178 resultados para Voxel phantom
The human brain is the most complex structure known. With its high number of cells, number of connections and number of pathways it is the source of every thought in the world. It consumes 25% of our oxygen and suffers very fast from a disruption of its supply. An acute event, like a stroke, results in rapid dysfunction referable to the affected area. A few minutes without oxygen and neuronal cells die and subsequently degenerate. Changes in the brains incoming blood flow alternate the anatomy and physiology of the brain. All stroke events leave behind a brain tissue lesion. To rapidly react and improve the prediction of outcome in stroke patients, accurate lesion detection and reliable lesion-based function correlation would be very helpful. With a number of neuroimaging and clinical data of cerebral injured patients this study aims to investigate correlations of structural lesion locations with sensory functions.
The goal of this study was to investigate the impact of computing parameters and the location of volumes of interest (VOI) on the calculation of 3D noise power spectrum (NPS) in order to determine an optimal set of computing parameters and propose a robust method for evaluating the noise properties of imaging systems. Noise stationarity in noise volumes acquired with a water phantom on a 128-MDCT and a 320-MDCT scanner were analyzed in the spatial domain in order to define locally stationary VOIs. The influence of the computing parameters in the 3D NPS measurement: the sampling distances bx,y,z and the VOI lengths Lx,y,z, the number of VOIs NVOI and the structured noise were investigated to minimize measurement errors. The effect of the VOI locations on the NPS was also investigated. Results showed that the noise (standard deviation) varies more in the r-direction (phantom radius) than z-direction plane. A 25 × 25 × 40 mm(3) VOI associated with DFOV = 200 mm (Lx,y,z = 64, bx,y = 0.391 mm with 512 × 512 matrix) and a first-order detrending method to reduce structured noise led to an accurate NPS estimation. NPS estimated from off centered small VOIs had a directional dependency contrary to NPS obtained from large VOIs located in the center of the volume or from small VOIs located on a concentric circle. This showed that the VOI size and location play a major role in the determination of NPS when images are not stationary. This study emphasizes the need for consistent measurement methods to assess and compare image quality in CT.
PURPOSE: To improve the traditional Nyquist ghost correction approach in echo planar imaging (EPI) at high fields, via schemes based on the reversal of the EPI readout gradient polarity for every other volume throughout a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) acquisition train. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An EPI sequence in which the readout gradient was inverted every other volume was implemented on two ultrahigh-field systems. Phantom images and fMRI data were acquired to evaluate ghost intensities and the presence of false-positive blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) signal with and without ghost correction. Three different algorithms for ghost correction of alternating readout EPI were compared. RESULTS: Irrespective of the chosen processing approach, ghosting was significantly reduced (up to 70% lower intensity) in both rat brain images acquired on a 9.4T animal scanner and human brain images acquired at 7T, resulting in a reduction of sources of false-positive activation in fMRI data. CONCLUSION: It is concluded that at high B(0) fields, substantial gains in Nyquist ghost correction of echo planar time series are possible by alternating the readout gradient every other volume.
Dose kernel convolution (DK) methods have been proposed to speed up absorbed dose calculations in molecular radionuclide therapy. Our aim was to evaluate the impact of tissue density heterogeneities (TDH) on dosimetry when using a DK method and to propose a simple density-correction method. METHODS: This study has been conducted on 3 clinical cases: case 1, non-Hodgkin lymphoma treated with (131)I-tositumomab; case 2, a neuroendocrine tumor treatment simulated with (177)Lu-peptides; and case 3, hepatocellular carcinoma treated with (90)Y-microspheres. Absorbed dose calculations were performed using a direct Monte Carlo approach accounting for TDH (3D-RD), and a DK approach (VoxelDose, or VD). For each individual voxel, the VD absorbed dose, D(VD), calculated assuming uniform density, was corrected for density, giving D(VDd). The average 3D-RD absorbed dose values, D(3DRD), were compared with D(VD) and D(VDd), using the relative difference Δ(VD/3DRD). At the voxel level, density-binned Δ(VD/3DRD) and Δ(VDd/3DRD) were plotted against ρ and fitted with a linear regression. RESULTS: The D(VD) calculations showed a good agreement with D(3DRD). Δ(VD/3DRD) was less than 3.5%, except for the tumor of case 1 (5.9%) and the renal cortex of case 2 (5.6%). At the voxel level, the Δ(VD/3DRD) range was 0%-14% for cases 1 and 2, and -3% to 7% for case 3. All 3 cases showed a linear relationship between voxel bin-averaged Δ(VD/3DRD) and density, ρ: case 1 (Δ = -0.56ρ + 0.62, R(2) = 0.93), case 2 (Δ = -0.91ρ + 0.96, R(2) = 0.99), and case 3 (Δ = -0.69ρ + 0.72, R(2) = 0.91). The density correction improved the agreement of the DK method with the Monte Carlo approach (Δ(VDd/3DRD) < 1.1%), but with a lesser extent for the tumor of case 1 (3.1%). At the voxel level, the Δ(VDd/3DRD) range decreased for the 3 clinical cases (case 1, -1% to 4%; case 2, -0.5% to 1.5%, and -1.5% to 2%). No more linear regression existed for cases 2 and 3, contrary to case 1 (Δ = 0.41ρ - 0.38, R(2) = 0.88) although the slope in case 1 was less pronounced. CONCLUSION: This study shows a small influence of TDH in the abdominal region for 3 representative clinical cases. A simple density-correction method was proposed and improved the comparison in the absorbed dose calculations when using our voxel S value implementation.
