409 resultados para PEPTIDE ANTIBODIES


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Interaction between CD40, a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) superfamily, and its ligand CD40L, a 39-kDa glycoprotein, is essential for the development of humoral and cellular immune responses. Selective blockade or activation of this pathway provides the ground for the development of new treatments against immunologically based diseases and malignancies. Like other members of the TNF superfamily, CD40L monomers self-assemble around a threefold symmetry axis to form noncovalent homotrimers that can each bind three receptor molecules. Here, we report on the structure-based design of small synthetic molecules with C3 symmetry that can mimic CD40L homotrimers. These molecules interact with CD40, compete with the binding of CD40L to CD40, and reproduce, to a certain extent, the functional properties of the much larger homotrimeric soluble CD40L. Architectures based on rigid C3-symmetric cores may thus represent a general approach to mimicking homotrimers of the TNF superfamily.


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Avidity of Ag recognition by tumor-specific T cells is one of the main parameters that determines the potency of a tumor rejection Ag. In this study we show that the relative efficiency of staining of tumor Ag-specific T lymphocytes with the corresponding fluorescent MHC class I/peptide multimeric complexes can considerably vary with staining conditions and does not necessarily correlate with avidity of Ag recognition. Instead, we found a clear correlation between avidity of Ag recognition and the stability of MHC class I/peptide multimeric complexes interaction with TCR as measured in dissociation kinetic experiments. These findings are relevant for both identification and isolation of tumor-reactive CTL.


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Colon carcinoma multicellular spheroids were incubated in vitro with radiolabelled MAbs. The more rapid penetration of fragments as compared to intact MAbs was clearly demonstrated. For the study of antibody localization in tumors in vivo, the model of nude mice with ligated kidneys was used. Although very artificial, this model allowed to demonstrate that, without urinary excretion, Fab fragments accumulated more rapidly into the tumor than intact MAbs and disappeared faster from the blood. This difference was less striking for F(ab')2 fragments. In the liver a decreased accumulation of both types of fragments as compared to intact MAbs was observed. Concerning radioimmunotherapy we think that Fab fragments are not useful because of their too short half-life in the circulation and in tumor and because they will probably be too toxic for the kidneys. Intact MAbs and F(ab')2 fragments have each their advantages. Intact MAbs show highest tumor accumulation in mice without ligated kidney, however, they remain mostly on the periphery of tumor nodules, as shown by autoradiography. F(ab')2 fragments have been found to penetrate deeper into the tumor and to accumulate less in the liver. It might be therefore an advantage to combine intact MAbs with F(ab')2 fragments, so that in the tumor two different regions could be attacked whereas in normal tissues toxicity could be distributed to different organs such as to the liver with intact MAbs and to the kidney with F(ab')2 fragments.


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A mixture of 3 MAbs directed against 3 different CEA epitopes was radiolabelled with 131I and used for the treatment of a human colon carcinoma transplanted s.c. into nude mice. Intact MAbs and F(ab')2 fragments were mixed because it had been shown by autoradiography that these 2 antibody forms can penetrate into different areas of the tumor nodule. Ten days after transplantation of colon tumor T380 a single dose of 600 microCi of 131I MAbs was injected i.v. The tumor grafts were well established (as evidenced by exponential growth in untreated mice) and their size continued to increase up to 6 days after radiolabelled antibody injection. Tumor shrinking was then observed lasting for 4-12 weeks. In a control group injected with 600 microCi of 131I coupled to irrelevant monoclonal IgG, tumor growth was delayed, but no regression was observed. Tumors of mice injected with the corresponding amount of unlabelled antibodies grew like those of untreated mice. Based on measurements of the effective whole-body half-life of injected 131I, the mean radiation dose received by the animals was calculated to be 382 rads for the antibody group and 478 rads for the normal IgG controls. The genetically immunodeficient animals exhibited no increase in mortality, and only limited bone-marrow toxicity was observed. Direct measurement of radioactivity in mice dissected 1, 3 and 7 days after 131I-MAb injection showed that 25, 7.2 and 2.2% of injected dose were recovered per gram of tumor, the mean radiation dose delivered to the tumor being thus more than 5,000 rads. These experiments show that therapeutic doses of radioactivity can be selectively directed to human colon carcinoma by i.v. injection of 131I-labelled anti-CEA MAbs.


