307 resultados para Physicians, Family
The human TPTE (Transmembrane Phosphatase with TEnsin homology) gene family encodes a PTEN-related tyrosine phosphatase with four potential transmembrane domains. Chromosomal mapping revealed multiple copies of the TPTE gene on chromosomes 13, 15, 21, 22 and Y. Human chromosomes 13 and 21 copies encode two functional proteins, TPIP (TPTE and PTEN homologous Inositol lipid Phosphatase) and TPTE, respectively, whereas only one copy of the gene exists in the mouse genome. In the present study, we show that TPTE and TPIP proteins are expressed in secondary spermatocytes and/or prespermatids. In addition, we report the existence of several novel alternatively spliced isoforms of these two proteins with variable number of transmembrane domains. The latter has no influence on the subcellular localization of these different peptides as shown by co-immunofluorescence experiments. Finally, we identify another expressed TPTE copy, mapping to human chromosome 22, whose transcription appears to be under the control of the LTR of human endogenous retrovirus RTVL-H3.
Rapport de synthèse : But du travail : le pronostic des patients atteints d'ostéosarcome s'est considérablement amélioré grâce à l'utilisation de thérapies combinées performantes. Cependant, ces traitements agressifs sont grevés de complications chroniques. Notre travail a consisté à l'évaluation du status fonctionnel, psychologique et familial chez des patients survivants au long cours d'ostéosarcome traités au centre pluridisciplinaire d'oncologie. Patients et méthodes: 15 survivants au long cours d'ostéosarcome ont été évalués à la recherche de séquelles physiques et psychologiques. Pour l'évaluation fonctionnelle, nous avons utilisé la méthode de Enneking. L'évaluation psychologique a été basée sur un test d'évaluation globale (GHQ-28), sur un test de cohésion familiale (FAST test) et sur une échelle d'évaluation de symptômes post-traumatiques. Résultats: sur le plan fonctionnel, seuls 5 patients présentaient des séquelles graves et 10 des handicaps modérés. 4 patients souffraient de symptômes dépressifs. 6 patients ont décrit uns structure familiale déséquilibrée dont 3 des 4 patients avec des symptômes dépressifs, les 4 patients avec symptômes post-traumatiques et 5 des 7 patients avec une mauvaise acceptation émotionnelle. Conclusions: la plupart des patients souffrant d'ostéosarcome présentent une bonne récupération fonctionnelle. Seule une minorité reste sévèrement handicapée. Un tiers des patients souffre de symptômes dépressifs et de stress post-traumatique. Une mauvaise acceptation émotionnelle est fortement liée à une structure familiale déséquilibrée. La situation psychologique et familiale des patients atteints d'ostéosarcome doit donc être rapidement prise en compte afin d'améliorer leur évolution au long cours.
Polarized epithelia are fundamental to multicellular life. In animal epithelia, conserved junctional complexes establish membrane diffusion barriers, cellular adherence and sealing of the extracellular space. Plant cellular barriers are of independent evolutionary origin. The root endodermis strongly resembles a polarized epithelium and functions in nutrient uptake and stress resistance. Its defining features are the Casparian strips, belts of specialized cell wall material that generate an extracellular diffusion barrier. The mechanisms localizing Casparian strips are unknown. Here we identify and characterize a family of transmembrane proteins of previously unknown function. These 'CASPs' (Casparian strip membrane domain proteins) specifically mark a membrane domain that predicts the formation of Casparian strips. CASP1 displays numerous features required for a constituent of a plant junctional complex: it forms complexes with other CASPs; it becomes immobile upon localization; and it sediments like a large polymer. CASP double mutants display disorganized Casparian strips, demonstrating a role for CASPs in structuring and localizing this cell wall modification. To our knowledge, CASPs are the first molecular factors that are shown to establish a plasma membrane and extracellular diffusion barrier in plants, and represent a novel way of epithelial barrier formation in eukaryotes.
Using data from the Netherlands Kinship Panel Study (NKPS) and combining a quantitative approach and a qualitative approach (N = 8,148 and n = 43, respectively), this study investigates the mechanisms associated with a lack of acceptance by one's family. From the total NKPS sample, 12.1% did not feel (entirely) accepted by their family. The authors hypothesized that people may not feel accepted by their family when they are "difficult," for example, by exhibiting personal problems; another reason might be that they are "different," for instance, because they have made nontraditional life course transitions or differ from their parents in educational level or religious preference. Both quantitative and qualitative results confirm the first hypothesis rather than the second. Qualitative results revealed a gender difference in the mechanisms associated with a lack of acceptance by one's family as well as differences in the resilience of those who had had a difficult family background.
