222 resultados para retinal pigment epithelium (RPE)
Neurofilamentous changes in select groups of neurons are associated with the degenerative changes of many human age-related neurodegenerative diseases. To examine the possible effects of aging on the neuronal cytoskeleton containing human proteins, the retinas of transgenic mice expressing the gene for the human middle-sized neurofilament triplet were investigated at 3 or 12 months of age. Transgenic mice developed tangle-like neurofilamentous accumulations in a subset of retinal ganglion cells at 12 months of age. These neurofilamentous accumulations, which also involved endogenous neurofilament proteins, were present in the perikarya and proximal processes of large ganglion cells and were predominantly located in peripheral retina. The presence of the human protein may thus confer vulnerability of the cytoskeleton to age-related alterations in this specific retinal cell type and may serve as a model for similar cellular changes associated with Alzheimer's disease and glaucoma.
Recently, we examined the spermatogenesis cycle length in two shrews species, Sorex araneus characterized by a very high metabolic rate and a polyandric mating system (sperm competition) resulting in a short cycle and Crocidura russula characterized by a much lower metabolic rate and a monogamous mating system showing a longer cycle. In this study, we investigated the spermatogenesis cycle in Neomys fodiens showing an intermediate metabolic rate. We described the stages of seminiferous epithelium according to the spermatid morphology method and we calculated the cycle length of spermatogenesis using incorporation of 5-bromodeoxyuridine into DNA of the germ cells. Twelve males were injected intraperitoneally with 5-bromodeoxyuridine, and the testes were collected. For cycle length determination, we applied a recently developed statistical method. The calculated cycle length is 8.69 days and the total duration of spermatogenesis based on 4.5 cycles is approximately 39.1 days, intermediate between the duration of spermatogenesis of S. araneus (37.6 days) and C. russula (54.5 days) and therefore congruent with both the metabolic rate hypothesis and the sperm competition hypothesis. Relative testes size of 1.4% of body mass indicates a promiscuous mating system.
We compared the pupil responses originating from outer versus inner retinal photoreception between patients with isolated hereditary optic neuropathy (HON, n = 8) and healthy controls (n = 8). Three different testing protocols were used. For the first two protocols, a response function of the maximal pupil contraction versus stimulus light intensity was generated and the intensity at which half of the maximal pupil contraction, the half-max intensity, was determined. For the third protocol, the pupil size after light offset, the re-dilation rate and re-dilation amplitude were calculated to assess the post-light stimulus response. Patients with HON had bilateral, symmetric optic atrophy and significant reduction of visual acuity and visual field compared to controls. There were no significant mean differences in the response curve and pupil response parameters that reflect mainly rod, cone or melanopsin activity between patients and controls. In patients, there was a significant correlation between the half-max intensity of the red light sequence and visual field loss. In conclusion, pupil responses derived from outer or inner retinal photoreception in HON patients having mild-to moderate visual dysfunction are not quantitatively different from age-matched controls. However, an association between the degree of visual field loss and the half-max intensity of the cone response suggests that more advanced stages of disease may lead to impaired pupil light reflexes.
Purpose: Mediums have been developed to conserve corneal endothelium in organ-culture during eye banking. CorneaMax® is used by 25% of Eye Bank in Europe. Only little is known about conservation of corneal epithelium with this medium during banking. Its preservation could be of interest in clinic to cure corneal disease with stem cells deficiency. Therefore, we wanted to examine the integrity of human corneal epithelium maintained in CorneaMax®. Methods: Human corneas, considered unsuitable for transplantation, were obtained from the Eye Bank in Lausanne. Average post-mortem time was 14 hours. Cornoscleral rings were maintained in organ-culture in Corneamax® at 32°C. Samples were formalin-fixed after period ranging from 0 (D0) to 35 days (D35, N=5 for each time points) and stained with H&E. Proliferation and apoptosis were evaluated by immunostaining with antibody against Ki67 and Caspase3 respectively. Results: Corneas, which were not in organ-cultured (D0), showed different morphology, including intact epithelium with 5 to 7 layers, but also completely denuded basement membrane. In two cases, at D0, the epithelium lost its adherence to the basal lamina of the cornea creating a large epithelial sheet. During the two first days, corneas and limbus area lost totally their epithelium, except for some remaining limbal basal cells. From day 2 to day 10, regeneration of the epithelium took place, starting from the limbal region in direction to the central cornea. From day 10 to day 35, corneal epithelium appeared as an atrophic epithelium, consisting of only two cell layers. Proliferation happened in the whole cornea during the 35 days of organ-culture, as shown by Ki67 positive cells. Apoptosis was rarely detected in the corneal epithelium. Conclusions: Corneas maintained in CorneaMax® showed a complete disappearance of the corneal epithelium during the two first days and a conservation of limbal basal cells in the limbal region. These remaining cells allowed a full regeneration of the tissue, leading to an atrophic epithelium, composed of only two cell layers. This atrophic epithelium could be seen in all the organ-cultured corneas during the 35 days of conservation. This study is a first step to develop medium in organ-culture in order to conserve corneal epithelial cells.