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PURPOSE: As compared with natural tumor peptide sequences, carefully selected analog peptides may be more immunogenic and thus better suited for vaccination. However, T cells in vivo activated by such altered analog peptides may not necessarily be tumor specific because sequence and structure of peptide analogs differ from corresponding natural peptides. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Three melanoma patients were immunized with a Melan-A peptide analog that binds more strongly to HLA-A*0201 and is more immunogenic than the natural sequence. This peptide was injected together with a saponin-based adjuvant, followed by surgical removal of lymph node(s) draining the site of vaccination. RESULTS: Ex vivo analysis of vaccine site draining lymph nodes revealed antigen-specific CD8+ T cells, which had differentiated to memory cells. In vitro, these cells showed accelerated proliferation upon peptide stimulation. Nearly all (16 of 17) of Melan-A-specific CD8+ T-cell clones generated from these lymph nodes efficiently killed melanoma cells. CONCLUSIONS: Patient immunization with the analog peptide leads to in vivo activation of T cells that were specific for the natural tumor antigen, demonstrating the usefulness of the analog peptide for melanoma immunotherapy.


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We have identified new malaria vaccine candidates through the combination of bioinformatics prediction of stable protein domains in the Plasmodium falciparum genome, chemical synthesis of polypeptides, in vitro biological functional assays, and association of an antigen-specific antibody response with protection against clinical malaria. Within the predicted open reading frame of P. falciparum hypothetical protein PFF0165c, several segments with low hydrophobic amino acid content, which are likely to be intrinsically unstructured, were identified. The synthetic peptide corresponding to one such segment (P27A) was well recognized by sera and peripheral blood mononuclear cells of adults living in different regions where malaria is endemic. High antibody titers were induced in different strains of mice and in rabbits immunized with the polypeptide formulated with different adjuvants. These antibodies recognized native epitopes in P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes, formed distinct bands in Western blots, and were inhibitory in an in vitro antibody-dependent cellular inhibition parasite-growth assay. The immunological properties of P27A, together with its low polymorphism and association with clinical protection from malaria in humans, warrant its further development as a malaria vaccine candidate.


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The concept of antibody-mediated targeting of antigenic MHC/peptide complexes on tumor cells in order to sensitize them to T-lymphocyte cytotoxicity represents an attractive new immunotherapy strategy. In vitro experiments have shown that an antibody chemically conjugated or fused to monomeric MHC/peptide can be oligomerized on the surface of tumor cells, rendering them susceptible to efficient lysis by MHC-peptide restricted specific T-cell clones. However, this strategy has not yet been tested entirely in vivo in immunocompetent animals. To this aim, we took advantage of OT-1 mice which have a transgenic T-cell receptor specific for the ovalbumin (ova) immunodominant peptide (257-264) expressed in the context of the MHC class I H-2K(b). We prepared and characterized conjugates between the Fab' fragment from a high-affinity monoclonal antibody to carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and the H-2K(b) /ova peptide complex. First, we showed in OT-1 mice that the grafting and growth of a syngeneic colon carcinoma line transfected with CEA could be specifically inhibited by systemic injections of the conjugate. Next, using CEA transgenic C57BL/6 mice adoptively transferred with OT-1 spleen cells and immunized with ovalbumin, we demonstrated that systemic injections of the anti-CEA-H-2K(b) /ova conjugate could induce specific growth inhibition and regression of well-established, palpable subcutaneous grafts from the syngeneic CEA-transfected colon carcinoma line. These results, obtained in a well-characterized syngeneic carcinoma model, demonstrate that the antibody-MHC/peptide strategy can function in vivo. Further preclinical experimental studies, using an anti-viral T-cell response, will be performed before this new form of immunotherapy can be considered for clinical use.


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During one week, beginning 18 days after transplantation, nude mice bearing human colon carcinoma ranging from 115 to 943 mm3 (mean 335 mm3) were treated by repeated intravenous injections of either iodine-131-(131I) labeled intact antibodies or 131I-labeled corresponding F(ab')2 fragments of a pool of four monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) directed against distinct epitopes of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). Complete tumor remission was observed in 8 of 10 mice after therapy with F(ab')2 and 6 of the animals survived 10 mo in good health. In contrast, after treatment with intact MAbs, tumors relapsed in 7 of 8 mice after remission periods of 1 to 3.5 mo despite the fact that body weight loss and depression of peripheral white blood cells, symptoms of radiation toxicity, and the calculated radiation doses for liver, spleen, bone, and blood were increased or equal in these animals as compared to mice treated with F(ab')2.


