214 resultados para usefulness
Immunogenicity of a long 20-mer NY-ESO-1f peptide vaccine was evaluated in a lung cancer patient TK-f01, immunized with the peptide with Picibanil OK-432 and Montanide ISA-51. We showed that internalization of the peptide was necessary to present CD8 T-cell epitopes on APC, contrasting with the direct presentation of the short epitope. CD8 T-cell responses restricted to all five HLA class I alleles were induced in the patient after the peptide vaccination. Clonal analysis showed that B*35:01 and B*52:01-restricted CD8 T-cell responses were the two dominant responses. The minimal epitopes recognized by A*24:02, B*35:01, B*52:01 and C*12:02-restricted CD8 T-cell clones were defined and peptide/HLA tetramers were produced. NY-ESO-1 91-101 on A*24:02, NY-ESO-1 92-102 on B*35:01, NY-ESO-1 96-104 on B*52:01 and NY-ESO-1 96-104 on C*12:02 were new epitopes first defined in this study. Identification of the A*24:02 epitope is highly relevant for studying the Japanese population because of its high expression frequency (60%). High affinity CD8 T-cells recognizing tumor cells naturally expressing the epitopes and matched HLA were induced at a significant level. The findings suggest the usefulness of a long 20-mer NY-ESO-1f peptide harboring multiple CD8 T-cell epitopes as an NY-ESO-1 vaccine. Characterization of CD8 T-cell responses in immunomonitoring using peptide/HLA tetramers revealed that multiple CD8 T-cell responses comprised the dominant response.
A recent publication in this journal [Neumann et al., Forensic Sci. Int. 212 (2011) 32-46] presented the results of a field study that revealed the data provided by the fingermarks not processed in a forensic science laboratory. In their study, the authors were interested in the usefulness of this additional data in order to determine whether such fingermarks would have been worth submitting to the fingermark processing workflow. Taking these ideas as a starting point, this communication here places the fingermark in its context of a case brought before a court, and examines the question of processing or not processing a fingermark from a decision-theoretic point of view. The decision-theoretic framework presented provides an answer to this question in the form of a quantified expression of the expected value of information (EVOI) associated with the processed fingermark, which can then be compared with the cost of processing the mark.
At the beginning of the 1990s, the concept of "European integration" could still be said to be fairly unambiguous. Nowadays, it has become plural and complex almost to the point of unintelligibility. This is due, of course, to the internal differentiation of EU membership, with several Member States pulling out of key integrative projects such as establishing an area without frontiers, the "Schengen" area, and a common currency. But this is also due to the differentiated extension of key integrative projects to European non-EU countries - Schengen is again a case in point. Such processes of "integration without membership", the focus of the present publication, are acquiring an ever-growing topicality both in the political arena and in academia. International relations between the EU and its neighbouring countries are crucial for both, and their development through new agreements features prominently on the continent's political agenda. Over and above this aspect, the dissemination of EU values and standards beyond the Union's borders raises a whole host of theoretical and methodological questions, unsettling in some cases traditional conceptions of the autonomy and separation of national legal orders. This publication brings together the papers presented at the Integration without EU Membership workshop held in May 2008 at the EUI (Max Weber Programme and Department of Law). It aims to compare different models and experiences of integration between the EU, on the one hand, and those European countries that do not currently have an accession perspective on the other hand. In delimiting the geographical scope of the inquiry, so as to scale it down to manageable proportions, the guiding principles have been to include both the "Eastern" and "Western" neighbours of the EU, and to examine both structured frameworks of cooperation, such as the European Neighbourhood Policy and the European Economic Area, and bilateral relations developing on a more ad hoc basis. These principles are reflected in the arrangement of the papers, which consider in turn the positions of Ukraine, Russia, Norway, and Switzerland in European integration - current standing, perspectives for evolution, consequences in terms of the EU-ization of their respective legal orders1. These subjects are examined from several perspectives. We had