the Mutt tributary has to be seen as the faunal driver of the system. The second part of the study concerned the spatio-temporal differentiation of the habitats and the benthic communities along and across the flood plain. No longitudinal differentiation was found. The spatial transversal differentiation of three habitat types with different environmental characteristics was successfully reflected in the spatial variability of benthic assemblages. This typology separated marginal sites of the flood plain, left bank sites under the influence of the Mutt, and the right bank sites under the influence of the Rh6ne. Faunistic spatial differences were emphasized by the quantitative structure of the fauna, richness, abundances and Simpson index of diversity. Seasonal environmental variability was positively related with Simpson index of diversity and the total richness per site. Low flow conditions were the most favourable season for the fauna and November was characterized by low spatial environmental heterogeneity, high spatial heterogeneity of faunal assemblage, maximum taxonomic richness, a particular taxonomic composition, highest abundances, as well as the highest primary food resources. The third part studied the egg development of three species of Ephemeroptera in the laboratory at 1.5 to 7°C and the ecological implications in the field. Species revealed very contrasting development strategies. Baetis alpinus has a synchronous and efficient egg development, which is faster in warmer habitats, enabling it to exploit short periods of favourable conditions in the floodplain. Ecdyonurus picteti has a very long development time slightly decreasing in warmer conditions. The high degree of individual variation suggests a genetic determination of the degree-days demand. Combined with the glacial local conditions, this strategy leads to an extreme delay of hatching and allows it to develop in very unpredictable habitats. Rhithrogena nivata is the second cold adapted species in Ephemeroptera. The incubation duration is long and success largely depends on the timing of hatching and the discharge conditions. This species is able to exploit extremely unstable and cold habitats where other species are limited by low water temperatures. The fourth part dealt with larval development in different habitats of the floodplain. Addition of data on egg development allowed the description of the life histories of the species from oviposition until emergence. Rhithrogena nivata and loyolaea generally have a two-year development, with the first winter passed as eggs and the second one as larvae. Development of Ecdyonurus picteti is difficult to document but appears to be efficient in a harsh and unpredictable environment. Baetis alpinus was studied separately in four habitats of the floodplain system with contrasting thermal regimes. Differences in success and duration of larval development and in growth rates are emphasised. Subvention mechanisms between habitats by migration of young or grown larvae were demonstrated. Development success and persistence of the populations in the system were thus increased. Emergence was synchronised to the detriment of the optimisation of the adult's size and fecundity. These very different development strategies induce a spatial and temporal distribution in the use of food resources and ecological niches. The last part of this work aimed at the synthesis of the characteristics and the ecological features of three distinct compartments of the system that are the upper Rhone, the Mutt and the floodplain. Their particular role as well as their inter-dependence concerning the structure and the dynamics of the benthic communities was emphasised. Résumé Ce travail de thèse est consacré à l'écologie des invertébrés benthiques dans la zone alluviale proglaciaire du Rhône dans les Alpes suisses. Le Rhône, torrent glaciaire principal, reçoit les eaux de la Mutt, affluent glaciaire secondaire, puis pénètre dans une zone de tressage formée de plusieurs bras. La première partie de l'étude se concentre sur la disruption par la Mutt des processus longitudinaux, tant environnementaux que faunistiques, existants dans le Rhône. Les conditions environnementales régnant dans la Mutt sont moins rudes, la richesse taxonomique plus élevée et le zoobenthos plus abondant que dans le Rhône en amont de la confluence. Bien que les conditions