In societies with strong multigenerational links, economic uncertainty results in choosing to stay with one child, sometimes in association with postponement of first births (i.e. Italy) and sometimes in early childbearing (i.e. Bulgaria). The interaction between intergenerational family practices in lowest-low fertility contexts is likely to play a role on differences timing to parenthood. In this paper, we focus on the phenomenon of women who have one child in their early twenties in Bulgaria and do not intend to have a second child. We argue that the key to this process is the persistence of extended multigenerational households in the Bulgarian context and their effect on young couples' fertility decision making. We use semi-structured interview data from the project Fertility Choices in Central and Eastern Europe and ethnographic fieldnotes. The interviews were collected from a sample of 22 couples resident in Sofia and representing different permutations of educational level, marital status and number of children (0 or 1). The four-year ethnographic fieldwork was conducted in both rural and urban Bulgaria between 1997 and 2009. Results suggest that as long as the economic situation remains dire, and young Bulgarians hopes for the future remain cynical, multigenerational households represent the accepted practice of entering into parenthood for young families.
Secreted proteases constitute potential virulence factors of dermatophytes. A total of seven genes encoding putative serine proteases of the subtilisin family (SUB) were isolated in Trichophyton rubrum. Based on sequence data and intron-exon structure, a phylogenetic analysis of subtilisins from T. rubrum and other fungi revealed a presumed ancestral lineage comprising T. rubrum SUB2 and Aspergillus SUBs. All other SUBs (SUB1, SUB3-7) are dermatophyte-specific and have apparently emerged more recently, through successive gene duplication events. We showed that two subtilisins, Sub3 and Sub4, were detected in culture supernatants of T. rubrum grown in a medium containing soy protein as a sole nitrogen source. Both recombinant enzymes produced in Pichia pastoris are highly active on keratin azure suggesting that these proteases play an important role in invasion of keratinised tissues by the fungus. The set of deduced amino acid sequences of T. rubrum SUB ORFs allowed the identification of orthologous Subs secreted by other dermatophyte species using proteolysis and mass spectrometry.
Inorganic phosphate (Pi) is one of the main nutrients limiting plant growth anddevelopment in many agro-ecosystems. In plants, phosphate is acquired from the soil by theroots, and is then transferred to the shoot via the xylem. In the model plant Arabidopsisthaliana, PHO1 was previously identified as being involved in loading Pi into the xylem ofroots. AtPHO1, belongs to a multigenic family composed of 10 additional members, namelyAtPHO1;H1 to AtPHO1;10. In this study, we aimed at further investigating the role of thePHO1 gene family in Pi homeostasis in plants, and to this end we isolated and characterizedthe PHO1 members of two main model plants, the moss Physcomitrella patens and the riceOryza sativa.In the bryophyte P. patens, bioinformatic analyses revealed the presence of seven AtPHO1homologues, highly similar to AtPHO1. The seven moss PHO1 genes, namely PpPHO1;1 toPpPHO1;7 appeared to be differentially regulated, both at the tissue level and in response toPi status. However only PpPHO1;1 and PpPHO1;7 were specifically up-regulated upon Pistarvation, suggesting a potential role in Pi homeostasis. We also characterized the responseof P. patens to Pi starvation, showing that higher and lower plants share some commonstrategies to adapt to Pi-deficiency.In the second part, focusing on the monocotyledon rice, we showed the existence of threePHO1 homologues OsPHO1;1 to OsPHO1;3, with the unique particularity of each havingNatural Antisense Transcripts (NATs). Molecular analyses revealed that both the sense andthe antisense OsPHO1;2 transcripts were by far the most abundantly expressed transcripts ofthe family, preferentially expressed in the roots. The stable expression of OsPHO1;2 in allconditions tested, in opposition with the highly induced antisense transcript upon Pistarvation, suggest a putative role for the antisense in regulating the sense transcript.Moreover, mutant analyses revealed that OsPHO1;2 plays a key role in Pi homeostasis, intransferring Pi from the root to the shoot. Finally, complementing the pho1 mutant inArabidopsis, characterized by low Pi in the shoot and reduced growth, with the riceOsPHO1;2 gene revealed a new role for PHO1 in Pi signaling. Indeed, the complementedplants showed normal growth, with however low Pi content.
Using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) we have analyzed the segregation of alleles of the different vitellogenin genes of Xenopus laevis. The results demonstrate that the four genes whose expression is controlled by oestrogen, form two linkage groups. The genes A1, A2 and B1 are linked genetically whereas the fourth gene, the gene B2, segregates independently. The possible origin of this unexpected arrangement is discussed.