the privilege of receiving contributions from leading practitioners and scholars from the countries concerned, from EU highranking officials, from prominent specialists in EU external relations law, and from young and talented researchers. We wish to thank them all here for their invaluable insights. We are moreover deeply indebted to Marise Cremona (EUI, Law Department, EUI) for her inspiring advice and encouragement, as well as to Ramon Marimon, Karin Tilmans, Lotte Holm, Alyson Price and Susan Garvin (Max Weber Programme, EUI) for their unflinching support throughout this project. A word is perhaps needed on the propriety and usefulness of the research concept embodied in this publication. Does it make sense to compare the integration models and experiences of countries as different as Norway, Russia, Switzerland, and Ukraine? Needless to say, this list of four evokes a staggering diversity of political, social, cultural, and economic conditions, and at least as great a diversity of approaches to European integration. Still, we would argue that such diversity only makes comparisons more meaningful. Indeed, while the particularities and idiosyncratic elements of each "model" of integration are fully displayed in the present volume, common themes and preoccupations run through the pages of every contribution: the difficulty in conceptualizing the finalité and essence of integration, which is evident in the EU today but which is greatly amplified for non-EU countries; the asymmetries and tradeoffs between integration and autonomy that are inherent in any attempt to participate in European integration from outside; the alteration of deeply seated legal concepts, and concepts about the law, that are already observable in the most integrated of the non-EU countries concerned. These issues are not transient or coincidental: they are inextricably bound up with the integration of non-EU countries in the EU project. By publishing this collection, we make no claim to have dealt with them in an exhaustive, still less in a definitive manner. Our ambition is more modest: to highlight the relevance of these themes, to place them more firmly on the scientific agenda, and to provide a stimulating basis for future research and reflection.
We review some of the most influential papers from 2012 in the different aspects of emergency medicine, such as prehospital medicine, resuscitation, early diagnosis and timely ED discharge and treatment. In particular, intramuscular benzodiazepines have been shown to be efficient in prehospital status epilepticus, epinephrines usefulness in cardiopulmonary resuscitation has been challenged, colloids have been shown to be deleterious in the treatment of severe sepsis and septic shock, the time window for thrombolysis in acute stroke will probably be extended, acute pyelonephritis treatment duration can be decreased, new D-dimers thresholds for older patients may prevent further diagnosis tests, and hs-Troponin may allow earlier discharge of low coronary risk patients.
This contribution presents the first stage of a project to assist the transition of a traditional to a blended program in higher nursing education. We shall describe the goals and context of this project, present the evaluation framework, discuss some early results and then discuss the usefulness of the first version of the evaluation framework.
Aggregating brain cell cultures of fetal rat telencephalon can be grown in a chemically defined medium for extended periods of time. After a phase of intense mitotic activity, these three-dimensional cell cultures undergo extensive morphological differentiation, including synaptogenesis and myelination. To study the developmental toxicity of organophosphorus compounds (OP), aggregating brain cell cultures were treated with parathion. Protein content and cell type-specific enzyme activities were not affected up to a concentration of 10(5) M. Gliosis, characterized by an increased staining for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), was observed in immature and in differentiated cells. In contrast, uridine incorporation and myelin basic protein (MBP) immunoreactivity revealed strong differences in sensitivity between these two developmental stages. These results are in agreement with the view that in vivo the development-dependent toxicity is not only due to changes in hepatic detoxification, but also to age-related modifications in the susceptibility of the different populations of brain cells. Furthermore, they underline the usefulness of histotypic culture systems with a high developmental potential, such as aggregating brain cell cultures, and stress the importance of applying a large range of criteria for testing the developmental toxicity of potential neurotoxicants.