Inference of Markov random field images segmentation models is usually performed using iterative methods which adapt the well-known expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm for independent mixture models. However, some of these adaptations are ad hoc and may turn out numerically unstable. In this paper, we review three EM-like variants for Markov random field segmentation and compare their convergence properties both at the theoretical and practical levels. We specifically advocate a numerical scheme involving asynchronous voxel updating, for which general convergence results can be established. Our experiments on brain tissue classification in magnetic resonance images provide evidence that this algorithm may achieve significantly faster convergence than its competitors while yielding at least as good segmentation results.
Multi-center studies using magnetic resonance imaging facilitate studying small effect sizes, global population variance and rare diseases. The reliability and sensitivity of these multi-center studies crucially depend on the comparability of the data generated at different sites and time points. The level of inter-site comparability is still controversial for conventional anatomical T1-weighted MRI data. Quantitative multi-parameter mapping (MPM) was designed to provide MR parameter measures that are comparable across sites and time points, i.e., 1 mm high-resolution maps of the longitudinal relaxation rate (R1 = 1/T1), effective proton density (PD(*)), magnetization transfer saturation (MT) and effective transverse relaxation rate (R2(*) = 1/T2(*)). MPM was validated at 3T for use in multi-center studies by scanning five volunteers at three different sites. We determined the inter-site bias, inter-site and intra-site coefficient of variation (CoV) for typical morphometric measures [i.e., gray matter (GM) probability maps used in voxel-based morphometry] and the four quantitative parameters. The inter-site bias and CoV were smaller than 3.1 and 8%, respectively, except for the inter-site CoV of R2(*) (<20%). The GM probability maps based on the MT parameter maps had a 14% higher inter-site reproducibility than maps based on conventional T1-weighted images. The low inter-site bias and variance in the parameters and derived GM probability maps confirm the high comparability of the quantitative maps across sites and time points. The reliability, short acquisition time, high resolution and the detailed insights into the brain microstructure provided by MPM makes it an efficient tool for multi-center imaging studies.
