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Blood doping involves the use of products that enhance the uptake, transport, or delivery of oxygen to the blood. One approach uses artificial oxygen carriers, known as hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers (HBOCs). This study describes an analytical strategy based on CE for detecting intact HBOCs in plasma samples collected for doping control. On-capillary detection was performed by UV/Vis at 415 nm, which offered detection selectivity for hemoproteins (such as hemoglobin and HBOCs). On-line ESI-MS detection with a TOF analyzer was further used to provide accurate masses on CE peaks and to confirm the presence of HBOCs. An immunodepletion sample preparation step was mandatory prior to analysis, in order to remove most abundant proteins that interfered with CE separation and altered the ESI process. This analytical method was successfully applied to plasma samples enriched with Oxyglobin, a commercially available HBOC used for veterinary purposes. Detection limits of 0.20 and 0.45 g/dL were achieved in plasma for CE-UV/Vis at 415 nm and CE-ESI-TOF/MS, respectively.
We report the case of a 20-year-old woman, with no medical history, who in a short period of time developed the association of a bilateral vestibulocochlear deficit and a nonsyphilitic interstitial keratitis, the usual clinical presentation of Cogan's syndrome. This rare disease was named after David Cogan, the ophthalmologist to whom we owe the description of the first series of cases. The precise aetiology of Cogan's syndrome has yet to be defined, but clinical and biological evidence point toward an immunopathological process. Some authors distinguish between a typical and an atypical form of Cogan's syndrome, the former being associated with interstitial keratitis, the latter with other forms of ocular involvement. The diagnosis of Cogan's syndrome is mainly a clinical one, the association of a bilateral vestibulocochlear deficit and a non-syphilitic keratitis being almost specific. Cogan's syndrome is frequently associated with general signs and cardiovascular, neurological, rheumathological and digestive involvement. Laboratory data usually show nonspecific inflammatory signs (elevation of the white cell count and of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate). The mortality of the disease is essentially determined by its cardiovascular involvement, mostly aortic insufficiency, which should therefore actively be sought for in every patient. It is useful to emphasise that the typical form of Cogan's syndrome carries a higher risk regarding the development of aortic insufficiency, whereas the atypical form is more often associated with a systemic vasculitis. Treatment is mandatory, based upon corticosteroids, and must sometimes be intensified by the administration of a steroid-sparing immunosuppressive drug. Although our patient perfectly met the diagnostic criteria of Cogan's syndrome, the vestibular symptoms preceded the visual complaints, the reverse temporal sequence being more often reported in the literature. Systemic signs and cardiovascular involvement are frequently seen in Cogan's syndrome, but were notably absent in our patient. Blood samples showed inflammatory signs, whereas both lumbar puncture and cerebral MRI were normal, which is the usual pattern encountered in Cogan's syndrome. Following the rapid initiation of immunosuppressive therapy (Prednisone), the visual symptoms due to the bilateral keratitis resolved in a matter of days, whereas the vestibulocochlear deficit was only partly - but dramatically - reduced. This is in accordance with literature data, showing that a severe and permanent auditory deficit occurs at some time in the majority of patients suffering from Cogan's syndrome. Tapering off Prednisone unfortunately reactivated the audiovestibular and ocular symptoms of the disease in our patient so that a steroid-sparing immunosuppressive drug had to be added (azathioprine, followed by mycophenolate mofetil because the patient developed hepatic intolerance). Only after these therapeutic measures could the disease be stabilised. With this case report, we would like to emphasise the importance of rapidly identifying the clinical picture of Cogan's syndrome, so that immunosuppressive therapy can be started without delay, which may significantly reduce both morbidity and mortality of this disease.
Invasive candidiasis ranges from 5 to 10 cases per 1,000 ICU admissions and represents 5% to 10% of all ICU-acquired infections, with an overall mortality comparable to that of severe sepsis/septic shock. A large majority of them are due to Candida albicans, but the proportion of strains with decreased sensitivity or resistance to fluconazole is increasingly reported. A high proportion of ICU patients become colonized, but only 5% to 30% of them develop an invasive infection. Progressive colonization and major abdominal surgery are common risk factors, but invasive candidiasis is difficult to predict and early diagnosis remains a major challenge. Indeed, blood cultures are positive in a minority of cases and often late in the course of infection. New nonculture-based laboratory techniques may contribute to early diagnosis and management of invasive candidiasis. Both serologic (mannan, antimannan, and betaglucan) and molecular (Candida-specific PCR in blood and serum) have been applied as serial screening procedures in high-risk patients. However, although reasonably sensitive and specific, these techniques are largely investigational and their clinical usefulness remains to be established. Identification of patients susceptible to benefit from empirical antifungal treatment remains challenging, but it is mandatory to avoid antifungal overuse in critically ill patients. Growing evidence suggests that monitoring the dynamic of Candida colonization in surgical patients and prediction rules based on combined risk factors may be used to identify ICU patients at high risk of invasive candidiasis susceptible to benefit from prophylaxis or preemptive antifungal treatment.
