475 resultados para Heterotaxy syndrome


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A case of atypical Turner's syndrome with unusual karyotype is reported. The chromosome complements of the patient, studied with different banding techniques, is 45,XO/46,X,dic(X)(Xqter leads to p22::p22 leads to qter). In the literature 8 similar cases have been reported. Short stature and amenorrhea are the most constant findings. The mechanisms by which the observed chromosomal "rearrangement" can be produced are briefly discussed.


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BACKGROUND: The SYNTAX score (SXscore), an angiographic score reflecting coronary lesion complexity, predicts clinical outcomes in patients with left main or multivessel disease, and in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary PCI. The clinical SXscore (CSS) integrates the SXscore and clinical variables (age, ejection fraction, serum creatinine) into a single score. We analyzed these scores in elderly patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) undergoing primary PCI. The purpose of this analysis was not to decide which patients should undergo PCI, but to predict clinical outcomes in this population. METHODS: The SXscore was determined in a consecutive series of 114 elderly patients (mean age, 79.6 ± 4.1 years) undergoing primary PCI for ACS. Outcomes were stratified according to SXscore tertiles: SXLOW ≤15 (n = 39), 15< SXMID <23 (n = 40), and SXHIGH ≥23 (n = 35). The primary endpoint was all-cause mortality at 30 days. Secondary endpoints were nonfatal major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events (MACCE) at 30 days, and 1-year outcomes in patients discharged alive. RESULTS: Mortality at 30 days was higher in the SXHIGH group compared with the aggregate SXLOW+MID group (37.1% vs 5.1%; P<.0001), and in the CSSHIGH group compared with the aggregate CSSLOW+MID group (25.5% vs 1.4%; P=.0001). MACCE rates at 30 days were similar among SXscore tertiles. The CSS predicted 1-year MACCE rates (12.1% for CSSHIGH vs 3.1% for CSSLOW+MID; P=.03). CONCLUSIONS: The SXscore predicts 30-day mortality in elderly patients with ACS undergoing primary PCI. In patients discharged alive, the CSS predicts risk of MACCE at 1 year.


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Background and Aims: Discriminating irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) from inflammatorybowel disease (IBD) can be a clinical challenge as symptoms can overlap. We and othershave recently shown that fecal calprotectin (FC) is more accurate for discriminating IBSfrom IBD compared to C-reactive protein (CRP) and blood leukocytes. Data on the biomarkersused in daily gastroenterological practice are lacking. We therefore aimed to assess whichbiomarkers are used by gastroenterologists in their daily practice for discriminating IBSfrom IBD.Methods: A questionnaire was sent to all board certified gastroenterologists inSwitzerland focusing on demographic informations, number of IBS patients treated in thetime period from May 2009 to April 2010, and the specific biomarkers evaluated fordiscriminating IBS from IBD.Results: Response rate was 57% (153/270). Mean physician'sage was 50±9years, mean duration of gastroenterologic practice 14±8years, 52% of themwere working in private practice and 48% in hospitals. Thirty-nine percent had taken careof more than 100 IBS patients in the last 12 months, 37% had seen 41-100 and 24% hadseen 1-40 IBS patients. Gastroenterologists in private practice more frequently took care ofat least 40 IBS patients in a year compared to hospital-based gastroenterologists (P<0.001).The following biomarkers were determined for discriminating IBS from IBD: CRP 100%,FC 79%, hematogram (red blood cells and leukocytes) 70%, iron status (ferritin, transferrinsaturation) 59%, erythrocyte sedimentation rate 2.7%, protein electrophoresis 0.7%, andalpha-1 antitrypsin clearance 0.7%. There was a trend for using FC more often in privatepractice than in hospital (P = 0.08). Twenty-four percent of gastroenterologists had usedFC in the workup of more than 70% of patients classified as IBS, 22% had used FC in 30-70% of IBS patients, 39% in less than 30%, and 15% had never used FC for the work-upof suspected IBS. Eighty-nine percent of gastroenterologists considered FC to be superiorto CRP for discriminating IBS from IBD, 87% thought that patient's compliance for fecalsampling is high, and 51% judged the fee of USD 60 for a FC test as appropriate.Conclusions:FC is widely used in clinical practice to discriminate IBS from IBD. In accordance with thescientific evidence, the majority of gastroenterologists consider FC to be more accurate thanCRP for discriminating IBS from IBD. Gastroenterologists in private practice take care ofsignificantly more IBS patients than colleagues in hospital.