PURPOSE: Drug delivery to treat diseases of the posterior segment of the eye, such as choroidal neovascularization and its complications, is hampered by poor intraocular penetration and rapid elimination of the drug from the eye. The purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility and tolerance of suprachoroidal injections of poly(ortho ester) (POE), a bioerodible and biocompatible polymer, as a biomaterial potentially useful for development of sustained drug delivery systems. METHODS: After tunnelization of the sclera, different formulations based on POE were injected (100 microL) into the suprachoroidal space of pigmented rabbits and compared with 1% sodium hyaluronate. Follow-up consisted of fundus observations, echography, fluorescein angiography, and histologic analysis over 3 weeks. RESULTS: After injection, POE spread in the suprachoroidal space at the posterior pole. It was well tolerated and progressively disappeared from the site of injection without sequelae. No bleeding or retinal detachment occurred. Echographic pictures showed that the material was present in the suprachoroidal space for 3 weeks. Angiography revealed minor pigment irregularities at the site of injection, but no retinal edema or necrosis. Histology showed that POE was well tolerated in the choroid. CONCLUSIONS: POE suprachoroidal injections, an easy, controllable, and reproducible procedure, were well tolerated in the rabbit eye. POE appears to be a promising biomaterial to deliver drugs focally to the choroid and the retina.
RPE65 is a retinoid isomerase required for the production of 11-cis-retinal, the chromophore of both cone and rod visual pigments. We recently established an R91W knock-in mouse strain as homologous animal model for patients afflicted by this mutation in RPE65. These mice have impaired vision and can only synthesize minute amounts of 11-cis-retinal. Here, we investigated the consequences of this chromophore insufficiency on cone function and pathophysiology. We found that the R91W mutation caused cone opsin mislocalization and progressive geographic cone atrophy. Remnant visual function was mostly mediated by rods. Ablation of rod opsin corrected the localization of cone opsin and improved cone retinal function. Thus, our analyses indicate that under conditions of limited chromophore supply rods and cones compete for 11-cis-retinal that derives from regeneration pathway(s) which are reliant on RPE65. Due to their higher number and the instability of cone opsin, rods are privileged under this condition while cones suffer chromophore deficiency and degenerate. These findings reinforce the notion that in patients any effective gene therapy with RPE65 needs to target the cone-rich macula directly to locally restore the cones' chromophore supply outside the reach of rods.
