286 resultados para Primary sensory neuron
Stable gene silencing by RNA interference (RNAi) can be achieved by expression of small hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) from RNA polymerase III promoters. We have tested lentiviral vectors expressing shRNAs targetting CCR5 in primary CD4 T cells from donors representing various CCR5 and CCR2 genetic backgrounds covering the full spectrum of CCR5 expression levels and permissiveness for HIV-1 infection. A linear decrease in CCR5 expression resulted in a logarithmic decrease in cellular infection, giving up to three logs protection from HIV-1 infection in vitro. Protection was maintained at very high multiplicity of infection. This and other recent reports on RNAi should open a debate about the use of RNAi gene therapy for HIV infection.
Lobectomy via video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) is now considered as a valid alternative to conventional thoracotomy for early-stage primary lung cancer. Various studies have reported that VATS lobectomy is a safe technique associated with fewer postoperative complications and better post-operative recovery than open thoracotomy. Furthermore, studies suggest oncological equivalence between VATS and open lobectomy.
In Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the catabolite repression control (Crc) protein repressed the formation of the blue pigment pyocyanin in response to a preferred carbon source (succinate) by interacting with phzM mRNA, which encodes a key enzyme in pyocyanin biosynthesis. Crc bound to an extended imperfect recognition sequence that was interrupted by the AUG translation initiation codon.
Time is embedded in any sensory experience: the movements of a dance, the rhythm of a piece of music, the words of a speaker are all examples of temporally structured sensory events. In humans, if and how visual cortices perform temporal processing remains unclear. Here we show that both primary visual cortex (V1) and extrastriate area V5/MT are causally involved in encoding and keeping time in memory and that this involvement is independent from low-level visual processing. Most importantly we demonstrate that V1 and V5/MT are functionally linked and temporally synchronized during time encoding whereas they are functionally independent and operate serially (V1 followed by V5/MT) while maintaining temporal information in working memory. These data challenge the traditional view of V1 and V5/MT as visuo-spatial features detectors and highlight the functional contribution and the temporal dynamics of these brain regions in the processing of time in millisecond range. The present project resulted in the paper entitled: 'How the visual brain encodes and keeps track of time' by Paolo Salvioni, Lysiann Kalmbach, Micah Murray and Domenica Bueti that is now submitted for publication to the Journal of Neuroscience.
Thoracic pain in primary care. Don't forget the patients without heart disease Thoracic pain is a frequent medical complaint. Diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines have been developed and evaluated mostly in emergency and hospital settings. The primary care practitioner, as the emergency room doctor, has to identify quickly any severe condition needing urgent and highly specialized treatment. But in primary care, the process is not finished then! A patient with no vital and urgent problem still needs a diagnosis, information and adequate treatment. This review goes over the presentation of thoracic pain, the differential diagnoses and the challenge of treating such patients in ambulatory care.
It is increasingly evident that cancer results from altered organ homeostasis rather than from deregulated control of single cells or groups of cells. This applies especially to epithelial cancer, the most common form of human solid tumors and a major cause of cancer lethality. In the vast majority of cases, in situ epithelial cancer lesions do not progress into malignancy, even if they harbor many of the genetic changes found in invasive and metastatic tumors. While changes in tumor stroma are frequently viewed as secondary to changes in the epithelium, recent evidence indicates that they can play a primary role in both cancer progression and initiation. These processes may explain the phenomenon of field cancerization, i.e., the occurrence of multifocal and recurrent epithelial tumors that are preceded by and associated with widespread changes of surrounding tissue or organ "fields."
Background: CD8 T-cells play a critical role in antiviral immunity. However, mechanisms of virus control and immune correlates of protection are still not fully understood. Among other factors, TCR avidity (antigen sensitivity) is thought to play a critical role. Whereas there is a large consensus that high TCR avidity T-cell responses are correlated to higher efficacy against cancer and acute viral infections, it may be not the case in chronic persistent viral infections. Methods: TCR avidity (measured by the effect concentration 50% [EC50]) of HIV-1-specific CD8 T-cell responses directed against optimal epitopes was investigated in different cohorts of HIV-1- infected subjects (n¼114) including early acute and chronic (progressive and non-progressive) HIV-1-infection. Overall, TCR avidity was investigated in 245 HIV-1-specific CD8 T-cell responses. The relationships between TCR avidity, T-cell differentiation and functional profile including cytokine secretion, proliferation and cytotoxic potential (determined by polychromatic flow cytometry) were analyzed. Results: HIV-1-specific CD8 T-cell responses from patients with acute infection had significantly lower TCR avidity as compared to patients with chronic (progressive or non-progressive) HIVinfection (P¼0.03 and 0.003, respectively). These differences remained significant when the analyses were restricted to common epitopes (same epitopes restricted by the same class I HLA). Interestingly, some patients treated during acute infection underwent spontaneous treatment interruption. Re-exposure to high viral load induced two major effects: a) the increase in TCR avidity of pre-existing high avidity (EC50<0.01) T-cell responses (P<0.02) and b) the generation of new T-cell responses with higher TCR avidity as compared to the average pre-existing T-cell responses. Conclusion: These results suggest that high TCR avidity T-cell responses are selected during the course of HIV-1 infection and that one of the potential driving mechanisms is continuous exposure to HIV-1 antigens. These results advance our understanding of the relationship between TCR avidity and Ag exposure of antiviral memory CD8 T-cells.