environnementales dans le torrent principal soient peu modifiées par l'affluent, la faune s'avère être plus riche et plus diversifiée en aval de la confluence. La colonisation depuis la Mutt permet l'occurrence de taxons inhabituels dans le Rhône en amont de la confluence, où la température de l'eau se maintient en dessous de 4°C. Bien que le Rhône, torrent glaciaire principal, domine le système du point de vu de l'hydrologie et de certains paramètres environnementaux, l'affluent Mutt doit être considéré comme l'élément structurant la faune dans le système. La deuxième partie concerne la différentiation spatiale et temporelle des habitats et des communautés benthiques à travers la plaine alluviale. Aucune différentiation longitudinale n'a été mise en évidence. La différentiation transversale de trois types d'habitats sur la base des caractéristiques environnementales a été confirmée par la variabilité spatiale de la faune. Cette typologie sépare les sites marginaux de la plaine alluviale, ceux sous l'influence de la Mutt (en rive gauche) et ceux sous l'influence du Rhône amont (en rive droite). Les différences spatiales de la faune sont mises en évidence par la structure quantitative de la faune, la richesse, les abondances et l'indice de diversité de Simpson. La variabilité saisonnière du milieu est positivement liée avec l'indice de diversité de Simpson et la richesse totale par site. L'étiage correspond à la période la plus favorable pour la faune et novembre réunit des conditions de faible hétérogénéité spatiale du milieu, de forte hétérogénéité spatiale de la faune, une richesse taxonomique maximale, une composition faunistique particulière, les abondances ainsi que les ressources primaires les plus élevées. La troisième partie est consacrée à l'étude du développement des oeufs de trois espèces d'Ephémères au laboratoire à des températures de 1.5 à 7°C, ainsi qu'aux implications écologiques sur le terrain. Ces espèces présentent des stratégies de développement très contrastées. Baetis alpinus a un développement synchrone et efficace, plus rapide en milieu plus chaud et lui permettant d'exploiter les courtes périodes de conditions favorables. Ecdyonurus picteti présente une durée de développement très longue, diminuant légèrement dans des conditions plus chaudes. L'importante variation interindividuelle suggère un déterminisme génétique de la durée de développement. Cette stratégie, associée aux conditions locales, conduit à un décalage extrême des éclosions et permet à l'espèce de se développer dans des habitats imprévisibles. Rhithrogena nivata est la seconde espèce d'Ephémères présentant une adaptation au froid. L'incubation des oeufs est longue et son succès dépend de la période des éclosions et des conditions hydrologiques. Cette espèce est capable d'exploiter des habitats extrêmement instables et froids, où la température est facteur limitant pour d'autres espèces. La quatrième partie traite du développement larvaire dans différents habitats de la plaine alluviale. Le développement complet est décrit pour les espèces étudiées de la ponte jusqu'à l'émergence. Rhithrogena nivata et loyolaea atteignent généralement le stade adulte en deux ans, le premier hiver étant passé sous forme d'oeuf et le second sous forme de larve. Le développement de Ecdyonurus picteti est difficile à documenter, mais s'avère cependant efficace dans un environnement rude et imprévisible. Baetis alpinus a été étudié séparément dans quatre habitats de la plaine ayant des régimes thermiques contrastés. La réussite et la durée du développement embryonnaire ainsi que les taux de croissance y sont variables. Des mécanismes de subvention entre habitats sont possibles par la migration de larves juvéniles ou plus développées, augmentant ainsi la réussite du développement et le maintien des populations dans le système. L'émergence devient synchrone, au détriment de l'optimisation de la taille et de la fécondité des adultes. Ces stratégies très différentes induisent une distribution spatiale et temporelle dans l'usage des ressources et des niches écologiques. La dernière partie synthétise les caractéristiques écologiques des trois compartiments du système que sont le Rhône amont, la Mutt et la zone alluviale. Leurs rôles particuliers et leurs interdépendances du point de vue de la structure et de la dynamique des communautés benthiques sont mis en avant.