BACKGROUND AND AIM OF THE STUDY: Transapical transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) is a new minimally invasive technique with a known risk of unexpected intra-procedural complications. Nevertheless, the clinical results are good and the limited amount of procedural adverse events confirms the usefulness of a synergistic surgical/anesthesiological management in case of unexpected emergencies. METHODS: A review was made of the authors' four-year database and other available literature to identify major and minor intra-procedural complications occurring during transapical TAVR procedures. All implants were performed under general anesthesia with a balloon-expandable Edwards Sapien stent-valve, and followed international guidelines on indications and techniques. RESULTS: Procedural success rates ranged between 94% and 100%. Life-threatening apical bleeding occurred very rarely (0-5%), and its incidence decreased after the first series of implants. Stent-valve embolization was also rare, with a global incidence ranging from 0-2%, with evidence of improvement after the learning curve. Rates of valve malpositioning ranged from 0% to < 3%, whereas the risk of coronary obstruction ranged from 0% to 3.5%. Aortic root rupture and dissection were dramatic events reported in 0-2% of transapical cases. Stent-valve malfunction was rarely reported (1-2%), whereas the valve-in-valve bailout procedure for malpositioning, malfunctioning or severe paravalvular leak was reported in about 1.0-3.5% of cases. Sudden hemodynamic management and bailout procedures such as valve-in-valve rescue or cannulation for cardiopulmonary bypass were more effective when planned during the preoperative phase. CONCLUSION: Despite attempts to avoid pitfalls, complications during transapical aortic valve procedures still occur. Preoperative strategic planning, including hemodynamic status management, alternative cannulation sites and bailout procedures, are highly recommended, particularly during the learning curve of this technique.
AIM: To investigate the baseline and follow-up characteristics of a group of alcohol-dependent patients being treated under civil commitment. METHODS: This study involved a cross-sectional comparative analysis of baseline characteristics and a follow-up survey of a group of committed alcoholic patients. The study was undertaken in the Alcohol Unit of a 1,000-bed general and university hospital. The study included 17 consecutive cases of civil commitment (representing 15 patients, of whom 2 were committed twice) and a comparative group of 34 randomly selected age- and sex-matched patients. Baseline characteristics of the cases (at the time of commitment) and of patients from the comparative group were collected from medical records, including sociodemographic data, medical condition, patterns of drinking and number and dates of previous treatments for alcohol-related problems. A structured follow-up interview of the cases provided information on their medical condition, social status, patterns of alcohol use, type and duration of residential treatment as well as their perceptions of commitment. RESULTS: During a 4-year period, our Unit referred 23 cases of alcohol-dependent patients (out of 367) to the Guardianship Authority, requesting civil commitment. On 17 occasions, patients were committed to residential treatment, including 2 patients who underwent commitment on two separate occasions, thus representing a total of 15 different patients. In comparison with age- and sex-matched patients seen at the Unit, the cases were characterized by multiple medical, social and psychological alcohol-related impairments. At the time of follow-up, 14 out of 15 patients were alive, among whom 10 agreed to be interviewed. Eight of these reported complete abstinence, whereas 9 considered their alcohol problem as less severe than before. The average duration of commitment was 29 weeks. The majority of patients retrospectively considered the measure as having been justified and useful. The patients' satisfaction with the decision to commit was higher among women than among men. Health-related quality of life at the time of follow-up, as assessed by the MOS 36-Item Short Form Health Survey questionnaire, was good on average and better than that usually reported by other cohorts of alcoholics undergoing treatment. CONCLUSIONS: The usefulness of residential civil commitment of certain severely impaired alcohol-dependent patients is underscored. This study suggests that civil commitment not only may save the lives of endangered patients but could also be a health-promoting measure that may sometimes allow for recovery from dependence. Unexpectedly, this measure was retrospectively well accepted by many patients, who considered the commitment decision as having been justified and useful.
