251 resultados para Internal strain-gage balance
We have amplified a (CA)n:(GT)n microsatellite from the TNF promoters of a panel of mouse strains using the polymerase chain reaction. The length of the microsatellites was polymorphic, with eight alleles observed among 15 inbred strains bearing seven distinct H-2 haplotypes, and four outbred strains. In B10 congenic strains, the TNF allele detected by microsatellite polymorphism segregated with the MHC, and in recombinant haplotypes (NOD, NZW), it segregated with H-2D. The TNF allele found in the NZW strain (H-2z) was distinct from those of all other haplotypes, consistent with the hypothesis that this strain may carry a genetic defect in TNF production.
Clinical practice in internal medicine has fundamentely changed over the last decade. Our knowledge has dramatically improved and we are facing new types of patients. Their number is increasing, they are older and suffer from increasingly complex medical conditions. The society has evolved as well therefore transforming our daily practice. This implies important modifications of our role and new challenges. We must also develop new aspects of our practice such as recognizing our errors, quality of care, quality of education, ethics, new strategies for taking care of the patient all this in parallel with continuous education. Our role as (general practitioner) is of utmost importance since it enables us to keep the "big pictures" in a more and more specialized environment.
MVA is a candidate vector for vaccination against pathogens and tumors. Little is known about its behaviour in mucosal tissues. We have investigated the fate and biosafety of MVA, when inoculated by different routes in C57BL/6 mice. Intranasal inoculation targeted the virus to the nasal associated lymphoid tissue and the lungs, whereas systemic inoculation led to distribution of MVA in almost all lymphoid organs, lungs and ovaries. Intravaginal, intrarectal and intragastric inoculations failed to induce efficient infection. After 48 h no virus was detectable any more in the organs analyzed. Upon intranasal inoculation, no inflammatory reactions were detected in the central nervous system as well as the upper and lower airways. These results show the tropism of MVA and indicate that high doses of recombinant MVA are safe when nasally administered, a vaccination route known to elicit strong cellular and humoral immune responses in the female genital tract.
Many biotic and abiotic factors affect the persistence and activity of beneficial pseudomonads introduced into soil to suppress plant diseases. One such factor may be the presence of virulent bacteriophages that decimate the population of the introduced bacteria, thereby reducing their beneficial effect. We have isolated a lytic bacteriophage (phi)GP100) that specifically infects the biocontrol bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 and some closely related Pseudomonas strains. phiGP100 was found to be a double-stranded-DNA phage with an icosahedral head, a stubby tail, and a genome size of approximately 50 kb. Replication of phiGP100 was negatively affected at temperatures higher than 25 degrees C. phiGP100 had a negative impact on the population size and the biocontrol activity of P. fluorescens strain CHA0-Rif (a rifampicin-resistant variant of CHA0) in natural soil microcosms. In the presence of phiGP100, the population size of strain CHA0-Rif in soil and on cucumber roots was reduced more than 100-fold. As a consequence, the bacterium's capacity to protect cucumber against a root disease caused by the pathogenic oomycete Pythium ultimum was entirely abolished. In contrast, the phage affected neither root colonization and nor the disease suppressive effect of a phiDGP100-resistant variant of strain CHA0-Rif. To our knowledge, this study is the first to illustrate the potential of phages to impair biocontrol performance of beneficial bacteria released into the natural soil environment.
The Swiss postgraduate training program in general internal medicine is now designed as a competency-based curriculum. In other words, by the end of their training, the residents should demonstrate a set of predefined competences. Many of those competences have to be learnt in outpatient settings. Thus, the primary care physicians have more than ever an important role to play in educating tomorrows doctors. A competency-based model of training requires a regular assessment of the residents. The mini-CEX (mini-Clinical Evaluation eXercise) is the assessment tool proposed by the Swiss institute for postgraduate and continuing education. The mini-CEX is based on the direct observation of the trainees performing a specific task, as well as on the ensuing feedback. This article aims at introducing our colleagues in charge of residents to the mini-CEX, which is a useful tool promoting the culture of feedback in medical education.
This review is based on five articles published in 2006 and dealing with therapies in general internal medicine: in case of acute non complicated rhino-sinusitis, the use of topical corticoids in mono-therapy is indicated; cross-reactivity between penicillins and cephalosporins is less frequent than established so far. In our daily practice we should be more "pro-active" in prescribing probiotics which have proved their efficacy in the prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhoeas; an antibiotic treatment of three days is recommended in case of non complicated cystitis in women less than 65 years of age. Finally, every patient treated with bisphosphonates must be regularly followed by a dentist.
Structural and regulatory genes involved in the synthesis of antimicrobial metabolites are essential for the biocontrol activity of fluorescent pseudomonads and, in principle, amenable to genetic engineering for strain improvement. An eventual large-scale release of such bacteria raises the question of whether such genes also contribute to the persistence and dissemination of the bacteria in soil ecosystems. Pseudomonas fluorescens wild-type strain CHA0 protects plants against a variety of fungal diseases and produces several antimicrobial metabolites. The regulatory gene gacA globally controls antibiotic production and is crucial for disease suppression in CHA0. This gene also regulates the production of extracellular protease and phospholipase. The contribution of gacA to survival and vertical translocation of CHA0 in soil microcosms of increasing complexity was studied in coinoculation experiments with the wild type and a gacA mutant which lacks antibiotics and some exoenzymes. Both strains were marked with spontaneous resistance to rifampin. In a closed system with sterile soil, strain CHA0 and the gacA mutant multiplied for several weeks, whereas these strains declined exponentially in nonsterile soil of different Swiss origins. The gacA mutant was less persistent in nonrhizosphere raw soil than was the wild type, but no competitive disadvantage when colonizing the rhizosphere and roots of wheat was found in the particular soil type and during the period studied. Vertical translocation was assessed after strains had been applied to undisturbed, long (60-cm) or short (20-cm) soil columns, both planted with wheat. A smaller number of cells of the gacA mutant than of the wild type were detected in the percolated water and in different depths of the soil column. Single-strain inoculation gave similar results in all microcosms tested. We conclude that mutation in a single regulatory gene involved in antibiotic and exoenzyme synthesis can affect the survival of P. fluorescens more profoundly in unplanted soil than in the rhizosphere.