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Introduction: Mortality from cardiovascular disease (CVD) varies according to seasons in countries that are located far away from the equator, likely linked to concomitant seasonal variation in underlying CVD risk factors. We assessed temporal variation in CVD mortality in the Seychelles, a small island state situated near the equator and where the climate is virtually constant throughout the year. Seychelles is one of the few countries located near the equator where all deaths are registered. Methods: We recoded all deaths along broad causes, including CVD (n=5643), stroke (2112) and myocardial infarction (MI, 804). Stroke and MI were considered as the cause of death if the diagnosis appeared in any of the four fields for underlying causes of death in the death certificates. In view of the small size of the population, we pooled all deaths (n=13'163) between 1989 and 2010. Results: Mortality for all CVD, stroke and MI did not systematically vary according to month or season (chi square >0.05). A lack of variation was also observed within sex and age categories. Conclusion: The lack of seasonal variation in CVD mortality in a country located near the equator is consistent with the hypothesis that seasonal variation in CVD decreases along decreasing a country's latitude.


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BACKGROUND: Mortality is increased after a hip fracture, and strategies that improve outcomes are needed. METHODS: In this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, 1065 patients were assigned to receive yearly intravenous zoledronic acid (at a dose of 5 mg), and 1062 patients were assigned to receive placebo. The infusions were first administered within 90 days after surgical repair of a hip fracture. All patients received supplemental vitamin D and calcium. The median follow-up was 1.9 years. The primary end point was a new clinical fracture. RESULTS: The rates of any new clinical fracture were 8.6% in the zoledronic acid group and 13.9% in the placebo group, a 35% risk reduction (P = 0.001); the respective rates of a new clinical vertebral fracture were 1.7% and 3.8% (P = 0.02), and the respective rates of new nonvertebral fractures were 7.6% and 10.7% (P = 0.03). In the safety analysis, 101 of 1054 patients in the zoledronic acid group (9.6%) and 141 of 1057 patients in the placebo group (13.3%) died, a reduction of 28% in deaths from any cause in the zoledronic-acid group (P = 0.01). The most frequent adverse events in patients receiving zoledronic acid were pyrexia, myalgia, and bone and musculoskeletal pain. No cases of osteonecrosis of the jaw were reported, and no adverse effects on the healing of fractures were noted. The rates of renal and cardiovascular adverse events, including atrial fibrillation and stroke, were similar in the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: An annual infusion of zoledronic acid within 90 days after repair of a low-trauma hip fracture was associated with a reduction in the rate of new clinical fractures and improved survival. (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00046254.).


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Lateral root formation in plants can be studied as the process of interaction between chemical signals and physical forces during development. Lateral root primordia grow through overlying cell layers that must accommodate this incursion. Here, we analyze responses of the endodermis, the immediate neighbor to an initiating lateral root. Endodermal cells overlying lateral root primordia lose volume, change shape, and relinquish their tight junction-like diffusion barrier to make way for the emerging lateral root primordium. Endodermal feedback is absolutely required for initiation and growth of lateral roots, and we provide evidence that this is mediated by controlled volume loss in the endodermis. We propose that turgidity and rigid cell walls, typical of plants, impose constraints that are specifically modified for a given developmental process.


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Aim Conservation strategies are in need of predictions that capture spatial community composition and structure. Currently, the methods used to generate these predictions generally focus on deterministic processes and omit important stochastic processes and other unexplained variation in model outputs. Here we test a novel approach of community models that accounts for this variation and determine how well it reproduces observed properties of alpine butterfly communities. Location The western Swiss Alps. Methods We propose a new approach to process probabilistic predictions derived from stacked species distribution models (S-SDMs) in order to predict and assess the uncertainty in the predictions of community properties. We test the utility of our novel approach against a traditional threshold-based approach. We used mountain butterfly communities spanning a large elevation gradient as a case study and evaluated the ability of our approach to model species richness and phylogenetic diversity of communities. Results S-SDMs reproduced the observed decrease in phylogenetic diversity and species richness with elevation, syndromes of environmental filtering. The prediction accuracy of community properties vary along environmental gradient: variability in predictions of species richness was higher at low elevation, while it was lower for phylogenetic diversity. Our approach allowed mapping the variability in species richness and phylogenetic diversity projections. Main conclusion Using our probabilistic approach to process species distribution models outputs to reconstruct communities furnishes an improved picture of the range of possible assemblage realisations under similar environmental conditions given stochastic processes and help inform manager of the uncertainty in the modelling results