In vivo fetal magnetic resonance imaging provides aunique approach for the study of early human braindevelopment [1]. In utero cerebral morphometry couldpotentially be used as a marker of the cerebralmaturation and help to distinguish between normal andabnormal development in ambiguous situations. However,this quantitative approach is a major challenge becauseof the movement of the fetus inside the amniotic cavity,the poor spatial resolution provided by very fast MRIsequences and the partial volume effect. Extensiveefforts are made to deal with the reconstruction ofhigh-resolution 3D fetal volumes based on severalacquisitions with lower resolution [2,3,4]. Frameworkswere developed for the segmentation of specific regionsof the fetal brain such as posterior fossa, brainstem orgerminal matrix [5,6], or for the entire brain tissue[7,8], applying the Expectation-Maximization MarkovRandom Field (EM-MRF) framework. However, many of theseprevious works focused on the young fetus (i.e. before 24weeks) and use anatomical atlas priors to segment thedifferent tissue or regions. As most of the gyraldevelopment takes place after the 24th week, acomprehensive and clinically meaningful study of thefetal brain should not dismiss the third trimester ofgestation. To cope with the rapidly changing appearanceof the developing brain, some authors proposed a dynamicatlas [8]. To our opinion, this approach however faces arisk of circularity: each brain will be analyzed /deformed using the template of its biological age,potentially biasing the effective developmental delay.Here, we expand our previous work [9] to proposepost-processing pipeline without prior that allow acomprehensive set of morphometric measurement devoted toclinical application. Data set & Methods: Prenatal MRimaging was performed with a 1-T system (GE MedicalSystems, Milwaukee) using single shot fast spin echo(ssFSE) sequences (TR 7000 ms, TE 180 ms, FOV 40 x 40 cm,slice thickness 5.4mm, in plane spatial resolution1.09mm). For each fetus, 6 axial volumes shifted by 1 mmwere acquired under motherâeuro?s sedation (about 1min pervolume). First, each volume is segmentedsemi-automatically using region-growing algorithms toextract fetal brain from surrounding maternal tissues.Inhomogeneity intensity correction [10] and linearintensity normalization are then performed. Brain tissues(CSF, GM and WM) are then segmented based on thelow-resolution volumes as presented in [9]. Ahigh-resolution image with isotropic voxel size of 1.09mm is created as proposed in [2] and using B-splines forthe scattered data interpolation [11]. Basal gangliasegmentation is performed using a levet setimplementation on the high-resolution volume [12]. Theresulting white matter image is then binarized and givenas an input in FreeSurfer software(http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu) to providetopologically accurate three-dimensional reconstructionsof the fetal brain according to the local intensitygradient. References: [1] Guibaud, Prenatal Diagnosis29(4) (2009). [2] Rousseau, Acad. Rad. 13(9), 2006. [3]Jiang, IEEE TMI 2007. [4] Warfield IADB, MICCAI 2009. [5]Claude, IEEE Trans. Bio. Eng. 51(4) 2004. [6] Habas,MICCAI 2008. [7] Bertelsen, ISMRM 2009. [8] Habas,Neuroimage 53(2) 2010. [9] Bach Cuadra, IADB, MICCAI2009. [10] Styner, IEEE TMI 19(39 (2000). [11] Lee, IEEETrans. Visual. And Comp. Graph. 3(3), 1997. [12] BachCuadra, ISMRM 2010.
The purpose of this study was to prospectively use a whole-heart three-dimensional (3D) coronary magnetic resonance (MR) angiography technique specifically adapted for use at 3 T and a parallel imaging technique (sensitivity encoding) to evaluate coronary arterial anomalies and variants (CAAV). This HIPAA-compliant study was approved by the local institutional review board, and informed consent was obtained from all participants. Twenty-two participants (11 men, 11 women; age range, 18-62 years) were included. Ten participants were healthy volunteers, whereas 12 participants were patients suspected of having CAAV. Coronary MR angiography was performed with a 3-T MR imager. A 3D free-breathing navigator-gated and vector electrocardiographically-gated segmented k-space gradient-echo sequence with adiabatic T2 preparation pulse and parallel imaging (sensitivity encoding) was used. Whole-heart acquisitions (repetition time msec/echo time msec, 4/1.35; 20 degrees flip angle; 1 x 1 x 2-mm acquired voxel size) lasted 10-12 minutes. Mean examination time was 41 minutes +/- 14 (standard deviation). Findings included aneurysms, ectasia, arteriovenous fistulas, and anomalous origins. The 3D whole-heart acquisitions developed for use with 3 T are feasible for use in the assessment of CAAV.
In this article we propose a novel method for calculating cardiac 3-D strain. The method requires the acquisition of myocardial short-axis (SA) slices only and produces the 3-D strain tensor at every point within every pair of slices. Three-dimensional displacement is calculated from SA slices using zHARP which is then used for calculating the local displacement gradient and thus the local strain tensor. There are three main advantages of this method. First, the 3-D strain tensor is calculated for every pixel without interpolation; this is unprecedented in cardiac MR imaging. Second, this method is fast, in part because there is no need to acquire long-axis (LA) slices. Third, the method is accurate because the 3-D displacement components are acquired simultaneously and therefore reduces motion artifacts without the need for registration. This article presents the theory of computing 3-D strain from two slices using zHARP, the imaging protocol, and both phantom and in-vivo validation.
