197 resultados para visual processes
Deeply incised river networks are generally regarded as robust features that are not easily modified by erosion or tectonics. Although the reorganization of deeply incised drainage systems has been documented, the corresponding importance with regard to the overall landscape evolution of mountain ranges and the factors that permit such reorganizations are poorly understood. To address this problem, we have explored the rapid drainage reorganization that affected the Cahabon River in Guatemala during the Quaternary. Sediment-provenance analysis, field mapping, and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) imaging are used to reconstruct the geometry of the valley before the river was captured. Dating of the abandoned valley sediments by the Be-10-Al-26 burial method and geomagnetic polarity analysis allow us to determine the age of the capture events and then to quantify several processes, such as the rate of tectonic deformation of the paleovalley, the rate of propagation of post-capture drainage reversal, and the rate at which canyons that formed at the capture sites have propagated along the paleovalley. Transtensional faulting started 1 to 3 million years ago, produced ground tilting and ground faulting along the Cahabon River, and thus generated differential uplift rate of 0.3 +/- 0.1 up to 0.7 +/- 0.4 mm . y(-1) along the river's course. The river responded to faulting by incising the areas of relative uplift and depositing a few tens of meters of sediment above the areas of relative subsidence. Then, the river experienced two captures and one avulsion between 700 ky and 100 ky. The captures breached high-standing ridges that separate the Cahabon River from its captors. Captures occurred at specific points where ridges are made permeable by fault damage zones and/or soluble rocks. Groundwater flow from the Cahabon River down to its captors likely increased the erosive power of the captors thus promoting focused erosion of the ridges. Valley-fill formation and capture occurred in close temporal succession, suggesting a genetic link between the two. We suggest that the aquifers accumulated within the valley-fills, increased the head along the subterraneous system connecting the Cahabon River to its captors, and promoted their development. Upon capture, the breached valley experienced widespread drainage reversal toward the capture sites. We attribute the generalized reversal to combined effects of groundwater sapping in the valley-fill, axial drainage obstruction by lateral fans, and tectonic tilting. Drainage reversal increased the size of the captured areas by a factor of 4 to 6. At the capture sites, 500 m deep canyons have been incised into the bedrock and are propagating upstream at a rate of 3 to 11 mm . y(-1) deepening at a rate of 0.7 to 1 5 mm . y(-1). At this rate, 1 to 2 million years will be necessary for headward erosion to completely erase the topographic expression of the paleovalley. It is concluded that the rapid reorganization of this drainage system was made possible by the way the river adjusted to the new tectonic strain field, which involved transient sedimentation along the river's course. If the river had escaped its early reorganization and had been given the time necessary to reach a new dynamic equilibrium, then the transient conditions that promoted capture would have vanished and its vulnerability to capture would have been strongly reduced.
Two hybrid compounds comprising an antimetastatic ruthenium-arene fragment tethered to an indazole-3-carboxylic acid derivative that inhibits aerobic glycolysis in cancer cells have been prepared and evaluated in a variety of cancer cell lines, including highly relevant human glioblastoma cells, with an apparent synergistic action between the two components observed.
Schizotypy refers to a set of personality traits thought to reflect the subclinical expression of the signs and symptoms of schizophrenia. Here, we review the cognitive and brain functional profile associated with high questionnaire scores in schizotypy. We discuss empirical evidence from the domains of perception, attention, memory, imagery and representation, language, and motor control. Perceptual deficits occur early and across various modalities. Whilst the neural mechanisms underlying visual impairments may be linked to magnocellular dysfunction, further effects may be seen downstream in higher cognitive functions. Cognitive deficits are observed in inhibitory control, selective and sustained attention, incidental learning and memory. In concordance with the cognitive nature of many of the aberrations of schizotypy, higher levels of schizotypy are associated with enhanced vividness and better performance on tasks of mental rotation. Language deficits seem most pronounced in higher-level processes. Finally, higher levels of schizotypy are associated with reduced performance on oculomotor tasks, resembling the impairments seen in schizophrenia. Some of these deficits are accompanied by reduced brain activation, akin to the pattern of hypoactivations in schizophrenia spectrum individuals. We conclude that schizotypy is a construct with apparent phenomenological overlap with schizophrenia and stable inter-individual differences that covary with performance on a wide range of perceptual, cognitive and motor tasks known to be impaired in schizophrenia. The importance of these findings lies not only in providing a fine-grained neurocognitive characterisation of a personality constellation known to be associated with real-life impairments, but also in generating hypotheses concerning the aetiology of schizophrenia.
