19 resultados para Verão Loiro
Growing evidence suggests that the bacterium Waddlia chondrophila, a novel member of the Chlamydiales order, is an agent of miscarriage in humans and abortion in ruminants. We thus investigated the permissivity of three epithelial cell lines, primate Vero kidney cells, human A549 pneumocytes and human Ishikawa endometrial cells to this strict intracellular bacteria. Bacterial growth kinetics in these cell lines was assessed by quantitative PCR and immunofluorescence and our results demonstrated that W. chondrophila enters and efficiently multiplies in these epithelial cell lines. Additionally, confocal and electron microscopy indicated that the bacteria co-localize with host cell mitochondria. Within Vero and A549 cells, intracellular growth of W. chondrophila was associated with a significant decrease in host cell viability while no such cytophatic effect was detected in Ishikawa cells. Bacterial cell growth in this endometrial cell line stopped 48 h after infection. This stop in the replication of W. chondrophila coincided with the appearance of large aberrant bodies, a form of the bacteria also observed in Chlamydiaceae and associated with persistence. This persistent state of W. chondrophila may explain recurrent episodes of miscarriage in vivo, since the bacteria might reactivate within endometrial cells following hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy.
Tissue microarray technology was used to establish immunohistochemistry protocols and to determine the specificity of new antisera against various Chlamydia-like bacteria for future use on formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissues. The antisera exhibited strong reactivity against autologous antigen and closely related heterologous antigen, but no cross-reactivity with distantly related species.
PURPOSE: Our purpose was to develop a well-defined medium for the in vitro maturation (IVM) of immature bovine cumulus-oocyte complexes (COC). METHODS: The COC were cultured in the presence of three protein supplementations: fetal bovine serum (FBS), bovine serum albumin, and Synthetic Serum Substitute. The embryos obtained after in vitro fertilization of IVM oocytes were cocultured with Vero cells and their development to the morula and blastocyst stages was studied. RESULTS: When FBS was absent from the IVM medium, a significantly lower fertilization rate was observed, followed by a decrease in the percentage of embryos reaching the blastocyst stage. When FBS was replaced by a defined protein supplementation, the best results were obtained with Synthetic Serum Substitute. CONCLUSIONS: Adequate protein supplementation of the IVM medium optimizes the fertilization rate and the development of bovine IVM oocytes. The implication of these results in the human field is discussed.
The canine distemper virus (CDV) belongs to the Morbillivirus genus which includes important human pathogens like the closely related measles virus. CDV infection can reach the nervous system where it causes serious malfunctions. Although this pathology is well described, the molecular events in brain infection are still poorly understood. Here we studied infection in vitro by CDV using a model of dissociated cell cultures from newborn rat hippocampus. We used a recombinant CDV closely related to the neurovirulent A75/17 which also expresses the enhanced green fluorescent protein. We found that infected neurons and astrocytes could be clearly detected, and that infection spreads only slowly to neighboring cells. Interestingly, this infection causes a massive cell death of neurons, which includes also non-infected neurons. Antagonists of NMDA-type or alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propinate (AMPA)-type glutamate receptors could slow down this neuron loss, indicating an involvement of the glutamatergic system in the induction of cell death in infected and non-infected cells. Finally, we show that, following CDV infection, there is a steady increase in extracellular glutamate in infected cultures. These results indicate that CDV infection induces excitotoxic insults on neurons via glutamatergic signaling.
Ce travail n'a pas pour but d'établir une histoire du choeur tragique pour ainsi dire 'd'anthologie', mais bien plutôt de tracer un parcours sélectif et dynamique, en suivant l'évolution de ses formes et de ses fonctions dans la tragédie italienne, à partir du début du XVIe siècle jusqu' à la production alfiérienne et au retour du choeur dans le théâtre de Manzoni ; à cela s'ajoute un exercice en dehors du genre dramatique tel que le Dialogo di Federico Ruysch e delle sue mummie dans les Operette morali di Giacomo Leopardi. Dans la première partie - la plus ample et complexe, portant sur l'emploi du choeur dans la tragédie de la Renaissance - on essaye de cerner le contexte qui favorise la persistance d'un espace choral en examinant plusieurs commentaires de la Poétique aristotélicienne, et des essais de théorie dramaturgique comme Della poesia rappresentativa de Angelo Ingegneri, ou le Discorso intorno al comporre de Giambattista Giraldi Cinzio. À côté de la discussion sur le rôle du choeur on envisage aussi le profil formel des sections chorales, en s'appuyant sur l'analyse métrique, dans le cadre plus général du 'petrarchismo metrico', et en particulier de la réception de la chanson pétrarquesque. Interroger la présence de trois constantes thématiques - par exemple la forme de l'hymne à Éros - signifie en suite relever l'importance de Sophocle pour le théâtre de la Renaissance dans la perspective du choeur. Cette première section est complétée par un chapitre entièrement consacré à Torquato Tasso et à son Re Torrismondo, qui présente un troisième chant choral de grande épaisseur philosophique, central dans l'économie du drame et analysé ici à travers un exercice de lecture qui utilise