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To assess the effectiveness of a multidisciplinary evaluation and referral process in a prospective cohort of general hospital patients with alcohol dependence. Alcohol-dependent patients were identified in the wards of the general hospital and its primary care center. They were evaluated and then referred to treatment by a multidisciplinary team; those patients who accepted to participate in this cohort study were consecutively included and followed for 6 months. Not included patients were lost for follow-up, whereas all included patients were assessed at time of inclusion, 2 and 6 months later by a research psychologist in order to collect standardized baseline patients' characteristics, process salient features and patients outcomes (defined as treatment adherence and abstinence). Multidisciplinary evaluation and therapeutic referral was feasible and effective, with a success rate of 43%for treatment adherence and 28%for abstinence at 6 months. Among patients' characteristics, predictors of success were an age over 45, not living alone, being employed and being motivated to treatment (RAATE-A score < 18), whereas successful process characteristics included detoxification of the patient at time of referral and a full multidisciplinary referral meeting. This multidisciplinary model of evaluation and referral of alcohol dependent patients of a general hospital had a satisfactory level of effectiveness. Predictors of success and failure allow to identify subsets of patients for whom new strategies of motivation and treatment referral should be designed.


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Calcium uptake by tonoplast enriched membrane vesicles from maize (Zea mays L. cv. LG 11) primary roots was studied. A pH gradient, measured by the fluorescence quenching of quinacrine, was generated across sealed vesicles driven by the pyrophosphate-dependent proton pump. The fluorescence quenching was strongly inhibited by Ca2+; moreover, when increasing Ca2+ concentrations were added to vesicles at steady-state, a concomitant decrease in the proton gradient was observed. Ca2+ uptake using Ca-45(2+) was linear from 10 min when oxalate (10 mM) was present, while Ca2+ uptake was completely inhibited with proton ionophores (FCCP and monensin), indicating a Ca2+/H+ antiport. Membranes were further fractionated using a linear sucrose density gradient (10-45%) and were identified with marker enzymes. Ca2+ uptake co-migrated with the tonoplast pyrophosphate-dependent proton pumping, pyrophosphatase and ATPase activities: the Ca2+/H+ antiport is consequently located at the tonoplast.


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The ATP- and pyrophosphate-dependent proton pumps from tonoplast-enriched vesicles prepared from Rubus hispidus cell cultures were solubilized in the presence of polyoxyethylene(9,10)p-t-octylphenol (Triton X-100) and reconstituted into liposomes of soybean phospholipids, using Bio-Beads SM-2 to remove the detergent. The specific activity of the two pumps was greatly increased by the solubilization-reconstitution procedure. Identical characteristics were found for pyrophosphate-dependent proton transport in native and reconstituted vesicles. On the other hand, the ATP-dependent proton transport of the reconstituted vesicles was no longer inhibited by KNO3.


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The hydrolytic subunit of the H+-translocating inorganic pyrophosphatase (V-PPase EC prepared from Rubus hispidus cell cultures has been purified from tonoplast-enriched membranes and analysed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, Only one polypeptide of M(r) 70 000 was recovered with the V-PPase activity after solubilization in the presence of Triton X-100, purification by gel filtration (Superose) and anion exchange (Mono Q) chromatography. This polypeptide strongly cross-reacted with an antibody raised against the V-PPase from Vigna radiata. The tonoplast-enriched fraction was also used to solubilize and reconstitute the-V-PPase. The proteoliposomes showing a PPi-dependent proton transport activity were purified by gel filtration (Superose) and analysed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Only one polypeptide of M(r) 70 000 was recovered with the proton-pumping activity. All these data suggest that the native V-PPase from Rubus is composed of a single kind of polypeptide with an M(r) of 70 000 and representing the catalytic subunit.