The kitten's auditory cortex (including the first and second auditory fields AI and AII) is known to send transient axons to either ipsi- or contralateral visual areas 17 and 18. By the end of the first postnatal month the transitory axons, but not their neurons of origin, are eliminated. Here we investigated where these neurons project after the elimination of the transitory axon. Eighteen kittens received early (postnatal day (pd) 2 - 5) injections of long lasting retrograde fluorescent traces in visual areas 17 and 18 and late (pd 35 - 64) injections of other retrograde fluorescent tracers in either hemisphere, mostly in areas known to receive projections from AI and AII in the adult cat. The middle ectosylvian gyrus was analysed for double-labelled neurons in the region corresponding approximately to AI and AII. Late injections in the contralateral (to the analysed AI, AII) hemisphere including all of the known auditory areas, as well as some visual and 'association' areas, did not relabel neurons which had had transient projections to either ipsi- or contralateral visual areas 17 - 18. Thus, AI and AII neurons after eliminating their transient juvenile projections to visual areas 17 and 18 do not project to the other hemisphere. In contrast, relabelling was obtained with late injections in several locations in the ipsilateral hemisphere; it was expressed as per cent of the population labelled by the early injections. Few neurons (0 - 2.5%) were relabelled by large injections in the caudal part of the posterior ectosylvian gyrus and the adjacent posterior suprasylvian sulcus (areas DP, P, VP). Multiple injections in the middle ectosylvian gyrus relabelled a considerably larger percentage of neurons (13%). Single small injections in the middle ectosylvian gyrus (areas AI, AII), the caudal part of the anterior ectosylvian gyrus and the rostral part of the posterior ectosylvian gyrus relabelled 3.1 - 7.0% of neurons. These neurons were generally near (<2.0 mm) the outer border of the late injection sites. Neurons with transient projections to ipsi- or contralateral visual areas 17 and 18 were relabelled in similar proportions by late injections at any given location. Thus, AI or AII neurons which send a transitory axon to ipsi- or contralateral visual areas 17 and 18 are most likely to form short permanent cortical connections. In that respect, they are similar to medial area 17 neurons that form transitory callosal axons and short permanent axons to ipsilateral visual areas 17 and 18.
The coverage and volume of geo-referenced datasets are extensive and incessantly¦growing. The systematic capture of geo-referenced information generates large volumes¦of spatio-temporal data to be analyzed. Clustering and visualization play a key¦role in the exploratory data analysis and the extraction of knowledge embedded in¦these data. However, new challenges in visualization and clustering are posed when¦dealing with the special characteristics of this data. For instance, its complex structures,¦large quantity of samples, variables involved in a temporal context, high dimensionality¦and large variability in cluster shapes.¦The central aim of my thesis is to propose new algorithms and methodologies for¦clustering and visualization, in order to assist the knowledge extraction from spatiotemporal¦geo-referenced data, thus improving making decision processes.¦I present two original algorithms, one for clustering: the Fuzzy Growing Hierarchical¦Self-Organizing Networks (FGHSON), and the second for exploratory visual data analysis:¦the Tree-structured Self-organizing Maps Component Planes. In addition, I present¦methodologies that combined with FGHSON and the Tree-structured SOM Component¦Planes allow the integration of space and time seamlessly and simultaneously in¦order to extract knowledge embedded in a temporal context.¦The originality of the FGHSON lies in its capability to reflect the underlying structure¦of a dataset in a hierarchical fuzzy way. A hierarchical fuzzy representation of¦clusters is crucial when data include complex structures with large variability of cluster¦shapes, variances, densities and number of clusters. The most important characteristics¦of the FGHSON include: (1) It does not require an a-priori setup of the number¦of clusters. (2) The algorithm executes several self-organizing processes in parallel.¦Hence, when dealing with large datasets the processes can be distributed reducing the¦computational cost. (3) Only three parameters are necessary to set up the algorithm.