234 resultados para Boating injuries.
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to determine whether thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) reduces death and morbidity compared with open surgical repair for descending thoracic aortic disease. BACKGROUND: The role of TEVAR versus open surgery remains unclear. Metaregression can be used to maximally inform adoption of new technologies by utilizing evidence from existing trials. METHODS: Data from comparative studies of TEVAR versus open repair of the descending aorta were combined through meta-analysis. Metaregression was performed to account for baseline risk factor imbalances, study design, and thoracic pathology. Due to significant heterogeneity, registry data were analyzed separately from comparative studies. RESULTS: Forty-two nonrandomized studies involving 5,888 patients were included (38 comparative studies, 4 registries). Patient characteristics were balanced except for age, as TEVAR patients were usually older than open surgery patients (p = 0.001). Registry data suggested overall perioperative complications were reduced. In comparative studies, all-cause mortality at 30 days (odds ratio [OR]: 0.44, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.33 to 0.59) and paraplegia (OR: 0.42, 95% CI: 0.28 to 0.63) were reduced for TEVAR versus open surgery. In addition, cardiac complications, transfusions, reoperation for bleeding, renal dysfunction, pneumonia, and length of stay were reduced. There was no significant difference in stroke, myocardial infarction, aortic reintervention, and mortality beyond 1 year. Metaregression to adjust for age imbalance, study design, and pathology did not materially change the results. CONCLUSIONS: Current data from nonrandomized studies suggest that TEVAR may reduce early death, paraplegia, renal insufficiency, transfusions, reoperation for bleeding, cardiac complications, pneumonia, and length of stay compared with open surgery. Sustained benefits on survival have not been proven.
As in cancer biology, in wound healing there is a need for objective staging systems to decide for the best treatment and predictors of outcome. We developed in the diabetic (db/db) wound healing model, a staging system, the "wound watch," based on the quantification of angiogenesis and cell proliferation in open wounds. In chronic wounds, there is often a lack of cellular proliferation and angiogenesis that leads to impaired healing. The wound watch addresses this by quantifying the proliferative phase of wound healing in two dimensions (cellular division and angiogenesis). The results are plotted in a two-dimensional graph to monitor the course of healing and compare the response to different treatments.
We conducted a preliminary, questionnaire-based, retrospective analysis of training and injury in British National Squad Olympic distance (OD) and Ironman distance (IR) triathletes. The main outcome measures were training duration and training frequency and injury frequency and severity. The number of overuse injuries sustained over a 5-year period did not differ between OD and IR. However, the proportions of OD and IR athletes who were affected by injury to particular anatomical sites differed (p < 0.05). Also, fewer OD athletes (16.7 vs. 36.8%, p < 0.05) reported that their injury recurred. Although OD sustained fewer running injuries than IR (1.6 +/- 0.5 vs. 1.9 +/- 0.3, p < 0.05), more subsequently stopped running (41.7 vs. 15.8%) and for longer (33.5 +/- 43.0 vs. 16.7 +/- 16.6 days, p < 0.01). In OD, the number of overuse injuries sustained inversely correlated with percentage training time, and number of sessions, doing bike hill repetitions (r = -0.44 and -0.39, respectively, both p < 0.05). The IR overuse injury number correlated with the amount of intensive sessions done (r = 0.67, p < 0.01 and r = 0.56, p < 0.05 for duration of "speed run" and "speed bike" sessions). Coaches should note that training differences between triathletes who specialize in OD or IR competition may lead to their exhibiting differential risk for injury to specific anatomical sites. It is also important to note that cycle and run training may have a "cumulative stress" influence on injury risk. Therefore, the tendency of some triathletes to modify rather than stop training when injured-usually by increasing load in another discipline from that in which the injury first occurred-may increase both their risk of injury recurrence and time to full rehabilitation.
OBJECTIVE: Most studies on alcohol as a risk factor for injuries have been mechanism specific, and few have considered several mechanisms simultaneously or reported alcohol-attributable fractions (AAFs)-which was the aim of the current study. METHOD: Data from 3,592 injured and 3,489 noninjured patients collected between January 2003 and June 2004 in the surgical ward of the emergency department of the Lausanne University Hospital (Switzerland) were analyzed. Four injury mechanisms derived from the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, were considered: transportation-related injuries, falls, exposure to forces and other events, and interpersonal violence. Multinomial logistic regression models were calculated to estimate the risk relationships of different levels of alcohol consumption, using noninjured patients as quasi-controls. The AAFs were then calculated. RESULTS: Risk relationships between injury and acute consumption were found across all mechanisms, commonly resulting in dose-response relationships. Marked differences between mechanisms were observed for relative risks and AAFs, which varied between 15.2% and 33.1% and between 10.1% and 35.9%, depending on the time window of consumption (either 6 hours or 24 hours before injury, respectively). Low and medium levels of alcohol consumption generally were associated with the most AAFs. CONCLUSIONS: This study underscores the implications of even low levels of alcohol consumption on the risk of sustaining injuries through any of the mechanisms considered. Substantial AAFs are reported for each mechanism, particularly for injuries resulting from interpersonal violence. Observation of a so-called preventive paradox phenomenon is discussed, and prevention or intervention measures are described.