Quality control (QuaCo) in urology is mandatory to standardize or even increase the level of care. While QuaCo is undertaken at every step in the clinical pathway, it should focus on the patient's comorbidities and on the urologist and its complication rate. Resulting from political and economical pressures, comparing QuaCo and outcomes between urologists and institutions is nowadays often performed. However, careful interpretation of these comparisons is mandatory to avoid potential discriminations. Indeed, the reader has to make sure that patients groups and surgical techniques are comparable, definitions of complications are similar, classification of complications is standardized, and finally that the methodology in collecting data is irreproachable.
Purpose: Tumour-free resection margins (RMs) are mandatory in breast-conserving surgery. On-site intraoperative ultrasound (US)-guided tumour resection with extemporaneous histopathological assessment of RMs has been described. Remote intraoperative US assessment of RMs is an alternative. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship of lumpectomy RMs measurements between remote intraoperative US and postoperative histopathology.Methods and Materials: In a retrospective IRB-approved review of 100 consecutive lumpectomies performed between October 2009 and April 2011 for presumed non-palpable breast cancer, 71 women (mean age 63.8years) were included. Twenty-nine patients were excluded because of absence of cancer at histopathology and/or incomplete data. Measurements of lumpectomy minimal RMs and tumour maximal diameter obtained on remote intraoperative US and postoperative histopathology were compared.Results: Minimal RMs were 0.35±0.32 (mean±SD) and 0.35±0.32cm on remote intraoperative US and postoperative histopathology, respectively. No significant difference was found between these measurements (p=0.37). Tumour maximal diameter was 1.02±0.51 (mean±SD) and 1.33±0.74cm on remote intraoperative US and postoperative histopathology, respectively. US measurements were significantly smaller (p<0.001). The 71 breast carcinoma (CA) consisted of: invasive canalar (n=49), invasive lobular (n=11), in situ (n=3) and other types of CA (n=8). Twenty-nine patients had intraoperative re-excision (24 without residual CA), while 16 patients were re-operated due to insufficient histopathological RMs (12 without residual CA).Conclusion: Good correlation of minimal RMs between remote intraoperative US and postoperative histopathology warrants use of both techniques in a complementary manner. Remote intraoperative US is helpful in taking rapid decision of re-excision and maintaining low re-operation rate after breast-conserving surgery for non-palpable cancer.
Purpose: Precise diagnosis of DVT of the legs is a challenging problem, not only in front of suspicion of PE, but also in all status of leg pain, warmth and swelling. Clinical diagnosis has a low accuracy and further investigations are mandatory in order to diagnose DVT. Amongst the possible investigations, US has a high specificity and a good NPV. However, many pathologies unrelated to the veins may mimic the signs and symptoms of DVT and have to be recognized in order to make the correct diagnosis. The purpose of this paper is to review the results of the US investigations of the legs performed in our Department during the last three years for a suspicion of DVT and describe alternative diagnoses mimicking DVT. Methods and materials: Through a RIS-based search, we retrospectively reviewed all the cases of US of the legs performed in our Department between January 2006 and December 2008 for a suspicion of DVT. We selected the cases of positive findings unrelated to the veins and illustrated these findings with characteristic images. Results: 419 US of the legs were performed between December 2006 and December 2008 for a suspicion of DVT. Among these, 75 were positive for DVT, and 79 for alternative diagnosis. The most common alternative diagnosis was edema of the legs (31%), followed by hematoma (23%). Other findings were Baker cysts (13%), cellulitis (10%) and lymphoceles (5%). Rare diagnoses were arterio-venous malformations, pseudoaneurysms, pelvic masses, necrosing fasciitis, intramuscular abscesses, subcutaneous seromas, sarcoma and ganglion cysts. Conclusion: A greater knowledge of the US appearance of the pathologies mimicking DVT may help to make the correct diagnosis, avoiding further expensive investigations or inappropriate anticoagulant therapy.