The aim of this study was to identify medico-legal situations characterized by increased vitreous glucose concentrations, potentially lethal blood 3-hydroxybutyrate levels and conditions that could either incapacitate or lead to death on their own. The above was investigated in order to verify whether prolonged states of unconsciousness may play a role in precipitating diabetic ketoacidosis. Six groups of medico-legal situations (corresponding to 206 autopsy cases) were identified. Among these, three cases were characterized by pathologically increased vitreous glucose and blood 3-hydroxybutyrate levels. In one case diabetic ketoacidosis coexisted with underlying features that might have potentially incapacitated or lead to death on their own, whereas in two cases it corresponded with potentially lethal or lethal drug concentrations. The results of this study highlight the usefulness of systematically performing biochemistry in order to identify diabetic ketoacidosis-related deaths, even when autopsy and toxicology results provide apparently conclusive findings.
The usefulness of species distribution models (SDMs) in predicting impacts of climate change on biodiversity is difficult to assess because changes in species ranges may take decades or centuries to occur. One alternative way to evaluate the predictive ability of SDMs across time is to compare their predictions with data on past species distributions. We use data on plant distributions, fossil pollen and current and mid-Holocene climate to test the ability of SDMs to predict past climate-change impacts. We find that species showing little change in the estimated position of their realized niche, with resulting good model performance, tend to be dominant competitors for light. Different mechanisms appear to be responsible for among-species differences in model performance. Confidence in predictions of the impacts of climate change could be improved by selecting species with characteristics that suggest little change is expected in the relationships between species occurrence and climate patterns.
Relatively simple techniques are now available which allow the preparation of large quantities of highly reproducible aggregate cultures from fetal rat brain or liver cells, and to grow them in a chemically defined medium. Since these cultures exhibit extensive histotypic cellular reorganization and maturation, they offer unique possibilities for developmental studies. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to investigate the usefulness of these cultures in developmental toxicology. Aggregating brain cell cultures were exposed at different developmental stages to model drugs (i.e., antimitotic, neurotoxic, and teratogenic agents) and assayed for their responsiveness by measuring a set of biochemical parameters (i.e., total protein and DNA content, cell type-specific enzyme activities) which permit a monitoring of cellular growth and maturation. It was found that each test compound elicited a distinct, dose-dependent response pattern, which may ultimately serve to screen and classify toxic drugs by using mechanistic criteria. In addition, it could be shown that aggregating liver cell cultures are capable of toxic drug activation, and that they can be used in co-culture with brain cell aggregates, providing a potential model for complementary toxicological and metabolic studies.
The current study aimed to explore the validity of an adaptation into French of the self-rated form of the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents (F-HoNOSCA-SR) and to test its usefulness in a clinical routine use. One hundred and twenty nine patients, admitted into two inpatient units, were asked to participate in the study. One hundred and seven patients filled out the F-HoNOSCA-SR (for a subsample (N=17): at two occasions, one week apart) and the strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ). In addition, the clinician rated the clinician-rated form of the HoNOSCA (HoNOSCA-CR, N=82). The reliability (assessed with split-half coefficient, item response theory (IRT) models and intraclass correlations (ICC) between the two occasions) revealed that the F-HoNSOCA-SR provides reliable measures. The concurrent validity assessed by correlating the F-HoNOSCA-SR and the SDQ revealed a good convergent validity of the instrument. The relationship analyses between the F-HoNOSCA-SR and the HoNOSCA-CR revealed weak but significant correlations. The comparison between the F-HoNOSCA-SR and the HoNOSCA-CR with paired sample t-tests revealed a higher score for the self-rated version. The F-HoNSOCA-SR was reported to provide reliable measures. In addition, it allows us to measure complementary information when used together with the HoNOSCA-CR.
Diabetes represents an important health burden on our society: for example in Lausanne (Switzerland) 16% of the adult population have abnormal glucose homeostasis and 6% have diabetes, of which about a third is not aware. Some guidelines identify the "at risk" population for which screening seems indicated. Simple clinical scores have been developed at allow to better estimate the risk of diabetes and hence to potentially better target screening of the disease. The recent discovery of more that 18 genetic variants associated with an increased risk to develop the diseased has allowed to include individual genotype into genetic risk scores. We will discuss in this article the usefulness of these genetic score, how they compare to clinical score, their implication for clinical practice as well as their potential ethical or economical consequences.