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Since the advent of high-throughput DNA sequencing technologies, the ever-increasing rate at which genomes have been published has generated new challenges notably at the level of genome annotation. Even if gene predictors and annotation softwares are more and more efficient, the ultimate validation is still in the observation of predicted gene product( s). Mass-spectrometry based proteomics provides the necessary high throughput technology to show evidences of protein presence and, from the identified sequences, confirmation or invalidation of predicted annotations. We review here different strategies used to perform a MS-based proteogenomics experiment with a bottom-up approach. We start from the strengths and weaknesses of the different database construction strategies, based on different genomic information (whole genome, ORF, cDNA, EST or RNA-Seq data), which are then used for matching mass spectra to peptides and proteins. We also review the important points to be considered for a correct statistical assessment of the peptide identifications. Finally, we provide references for tools used to map and visualize the peptide identifications back to the original genomic information.


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MHC-peptide tetramers have become essential tools for T-cell analysis, but few MHC class II tetramers incorporating peptides from human tumor and self-antigens have been developed. Among limiting factors are the high polymorphism of class II molecules and the low binding capacity of the peptides. Here, we report the generation of molecularly defined tetramers using His-tagged peptides and isolation of folded MHC/peptide monomers by affinity purification. Using this strategy we generated tetramers of DR52b (DRB3*0202), an allele expressed by approximately half of Caucasians, incorporating an epitope from the tumor antigen NY-ESO-1. Molecularly defined tetramers avidly and stably bound to specific CD4(+) T cells with negligible background on nonspecific cells. Using molecularly defined DR52b/NY-ESO-1 tetramers, we could demonstrate that in DR52b(+) cancer patients immunized with a recombinant NY-ESO-1 vaccine, vaccine-induced tetramer-positive cells represent ex vivo in average 1:5,000 circulating CD4(+) T cells, include central and transitional memory polyfunctional populations, and do not include CD4(+)CD25(+)CD127(-) regulatory T cells. This approach may significantly accelerate the development of reliable MHC class II tetramers to monitor immune responses to tumor and self-antigens.


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Rapport de synthèseObjectifsLe retard de croissance intrautérin (RCIU) est un problème affectant 10% des grossesses et est associé à une morbidité périnatale importante. Dans environ 80% des cas, une étiologie ou un facteur de risque majeur peuvent être identifiés. Mais près de 20% des cas sont considérés comme inexpliqués. La heat shock protéine 60kDa (HSP60) est une protéine fortement immunogène dont la synthèse est considérablement augmentée lors de conditions non- physiologiques. Les HSP60 humaines et bactériennes partagent un haut degré d'homologie de séquence ce qui peut engendrer une maladie auto-immune à la suite d'une infection bactérienne. Nous avons supposé que les RCIU inexpliqués pourraient être la conséquence d'une sensibilisation à l'HSP60 humaine.MéthodesLes RCIU inexpliqués ont été identifiés par mesure échographique avec un doppler normal, sans anomalies décelables chez la mère ou le foetus. Les sera foetaux ont été obtenus par cordocentèse, effectuée lors d'analyse du caryotype en cas de RCIU inexpliqué (groupe d'étude) ou pour le dépistage d'une incompatibilité Rhésus (groupe témoin). Ils ont été testés pour l'antigène HSP60 et les IgG et IgM anti-HSP60 par ELISA ainsi que pour d'autres paramètres immunitaires et hématologiques.RésultatsLes paramètres maternels sont similaires entre les 12 cas du groupe d'étude et les 23 cas du groupe contrôle. L'âge gestationnel moyen lors de la cordocentèse est de 29 semaines. Les IgM anti-HSP60 sont détectés dans 12 cas d'étude (100%) mais dans aucun cas contrôle (p <0,00017), les IgG anti-HSP60 dans 7 cas d'étude (58%) et un seul dans le groupe contrôle (p <0,001). Trois des quatre cas avec les taux d'IgM les plus élevés sont décédés. Il n'y a pas de différences entre les deux groupes quant aux taux d'antigène HSP60 ou d'autres marqueurs immunologiques ou hématologiques.ConclusionLes foetus avec un RCIU inexpliqué expriment un taux élevé d'anticorps IgM et IgG contre l'HSP60 humaine et le taux d'IgM est un facteur prédictif de la mortalité foetale. La détection de ces anticorps indique qu'une perturbation placentaire et une réaction auto-immune foetale liée à l'HSP60 sont associées à ce retard de développement chez le foetus.