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Résumé françaisLa majorité des organismes vivants sont soumis à l'alternance du jour et de la nuit, conséquence de la rotation de la terre autour de son axe. Ils ont développé un système interne de mesure du temps, appelé horloge circadienne, leur permettant de s'adapter et de synchroniser leur comportement et leur physiologie aux cycles de lumière. Cette dernière est considérée comme étant le signal majeur entraînant l'horloge interne et. par conséquent, les rythmes journaliers d'éveil et de sommeil. Outre sa régulation circadienne, le sommeil est contrôlé par un processus homéostatique qui détermine son besoin. La contribution de ces deux processus dans le fonctionnement cellulaire du cerveau n'a pas encore été investiguée. La mesure de l'amplitude ainsi que de la prévalence des ondes delta de l'EEG (activité delta) constitue un index très fiable du besoin de sommeil. Il a été démontré que cette activité est génétiquement déterminée et associée à un locus de trait quantitatif situé sur le chromosome 13 de la souris.Grâce à des expériences de privation de sommeil et d'analyses de transcriptome du cerveau dans trois souches de souris présentant diverses réponses à la privation de sommeil, nous avons trouvé que Homerla, localisé dans la région d'intérêt du chromosome 13, est le meilleur marqueur du besoin de sommeil. Homerla est impliqué dans la récupération de l'hyperactivité neuronale induite par le glutamate, grâce à son effet tampon sur le calcium intracellulaire. Une fonction fondamentale du sommeil pourrait donc être de protéger le cerveau et de lui permettre de récupérer après une hyperactivité neuronale imposée par une veille prolongée.De plus, nous avons montré que 2032 transcrits sont exprimés rythmiqueraent dans le cerveau de la souris, parmi lesquels seulement 391 le restent après que les animaux aient été privés de sommeil à différents moments au cours des 24 heures. Cette observation montre clairement que la plupart des changements rythmiques au niveau du transcriptome dépendent du sommeil et non de l'horloge circadienne et souligne ainsi l'importance du sommeil dans la physiologie des mammifères.La plupart des expériences concernant les rythmes circadiens ont été réalisées sur des individus isolés en négligeant l'effet du contexte social sur les comportements circadiens. Les espèces sociales, telles que les fourmis, se caractérisent par une division du travail où une répartition des tâches s'effectue entre ses membres. De plus, certaines d'entre elles doivent être pratiquées en continu comme les soins au couvain tandis que d'autres requièrent une activité rythmique comme le fourragement. Ainsi la fourmi est un excellent modèle pour l'étude de 1 influence du contexte social sur les rythmes circadiens.A ces fins, nous avons décidé d'étudier les rythmes circadiens chez une espèce de fourmi Camponotus fellah et de caractériser au niveau moléculaire son horloge circadienne. Nous avons ainsi développé un système vidéo permettant de suivre l'activité locomotrice de tous les individus d'une colonie. Nos résultats montrent que, bien que la plupart des fourmis soient arythmiques à l'intérieur de la colonie, elles développent d'amples rythmes d'activité en isolation. De plus, ces rythmes disparaissent presque aussitôt que la fourmi est réintroduite dans la colonie. Cette rythmicité observée en isolation semble être générée par l'horloge circadienne car elle persiste en condition constante (obscurité totale). Nous avons ensuite regardé si cette apparente arythmie observée dans la colonie résultait d'un effet masquant des interactions sociales sur les rythmes circadiens d'activité. Nos résultats suggèrent que l'horloge interne est fonctionnelle dans la colonie mais que l'expression de ses rythmes au niveau comportemental est inhibée par les interactions sociales. Les analyses moléculaires du statut de l'horloge dans différents contextes sociaux