¦In the case of the Tree-structured SOM Component Planes, the novelty of this algorithm¦lies in its ability to create a structure that allows the visual exploratory data analysis¦of large high-dimensional datasets. This algorithm creates a hierarchical structure¦of Self-Organizing Map Component Planes, arranging similar variables' projections in¦the same branches of the tree. Hence, similarities on variables' behavior can be easily¦detected (e.g. local correlations, maximal and minimal values and outliers).¦Both FGHSON and the Tree-structured SOM Component Planes were applied in¦several agroecological problems proving to be very efficient in the exploratory analysis¦and clustering of spatio-temporal datasets.¦In this thesis I also tested three soft competitive learning algorithms. Two of them¦well-known non supervised soft competitive algorithms, namely the Self-Organizing¦Maps (SOMs) and the Growing Hierarchical Self-Organizing Maps (GHSOMs); and the¦third was our original contribution, the FGHSON. Although the algorithms presented¦here have been used in several areas, to my knowledge there is not any work applying¦and comparing the performance of those techniques when dealing with spatiotemporal¦geospatial data, as it is presented in this thesis.¦I propose original methodologies to explore spatio-temporal geo-referenced datasets¦through time. Our approach uses time windows to capture temporal similarities and¦variations by using the FGHSON clustering algorithm. The developed methodologies¦are used in two case studies. In the first, the objective was to find similar agroecozones¦through time and in the second one it was to find similar environmental patterns¦shifted in time.¦Several results presented in this thesis have led to new contributions to agroecological¦knowledge, for instance, in sugar cane, and blackberry production.¦Finally, in the framework of this thesis we developed several software tools: (1)¦a Matlab toolbox that implements the FGHSON algorithm, and (2) a program called¦BIS (Bio-inspired Identification of Similar agroecozones) an interactive graphical user¦interface tool which integrates the FGHSON algorithm with Google Earth in order to¦show zones with similar agroecological characteristics.
Recent studies of multisensory integration compel a redefinition of fundamental sensory processes, including, but not limited to, how visual inputs influence the localization of sounds and suppression of their echoes.
Animal dispersal in a fragmented landscape depends on the complex interaction between landscape structure and animal behavior. To better understand how individuals disperse, it is important to explicitly represent the properties of organisms and the landscape in which they move. A common approach to modelling dispersal includes representing the landscape as a grid of equal sized cells and then simulating individual movement as a correlated random walk. This approach uses a priori scale of resolution, which limits the representation of all landscape features and how different dispersal abilities are modelled. We develop a vector-based landscape model coupled with an object-oriented model for animal dispersal. In this spatially explicit dispersal model, landscape features are defined based on their geographic and thematic properties and dispersal is modelled through consideration of an organism's behavior, movement rules and searching strategies (such as visual cues). We present the model's underlying concepts, its ability to adequately represent landscape features and provide simulation of dispersal according to different dispersal abilities. We demonstrate the potential of the model by simulating two virtual species in a real Swiss landscape. This illustrates the model's ability to simulate complex dispersal processes and provides information about dispersal such as colonization probability and spatial distribution of the organism's path
ABSTRACTIn normal tissues, a balance between pro- and anti-angiogenic factors tightly controls angiogenesis. Alterations of this balance may have pathological consequences. For instance, concerning the retina, the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a potent pro-angiogenic factor, and has been identified has a key player during ocular neovascularization implicated in a variety of retinal diseases. In the exudative form (wet-form) of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), neovascularizations occurring from the choroidal vessels are responsible for a quick and dramatic loss of visual acuity. In diabetic retinopathy and retinopathy of prematurity, sprouting from the retinal vessels leads to vision loss. Furthermore, the aging of the population, the increased- prevalence of diabetes and the