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BACKGROUND: Over the last 4 decades, childhood cancer mortality declined in most developed areas of the world. However, scant information is available from middle-income and developing countries. The authors analyzed and compared patterns in childhood cancer mortality in 24 developed and middle-income countries in America, Asia, and Oceania between 1970 and 2007. METHODS: Childhood age-standardized annual mortality rates were derived from the World Health Organization (WHO) database for all neoplasms, bone and kidney cancer, non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), and leukemias. RESULTS: Since 1970, rates for all childhood cancers dropped from approximately 8 per 100,000 boys to 3 per 100,000 boys and from 6 per 100,000 girls to 2 per 100,000 girls in North America and Japan. Latin American countries registered rates of approximately 5 per 100,000 boys and 4 per 100,000 girls for 2005 through 2007, similar to the rates registered in more developed areas in the early 1980s. Similar patterns were observed for leukemias, for which the mortality rates were 0.81 per 100,000 boys and 0.55 per 100,000 girls in North America, 0.86 per 100,000 boys and 0.68 per 100,000 girls in Japan, and 1.98 per 100,000 boys and 1.65 per 100,000 girls in Latin America for 2005 through 2007. Bone cancer rates for 2005 through 2007 were approximately 2-fold higher in Argentina than in the United States. During the same period, Mexico registered the highest rate for kidney cancer and Colombia registered the highest rate for NHL, whereas the lowest rates were registered by Japan for kidney and by Japan and the United States for NHL. CONCLUSIONS: Improvements in the adoption of current integrated treatment protocols in Latin American and other lower- and middle-income countries worldwide would avoid a substantial proportion of childhood cancer deaths.


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Cancer mortality among children in Switzerland was analysed using (1) age-specific and age-standardized (0-14) rates from 1951 to 1984 and (2) comparison of observed numbers of deaths over the period 1960-1984 with expected one obtained by application of age-specific rates for the period 1951-1959 to the population structure of subsequent 5-year calendar periods. Certified mortality fell about 60% for leukaemias, 21% for lymphomas, 66% for Wilms' tumours, 40% for bone sarcomas and 30% for other and unspecified sites. Thus, the overall decline in childhood cancer mortality in Switzerland was around 45%, slightly more marked in females (-48%) than in males (-42%), and more pronounced in younger children (over 50% before age 5). This corresponds to an absolute number of about 50 deaths from childhood cancer per year avoided in the early 1980s as compared with expected numbers computed on the basis of rates registered in the 1950s (30 deaths per year for leukaemias alone). The estimated total number of deaths avoided during the whole period 1960-1980 was 820 (430 leukaemias alone). Trends in childhood cancer mortality persisted steadily downwards in the early 1980s, suggesting that further progress is being achieved in the treatment of these neoplasms.


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Structural settings and lithological characteristics are traditionally assumed to influence the development of erosional landforms, such as gully networks and rock couloirs, in steep mountain rock basins. The structural control of erosion of two small alpine catchments of distinctive rock types is evaluated by comparing the correspondences between the orientations of their gullies and rock couloirs with (1) the sliding orientations of potential slope failures mechanisms, and (2) the orientation of the maximum joint frequency, this latter being considered as the direction exploited primarily by erosion and mass wasting processes. These characteristic orientations can be interpreted as structural weaknesses contributing to the initiation and propagation of erosion. The morphostructural analysis was performed using digital elevation models and field observations. The catchment comprised of magmatic intrusive rocks shows a clear structural control, mostly expressed through potential wedges failure. Such joint configurations have a particular geometry that encourages the development of gullies in hard rock, e.g. through enhanced gravitational and hydrological erosional processes. In the catchment underlain by sedimentary rocks, penetrative joints that act as structural weaknesses seem to be exploited by gullies and rock couloirs. However, the lithological setting and bedding configuration prominently control the development of erosional landforms, and influence not only the local pattern of geomorphic features, but the general morphology of the catchment. The orientations of the maximum joint frequency are clearly associated with the gully network, suggesting that its development is governed by anisotropy in rock strength. These two catchments are typical of bedrock-dominated basins prone to intense processes of debris supply. This study suggests a quantitative approach for describing the relationship between bedrock jointing and geomorphic features geometry. Incorporation of bedrock structure can be relevant when studying processes governing the transfer of clastic material, for the assessment of sediment yields and in landforms evolution models.