sont actuellement en cours. Le contexte social semble donc un déterminant majeur du comportement circadien chez la fourmi.AbstractAlmost all living organisms on earth are subjected to the alternance of day and night re-sulting from the rotation of the earth around its axis. They have evolved with an internal timing system, termed the circadian clock, enabling them to adapt and synchronize their behavior and physiology to the daily changes in light and related environmental parame¬ters. Light is thought to be the major cue entraining the circadian clock and consequently the rhythms of rest/activity. In addition to its circadian dependent timing, sleep is reg¬ulated by a homeostatic process that determines its need. The contribution of these two processes in the cellular functioning of the brain has not yet been considered. A highly reliable index of the homeostatic process of sleep is the measure of the amplitude and prevalence of the EEG delta waves (delta activity). It has been shown that sleep need, measured by delta activity, is genetically determined and associated with a Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) located on the mouse chromosome 13. By using sleep deprivation and brain transcriptome profiling in three inbred mouse strains showing different responses to sleep loss, we found that Homerla, localized within this QTL region is the best transcrip¬tional marker of sleep need. Interestingly Homerla is primarily involved in the recovery from glutamate-induced neuronal hyperactivity by its buffering effect on intracellular cal¬cium. A fundamental function of sleep may therefore reside in the protection and recovery of the brain from a neuronal hyperactivity imposed by prolonged wakefulness.Moreover, time course gene expression experiments showed that 2032 brain tran¬scripts present a rhythmic variation, but only 391 of those remain rhythmic when mice are sleep deprived at four time points around the clock. This finding clearly suggests that most changes in gene transcription over the day are sleep-wake dependent rather than clock dependent and underlines the importance of sleep in mammalian physiology.In the second part of this PhD, I was interested in the social influence on circadian behavior. Most experiments done in the circadian field have been performed on isolated individuals and have therefore ignored the effect of the social context on circadian behav-ior. Eusocial insect species such as ants are characterized by a division of labor: colony tasks are distributed among individuals, some of them requiring continuous activity such as nursing or rhythmic ones such as foraging. Thus ants represent a suitable model to study the influence of the social context on the circadian clock and its output rhythms.The aim of this part was to address the effect of social context on circadian rhythms in the ant species Camponotus fellah and to characterize its circadian clock at the molecu¬lar level. We therefore developed a video tracking system to follow the locomotor activity of all individuals in a colony. Our results show that most ants are arrhythmic within the colony, but develop, when subjected to social isolation, strong rhythms of activity that intriguingly disappear when individuals are reintroduced into the colony. The rhythmicity observed in isolated ants seems to be driven by the circadian clock as it persists under constant conditions (complete darkness). We then tested whether the apparent arrhyth- micity in the colony stemmed from a masking effect of social interactions on circadian rhythms. Indeed, we found that circadian clocks of ants in the colony are functional but their expression at the behavioral level is inhibited by social interactions. The molecular assessment of the circadian clock functional state in the different social context is still under investigation. Our results suggest that social context is a major determinant of circadian behavior in ants.