Objectives This paper reports on a longitudinal qualitative study exploring concerns of 60 patients before and after transplantation. Methods Semi-structured interviews were conducted without time constraints in a protected space out of the hospital. Qualitative analysis was performed. Results Prior to transplantation, all patients talked freely about negative feelings, stigmatisation, being misunderstood by others, loneliness and culpability caused by increasing physical dependency or abandoned roles. They mentioned alternative ways to cope (magic, spirituality), and even expressed their right to let go. In a subset of 13 patients, significant ones allowed themselves in the interview, or were integrated on the request of the patients. In this modified setting, two illness-worlds were confronted. If common themes were mentioned (e.g., modified life plans, restricted space, physical and psychological barriers), they were experienced differently. Fear of transplantation or guilt towards the donors was overtly expressed, often for the first time. Mutual hiding of anxiety in order to protect loved ones or to prevent loss of control was disclosed. The significant ones talked about accumulated stress and exhaustion related to the physical degradation of the patient, fear of the unpredictable evolution of illness and financial problems, and stressed their difficulty to adapt adequately to the fluctuating state of the patient. After transplantation, other themes emerged, where difficulty in disclosure was observed: intensive care and near death experiences, being a transplanted person, debt to the donor and his/her family, fear of rejection. Conclusions With the self-imposed strategy of hiding concerns to protect one another, a discrepancy between two illness-worlds was created. When concerns were confronted during the interviews, a new mutual understanding emerged. Patients and their families stated the need for sharing concerns in the course of illness.
OBJECTIVES: To review the published literature on the diagnosis and management of adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) of the breast.¦MATERIALS AND METHODS: Papers were identified by searching PubMed using the terms « adenoid cystic carcinoma » and « breast ». Additional papers were identified by reviewing references of relevant articles.¦RESULTS: ACC of the breast is a rare tumour comprising less than 0.1% of breast malignancies. Its cellular origin in the breast remains unclear. The histological characteristics of ACC in the breast are similar to those of ACC of the salivary glands. However the prognosis of ACC of the breast is better than that of other localizations with prolonged survival. Breast-conserving treatment including postoperative radiotherapy seems to be equivalent to mastectomy alone with respect to survival. The value of adjuvant systemic therapies is not established. Late relapses can occur, so long-term follow-up is mandatory for these patients.¦CONCLUSIONS: ACC of the breast has a favourable prognosis. An accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment are therefore important.
Résumé La cryptographie classique est basée sur des concepts mathématiques dont la sécurité dépend de la complexité du calcul de l'inverse des fonctions. Ce type de chiffrement est à la merci de la puissance de calcul des ordinateurs ainsi que la découverte d'algorithme permettant le calcul des inverses de certaines fonctions mathématiques en un temps «raisonnable ». L'utilisation d'un procédé dont la sécurité est scientifiquement prouvée s'avère donc indispensable surtout les échanges critiques (systèmes bancaires, gouvernements,...). La cryptographie quantique répond à ce besoin. En effet, sa sécurité est basée sur des lois de la physique quantique lui assurant un fonctionnement inconditionnellement sécurisé. Toutefois, l'application et l'intégration de la cryptographie quantique sont un souci pour les développeurs de ce type de solution. Cette thèse justifie la nécessité de l'utilisation de la cryptographie quantique. Elle montre que le coût engendré par le déploiement de cette solution est justifié. Elle propose un mécanisme simple et réalisable d'intégration de la cryptographie quantique dans des protocoles de communication largement utilisés comme les protocoles PPP, IPSec et le protocole 802.1li. Des scénarios d'application illustrent la faisabilité de ces solutions. Une méthodologie d'évaluation, selon les critères communs, des solutions basées sur la cryptographie quantique est également proposée dans ce document. Abstract Classical cryptography is based on mathematical functions. The robustness of a cryptosystem essentially depends on the difficulty of computing the inverse of its one-way function. There is no mathematical proof that establishes whether it is impossible to find the inverse of a given one-way function. Therefore, it is mandatory to use a cryptosystem whose security is scientifically proven (especially for banking, governments, etc.). On the other hand, the security of quantum cryptography can be formally demonstrated. In fact, its security is based on the laws of physics that assure the unconditional security. How is it possible to use and integrate quantum cryptography into existing solutions? This thesis proposes a method to integrate quantum cryptography into existing communication protocols like PPP, IPSec and the 802.l1i protocol. It sketches out some possible scenarios in order to prove the feasibility and to estimate the cost of such scenarios. Directives and checkpoints are given to help in certifying quantum cryptography solutions according to Common Criteria.