Breathing-induced bulk motion of the myocardium during data acquisition may cause severe image artifacts in coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). Current motion compensation strategies include breath-holding or free-breathing MR navigator gating and tracking techniques. Navigator-based techniques have been further refined by the applications of sophisticated 2D k-space reordering techniques. A further improvement in image quality and a reduction of relative scanning duration may be expected from a 3D k-space reordering scheme. Therefore, a 3D k-space reordered acquisition scheme including a 3D navigator gated and corrected segmented k-space gradient echo imaging sequence for coronary MRA was implemented. This new zonal motion-adapted acquisition and reordering technique (ZMART) was developed on the basis of a numerical simulation of the Bloch equations. The technique was implemented on a commercial 1.5T MR system, and first phantom and in vivo experiments were performed. Consistent with the results of the theoretical findings, the results obtained in the phantom studies demonstrate a significant reduction of motion artifacts when compared to conventional (non-k-space reordered) gating techniques. Preliminary in vivo findings also compare favorably with the phantom experiments and theoretical considerations. Magn Reson Med 45:645-652, 2001.
PURPOSE: To implement and characterize an isotropic three-dimensional cardiac T2 mapping technique. METHODS: A self-navigated three-dimensional radial segmented balanced steady-state free precession pulse sequence with an isotropic 1.7-mm spatial resolution was implemented at 3T with a variable T2 preparation module. Bloch equation and Monte Carlo simulations were performed to determine the influence of the heart rate, B1 inhomogeneity and noise on the T2 fitting accuracy. In a phantom study, the accuracy of the pulse sequence was studied through comparison with a gold-standard spin-echo T2 mapping method. The robustness and homogeneity of the technique were ascertained in a study of 10 healthy adult human volunteers, while first results obtained in patients are reported. RESULTS: The numerical simulations demonstrated that the heart rate and B1 inhomogeneity cause only minor deviations in the T2 fitting, whereas the phantom study showed good agreement of the technique with the gold standard. The volunteer study demonstrated an average myocardial T2 of 40.5 ± 3.3 ms and a <15% T2 gradient in the base-apex and anterior-inferior direction. In three patients, elevated T2 values were measured in regions with expected edema. CONCLUSION: This respiratory self-navigated isotropic three-dimensional technique allows for accurate and robust in vitro and in vivo T2 quantification. Magn Reson Med 73:1549-1554, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
PURPOSE: All methods presented to date to map both conductivity and permittivity rely on multiple acquisitions to compute quantitatively the magnitude of radiofrequency transmit fields, B1+. In this work, we propose a method to compute both conductivity and permittivity based solely on relative receive coil sensitivities ( B1-) that can be obtained in one single measurement without the need to neither explicitly perform transmit/receive phase separation nor make assumptions regarding those phases. THEORY AND METHODS: To demonstrate the validity and the noise sensitivity of our method we used electromagnetic finite differences simulations of a 16-channel transceiver array. To experimentally validate our methodology at 7 Tesla, multi compartment phantom data was acquired using a standard 32-channel receive coil system and two-dimensional (2D) and 3D gradient echo acquisition. The reconstructed electric properties were correlated to those measured using dielectric probes. RESULTS: The method was demonstrated both in simulations and in phantom data with correlations to both the modeled and bench measurements being close to identity. The noise properties were modeled and understood. CONCLUSION: The proposed methodology allows to quantitatively determine the electrical properties of a sample using any MR contrast, with the only constraint being the need to have 4 or more receive coils and high SNR. Magn Reson Med, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