better survival rate of premature infants will lead to an increasing rate of these conditions. In this way, anti-VEGF strategy represents an important therapeutic target to treat ocular neovascular disorders.In addition, the administration of Pigmented Epithelial growth factor, a neurotrophic and an anti- angiogenic factor, prevents photoreceptor cell death in a model of retinal degeneration induced by light. Previous results analyzing end point morphology reveal that the light damage (LD) model is used to mimic retinal degenerations arising from environmental insult, as well as aging and genetic disease such as advanced atrophic AMD. Moreover, light has been identified as a co-factor in a number of retinal diseases, speeding up the degeneration process. This protecting effect of PEDF in the LD retina raises the possibility of involvement of the balance between pro- and anti-angiogenic factors not only for angiogenesis, but also in cell survival and maintenance.The aim of the work presented here was to evaluate the importance of this balance in neurodegenerative processes. To this aim, a model of light-induced retinal degeneration was used and characterized, mainly focusing on factors simultaneously controlling neuron survival and angiogenesis, such as PEDF and VEGF.In most species, prolonged intense light exposure can lead to photoreceptor cell damage that can progress to cell death and vision loss. A protocol previously described to induce retinal degeneration in Balb/c mice was used. Retinas were characterized at different time points after light injury through several methods at the functional and molecular levels. Data obtained confirmed that toxic level of light induce PR cell death. Variations were observed in VEGF pathway players in both the neural retina and the eye-cup containing the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), suggesting a flux of VEGF from the RPE towards the neuroretina. Concomitantly, the integrity of the outer blood-retinal-barrier (BRB) was altered, leading to extravascular albumin leakage from the choroid throughout the photoreceptor layer.To evaluate the importance of VEGF during light-induced retinal degeneration process, a lentiviral vector encoding the cDNA of a single chain antibody directed against all VEGF-A isoforms was developed (LV-V65). The bioactivity of this vector to block VEGF was validated in a mouse model of laser-induced choroidal neovascularization mediated by VEGF upregulation. The vector was then used in the LD model. The administration of the LV-V65 contributed to the maintenance of functional photoreceptors, which was assessed by ERG recording, visual acuity measurement and histological analyses. At the RPE level, the BRB integrity was preserved as shown by the absence of albumin leakage and the maintenance of RPE cell cohesion.These results taken together indicate that the VEGF is a mediator of light induced PR degeneration process and confirm the crucial role of the balance between pro- and anti-angiogenic factors in the PR cell survival. This work also highlights the prime importance of BRB integrity and functional coupling between RPE and PR cells to maintain the PR survival. VEGF dysregulation was already shown to be involved in wet AMD forms and our study suggests that VEGF dysregulation may also occur at early stages of AMD and could thus be a potential therapeutic target for several RPE related diseases.RESUMEDans les différents tissues de l'organisme, l'angiogenèse est strictement contrôlée par une balance entre les facteurs pro- et anti-angiogéniques. Des modifications survenant dans cette balance peuvent engendrer des conséquences pathologiques. Par exemple, concernant la rétine, le facteur de croissance de l'endothélium vasculaire (VEGF) est un facteur pro-angiogénique important. Ce facteur a été identifié comme un acteur majeur dans les néovascularisations oculaires et les processus pathologiques angiogéniques survenant dans l'oeil et responsables d'une grande variété de maladies rétiniennes. Dans la forme humide de la dégénérescence maculaire liée à l'âge (DMLA), la néovascularisation choroïdienne est responsable de la perte rapide et brutale de l'acuité visuelle chez les patients affectés. Dans la rétinopathie diabétique et celle lié à la prématurité, l'émergence de néovaisseaux rétiniens est la cause de la perte de la vision. Les néovascularisations oculaires représentent la principale cause de cécité dans les pays développés. De plus, l'âge croissant de la population, la progression de la prévalence du diabète et la meilleure survie des enfants prématurés mèneront sans doute à l'augmentation de