The spared nerve injury (SNI) model mimics human neuropathic pain related to peripheral nerve injury and is based upon an invasive but simple surgical procedure. Since its first description in 2000, it has displayed a remarkable development. It produces a robust, reliable and long-lasting neuropathic pain-like behaviour (allodynia and hyperalgesia) as well as the possibility of studying both injured and non-injured neuronal populations in the same spinal ganglion. Besides, variants of the SNI model have been developed in rats, mice and neonatal/young rodents, resulting in several possible angles of analysis. Therefore, the purpose of this chapter is to provide a detailed guidance regarding the SNI model and its variants, highlighting its surgical and behavioural testing specificities.
OBJECTIVES: To determine the risk of hospital readmission, nursing home admission, and death, as well as health services utilization over a 6-month follow-up, in community-dwelling elderly persons hospitalized after a noninjurious fall. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study with 6-month follow-up. SETTING: Swiss academic medical center. PARTICIPANTS: Six hundred ninety persons aged 75 and older hospitalized through the emergency department. MEASUREMENTS: Data on demographics and medical, physical, social, and mental status were collected upon admission. Follow-up data were collected from the state centralized billing system (hospital and nursing home admission) and proxies (death). RESULTS: Seventy patients (10%) were hospitalized after a noninjurious fall. Fallers had shorter hospital stays (median 4 vs 8 days, P<.001) and were more frequently discharged to rehabilitation or respite care than nonfallers. During follow-up, fallers were more likely to be institutionalized (adjusted hazard ratio=1.82, 95% confidence interval=1.03-3.19, P=.04) independent of comorbidity and functional and mental status. Overall institutional costs (averaged per day of follow-up) were similar for both groups ($138.5 vs $148.7, P=.66), but fallers had lower hospital costs and significantly higher rehabilitation and long-term care costs ($55.5 vs $24.1, P<.001), even after adjustment for comorbidity, living situation, and functional and cognitive status. CONCLUSION: Elderly patients hospitalized after a noninjurious fall were twice as likely to be institutionalized as those admitted for other medical conditions and had higher intermediate and long-term care services utilization during follow-up, independent of functional and health status. These results provide direction for interventions needed to delay or prevent institutionalization and reduce subsequent costs.
Neuronal autophagy is increased in numerous excitotoxic conditions including neonatal cerebral hypoxia-ischemia (HI). However, the role of this HI-induced autophagy remains unclear. To clarify this role we established an in vitro model of excitotoxicity combining kainate treatment (Ka, 30 µM) with hypoxia (Hx, 6% oxygen) in primary neuron cultures. KaHx rapidly induced excitotoxic death that was completely prevented by MK801 or EGTA. KaHx also stimulated neuronal autophagic flux as shown by a rise in autophagosome number (increased levels of LC3-II and punctate LC3 labeling) accompanied by increases in lysosomal abundance and activity (increased SQSTM1/p62 degradation, and increased LC3-II levels in the presence of lysosomal inhibitors) and fusion (shown using an RFP-GFP-LC3 reporter). To determine the role of the enhanced autophagy we applied either pharmacological autophagy inhibitors (3-methyladenine or pepstatinA/E64) or lentiviral vectors delivering shRNAs targeting Becn1 or Atg7. Both strategies reduced KaHx-induced neuronal death. A prodeath role of autophagy was also confirmed by the enhanced toxicity of KaHx in cultures overexpressing BECN1 or ATG7. Finally, in vivo inhibition of autophagy by intrastriatal injection of a lentiviral vector expressing a Becn1-targeting shRNA increased the volume of intact striatum in a rat model of severe neonatal cerebral HI. These results clearly show a death-mediating role of autophagy in hypoxic-excitotoxic conditions and suggest that inhibition of autophagy should be considered as a neuroprotective strategy in HI brain injuries.