Les muqueuses respiratoires, genitales et digestives sont continuellement exposées aux antigènes de l?alimentation, à la flore intestinale et aux pathogènes. Cela implique une activité immunologique intense et finement régulée dans ces tissus. On admet que la modulation de ces réponses immunitaires muqueuses s?effectue dans des organes sentinels spécifiques appelés o-MALT (organized mucosal associated lymphoid tissues). Ces processus de modulation et la biologie de ces sites immuno-inducteurs sont peu connus. Ceci est pourtant d?une grande relevance si l?on veut faire un design rationnel de drogues et de vaccins muqueux. Dans l?intestin grèle, ces organes sont composés de follicules multiples et sont appelés plaques de Peyer. Ils sont constitués de follicules enrichis en cellules B comprenant ou non un centre germinatif, de regions interfolliculaires comprenant des cellules T, et d?une région en d ome riche en cellules dendritiques, cellules B naives et cellules T CD4+, surmontée par un epithelium specialisé, le FAE (epithelium associé aux follicules). Le FAE contient des cellules M spécialisées dans le transport de macromolécules et micro-organismes de la lumière intestinale au tissu lymphoide sous-jacent. Ce transport des antigènes est une condition obligatoire pour induire une réponse immunitaire. Les cellules du FAE, outre les cellules M, expriment un programme de différenciation distinct de celui des cellules associées aux villosités. Ceci est characterisé par une baisse des fonctions digestives et de défenses, et l?expression constitutive des chimiokines: CCL20 et CCL25. Le but de l?étude présentée ici est de rechercher les facteurs cellulaires et/ou moléculaire responsables de cette différenciation. Certaines études ont démontré l?importance du contact entre le compartiment mésenchymateux et l?épithelium pour la morphogenèse de ce dernier. En particulier, les molécules de la matrice extracellulaire peuvent activer des gènes clefs qui, à leur tour, vont controler l?adhésion et la differenciation cellulaire. Dans l?intestin, les cellules mésenchymateuses différencient en myofibroblastes qui participent à l?élaboration de la matrice extracellulaire. Dans cette étude, nous avons décrit les différences d?expression de molécules de la matrices sous le FAE et les villosités. Nous avons également montré une absence de myofibroblastes sous le FAE. Suite à plusieurs évidences expérimentales, certains ont proposé une influence des composés présents dans la lumière sur la différenciation et/ou la maturation des plaques de Peyer. La chimiokine CCL20, capable de recruter des cellules initiatrices de la réponse immunitaire, constitue notre seul marqueur positif de FAE. Nous avons pu montrer que la flagelline, un composé du flagelle bactérien, était capable d?induire l?expression de CCL20 in vitro et in vivo. Cet effet n?est pas limité aux cellules du FAE mais est observé sur l?ensemble de l?épithelium intestinal. Molecular mechanisms of FAE differenciation. La signalement induit par la lymphotoxine ß est critique pour l?organogenèse des plaques de Peyer, car des souris déficientes pour cette molécules ou son récepteur n?ont ni plaque de Peyer, ni la plupart des ganglions lymphatiques. Nous avons obtenus plusieurs évidences que la lymphotoxine ß était impliquée dans la régulation du gène CCL20 in vitro et in vivo.<br/><br/>Mucosal surfaces of the respiratory, genital and digestive systems are exposed to food antigens, normal bacterial flora and oral pathogens. This justifies an intense and tuned immunological activity in mucosal tissues. The modulation of immune responses in the mucosa is thought to occur in specific sentinel sites, the organized mucosa associated lymphoid tissues (o-MALT). This immune modulation and the biology of these immune-inductive sites are poorly understood but highly important and relevant in the case of drugs and vaccines design. In the small intestine, these organs (gut associated lymphoid tissue : GALT) consists of single or multiple lymphoid follicles, the so-called Peyer?s patches (PP), with typical B cell-enriched follicles and germinal centers, inter-follicular T cell areas, and a dome region enriched in dendritic cells, naive B cells, and CD4+ T cells under a specialized follicle associated epithelium (FAE). To trigger protective immunity, antigens have to cross the mucosal epithelial barrier. This is achieved by the specialized epithelial M cells of the FAE that are able to take up and transport macromolecules and microorganisms from the environment into the underlying organized lymphoid tissue. The ontogeny of M cells remains controversial: some data are in favor of a distinct cell lineage, while others provide evidence for the conversion of differentiated enterocytes into M cells. In this study we mapped the proliferative, M cells and apoptotic compartments along the FAE. Enterocytes acquire transient M cell features as they leave the crypt and regain enterocyte properties as they move towards the apoptotic compartment at the apex of the FAE, favouring the hypothesis of a plastic phenotype. The follicle-associated epithelium (FAE) is found exclusively over lymphoid follicles in mucosal tissues, including Peyer?s patches. The enterocytes over Peyer?s patches express a distinct phenotype when compared to the villi enterocytes, characterized by the down regulation of digestive and defense functions and the constitutive expression of chemokines, i.e. CCL20 and CCL25. The purpose of this study was to investigate and identify the potential cells and/or molecules instructing FAE differentiation. Contact between the epithelial and the mesenchymal cell compartment is required for gut morphogenesis. Extracellular matrix molecules (ECM) can activate key regulatory genes which in turn control cell adhesion and differentiation. In the gut, mesenchymal cells differentiate into myofibroblats that participate to the elaboration of ECM. We have described a differential expression of extracellular matrix components under the FAE, correlating with the absence of subepithelial myofibroblats. Molecular mechanisms of FAE differenciation. Different studies proposed an influence of the luminal compartment in the differentiation and/or the maturation of PP. CCL20, a chemokine able to recruit cells that initiate adaptive immunity constitutes our first positive FAE molecular marker. We have shown that CCL20 gene expression is inducible in vitro and in vivo in intestinal epithelium by flagellin, a component of bacterial flagella. This effect was not restricted to the FAE. Lymphotoxin ß (LTß) signaling is critical for PPs organogenesis as LT deficient mice as well as LTß-receptor-/- mice lack PPs and most of the lymph nodes (LN). The continuous signaling via LTßR-expressing cells appears necessary for the maintenance throughout the life of PP architecture. We obtained in vitro and in vivo evidence that LTß signalling is involved in CCL20 gene expression.