BACKGROUND: Left atrial (LA) dilatation is associated with a large variety of cardiac diseases. Current cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) strategies to measure LA volumes are based on multi-breath-hold multi-slice acquisitions, which are time-consuming and susceptible to misregistration. AIM: To develop a time-efficient single breath-hold 3D CMR acquisition and reconstruction method to precisely measure LA volumes and function. METHODS: A highly accelerated compressed-sensing multi-slice cine sequence (CS-cineCMR) was combined with a non-model-based 3D reconstruction method to measure LA volumes with high temporal and spatial resolution during a single breath-hold. This approach was validated in LA phantoms of different shapes and applied in 3 patients. In addition, the influence of slice orientations on accuracy was evaluated in the LA phantoms for the new approach in comparison with a conventional model-based biplane area-length reconstruction. As a reference in patients, a self-navigated high-resolution whole-heart 3D dataset (3D-HR-CMR) was acquired during mid-diastole to yield accurate LA volumes. RESULTS: Phantom studies. LA volumes were accurately measured by CS-cineCMR with a mean difference of -4.73 ± 1.75 ml (-8.67 ± 3.54%, r2 = 0.94). For the new method the calculated volumes were not significantly different when different orientations of the CS-cineCMR slices were applied to cover the LA phantoms. Long-axis "aligned" vs "not aligned" with the phantom long-axis yielded similar differences vs the reference volume (-4.87 ± 1.73 ml vs. -4.45 ± 1.97 ml, p = 0.67) and short-axis "perpendicular" vs. "not-perpendicular" with the LA long-axis (-4.72 ± 1.66 ml vs. -4.75 ± 2.13 ml; p = 0.98). The conventional bi-plane area-length method was susceptible for slice orientations (p = 0.0085 for the interaction of "slice orientation" and "reconstruction technique", 2-way ANOVA for repeated measures). To use the 3D-HR-CMR as the reference for LA volumes in patients, it was validated in the LA phantoms (mean difference: -1.37 ± 1.35 ml, -2.38 ± 2.44%, r2 = 0.97). Patient study: The CS-cineCMR LA volumes of the mid-diastolic frame matched closely with the reference LA volume (measured by 3D-HR-CMR) with a difference of -2.66 ± 6.5 ml (3.0% underestimation; true LA volumes: 63 ml, 62 ml, and 395 ml). Finally, a high intra- and inter-observer agreement for maximal and minimal LA volume measurement is also shown. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed method combines a highly accelerated single-breathhold compressed-sensing multi-slice CMR technique with a non-model-based 3D reconstruction to accurately and reproducibly measure LA volumes and function.
Huntington's disease is an incurable neurodegenerative disease caused by inheritance of an expanded cytosine-adenine-guanine (CAG) trinucleotide repeat within the Huntingtin gene. Extensive volume loss and altered diffusion metrics in the basal ganglia, cortex and white matter are seen when patients with Huntington's disease (HD) undergo structural imaging, suggesting that changes in basal ganglia-cortical structural connectivity occur. The aims of this study were to characterise altered patterns of basal ganglia-cortical structural connectivity with high anatomical precision in premanifest and early manifest HD, and to identify associations between structural connectivity and genetic or clinical markers of HD. 3-Tesla diffusion tensor magnetic resonance images were acquired from 14 early manifest HD subjects, 17 premanifest HD subjects and 18 controls. Voxel-based analyses of probabilistic tractography were used to quantify basal ganglia-cortical structural connections. Canonical variate analysis was used to demonstrate disease-associated patterns of altered connectivity and to test for associations between connectivity and genetic and clinical markers of HD; this is the first study in which such analyses have been used. Widespread changes were seen in basal ganglia-cortical structural connectivity in early manifest HD subjects; this has relevance for development of therapies targeting the striatum. Premanifest HD subjects had a pattern of connectivity more similar to that of controls, suggesting progressive change in connections over time. Associations between structural connectivity patterns and motor and cognitive markers of disease severity were present in early manifest subjects. Our data suggest the clinical phenotype in manifest HD may be at least partly a result of altered connectivity. Hum Brain Mapp 36:1728-1740, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
We propose a novel formulation to solve the problem of intra-voxel reconstruction of the fibre orientation distribution function (FOD) in each voxel of the white matter of the brain from diffusion MRI data. The majority of the state-of-the-art methods in the field perform the reconstruction on a voxel-by-voxel level, promoting sparsity of the orientation distribution. Recent methods have proposed a global denoising of the diffusion data using spatial information prior to reconstruction, while others promote spatial regularisation through an additional empirical prior on the diffusion image at each q-space point. Our approach reconciles voxelwise sparsity and spatial regularisation and defines a spatially structured FOD sparsity prior, where the structure originates from the spatial coherence of the fibre orientation between neighbour voxels. The method is shown, through both simulated and real data, to enable accurate FOD reconstruction from a much lower number of q-space samples than the state of the art, typically 15 samples, even for quite adverse noise conditions.