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S6 kinases (S6Ks) act to integrate nutrient and insulin signaling pathways and, as such, function as positive effectors in cell growth and organismal development. However, they also have been shown to play a key role in limiting insulin signaling and in mediating the autophagic response. To identify novel regulators of S6K signaling, we have used a Drosophila-based, sensitized, gain-of-function genetic screen. Unexpectedly, one of the strongest enhancers to emerge from this screen was the nuclear receptor (NR), Drosophila hormone receptor 3 (DHR3), a critical constituent in the coordination of Drosophila metamorphosis. Here we demonstrate that DHR3, through dS6K, also acts to regulate cell-autonomous growth. Moreover, we show that the ligand-binding domain (LBD) of DHR3 is essential for mediating this response. Consistent with these findings, we have identified an endogenous DHR3 isoform that lacks the DBD. These results provide the first molecular link between the dS6K pathway, critical in controlling nutrient-dependent growth, and that of DHR3, a major mediator of ecdysone signaling, which, acting together, coordinate metamorphosis.


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Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 is a root-associated biocontrol agent that suppresses soil-borne fungal diseases of crops. Remarkably, the pseudomonad is also endowed with systemic and oral activity against pest insects which depends on the production of the insecticidal Fit toxin. The toxin gene (fitD) is part of a virulence cassette encoding three regulators (FitF, FitG, FitH) and a type I secretion system (FitABC-E). Immunoassays with a toxin-specific antibody and transcriptional analyses involving fitG and fitH deletion and overexpression mutants identified LysR family regulator FitG and response regulator FitH as activator and repressor, respectively, of Fit toxin and transporter expression. To visualize and quantify toxin expression in single live cells by fluorescence microscopy, we developed reporters which in lieu of the native toxin protein express a fusion of the Fit toxin with red fluorescent mCherry. In a wild-type background, expression of the mCherry-tagged Fit toxin was activated at high levels in insect hosts, i.e. when needed, yet not on plant roots or in batch culture. By contrast, a derepressed fitH mutant expressed the toxin in all conditions. P. fluorescens hence can actively induce insect toxin production in response to the host environment, and FitH and FitG are key regulators in this mechanism.


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Azithromycin at clinically relevant doses does not inhibit planktonic growth of the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa but causes markedly reduced formation of biofilms and quorum-sensing-regulated extracellular virulence factors. In the Gac/Rsm signal transduction pathway, which acts upstream of the quorum-sensing machinery in P. aeruginosa, the GacA-dependent untranslated small RNAs RsmY and RsmZ are key regulatory elements. As azithromycin treatment and mutational inactivation of gacA have strikingly similar phenotypic consequences, the effect of azithromycin on rsmY and rsmZ expression was investigated. In planktonically growing cells, the antibiotic strongly inhibited the expression of both small RNA genes but did not affect the expression of the housekeeping gene proC. The azithromycin treatment resulted in reduced expression of gacA and rsmA, which are known positive regulators of rsmY and rsmZ, and of the PA0588-PA0584 gene cluster, which was discovered as a novel positive regulatory element involved in rsmY and rsmZ expression. Deletion of this cluster resulted in diminished ability of P. aeruginosa to produce pyocyanin and to swarm. The results of this study indicate that azithromycin inhibits rsmY and rsmZ transcription indirectly by lowering the expression of positive regulators of these small RNA genes.


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The epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC), located in the apical membrane of renal aldosterone-responsive epithelia, plays an essential role in controlling the Na(+) balance of extracellular fluids and hence blood pressure. As of now, ENaC is the only Na(+) transport protein for which genetic evidence exists for its involvement in the genesis of both hypertension (Liddle's syndrome) and hypotension (pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1). The regulation of ENaC involves a variety of hormonal signals (aldosterone, vasopressin, insulin), but the molecular mechanisms behind this regulation are mostly unknown. Two regulatory proteins have gained interest in recent years: the ubiquitin-protein ligase neural precursor cell-expressed, developmentally downregulated gene 4 isoform Nedd4-2, which negatively controls ENaC cell surface expression, and serum glucocorticoid-inducible kinase 1 (Sgk1), which is an aldosterone- and insulin-dependent, positive regulator of ENaC density at the plasma membrane. Here, we summarize present ideas about Sgk1 and Nedd4-2 and the lines of experimental evidence, suggesting that they act sequentially in the regulatory pathways governed by aldosterone and insulin and regulate ENaC number at the plasma membrane.


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The cytoskeleton is important for neuronal morphogenesis. During the postnatal development of cat brain, the molecular composition of the neuronal cytoskeleton changes with maturation. Several of its proteins change in their rate of expression, in their degree of phosphorylation, in their subcellular distribution, or in their biochemical properties. It is proposed that phosphorylation is an essential mechanism to regulate the plasticity of the early, juvenile-type cytoskeleton. Among such proteins are several microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs), such as MAP5a, MAP2c or the juvenile tau proteins. Phosphorylation may also act on neurofilaments, postulated to be involved in the adult-type stabilization of axons. These observations imply that phosphorylation may affect cytoskeleton function in axons and dendrites at various developmental stages. Yet, the mechanisms of phosphorylation and its regulation cascades are largely unknown. In view of the topic of this issue on CD15, the potential role of matrix molecules being involved in the modulation of phosphorylation activity and of cytoskeletal properties is addressed.