RESUME Les bétalaïnes sont des pigments chromo-alcaloïdes violets et jaunes présents dans les plantes appartenant à l'ordre des Caryophyllales et dans les champignons des genres Amanita et Hygrocybe. Leur courte voie de biosynthèse est élucidée chimiquement depuis de nombreuses années, mais les enzymes impliquées dans cette biosynthèse chez les plantes ne sont toujours pas caractérisées. L'enzyme de la DOPA-dioxygénase d' Amanita muscaria a été identifiée (Girod et Zryd, 1991a), mais de nombreuses tentatives d'isolation d'un homologue chez les plantes ont échoué. Afin d'isoler les gènes spécifiques des bétalaïnes chez les plantes, nous avons construit des banques soustraites d'ADNc à partir d'ARN total de pétales immatures de Portulaca grandiflora (Pg) de génotypes jaunes et blancs, respectivement violets et blancs. Les clones couleur- spécifiques ont été détectés en premier par analyse Northem du RNA de pétales blancs et colorés. Les candidats positifs ont alors été soumis à une analyse de transcription au niveau des tiges colorées, vertes et des feuilles, afin d'établir leur expression spécifique. Deux ARNs messagers complets ont une expression corrélée avec l'accumulation des bétalaïnes dans les tissus. Le premier de ces clones, A.16, code pour une oxydase de l'acyl-Coenzyme A (ACX) putative, mais le domaine de liaison du FAD essentiel pour l'activité d'ACX est absent. Toutes nos tentatives pour démontrer sa fonction ont échoué. Le rôle de cette protéine dans la voie de synthèse des bétalaïnes reste inconnu. Le deuxième de ces clones spécifique aux bétalaïnes, L.6 (isolé par Zaiko, 2000), a été renommé DODA en raison de son homologie avec le domaine LigB (pfam02900) d'une 4,5-dioxygénase extradiol bactérienne. DODA a été identifié in silico comme une dioxygénase extradiol en raison de la conservation stricte, au niveau de sa séquence peptidique, des résidus catalytiques de LigB et de ceux liant le cofacteur fer. Une analyse de transfert Southem a montré que ce gène est unique dans Pg. L'expression transitoire de DODA par transformation biolistique dans des pétales blancs de Pg a produit des taches violettes ou jaunes dans des cellules transformées. Une analyse HPLC de ces taches a démontré leur identité avec les bétalaïnes présentes naturellement dans les pétales violets et jaunes de Pg, confirmant ainsi la complémentation par le gène Pg DODA de l'allèle récessif cc présent dans les pétales blancs de Pg. Des homologues de DODA (DOPA-dioxygénase) ont été identifiés dans de nombreuses espèces de plantes, y compris dans celles sans bétalaïne. L'alignement de ces homologues a permis l'identification d'un motif spécifique aux bétalaïnes à côté d'une histidine catalytique conservée. Ce motif [H-P-(S,A)-(N,D)-x-T-P] remplace le motif [H-N-L-R] conservé dans les plantes sans bétalaïne et le motif [H-N-L-x] présent dans tous les homologues bactériens et archaebactériens. Une modélisation tridimensionnelle préliminaire du site actif de Pg DODA et de son homologue dans la mousse Physcomitrella patens a montré l'importance de ce motif spécifique aux bétalaïnes pour l'accessibilité du substrat au site actif. L'analyse phylogénétique de DODA a confirmé l'évolution séparée de cette protéine chez les plantes à bétalaïnes par comparaison avec celle des plantes sans bétalaïne. Nous avons donc conclu que les bétalaïnes sont apparues par modification de l'affinité pour un substrat d'enzymes similaires à DODA, chez un ancêtre unique des Caryophyllales qui a perdu toute capacité de biosynthèse des anthocyanes. Finalement, Pg DODA n'a aucune similarité avec la protéine DODA d' Amanita muscaria, bien que celle-ci complémente