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Genetic Epidemiology of Metabolic Syndrome is a multinational, family-based study to explore the genetic basis of the metabolic syndrome. Atherogenic dyslipidemia (defined as low plasma high-density lipoprotein cholesterol with elevated triglycerides (&lt;25th and &gt;75th percentile for age, gender, and country, respectively) identified affected subjects for the metabolic syndrome. This report examines the frequency at which atherogenic dyslipidemia predicts the metabolic syndrome of the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III (ATP-III). One thousand four hundred thirty-six (854 men/582 women) affected patients by our criteria were compared with 1,672 (737 men/935 women) unaffected persons. Affected patients had more hypertension, obesity, and hyperglycemia, and they met a higher number of ATP-III criteria (3.2 +/- 1.1 SD vs 1.3 +/- 1.1 SD, p &lt;0.001). Overall, 76% of affected persons also qualified for the ATP-III definition (Cohen's kappa 0.61, 95% confidence interval 0.59 to 0.64), similar to a separate group of 464 sporadic, unrelated cases (75%). Concordance increased from 41% to 82% and 88% for ages &lt; or =35, 36 to 55, and &gt; or =55 years, respectively. Affected status was also independently associated with waist circumference (p &lt;0.001) and fasting glucose (p &lt;0.001) but not systolic blood pressure (p = 0.43). Thus, the lipid-based criteria used to define affection status in this study substantially parallels the ATP-III definition of metabolic syndrome in subjects aged &gt;35 years. In subjects aged &lt;35 years, atherogenic dyslipidemia frequently occurs in the absence of other metabolic syndrome risk factors.


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Atherogenic dyslipidemia, manifest by low HDL-cholesterol and high TG levels, is an important component of ATP-III defined metabolic syndrome. Here, we dissected the phenotypic and genetic architecture of these traits by assessing their relationships with other metabolically relevant measures, including plasma adipo-cytokines, highly sensitive C-reactive protein (hsCRP) and LDL particle size, in a large family data set (n=2800) and in an independent set of dyslipidemic cases (n=716) and normolipidemic controls (n=1073). We explored the relationships among these phenotypes using variable clustering and then estimated their genetic heritabilities and cross-trait correlations. In families, four clusters explained 61% of the total variance, with one adiposity-related cluster (including hsCRP), one BP-related cluster, and two lipid-related clusters (HDL-C, TG, adiponectin and LDL particle size; apoB and non-HDL-C). A similar structure was observed in dyslipidemic cases and normolipidemic controls. The genetic correlations in the families largely paralleled the phenotype clustering results, suggesting that common genes having pleiotropic effects contributed to the correlations observed. In summary, our analyses support a model of metabolic syndrome with two major components, body fat and lipids, each with two subcomponents, and quantifies their degree of overlap with each other and with metabolic-syndrome related measures (adipokines, LDL particle size and hsCRP).


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The cuticle is a physical barrier that prevents water loss and protects against irradiation, xenobiotics and pathogens. This classic textbook statement has recently been revisited and several observations were made showing that this dogma falls short of being universally true. Both transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana lines expressing cell wall-targeted fungal cutinase (so-called CUTE plants) or lipase as well as several A. thaliana mutants with altered cuticular structure remained free of symptoms after an inoculation with Botrytis cinerea. The alterations in cuticular structure lead to the release of fungitoxic substances and changes in gene expression that form a multifactorial defence response. Several models to explain this syndrome are discussed.


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Introduction: Non-ossifying fibromas are common benign bone tumors of children and young adults. They are usually single, asymptomatic and regress spontaneously in adulthood. Some rare cases of pathologic fractures have been described. Jaffé-Campanacci syndrome is the association of multiple non-ossifying fibromas, "café-au-lait" spots and some degree of type 1 neurofibromatosis. While the relationship between the two entities remains unclear, there seems to be some genetic similarities (partial or complete deletion of the gene NF1). Case Report: A 17 yo female patient with a neurofibromatosis type 1 was referred to our tertiary centre with a pathologic fracture of the distal femur through a non-ossifying fibroma. She had a slight mental retardation and "café-au-lait" spots. Imaging revealed multiple typical non-ossifying fibromas of both distal femurs and proximal tibias. There was no impending fracture of the controlateral side, and no other findings on thoraco-abdominal CT scanner. The fracture was treated by minimal invasive plate osteosynthesis. Histological analysis of tissue samples taken during the intervention confirmed the histologic diagnosis of non-ossifying fibroma. The fracture healed eventless and the patient returned to work after 3 months. At 12 months follow-up, the patient remained pain-free. Imaging revealed remodelling of the lesions. Conclusion: Jaffé-Campanacci syndrome is an extremely rare cause of pathologic femur fracture. These fractures can be treated like any other, and good outcome is expected. There is still no consensus in regards to definition of the disease and its relationship with type 1 neurofibromatosis.


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PURPOSE: To elucidate the aetiology of congenital Brown syndrome. METHODS: Four consecutive patients diagnosed with unilateral congenital Brown syndrome had a comprehensive standardized ocular motility examination. Any compensatory head posture was measured. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with regard for the IV cranial nerve (CN) was performed in all patients. Orbital MRI was performed in 2/4 patients, with images acquired in eight directions of gaze and superior oblique (SO) muscle areas compared. RESULTS: CN IV could not be identified bilaterally in two patients, but was absent only on the side of the Brown syndrome in the two other patients. On the normal side, orbital MRI revealed a smaller SO muscle area in upgaze than in downgaze, demonstrating normal actions of this muscle. On the side of the Brown syndrome, the SO area remained the same in upgaze and in downgaze and approximately symmetric to the area of SO in downgaze on the normal side. CONCLUSIONS: These cases add further anatomical support to the theory of paradoxical innervation in congenital Brown syndrome. CN IV was absent in two patients on the side of the Brown syndrome, but without muscle hypoplasia. SO muscle size did not vary in up- and downgaze, which we interpreted as a sign of constant innervation through branches of CN III.