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During the development and testing of a radioreceptor assay (RRA) for human IL-1, we have detected and identified the presence of auto-antibodies to IL-1 in normal human plasma (NHP). The RRA is based on the competition between human 125I-labeled rIL-1 alpha and standard or unknown quantities of IL-1 alpha or IL-1 beta for binding to a limited amounts of IL-1 receptor (IL-1R) isolated from the EL4 mouse thymoma cell line. NHP from 20 out of 100 unselected blood donors were found to completely inhibit the binding of 125I-labeled IL-1 alpha to its receptor, suggesting the presence in these NHP samples of either abnormal amounts of IL-1 or of a factor binding to the 125I-labeled IL-1 alpha. Special care was taken to ascertain that the inhibitory factors were antibodies and not soluble IL-1 receptor antagonist. When plasma samples with inhibiting activity were incubated with labeled IL-1 alpha and chromatographed on a Sephadex G200 column, they were found to contain 125I-labeled complexes with an apparent molecular weight of 150-200kD. The IL-1 binding factor could be eliminated from plasma by incubation with protein A-Sepharose, suggesting that it consisted in IgG antibodies directed against IL-1. Furthermore, the antibody nature of the inhibiting factor was confirmed by its binding to purified rIL-1 coupled to Sepharose. Screening of 200 NHP samples by incubation with 100 pg of 125I-labeled IL-1 followed by precipitation with 12% of polyethylene glycol (PEG) confirmed that about 25% of NHP contain detectable IgG antibodies to IL-1 alpha, while only 2% of NHP contain antibodies to IL-1 beta. No correlation between the presence of these anti-IL-1 antibodies and any particular major histocompatibility complex or any pathological conditions was detected. We suggest that all serum samples assayed for IL-1 alpha or IL-1 beta content should be pretested with the PEG precipitation assay described here.


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Abstract: Purpose: NY-ESO-1 (ESO), a tumor-specific antigen of the cancer/testis group, is presently viewed as an important model antigen for the development of generic anticancer vaccines. The ESO119-143 region is immunodominant following immunization with a recombinant ESO vaccine. In this study, we generated DRB1*0101/ESO119-143 tetramers and used them to assess CD4 T-cell responses in vaccinated patients expressing DRB1*0101 (DR1). Experimental Design: We generated tetramers of DRB1*0101 incorporating peptide ESO119-143 using a previously described strategy. We assessed ESO119-143-specific CD4 T cells in peptide-stimulated post-vaccine cultures using the tetramers. We isolated DR1/ESO119-143 tetramer(+) cells by cell sorting and characterized them functionally. We assessed vaccine-induced CD4(+) DR1/ESO119-143 tetramer(+) T cells ex vivo and characterized them phenotypically. Results: Staining of cultures from vaccinated patients with DR1/ESO119-143 tetramers identified vaccine-induced CD4 T cells. Tetramer(+) cells isolated by cell sorting were of T(H)1 type and efficiently recognized full-length ESO. We identified ESO123-137 as the minimal optimal epitope recognized by DR1-restricted ESO-specific CD4 T cells. By assessing DR1/ESO119-143 tetramer(+) cells using T cell receptor (TCR) beta chain variable region (V beta)-specific antibodies, we identified several frequently used V beta. Finally, direct ex vivo staining of patients' CD4 T cells with tetramers allowed the direct quantification and phenotyping of vaccine-induced ESO-specific CD4 T cells. Conclusions: The development of DR1/ESO119-143 tetramers, allowing the direct visualization, isolation, and characterization of ESO-specific CD4 T cells, will be instrumental for the evaluation of spontaneous and vaccine-induced immune responses to this important tumor antigen in DR1-expressing patients


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The synthesis of a photoreactive derivative of the human leukocyte antigen-A1 (HLA-A1)-restricted MAGE-1 peptide 161-169 (EADPTGHSY) is described. Using conventional automated solid-phase peptide synthesis, a photoreactive derivative of this peptide was synthesized by replacing histidine-167 with photo-reactive N-beta-4-azidosalicyloyl-L-2,3-diaminopropionic acid. The C-terminal tyrosine was incorporated as phosphotyrosine. This peptide derivative was radioiodinated in the presence of chloramine T. This iodination took place selectively at the photoreactive group, because the phosphate ester prevented tyrosine iodination. Following dephosphorylation with alkaline phosphatase and chromatographic purification, the radiolabeled peptide derivative was incubated with cells expressing HLA-A1 or other HLA molecules. Photoactivation resulted in efficient photoaffinity labeling of HLA-A1. Other HLA molecules or other cellular components were not detectably labeled. This labeling was inhibited by HLA-A1 but not by HLA-A2-binding peptides. This synthesis is generally applicable and can also be adapted to the synthesis of well-defined radiolabeled nonphotoreactive peptide derivatives.