aussi la pigmentation des pétales blancs de Pg. La biosynthèse des bétalaïnes est un exemple remarquable de convergence évolutive biochimique indépendante entre espèces de règnes différents. ABSTRACT Betalains are violet and yellow chromo-alkaloid pigments present in plants belonging to the order Caryophyllales and also in the fungal genera Amanita and Hygrocybe. Their short biosynthetic pathway is chemically well understood since many years, but enzymes involved in the plant pathway are still uncharacterized. The DOPA-dioxygenase from Amanita muscaria was identified (Girod and Zryd, 1991a), but numerous attempts to identify a plant homologue to the corresponding gene, failed. In order to isolate betalain-specific genes in plants, subtractive cDNA libraries were built with total RNA from white and yellow and respectively, violet immature petals from Portulaca grandiflora (Pg) genotypes. Colour-specific clones were first detected by Northern blot analysis using RNA from white and coloured petals. Positive candidates were submitted to further transcription analysis in coloured, green stems and leaves in order to assess their specific expression. Two full-length mRNAs showed a correlated expression with betalain accumulation in tissues. One of them, A.16, encodes a putative acyl-Coenzyme A oxidase (ACX), but missing the FAD binding domain essential for the ACX activity. Thus, all attempts to demonstrate its function failed. The role of this protein in the betalain biosynthesis pathway, if any, is still unknown. The second betalain-specific mRNA, L.6 (isolated by Zaiko, 2000) shows a homology with a LigB domain (pfam02900) from a bacterial extradiol 4,5-dioxygenase. It was then renamed DODA (DOPA-dioxygenase). DODA was identified in silico as a highly conserved extradiol dioxygenase due to the strict conservation of its peptidic sequence with LigB catalytic residues and iron-binding cofactor residues. Southern blot analysis showed that this gene is a single copy-gene in Pg. Transient expression of DODA protein through biolistic transformation of Pg white petals produced violet or yellow spots in individual cells. HPLC analysis of these spots showed an identity with betalain pigments present naturally in yellow and violet Pg petals, thus confirming the complementation of the recessive cc allele present in Pg white petals by Pg DODA gene. DODA homologues were identified in numerous plant species including those without betalain. Alignment of these homologues allowed the identification of a betalain-specific pattern beside a highly conserved catalytic histidine. This [H-P-(S,A)-(N,D)-x-T-P] pattern replaces a [H-N-L-R] pattern strictly conserved in non-betalain plants and a [H-N-L-x] pattern present in all bacterial and archaebacterial homologues. Preliminary three-dimensional modeling of the active site of Pg DODA and its Physcomitrella patens moss homologue revealed the importance of this betalain-specific pattern for the substrate accessibility to the DODA active site. DODA phylogenetic analysis confirmed the separate evolution of this protein in betalain-producing plants. We conclude that betalain pigments appeared in a unique ancestor of the Caryophyllales order in which anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway was impaired, by a modification of enzymes of the DODA family for substrate affinity. The Pg DODA protein has no sequence similarity with Amanita muscaria DODA, despite the fact that they both complement Pg white petals for their pigmentation. Betalain biosynthesis is an interesting example of independent biochemical evolutionary convergence between species from different kingdoms.