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Interstitial deletions of 7q11.23 cause Williams-Beuren syndrome, one of the best characterized microdeletion syndromes. The clinical phenotype associated with the reciprocal duplication however is not well defined, though speech delay is often mentioned. We present 14 new 7q11.23 patients with the reciprocal duplication of the Williams-Beuren syndrome critical region, nine familial and five de novo. These were identified by either array-based MLPA or by array-CGH/oligonucleotide analysis in a series of patients with idiopathic mental retardation with an estimated population frequency of 1:13,000-1:20,000. Variable speech delay is a constant finding in our patient group, confirming previous reports. Cognitive abilities range from normal to moderate mental retardation. The association with autism is present in five patients and in one father who also carries the duplication. There is an increased incidence of hypotonia and congenital anomalies: heart defects (PDA), diaphragmatic hernia, cryptorchidism and non-specific brain abnormalities on MRI. Specific dysmorphic features were noted in our patients, including a short philtrum, thin lips and straight eyebrows. Our patient collection demonstrates that the 7q11.23 microduplication not only causes language delay, but is also associated with congenital anomalies and a recognizable face.


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BACKGROUND: Jeune asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy (JATD) is a rare, often lethal, recessively inherited chondrodysplasia characterised by shortened ribs and long bones, sometimes accompanied by polydactyly, and renal, liver and retinal disease. Mutations in intraflagellar transport (IFT) genes cause JATD, including the IFT dynein-2 motor subunit gene DYNC2H1. Genetic heterogeneity and the large DYNC2H1 gene size have hindered JATD genetic diagnosis. AIMS AND METHODS: To determine the contribution to JATD we screened DYNC2H1 in 71 JATD patients JATD patients combining SNP mapping, Sanger sequencing and exome sequencing. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: We detected 34 DYNC2H1 mutations in 29/71 (41%) patients from 19/57 families (33%), showing it as a major cause of JATD especially in Northern European patients. This included 13 early protein termination mutations (nonsense/frameshift, deletion, splice site) but no patients carried these in combination, suggesting the human phenotype is at least partly hypomorphic. In addition, 21 missense mutations were distributed across DYNC2H1 and these showed some clustering to functional domains, especially the ATP motor domain. DYNC2H1 patients largely lacked significant extra-skeletal involvement, demonstrating an important genotype-phenotype correlation in JATD. Significant variability exists in the course and severity of the thoracic phenotype, both between affected siblings with identical DYNC2H1 alleles and among individuals with different alleles, which suggests the DYNC2H1 phenotype might be subject to modifier alleles, non-genetic or epigenetic factors. Assessment of fibroblasts from patients showed accumulation of anterograde IFT proteins in the ciliary tips, confirming defects similar to patients with other retrograde IFT machinery mutations, which may be of undervalued potential for diagnostic purposes.


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The vibration syndrome is an often unrecognized occupational neurovascular disease with a prevalence of more than 70% in certain high-risk occupations. Early recognition is crucial because continued exposure to vibration can lead to irreversible ischemic injury and loss of digits. Digital ischemia due to the vibration syndrome may be due to a vasospastic phenomenon, an organic microangiopathy or arterial thrombosis. Demyelinating neuropathy and carpal tunnel syndrome are often associated. Many pathophysiological mechanisms are implicated: hyperactivity of the central sympathetic nervous system, release of plasma endothelin-1 and loss of calcitonin-gene-related-peptide vasoregulation. Investigation tests, treatment and the European Community Directive for the protection of workers are also presented.


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Overweight and obesity are associated with arterial hypertension. Given the large increase in the obesity prevalence worldwide, the number of obese patients with hypertension is likely to increase substantially in the near future. Overweight and obese patients are exposed to an important metabolic and cardiovascular risk. The understanding of the mechanisms linking obesity to hypertension is important for specific prevention and therapy in this population. There is some evidence that obesity is associated with an increased aldosterone level. To date, 2 mechanisms may explain the interaction of fat tissue with the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, and therefore explain, in part, obesity-related hypertension. First, human adipose tissue produces several components of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, mainly adipose tissue-derived angiotensinogen. Second, increased fatty acid production in the obese patient, especially nonesterified fatty acids, might stimulate aldosterone production, independent of renin. A better understanding of these mechanisms might have implications for the management of hypertension in overweight and obese patients. Because aldosterone also is associated with blood glucose and blood lipids, selective aldosterone blockade may represent a particularly attractive therapeutic strategy in obese patients with a clustering of cardiovascular risk factors.


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Post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS) is the most frequent chronic complication of deep vein thrombosis with an estimated prevalence of 30-50%. PTS is a significant cause of disability, especially when complicated by venous ulcers. Therefore, it has important socio-economic consequences for both the patient and the health care system. Aim of this review is to resume state of the art literature on the management of PTS.