A Ca2+/H+ antiport system driven by the tonoplast pyrophosphate-dependent proton pump from maize roots.

Autoria(s): Chanson A.



Calcium uptake by tonoplast enriched membrane vesicles from maize (Zea mays L. cv. LG 11) primary roots was studied. A pH gradient, measured by the fluorescence quenching of quinacrine, was generated across sealed vesicles driven by the pyrophosphate-dependent proton pump. The fluorescence quenching was strongly inhibited by Ca2+; moreover, when increasing Ca2+ concentrations were added to vesicles at steady-state, a concomitant decrease in the proton gradient was observed. Ca2+ uptake using Ca-45(2+) was linear from 10 min when oxalate (10 mM) was present, while Ca2+ uptake was completely inhibited with proton ionophores (FCCP and monensin), indicating a Ca2+/H+ antiport. Membranes were further fractionated using a linear sucrose density gradient (10-45%) and were identified with marker enzymes. Ca2+ uptake co-migrated with the tonoplast pyrophosphate-dependent proton pumping, pyrophosphatase and ATPase activities: the Ca2+/H+ antiport is consequently located at the tonoplast.









Journal of Plant Physiology, vol. 137, no. 4, pp. 471-476

Palavras-Chave #Spermatophyta ; Angiospermae ; Monocotyledones ; Gramineae ; Zea mays ; Antiport ; Enzyme ; ATPase ; Pyrophosphatase ; Diphosphates ; Proton transport ; Membrane pump ; PH gradient ; Calcium ; Cereal crop ; Ion transport ; Tonoplast ; Zea mays ; Antiport ; Enzyme ; ATPase ; Pyrophosphatase ; Diphosphates ; Proton transport ; Membrane pump ; PH gradient ; Calcium ; Cereal crop ; Ion transport ; Tonoplast ; Zea mays ; Antiport ; Enzyme ; ATPase ; Pyrophosphatase ; Diphosphates ; Proton transport ; Membrane pump ; PH gradient ; Calcium ; Cereal crop ; Ion transport ; Tonoplast ; Spermatophyta ; Angiospermae ; Monocotyledones ; Gramineae ; Zea mays ; Enzyme ; ATPase ; Pyrophosphatase ; Diphosphate ; Transport proton ; Pompe membranaire ; Gradient pH ; Calcium ; Plante céréalière ; Transport ion ; Tonoplaste ; Zea mays ; Enzyme ; ATPase ; Pyrophosphatase ; Diphosphate ; Transport proton ; Pompe membranaire ; Gradient pH ; Calcium ; Plante céréalière ; Transport ion ; Tonoplaste ; Antiport ; Zea mays ; Enzyme ; ATPase ; Pyrophosphatase ; Diphosphate ; Transport proton ; Pompe membranaire ; Gradient pH ; Calcium ; Plante céréalière ; Transport ion ; Tonoplaste ; Spermatophyta ; Angiospermae ; Monocotyledones ; Gramineae ; Zea mays ; Enzima ; ATPase ; Pyrophosphatase ; Difosfato ; Transporte protones ; Bomba membranaria ; Gradiente pH ; Calcio ; Planta cerealista ; Transporte iónica ; Tonoplasto ; Zea mays ; Enzima ; ATPase ; Pyrophosphatase ; Difosfato ; Transporte protones ; Bomba membranaria ; Gradiente pH ; Calcio ; Planta cerealista ; Transporte iónica ; Tonoplasto ; Zea mays ; Enzima ; ATPase ; Pyrophosphatase ; Difosfato ; Transporte protones ; Bomba membranaria ; Gradiente pH ; Calcio ; Planta cerealista ; Transporte iónica ; Tonoplasto ;