ces pathologies dans les années futures. Dans ces conditions, les thérapies anti- angiogéniques visant à inhiber le VEGF représentent une importante cible thérapeutique pour le traitement de ces pathologies.Plusieurs facteurs anti-angiogéniques ont été identifiés. Parmi eux, le facteur de l'épithélium pigmentaire (PEDF) est à la fois un facteur neuro-trophique et anti-angiogénique, et l'administration de ce facteur au niveau de la rétine dans un modèle de dégénérescence rétinienne induite par la lumière protège les photorécepteurs de la mort cellulaire. Des études antérieures basées sur l'analyse morphologique ont révélé que les modifications survenant lors de la dégénération induite suite à l'exposition à des doses toxiques de lumière représente un remarquable modèle pour l'étude des dégénérations rétiniennes suite à des lésions environnementales, à l'âge ou encore aux maladies génétiques telle que la forme atrophique avancée de la DMLA. De plus, la lumière a été identifiée comme un co-facteur impliqué dans un grand nombre de maladies rétiniennes, accélérant le processus de dégénération. L'effet protecteur du PEDF dans les rétines lésées suite à l'exposition de des doses toxiques de lumière suscite la possibilité que la balance entre les facteurs pro- et anti-angiogéniques soit impliquée non seulement dans les processus angiogéniques, mais également dans le maintient et la survie des cellules.Le but de ce projet consiste donc à évaluer l'implication de cette balance lors des processus neurodégénératifs. Pour cela, un modèle de dégénération induite par la lumière à été utilisé et caractérisé, avec un intérêt particulier pour les facteurs comme le PEDF et le VEGF contrôlant simultanément la survie des neurones et l'angiogenèse.Dans la plupart des espèces, l'exposition prolongée à une lumière intense peut provoquer des dommages au niveau des cellules photoréceptrices de l'oeil, qui peut mener à leur mort, et par conséquent à la perte de la vision. Un protocole préalablement décrit a été utilisé pour induire la dégénération rétinienne dans les souris albinos Balb/c. Les rétines ont été analysées à différents moments après la lésion par différentes techniques, aussi bien au niveau moléculaire que fonctionnel. Les résultats obtenus ont confirmé que des doses toxiques de lumière induisent la mort des photorécepteurs, mais altèrent également la voie de signalisation du VEGF, aussi bien dans la neuro-rétine que dans le reste de l'oeil, contenant l'épithélium pigmentaire (EP), et suggérant un flux de VEGF provenant de ΙΈΡ en direction de la neuro-rétine. Simultanément, il se produit une altération de l'intégrité de la barrière hémato-rétinienne externe, menant à la fuite de protéine telle que l'albumine, provenant de la choroïde et retrouvée dans les compartiments extravasculaires de la rétine, telle que dans la couche des photorécepteurs.Pour déterminer l'importance et le rôle du VEGF, un vecteur lentiviral codant pour un anticorps neutralisant dirigée contre tous les isoformes du VEGF a été développé (LV-V65). La bio-activité de ce vecteur a été testé et validée dans un modèle de laser, connu pour induire des néovascularisations choroïdiennes chez la souris suite à l'augmentation du VEGF. Ce vecteur a ensuite été utilisé dans le modèle de dégénération induite par la lumière. Les résultats des électrorétinogrammes, les mesures de l'acuité visuelle et les analyses histologiques ont montré que l'injection du LV-V65 contribue à la maintenance de photorécepteurs fonctionnels. Au niveau de l'EP, l'absence d'albumine et la maintenance des jonctions cellulaires des cellules de l'EP ont démontré que l'intégrité de la barrière hémato-rétinienne externe est préservée suite au traitement.Par conséquent, tous les résultats obtenus indiquent que le VEGF est un médiateur important impliquée dans le processus de dégénération induit par la lumière et confirme le rôle cruciale de la balance entre les facteurs pro- et anti-angiogéniques dans la survie des photorécepteurs. Cette étude révèle également l'importance de l'intégrité de la barrière hémato-rétinienne et l'importance du lien fonctionnel et structurel entre l'EP et les photorécepteurs, essentiel pour la survie de ces derniers. Par ailleurs, Cette étude suggère que des dérèglements au niveau de l'équilibre du VEGF ne sont pas seulement impliqués dans la forme humide de la DMLA, comme déjà démontré dans des études antérieures, mais pourraient également contribuer et survenir dans des formes précoces de la DMLA, et par conséquent le VEGF représente une cible thérapeutique potentielle pour les maladies associées à des anomalies au niveau de l'EP.