BACKGROUND: This study was designed to determine whether the pain pattern in patients with an internal mammary artery (IMA) harvest differs from that in other cardiac operations and whether these patients present specific characteristics with clinical implications. METHODS: One hundred patients with left IMA grafting (IMA group) were compared prospectively with 100 patients who had a heart operation without IMA harvest (non-IMA group). Pain assessment was performed on postoperative days (POD) 1, 2, 3, and 7, and included pain intensity (10-point scale) and pain localization. RESULTS: In the IMA group, pain intensity was higher on POD 2 (4.2 +/- 2.4 versus 3.2 +/- 2.3, p < 0.01), and there were more patients without pain on POD 7 (32 versus 19, p = 0.03). In the IMA group, more patients had left basal thoracic pain throughout the entire study period and had sternal pain on POD 7, whereas more patients in the non-IMA group complained about back pain during the early postoperative period. CONCLUSIONS: The impact of IMA harvest on pain intensity is moderate, but the pain localization pattern of each group exhibits specific features that could help to better target pain management.
Bioassays with bioreporter bacteria are usually calibrated with analyte solutions of known concentrations that are analysed along with the samples of interest. This is done as bioreporter output (the intensity of light, fluorescence or colour) does not only depend on the target concentration, but also on the incubation time and physiological activity of the cells in the assay. Comparing the bioreporter output with standardized colour tables in the field seems rather difficult and error-prone. A new approach to control assay variations and improve application ease could be an internal calibration based on the use of multiple bioreporter cell lines with drastically different reporter protein outputs at a given analyte concentration. To test this concept, different Escherichia coli-based bioreporter strains expressing either cytochrome c peroxidase (CCP, or CCP mutants) or β-galactosidase upon induction with arsenite were constructed. The reporter strains differed either in the catalytic activity of the reporter protein (for CCP) or in the rates of reporter protein synthesis (for β-galactosidase), which, indeed, resulted in output signals with different intensities at the same arsenite concentration. Hence, it was possible to use combinations of these cell lines to define arsenite concentration ranges at which none, one or more cell lines gave qualitative (yes/no) visible signals that were relatively independent of incubation time or bioreporter activity. The discriminated concentration ranges would fit very well with the current permissive (e.g. World Health Organization) levels of arsenite in drinking water (10 µg l−1).
The physiological processes that maintain body homeostasis oscillate during the day. Diurnal changes characterize kidney functions, comprising regulation of hydro-electrolytic and acid-base balance, reabsorption of small solutes and hormone production. Renal physiology is characterized by 24-h periodicity and contributes to circadian variability of blood pressure levels, related as well to nychthemeral changes of sodium sensitivity, physical activity, vascular tone, autonomic function and neurotransmitter release from sympathetic innervations. The circadian rhythmicity of body physiology is driven by central and peripheral biological clockworks and entrained by the geophysical light/dark cycle. Chronodisruption, defined as the mismatch between environmental-social cues and physiological-behavioral patterns, causes internal desynchronization of periodic functions, leading to pathophysiological mechanisms underlying degenerative, immune related, metabolic and neoplastic diseases. In this review we will address the genetic, molecular and anatomical elements that hardwire circadian rhythmicity in renal physiology and subtend disarray of time-dependent changes in renal pathology.
Pseudomonas sp. strain B13 is a bacterium known to degrade chloroaromatic compounds. The properties to use 3- and 4-chlorocatechol are determined by a self-transferable DNA element, the clc element, which normally resides at two locations in the cell's chromosome. Here we report the complete nucleotide sequence of the clc element, demonstrating the unique catabolic properties while showing its relatedness to genomic islands and integrative and conjugative elements rather than to other known catabolic plasmids. As far as catabolic functions, the clc element harbored, in addition to the genes for chlorocatechol degradation, a complete functional operon for 2-aminophenol degradation and genes for a putative aromatic compound transport protein and for a multicomponent aromatic ring dioxygenase similar to anthranilate hydroxylase. The genes for catabolic functions were inducible under various conditions, suggesting a network of catabolic pathway induction. For about half of the open reading frames (ORFs) on the clc element, no clear functional prediction could be given, although some indications were found for functions that were similar to plasmid conjugation. The region in which these ORFs were situated displayed a high overall conservation of nucleotide sequence and gene order to genomic regions in other recently completed bacterial genomes or to other genomic islands. Most notably, except for two discrete regions, the clc element was almost 100% identical over the whole length to a chromosomal region in Burkholderia xenovorans LB400. This indicates the dynamic evolution of this type of element and the continued transition between elements with a more pathogenic character and those with catabolic properties.