BACKGROUND: Aminoglycosides are mandatory in the treatment of severe infections in burns. However, their pharmacokinetics are difficult to predict in critically ill patients. Our objective was to describe the pharmacokinetic parameters of high doses of tobramycin administered at extended intervals in severely burned patients. METHODS: We prospectively enrolled 23 burned patients receiving tobramycin in combination therapy for Pseudomonas species infections in a burn ICU over 2 years in a therapeutic drug monitoring program. Trough and post peak tobramycin levels were measured to adjust drug dosage. Pharmacokinetic parameters were derived from two points first order kinetics. RESULTS: Tobramycin peak concentration was 7.4 (3.1-19.6)microg/ml and Cmax/MIC ratio 14.8 (2.8-39.2). Half-life was 6.9 (range 1.8-24.6)h with a distribution volume of 0.4 (0.2-1.0)l/kg. Clearance was 35 (14-121)ml/min and was weakly but significantly correlated with creatinine clearance. CONCLUSION: Tobramycin had a normal clearance, but an increased volume of distribution and a prolonged half-life in burned patients. However, the pharmacokinetic parameters of tobramycin are highly variable in burned patients. These data support extended interval administration and strongly suggest that aminoglycosides should only be used within a structured pharmacokinetic monitoring program.
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to explore the predictive value of longitudinal self-reported adherence data on viral rebound. METHODS: Individuals in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study on combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) with RNA <50 copies/ml over the previous 3 months and who were interviewed about adherence at least once prior to 1 March 2007 were eligible. Adherence was defined in terms of missed doses of cART (0, 1, 2 or >2) in the previous 28 days. Viral rebound was defined as RNA >500 copies/ml. Cox regression models with time-independent and -dependent covariates were used to evaluate time to viral rebound. RESULTS: A total of 2,664 individuals and 15,530 visits were included. Across all visits, missing doses were reported as follows: 1 dose 14.7%, 2 doses 5.1%, >2 doses 3.8% taking <95% of doses 4.5% and missing > or =2 consecutive doses 3.2%. In total, 308 (11.6%) patients experienced viral rebound. After controlling for confounding variables, self-reported non-adherence remained significantly associated with the rate of occurrence of viral rebound (compared with zero missed doses: 1 dose, hazard ratio [HR] 1.03, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.72-1.48; 2 doses, HR 2.17, 95% CI 1.46-3.25; >2 doses, HR 3.66, 95% CI 2.50-5.34). Several variables significantly associated with an increased risk of viral rebound irrespective of adherence were identified: being on a protease inhibitor or triple nucleoside regimen (compared with a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor), >5 previous cART regimens, seeing a less-experienced physician, taking co-medication, and a shorter time virally suppressed. CONCLUSIONS: A simple self-report adherence questionnaire repeatedly administered provides a sensitive measure of non-adherence that predicts viral rebound.
In the context of demographic evolution, psychiatric care needs increase steadily in most western countries. Given the financial limitations, it is mandatory to establish appropriate care priorities in order to avoid psychiatric hospitalisations by assisting care providers, general practionners and nurses, at home or in the nursing homes. A crisis team has been established 18 months ago within the Division of old age psychiatry in Lausanne. The care program included immediate assistance in the community, assessement, crisis counseling, medication consultation and referral for psychiatric services providing an alternative to hospitalization. The first results indicate that this intervention is well accepted by the users and correspond to a real need.