The tonotopic representations within the primary auditory cortex (PAC) have been successfully mapped with ultra-high field fMRI. Here, we compared the reliability of this tonotopic mapping paradigm at 7 T with 1.5 mm spatial resolution with maps acquired at 3 T with the same stimulation paradigm, but with spatial resolutions of 1.8 and 2.4 mm. For all subjects, the mirror-symmetric gradients within PAC were highly similar at 7 T and 3 T and across renderings at different spatial resolutions; albeit with lower percent signal changes at 3 T. In contrast, the frequency maps outside PAC tended to suffer from a reduced BOLD contrast-to-noise ratio at 3 T for a 1.8 mm voxel size, while robust at 2.4 mm and at 1.5 mm at 7 T. Overall, our results showed the robustness of the phase-encoding paradigm used here to map tonotopic representations across scanners.
In Alzheimer disease (AD) the involvement of entorhinal cortex, hippocampus, and associative cortical areas is well established. Regarding the involvement of the primary motor cortex the reported data are contradictory. In order to determine whether the primary motor cortex is involved in AD, the brains of 29 autopsy cases were studied, including, 17 cases with severe cortical AD-type changes with definite diagnoses of AD, 7 age-matched cases with discrete to moderate cortical AD-type changes, and 5 control cases without any AD-type cortical changes. Morphometric analysis of the cortical surface occupied by senile plaques (SPs) on beta-amyloid-immunostained sections and quantitative analysis of neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) on Gallyas-stained sections was performed in 5 different cortical areas including the primary motor cortex. The percentage of cortical surface occupied by SPs was similar in all cortical areas, without significant difference and corresponded to 16.7% in entorhinal cortex, 21.3% in frontal associative, 16% in parietal associative, and 15.8% in primary motor cortex. The number of NFTs in the entorhinal cortex was significantly higher (41 per 0.4 mm2), compared with those in other cortical areas (20.5 in frontal, 17.9 in parietal and 11.5 in the primary motor cortex). Our findings indicate that the primary motor cortex is significantly involved in AD and suggest the appearance of motor dysfunction in late and terminal stages of the disease.
OBJECTIVES: To compare immunological, virological and clinical outcomes in persons initiating combination antiretroviral therapy (cART of different durations within 6 months of seroconversion (early treated) with those who deferred therapy (deferred group). DESIGN: CD4 cell and HIV-RNA measurements for 'early treated' individuals following treatment cessation were compared with the corresponding ART-free period for the 'deferred' group using piecewise linear mixed models. Individuals identified during primary HIV infection were included if they seroconverted from 1st January 1996 and were at least 15 years of age at seroconversion. Those with at least 2 CD4 less than 350 cells/microl or AIDS within the first 6 months following seroconversion were excluded. RESULTS: Of 348 'early treated' patients, 147 stopped cART following treatment for at least 6 (n = 38), more than 6-12 (n = 40) or more than 12 months (n = 69). CD4 cell loss was steeper for the first 6 months following cART cessation, but subsequent loss rate was similar to the 'deferred' group (n = 675, P = 0.26). Although those treated for more than 12 months appeared to maintain higher CD4 cell counts following cART cessation, those treated for 12 months or less had CD4 cell counts 6 months after cessation comparable to those in the 'deferred' group. There was no difference in HIV-RNA set points between the 'early' and 'deferred' groups (P = 0.57). AIDS rates were similar but death rates, mainly due to non-AIDS causes, were higher in the 'deferred' group (P = 0.05). CONCLUSION: Transient cART, initiated within 6 months of seroconversion, seems to have no effect on viral load set point and limited beneficial effect on CD4 cell levels in individuals treated for more than 12 months. Its long-term effects remain inconclusive and need further investigation.
BACKGROUND: The SYNTAX score (SXscore), an angiographic score reflecting coronary lesion complexity, predicts clinical outcomes in patients with left main or multivessel disease, and in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary PCI. The clinical SXscore (CSS) integrates the SXscore and clinical variables (age, ejection fraction, serum creatinine) into a single score. We analyzed these scores in elderly patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) undergoing primary PCI. The purpose of this analysis was not to decide which patients should undergo PCI, but to predict clinical outcomes in this population. METHODS: The SXscore was determined in a consecutive series of 114 elderly patients (mean age, 79.6 ± 4.1 years) undergoing primary PCI for ACS. Outcomes were stratified according to SXscore tertiles: SXLOW ≤15 (n = 39), 15< SXMID <23 (n = 40), and SXHIGH ≥23 (n = 35). The primary endpoint was all-cause mortality at 30 days. Secondary endpoints were nonfatal major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events (MACCE) at 30 days, and 1-year outcomes in patients discharged alive. RESULTS: Mortality at 30 days was higher in the SXHIGH group compared with the aggregate SXLOW+MID group (37.1% vs 5.1%; P<.0001), and in the CSSHIGH group compared with the aggregate CSSLOW+MID group (25.5% vs 1.4%; P=.0001). MACCE rates at 30 days were similar among SXscore tertiles. The CSS predicted 1-year MACCE rates (12.1% for CSSHIGH vs 3.1% for CSSLOW+MID; P=.03). CONCLUSIONS: The SXscore predicts 30-day mortality in elderly patients with ACS undergoing primary PCI. In patients discharged alive, the CSS predicts risk of MACCE at 1 year.