Delayed rupture of the spleen following trauma is an exceedingly rare phenomenon in children. In the case we have experienced, arterial embolization was successfully performed, surgery was avoided, and functional splenic tissue was preserved. Embolization is of value in the management of blunt splenic injuries in hemodynamically stable children, even after delayed rupture. The exact criteria for its use remain to be established.
Although tissue engineering and cell therapies are becoming realistic approaches for medical therapeutics, it is likely that musculoskeletal applications will be among the first to benefit on a large scale. Cell sources for tissue engineering and cell therapies for tendon pathologies are reviewed with an emphasis on small defect tendon injuries as seen in the hand which could adapt well to injectable cell administration. Specifically, cell sources including tenocytes, tendon sheath fibroblasts, bone marrow or adipose-derived stem cells, amniotic cells, placenta cells and platelet-derivatives have been proposed to enhance tendon regeneration. The associated advantages and disadvantages for these different strategies will be discussed and evolving regulatory requirements for cellular therapies will also be addressed. Human progenitor tenocytes, along with their clinical cell banking potential, will be presented as an alternative cell source solution. Similar cell banking techniques have already been described with other progenitor cell types in the 1950's for vaccine production, and these "old" cell types incite potentially interesting therapeutic options that could be improved with modern innovation for tendon regeneration and repair.
PURPOSE: To describe the clinical and histologic features of a particular form of macular epiretinal membrane. METHODS: The charts of all patients operated for macular epiretinal membrane by a single surgeon (E.H.B.) between June 2001 and January 2005 were retrospectively reviewed. Patients with macular epiretinal membrane associated with tearing and folding of the internal limiting membrane (ILM) were identified and the following parameters were recorded when available: age, gender, best-corrected visual acuity before and after vitrectomy; optical coherence tomography; pre-, intra-, and postoperative macular status; intraoperative staining by indocyanine green; histology. RESULTS: Twenty-three of 268 eyes (8.6%) with macular epiretinal membrane were associated with tearing and folding of the ILM, forming a whitish prominent band on the surface of the retina. The mean age of the patients was 68.6 years with a significant female predominance (78.3%). The vitreous was completely detached in 21 eyes. After surgical peeling, the mean visual gain was 3.2 Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study lines. No recurrence was observed. CONCLUSION: Tearing and folding of the ILM was associated with macular epiretinal membranes in 8.6% of cases. The ILM was probably torn during posterior hyaloid detachment, but the pathogenesis has not been clearly elucidated. The surgeon should begin to peel the macular epiretinal membrane by grasping the folded ILM to ensure complete removal of the ILM together with the epiretinal membrane. The postoperative visual prognosis was good
STUDY OBJECTIVES: To review the etiology and pathophysiology of pneumomediastinum in severe blunt trauma, with a special interest in one of its possible origins, the Macklin effect. The Macklin effect relates to a three-step pathophysiologic process: blunt traumatic alveolar ruptures, air dissection along bronchovascular sheaths, and spreading of this blunt pulmonary interstitial emphysema into the mediastinum. The clinical relevance of the Macklin effect was also evaluated. SETTING: A university hospital serving as a reference trauma center. PATIENTS: A selection of 51 patients with severe blunt trauma between 1995 and 2000. Inclusion criteria: Severe trauma or high-speed deceleration justifying chest CT; if chest CT demonstrated a pneumomediastinum, bronchoscopy and esophagoscopy were performed to rule out tracheobronchial or esophageal injury. DESIGN: Retrospective analysis of patients' clinical files, chest CT, and bronchoscopy and esophagoscopy reports. The Macklin effect was diagnosed when an air collection adjacent to a bronchus and a pulmonary vessel could be clearly identified on the chest CT. Clinical relevance of the Macklin effect was statistically evaluated regarding its repercussions on the pulmonary gas exchange function, the respective durations of intensive care and total hospital stay, and the associated injuries. RESULTS: Twenty (39%) Macklin effects and 5 tracheobronchial injuries (10%) were identified. One tracheobronchial injury occurred simultaneously with the Macklin effect. The presence of the Macklin effect affected neither the clinical profile nor the result of pulmonary gas analysis on hospital admission, but was associated with a significant (p < 0.001) lengthening of the intensive care stay. CONCLUSIONS: The Macklin effect is present in 39% of severe blunt traumatic pneumomediastinum detected by CT. Its identification does not rule out a tracheobronchial injury. The Macklin effect reflects severe trauma, since it is associated with significantly prolonged intensive care stay.