BACKGROUND: Developing and updating high-quality guidelines requires substantial time and resources. To reduce duplication of effort and enhance efficiency, we developed a process for guideline adaptation and assessed initial perceptions of its feasibility and usefulness. METHODS: Based on preliminary developments and empirical studies, a series of meetings with guideline experts were organised to define a process for guideline adaptation (ADAPTE) and to develop a manual and a toolkit made available on a website (http://www.adapte.org). Potential users, guideline developers and implementers, were invited to register and to complete a questionnaire evaluating their perception about the proposed process. RESULTS: The ADAPTE process consists of three phases (set-up, adaptation, finalisation), 9 modules and 24 steps. The adaptation phase involves identifying specific clinical questions, searching for, retrieving and assessing available guidelines, and preparing the draft adapted guideline. Among 330 registered individuals (46 countries), 144 completed the questionnaire. A majority found the ADAPTE process clear (78%), comprehensive (69%) and feasible (60%), and the manual useful (79%). However, 21% found the ADAPTE process complex. 44% feared that they will not find appropriate and high-quality source guidelines. DISCUSSION: A comprehensive framework for guideline adaptation has been developed to meet the challenges of timely guideline development and implementation. The ADAPTE process generated important interest among guideline developers and implementers. The majority perceived the ADAPTE process to be feasible, useful and leading to improved methodological rigour and guideline quality. However, some de novo development might be needed if no high quality guideline exists for a given topic.
Background: As imatinib pharmacokinetics are highly variable, plasma levels differ largely between patients under the same dosage. Retrospective studies in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients showed significant correlations between low levels and suboptimal response, and between high levels and poor tolerability. Monitoring of plasma levels is thus increasingly advised, targeting trough concentrations of 1000 μg/L and above. Objectives: Our study was launched to assess the clinical usefulness of systematic imatinib TDM in CML patients. The present preliminary evaluation questions the appropriateness of dosage adjustment following plasma level measurement to reach the recommended trough level, while allowing an interval of 4-24 h after last drug intake for blood sampling. Methods: Initial blood samples from the first 9 patients in the intervention arm were obtained 4-25 h after last dose. Trough levels in 7 patients were predicted to be significantly away from the target (6 <750 μg/L, and 1 >1500 μg/L with poor tolerance), based on a Bayesian approach using a population pharmacokinetic model. Individual dosage adjustments were taken up in 5 patients, who had a control measurement 1-4 weeks after dosage change. Predicted trough levels were confronted to anterior model-based extrapolations. Results: Before dosage adjustment, observed concentrations extrapolated at trough ranged from 359 to 1832 μg/L (median 710; mean 804, CV 53%) in the 9 patients. After dosage adjustment they were expected to target between 720 and 1090 μg/L (median 878; mean 872, CV 13%). Observed levels of the 5 recheck measurements extrapolated at trough actually ranged from 710 to 1069 μg/L (median 1015; mean 950, CV 16%) and had absolute differences of 21 to 241 μg/L to the model-based predictions (median 175; mean 157, CV 52%). Differences between observed and predicted trough levels were larger when intervals between last drug intake and sampling were very short (~4 h). Conclusion: These preliminary results suggest that TDM of imatinib using a Bayesian interpretation is able to bring trough levels closer to 1000 μg/L (with CV decreasing from 53% to 16%). While this may simplify blood collection in daily practice, as samples do not have to be drawn exactly at trough, the largest possible interval to last drug intake yet remains preferable. This encourages the evaluation of the clinical benefit of a routine TDM intervention in CML patients, which the randomized Swiss I-COME study aims to.