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The importance of direct and indirect alcohol markers to evaluate alcohol consumption in clinical and forensic settings is increasingly recognized. While some markers are used to prove abstinence from ethanol, other markers are suitable for detection of alcohol misuse. Phosphatidyl ethanol (PEth) is ranked among the latter. There is only little information about the correlation between PEth and other currently used markers (ethyl glucuronide, ethyl sulfate, carbohydrate deficient transferrin, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, and methanol) and about their decline during detoxification. To get more information, 18 alcohol-dependent patients in withdrawal therapy were monitored for these parameters in blood and urine for up to 19 days. There was no correlation between the different markers. PEth showed a rapid decrease at the beginning of the intervention, a slow decline after the first few days, and could still be detected after 19 days of abstinence from ethanol.


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OBJECTIVE It has been suggested that interleukin (IL)-6 is one of the mediators linking obesity-derived chronic inflammation with insulin resistance through activation of STAT3, with subsequent upregulation of suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS3). We evaluated whether peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-β/-δ prevented activation of the IL-6-STAT3-SOCS3 pathway and insulin resistance in adipocytes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS First, we observed that the PPAR-β/-δ agonist GW501516 prevented both IL-6-dependent reduction in insulin-stimulated Akt phosphorylation and glucose uptake in adipocytes. In addition, this drug treatment abolished IL-6-induced SOCS3 expression in differentiated 3T3-L1 adipocytes. This effect was associated with the capacity of the drug to prevent IL-6-induced STAT3 phosphorylation on Tyr(705) and Ser(727) residues in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, GW501516 prevented IL-6-dependent induction of extracellular signal-related kinase (ERK)1/2, a serine-threonine-protein kinase involved in serine STAT3 phosphorylation. Furthermore, in white adipose tissue from PPAR-β/-δ-null mice, STAT3 phosphorylation (Tyr(705) and Ser(727)), STAT3 DNA-binding activity, and SOCS3 protein levels were higher than in wild-type mice. Several steps in STAT3 activation require its association with heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90), which was prevented by GW501516 as revealed in immunoprecipitation studies. Consistent with this finding, the STAT3-Hsp90 association was enhanced in white adipose tissue from PPAR-β/-δ-null mice compared with wild-type mice. CONCLUSIONS Collectively, our findings indicate that PPAR-β/-δ activation prevents IL-6-induced STAT3 activation by inhibiting ERK1/2 and preventing the STAT3-Hsp90 association, an effect that may contribute to the prevention of cytokine-induced insulin resistance in adipocytes.


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Loss of IκB kinase (IKK) β-dependent NF-κB signaling in hematopoietic cells is associated with increased granulopoiesis. Here we identify a regulatory cytokine loop that causes neutrophilia in Ikkβ-deficient mice. TNF-α-dependent apoptosis of myeloid progenitor cells leads to the release of IL-1β, which promotes Th17 polarization of peripheral CD4(+) T cells. Although the elevation of IL-17 and the consecutive induction of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor compensate for the loss of myeloid progenitor cells, the facilitated induction of Th17 cells renders Ikkβ-deficient animals more susceptible to the development of experimental autoimmune encephalitis. These results unravel so far unanticipated direct and indirect functions for IKKβ in myeloid progenitor survival and maintenance of innate and Th17 immunity and raise concerns about long-term IKKβ inhibition in IL-17-mediated diseases.


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In many socially monogamous birds, both partners perform extrapair copulations (EPC). As this behaviour potentially inflicts direct costs on females, they are currently hypothesized to search for genetic benefits for descendants, either as 'good' or 'complementary' genes. Although these hypotheses have found some support, several studies failed to find any beneficial consequence of EPC, and whether this behaviour is adaptive to females is subject to discussion. Here, we test these two hypotheses in a natural population of blue tits by accounting for the effect of most parameters known to potentially affect extrapair fertilization. Results suggest that female body mass affected the type of extrapair genetic benefits obtained. Heavy females obtained extrapair fertilizations when their social male was of low quality (as reflected by sexual display) and produced larger extrapair than within-pair chicks. Lean females obtained extrapair fertilizations when their social mate was genetically similar, thereby producing more heterozygous extrapair chicks. Our results suggest that mating patterns may be condition-dependent.