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We considered trends in mortality from leukemia in Europe over the period 1970-2009 using data from the World Health Organization. We computed age-standardized (world population) mortality rates, at all ages and in selected age groups, in 11 selected European countries, the European Union (EU) and, for comparative purposes, in the USA and Japan. For the EU, we also provided projections of the mortality to 2012. Over the period considered, mortality from leukemia steadily declined in most European countries in children and young adults, as well as in western and southern Europe at middle-age (45-69 years); in central/eastern Europe, reductions at ages 45-69 started since the mid-late 1990s. In the EU, annual percent changes were -3.7% in males and -3.8% in females at age 0-14, -2% in both sexes at age 15-44, and -0.6% in males and -1% in females at middle-age and overall. No decline was observed at age 70 or more. Between 1997 and 2007, overall EU rates decreased from 5.4 to 4.8/100,000 males and from 3.4 to 2.9/100,000 females. Declines were from 6.2 to 5.5/100,000 males and from 3.7 to 3.2/100,000 females in the USA and from 3.9 to 3.5/100,000 males and from 2.5 to 2.0/100,000 females in Japan. Projected overall rates in the EU at 2012 are 4.3/100,000 males (-11% compared to 2007) and 2.6/100,000 females (-12%).


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MR structural T1-weighted imaging using high field systems (>3T) is severely hampered by the existing large transmit field inhomogeneities. New sequences have been developed to better cope with such nuisances. In this work we show the potential of a recently proposed sequence, the MP2RAGE, to obtain improved grey white matter contrast with respect to conventional T1-w protocols, allowing for a better visualization of thalamic nuclei and different white matter bundles in the brain stem. Furthermore, the possibility to obtain high spatial resolution (0.65 mm isotropic) R1 maps fully independent of the transmit field inhomogeneities in clinical acceptable time is demonstrated. In this high resolution R1 maps it was possible to clearly observe varying properties of cortical grey matter throughout the cortex and observe different hippocampus fields with variations of intensity that correlate with known myelin concentration variations.


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Understanding and anticipating biological invasions can focus either on traits that favour species invasiveness or on features of the receiving communities, habitats or landscapes that promote their invasibility. Here, we address invasibility at the regional scale, testing whether some habitats and landscapes are more invasible than others by fitting models that relate alien plant species richness to various environmental predictors. We use a multi-model information-theoretic approach to assess invasibility by modelling spatial and ecological patterns of alien invasion in landscape mosaics and testing competing hypotheses of environmental factors that may control invasibility. Because invasibility may be mediated by particular characteristics of invasiveness, we classified alien species according to their C-S-R plant strategies. We illustrate this approach with a set of 86 alien species in Northern Portugal. We first focus on predictors influencing species richness and expressing invasibility and then evaluate whether distinct plant strategies respond to the same or different groups of environmental predictors. We confirmed climate as a primary determinant of alien invasions and as a primary environmental gradient determining landscape invasibility. The effects of secondary gradients were detected only when the area was sub-sampled according to predictions based on the primary gradient. Then, multiple predictor types influenced patterns of alien species richness, with some types (landscape composition, topography and fire regime) prevailing over others. Alien species richness responded most strongly to extreme land management regimes, suggesting that intermediate disturbance induces biotic resistance by favouring native species richness. Land-use intensification facilitated alien invasion, whereas conservation areas hosted few invaders, highlighting the importance of ecosystem stability in preventing invasions. Plants with different strategies exhibited different responses to environmental gradients, particularly when the variations of the primary gradient were narrowed by sub-sampling. Such differential responses of plant strategies suggest using distinct control and eradication approaches for different areas and alien plant groups.