Background: Burnout syndrome (BS) is increasing among health professionals, including family doctors (FD). Aim: To characterize the prevalence of BS in a sample of FDs working in the Portuguese National Health System. Design: Cross-sectional survey. Setting: Primary Health Care Centers (HCC) from the 18 continental districts and 2 archipelagos of Portugal. Method: The Portuguese version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory - Human Services Survey (MBI - HSS) was sent to 40 randomly selected health-care centers (HCC) and distributed to the FDs employed. Sociodemographic and work-related data was also collected. Participants were classified as having high, average or low levels of emotional exhaustion (EE), depersonalization (DP) and personal accomplishment (PA) dimensions of burnout. Results: 371 questionnaires were sent, of which 153 (83 women, age range 29-64 years; response rate 41%) returned. One quarter (25.5%) of participants had high EE, 10.1% high DP and 11.4% high PA, but only 2.0% of participants scored high for all three dimensions. Women had significantly higher DP and PA scores than men; increased daily workload also led to increased PA scores. Conversely, no association was found between BS scores and age, marital status, number of years of practice or type of HCC (Family or Personalized). Conclusion: High burnout is relatively common among Portuguese family doctors, yet slightly lower than reported for other European countries. Burnout relief measures should be developed in order to prevent a further increase of BS among Portuguese FDs.
The SLC2 family of glucose and polyol transporters comprises 13 members, the glucose transporters (GLUT) 1-12 and the H(+)- myo-inositol cotransporter (HMIT). These proteins all contain 12 transmembrane domains with both the amino and carboxy-terminal ends located on the cytoplasmic side of the plasma membrane and a N-linked oligosaccharide side-chain located either on the first or fifth extracellular loop. Based on sequence comparison, the GLUT isoforms can be grouped into three classes: class I comprises GLUT1-4; class II, GLUT6, 8, 10, and 12 and class III, GLUT5, 7, 9, 11 and HMIT. Despite their sequence similarity and the presence of class-specific signature sequences, these transporters carry various hexoses and HMIT is a H(+)/ myo-inositol co-transporter. Furthermore, the substrate transported by some isoforms has not yet been identified. Tissue- and cell-specific expression of the well-characterized GLUT isoforms underlies their specific role in the control of whole-body glucose homeostasis. Numerous studies with transgenic or knockout mice indeed support an important role for these transporters in the control of glucose utilization, glucose storage and glucose sensing. Much remains to be learned about the transport functions of the recently discovered isoforms (GLUT6-13 and HMIT) and their physiological role in the metabolism of glucose, myo-inositol and perhaps other substrates.
Cancer/testis (CT) genes are normally expressed in germ cells only, yet are reactivated and expressed in some tumors. Of the approximately 40 CT genes or gene families identified to date, 20 are on the X chromosome and are present as multigene families, many with highly conserved members. This indicates that novel CT gene families may be identified by detecting duplicated expressed genes on chromosome X. By searching for transcript clusters that map to multiple locations on the chromosome, followed by in silico analysis of their gene expression profiles, we identified five novel gene families with testis-specific expression and >98% sequence identity among family members. The expression of these genes in normal tissues and various tumor cell lines and specimens was evaluated by qualitative and quantitative RT-PCR, and a novel CT gene family with at least 13 copies was identified on Xq24, designated as CT47. mRNA expression of CT47 was found mainly in the testes, with weak expression in the placenta. Brain tissue was the only positive somatic tissue tested, with an estimated CT47 transcript level 0.09% of that found in testis. Among the tumor specimens tested, CT47 expression was found in approximately 15% of lung cancer and esophageal cancer specimens, but not in colorectal cancer or breast cancer. The putative CT47 protein consists of 288 amino acid residues, with a C-terminus rich in alanine and glutamic acid. The only species other than human in which a gene homologous to CT47 has been detected is the chimpanzee, with the predicted protein showing approximately 80% identity in its carboxy terminal region.
Two representative surveys of general practitioners in 1987 and 1989 showed, that cigarette smoking and high blood pressure are considered the most important risk factors for coronary heart disease. Elevated blood cholesterol level rank third. Between the two surveys no significant changes took place. The blood cholesterol level is usually measured at a check-up visit or in presence of another risk factor. Routine measurement is not common. At what level do Swiss physicians initiate a therapy? The median range in 1989 for a diet therapy was 6.2-6.7 mmol/l (240-260 mg%) for a 30 years old person, and 6.7-7.2 mmol/l for a 60 years old person. Lipid-lowering drugs are used at about 1 mmol/l (40 mg%) higher levels and there is less agreement between the physicians. Within two years the levels of initiating therapy decreased significantly. Differences between the three Swiss language regions (german/french/italian) in initiating therapy can be seen. 90% of the physicians mentioned compliance problems with a diet therapy. In 1989 half of the surveyed doctors experienced insufficient results in both diet and drug treatment. Further, compliance problems and side effects of drug treatment are mentioned. Half of the physicians reported having tested their own cholesterol level in the last 12 months. Older physicians are considerably more conscious of high cholesterol levels than younger.