BACKGROUND: Anaesthesia Databank Switzerland (ADS) is a voluntary data registry introduced in 1996. Its ultimate goal is to promote quality in anaesthesiology. METHODS: The ADS registry analyses routinely recorded adverse events and provides benchmark comparisons between anaesthesia departments. Data collection comprises a set of 31 variables organised into three modules, one mandatory and two optional. RESULTS: In 2010, the database included 2,158,735 anaesthetic procedures. Over time, the proportions of older patients have increased, the largest group being aged 50-64 years. The percentage of patients with American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) status 1 has decreased while the percentage of ASA status 2 or 3 patients has increased. The most frequent comorbidities recorded were hypertension (21%), smoking (16%), allergy (15%) and obesity (12%). Between 1996 and 2010, 125,579 adverse events were recorded, of which 34% were cardiovascular, 7% respiratory, 39% technical and 20% non-specific. The most severe events were resuscitation (50%), oliguria (22%), myocardial ischaemia (17%) and haemorrhage (10%). CONCLUSION: Routine ADS data collection contributes to the monitoring of trends in anaesthesia care in Switzerland. The ADS system has proved to be usable in daily practice, although this remains a constant challenge that is highly dependent on local quality management and quality culture. Nevertheless, success in developing routine regular feedback to users to initiate discussions about anaesthetic events would most likely help strengthen departmental culture regarding safety and quality of care.
Background : Canakinumab, a fully human anti-IL-1b antibody has been shown to control inflammation in gouty arthritis. This study evaluated changes in health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in patients treated with canakinumab or triamcinolone acetonide (TA).Methods : An 8-wk, dose-ranging, active controlled, single-blind study in patients (_18 to _80 years) with acute gouty arthritis flare, refractory to or contraindicated to NSAlDs and/or colchicine, were randomized to canakinumab 10, 25, 50, 90, 150mg sc or TA 40mg im. HRQoL was assessed using patient reported outcomes evaluating PCS and MCS, and subscale scores of SF-36_ [acute version 2]) and functional disability (HAQ-DI_).Results : In canakinumab 150mg group, the most severe impairment at baseline was reported for physical functioning and bodily pain; levels of 41.5 and 36.0, respectively, which improved in 7 days to 80.0 and 72.2 (mean increases of 39.0 and 35.6) and at 8 wks improved to 86.1 and 86.6 (mean increases of 44.6 and 50.6); these were higher than levels seen in the general US population. TA group, showed less improvement in 7 days (mean increases of 23.3 and 21.3 for physical function and bodily pain). Functional disability scores, measured by the HAQ-DI_ decreased in both treatment groups (Table 1).Conclusions : Gouty arthritis patients treated with canakinumab showed a rapid improvement in physical and mental well-being based on SF-36_ scores. In contrast to the TA group, patients treated with canakinumab showed improvement in 7 days in physical function and bodily pain approaching levels of the general population.Disclosure statement : U.A., A.F., V.M., D.R., P.S. and K.S. are employees and shareholders of Novartis Pharma AG. A.P. has received research support from Novartis Pharma AG. N.S. has received research support and consultancy fees from Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, has served on advisory boards for Novartis, Takeda, Savient, URL Pharma and EnzymeRx, and is/has been a member of a speakers' bureau for Takeda. A.S. has received consultation fees from Novartis Pharma AG, Abbott, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Essex, Pfizer, MSD, Roche, UCB and Wyeth. All other authors have declared no conflicts of interest.
Pulse pressure variation-guided fluid therapy after cardiac surgery: A pilot before-and-after trial.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study is to study the feasibility, safety, and physiological effects of pulse pressure variation (PPV)-guided fluid therapy in patients after cardiac surgery. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We conducted a pilot prospective before-and-after study during mandatory ventilation after cardiac surgery in a tertiary intensive care unit. We introduced a protocol to deliver a fluid bolus for a PPV ≥13% for at least >10 minutes during the intervention period. RESULTS: We studied 45 control patients and 53 intervention patients. During the intervention period, clinicians administered a fluid bolus on 79% of the defined PPV trigger episodes. Median total fluid intake was similar between 2 groups during mandatory ventilation (1297 mL [interquartile range 549-1968] vs 1481 mL [807-2563]; P = .17) and the first 24 hours (3046 mL [interquartile range 2317-3982] vs 3017 mL [2192-4028]; P = .73). After adjusting for several baseline factors, PPV-guided fluid management significantly increased fluid intake during mandatory ventilation (P = .004) but not during the first 24 hours (P = .47). Pulse pressure variation-guided fluid therapy, however, did not significantly affect hemodynamic, renal, and metabolic variables. No serious adverse events were noted. CONCLUSIONS: Pulse pressure variation-guided fluid management was feasible and safe during mandatory ventilation after cardiac surgery. However, its advantages may be clinically small.