Purpose: To assess the diagnostic accuracy of the Heidelberg Retinal Tomograph 3 (HRT3) as a screening device in comparison with the reference standard of Octopus standard automated perimetry results (SAP) combined with clinical findings. Methods: All patients underwent screening examinations and investigations within a single day. Abnormal screening results were classified as follows: The HRT3: Either "borderline" or "outside normal limits" using the global Moorfields classification (MFC); SAP and clinical exam: A mean defect > 2.4 dB or "outside normal limits" clear text analysis of SAP; and one of the following i) IOP > 21 mmHg, ii) Van Herrick < ¼, iii) cup disc ratio > 0.55, iv) optic nerve head abnormality, v) narrow iridocorneal angle or vi) evidence of peripheral anterior synechiae on gonioscopy. Results: The mean age of the participants was 59.9 years (± 14.8 [21, 91]). Twenty-three subjects (16 %) were classified as abnormal on SAP and clinical exam. The HRT3 classification had a sensitivity of 30 % (95 % CI [16 %, 51 %]) with associated specificity of 58 % (95 % CI [49 %, 66 %]). Of the sixty subjects classified as borderline or outside normal limits with the HRT MFC global result, seven subjects were also abnormal according to SAP and clinical exam. Conclusion: The results suggest that the HRT3 may not be suitable as a sole screening device; however, further investigation is necessary.
Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the stability over time of the individually defined interval of intravitreal ranibizumab injection (IVR) for the treatment of recurrent macular edema (ME) in central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO). Patients and Methods: A case series of treatment naïve patients followed in the Jules Gonin Eye Hospital for macular edema due to central retinal vein occlusion is presented. Patients were treated monthly with IVR until complete absence of fluid on qualitative SD-OCT with a minimum of 5 monthly IVR. Thereafter, they were followed according to a modified treat and extend regimen (mTER). Results: Twelve eyes (12 patients) with ME due to CRVO were included. The mean follow-up period was 31.3 months. Analysis showed that best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), central macular thickness and qualitative spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) showed comparable results under monthly interval, after titration of an individualized interval and when performed in a series. 78 % of treating intervals were within ± 2 weeks of the first individually adjusted interval. The mean first defined interval was 4.3 weeks and the mean interval over time was 5.5 weeks (p = 0.003). There was a trend towards longer interval over time. Conclusion: The adjusted interval of retreatment of patients with ME due to CRVO showed a high stability with a trend toward longer duration over time. An mTER regimen seems to be valuable to follow patients with ME with good stabilization of VA.
A 48-year-old man was examined 24 months after medial and surgical treatment of an isolated well-circumscribed right occipital lobe abscess. An asymptomatic residual left homonymous inferior scotoma was present. Fundus examination revealed temporal pallor of both optic discs, and optical coherence tomography (OCT) revealed mild temporal loss of retinal nerve fiber layer in both eyes. No relative afferent pupillary defect was present. Assessment of the retinal ganglion cell layer demonstrated homonymous thinning in a pattern corresponding to the homonymous visual field loss. There were no abnormalities of the lateral geniculate nuclei or optic tracts on review of the initial brain computed tomography and follow-up magnetic resonance imaging. We believe our patient showed evidence of transsynaptic retrograde degeneration after an isolated right occipital lobe lesion, and the homonymous neuronal loss was detected on OCT by assessing the retinal ganglion cell layer.
We have identified and characterized a spontaneous Brown Norway from Janvier rat strain (BN-J) presenting a progressive retinal degeneration associated with early retinal telangiectasia, neuronal alterations, and loss of retinal Müller glial cells resembling human macular telangiectasia type 2 (MacTel 2), which is a retinal disease of unknown cause. Genetic analyses showed that the BN-J phenotype results from an autosomal recessive indel novel mutation in the Crb1 gene, causing dislocalization of the protein from the retinal Müller glia (RMG)/photoreceptor cell junction. The transcriptomic analyses of primary RMG cultures allowed identification of the dysregulated pathways in BN-J rats compared with wild-type BN rats. Among those pathways, TGF-β and Kit Receptor Signaling, MAPK Cascade, Growth Factors and Inflammatory Pathways, G-Protein Signaling Pathways, Regulation of Actin Cytoskeleton, and Cardiovascular Signaling were found. Potential molecular targets linking RMG/photoreceptor interaction with the development of retinal telangiectasia are identified. This model can help us to better understand the physiopathologic mechanisms of MacTel 2 and other retinal diseases associated with telangiectasia.