Aim: Diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is now widely used in human brain diagnosis.1 To date molecular mechanisms underlying changes in Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) signals remain poorly understood. AQP4, localized to astrocytes, is one of the most highly expressed cerebral AQPs.2 AQP4 is involved in water movement within the cell membrane of cultured astrocytes.3 We hypothesize that AQP4 contributes to water diffusion and underlying ADC values in normal brain. Methods: We used an RNA interference (RNAi) protocol in vivo, to acutely knockdown expression of AQP4 in rat brain and to determine whether this was associated with changes in brain ADC values using MRI protocols as previously described.4 RNAi was performed using specific small interference RNA (siRNA) against AQP4 (siAQP4) and a non-targeted-siRNA (siGLO) as a control. The specificity and efficiency of the siAQP4 were first tested in vitro in astrocyte and hippocampal slice cultures. In vivo, siRNAs were injected into the rat cortex 3d prior to MRI acquisition and AQP4 was assessed by western blot (n=4) and immunohistochemistry (n=6). Histology was performed on adjacent slices. Results: siAQP4 application on primary astrocyte cultures induced a 76% decrease in AQP4 expression after 4 days. In hippocampal slice cultures; we also found a significant decrease in AQP4 expression in astrocytes after siAQP4. In vivo, injection of non-targeted siRNA (siGLO) tagged with CY3 allowed us to show that GFAP positive cells (astrocytes) were positively stained with CY3-siGLO, showing efficient transfection. Western blot and immunohistochemical analysis showed that siAQP4 induced a ~30% decrease in AQP4 expression without modification of tissue properties or cell death. After siAQP4 treatment, a significant decrease in ADC values (~50%) were observed without altered of T2 values. Conclusions: Together these results suggest that AQP4 reduces water diffusion through the astrocytic plasma membrane and decreases ADC values. Our findings demonstrate for the first time that astrocytic AQP4 contributes significantly to brain water diffusion and ADC values in normal brain. These results open new avenues to interpretation of ADC values under normal physiological conditions and in acute and chronic brain injuries.
Although the sport of triathlon provides an opportunity to research the effect of multi-disciplinary exercise on health across the lifespan, much remains to be done. The literature has failed to consistently or adequately report subject age group, sex, ability level, and/or event-distance specialization. The demands of training and racing are relatively unquantified. Multiple definitions and reporting methods for injury and illness have been implemented. In general, risk factors for maladaptation have not been well-described. The data thus far collected indicate that the sport of triathlon is relatively safe for the well-prepared, well-supplied athlete. Most injuries 'causing cessation or reduction of training or seeking of medical aid' are not serious. However, as the extent to which they recur may be high and is undocumented, injury outcome is unclear. The sudden death rate for competition is 1.5 (0.9-2.5) [mostly swim-related] occurrences for every 100,000 participations. The sudden death rate is unknown for training, although stroke risk may be increased, in the long-term, in genetically susceptible athletes. During heavy training and up to 5 days post-competition, host protection against pathogens may also be compromised. The incidence of illness seems low, but its outcome is unclear. More prospective investigation of the immunological, oxidative stress-related and cardiovascular effects of triathlon training and competition is warranted. Training diaries may prove to be a promising method of monitoring negative adaptation and its potential risk factors. More longitudinal, medical-tent-based studies of the aetiology and treatment demands of race-related injury and illness are needed.
The complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a rare but debilitating pain disorder that mostly occurs after injuries to the upper limb. A number of studies indicated altered brain function in CRPS, whereas possible influences on brain structure remain poorly investigated. We acquired structural magnetic resonance imaging data from CRPS type I patients and applied voxel-by-voxel statistics to compare white and gray matter brain segments of CRPS patients with matched controls. Patients and controls were statistically compared in two different ways: First, we applied a 2-sample ttest to compare whole brain white and gray matter structure between patients and controls. Second, we aimed to assess structural alterations specifically of the primary somatosensory (S1) and motor cortex (M1) contralateral to the CRPS affected side. To this end, MRI scans of patients with left-sided CRPS (and matched controls) were horizontally flipped before preprocessing and region-of-interest-based group comparison. The unpaired ttest of the "non-flipped" data revealed that CRPS patients presented increased gray matter density in the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex. The same test applied to the "flipped" data showed further increases in gray matter density, not in the S1, but in the M1 contralateral to the CRPS-affected limb which were inversely related to decreased white matter density of the internal capsule within the ipsilateral brain hemisphere. The gray-white matter interaction between motor cortex and internal capsule suggests compensatory mechanisms within the central motor system possibly due to motor dysfunction. Altered gray matter structure in dorsomedial prefrontal cortex may occur in response to emotional processes such as pain-related suffering or elevated analgesic top-down control.