à la fois les instruments de la stylistique, de l'intertextualité, et de l'intratextualité concernant l'entier corpus poétique et philosophique tassien, de ses Rime aux Dialoghi. La deuxième section, qui commence par une exploration théorique de la question du choeur, conduite par exemple sur les textes de Paolo Beni e Tommaso Campanella, a pour cible principale de expliquer comment le choeur assume le rôle d'un vrai 'personnage collectif' dans le théâtre de Federico Della Valle : un choeur bien installé dans l'action tragique, mais conservant au même temps les qualités lyriques et philosophiques d'un chant riche de mémoire culturelle et intertextuelle, de la Phaedra de Sénèque à la Commedia dantesque dans la Reina di Scozia, centre principal de l'analyse et coeur du catholicisme contreréformiste dellavallien. Dans la troisième partie le discours se concentre sur les formes de la métamorphose, pour ainsi dire, du choeur : par exemple la figure du confident, conçu comme un substitut du groupe choral dans les discussions des théoriciens et des auteurs français - voir Corneille, D'Aubignac, Dacier - et italiens, de Riccoboni à Calepio et Maffei. Cependant dans cette section il est surtout question de la définition de l'aria mélodramatique compris comme le 'nouveau choeur' des Modernes, formulée par Ranieri Calzabigi et par Metastasio. Il s'agit donc ici de mettre en relation l'élaboration théorique contenue dans la Dissertazione de Calzabigi et dans l'Estratto de l'Arte poetica de Metastasio avec le premier et unique essai tragique de jeunesse de ce dernier, le Giustino, et le livret de son Artaserse. On essaye de montrer le profond lien entre l'aria et l'action dramatique : donc c'est le dramma musicale qui est capable d'accueillir la seule forme de choeur - l'aria - encore possible dans le théâtre moderne, tandis que le choeur proprement tragique est désormais considéré inutilisable et pour ainsi dire hors-contexte (sans toutefois oublier qu'à la fin du siècle Vittorio Alfieri essayait de ne pas renoncer au choeur dans sa traduction des Perses d'Eschyle ; et surtout dans un essai tragique comme l'Alceste seconda ou dans sa tramelogedia, l'Abele). Comme conclusion une section contenant des remarques qui voudrait juste indiquer trois possibles directions de recherche ultérieure : une comparaison entre Manzoni et Leopardi - dans la perspective de leur intérêt pour le choeur et de la différence entre le sujet lyrique manzonien et celui léopardien ; une incursion dans le livret du mélodrame verdien, afin de comprendre la fonction du choeur manzonien et sa persistance dans le texte pour l'opéra ; et enfin quelque note sur la réception du choeur manzonien et du Coro di morti léopardien dans le XXe siècle, en assumant comme point d'observation la poésie de Carlo Michelstaedter, Andrea Zanzotto et Franco Fortini. Il lavoro non intende tracciare una storia 'da manuale' del coro tragico, ma piuttosto indicare un percorso selettivo e dinamico, seguendo l'evoluzione delle sue forme e delle sue funzioni nella tragedia italiana, a partire dall'inizio del sedicesimo secolo per arrivare alla produzione alfieriana e al ritorno del coro nel teatro di Manzoni; a ciò si aggiunge una prova estranea al genere drammatico come il Dialogo di Federico Ruysch e delle sue mummie nelle Operette morali di Giacomo Leopardi. Nella prima parte - la più ampia e complessa, riguardante l'impiego del coro nella tragedia rinascimentale - si cerca di ricostruire il contesto che favorisce la persistenza dello spazio corale attraverso l'esame di diversi commenti alla Poetica aristotelica, e di alcuni saggi di teoria drammaturgica come Della poesia rappresentativa di Angelo Ingegneri, o il Discorso intorno al comporre di Giambattista Giraldi Cinzio. La discussione sul ruolo del coro è affiancata dall'esame del profilo formale delle sezioni corali, grazie a un'indagine metrica nel quadro del più ampio petrarchismo metrico cinquecentesco, e in particolare nel quadro della ricezione della formacanzone petrarchesca. Interrogare la presenza di tre costanti tematiche - per esempio la forma dell'inno a Eros - significherà in seguito rilevare l'importanza di Sofocle per il teatro rinascimentale anche nella prospettiva angolata del coro. Questa prima sezione è completata da un capitolo interamente dedicato a Torquato Tasso e al suo Re Torrismondo, che presenta un terzo canto corale di grande spessore stilistico e filosofico, centrale nell'economia del dramma e analizzato qui attraverso un esercizio di lettura che si serve degli strumenti della stilistica e dell'intertestualità, oltre che del rapporto intratestuale fra i vari luoghi del corpus tassiano, dalle Rime ai suoi Dialoghi. La seconda sezione, che si avvia con un'esplorazione teorica della questione del coro nel Seicento - condotta per esempio sui testi di Paolo Beni e Tommaso Campanella - ha per fulcro la descrizione di un coro quale 'personaggio collettivo' nelle tragedie di Federico Della Valle: un coro ben inserito nell'azione tragica, ma che conserva allo stesso tempo le qualità liriche e filosofiche di un canto ricco di memoria culturale e intertestuale, dalla Fedra di Seneca alla Commedia dantesca, nella sua Reina di Scozia, centro dell'analisi e cardine del cattolicesimo controriformista dellavalliano. Nella terza sezione il discorso si concentra sulle forme della metamorfosi, per così dire, del coro: per esempio la figura del confidente, interpretato come un sostituto del gruppo corale nelle discussioni di teorici e autori francesi - Corneille, D'Aubignac, Dacier - e italiani, da Riccoboni a Calepio e Maffei. Ma qui ci si rivolge anzitutto alla definizione dell'aria melodrammatica, sentita quale 'nuovo coro' dei Moderni da Ranieri Calzabigi e Pietro Metastasio. Si tratterà dunque di mettere in relazione l'elaborazione teorica svolta nella Dissertazione di Calzabigi e nell'Estratto dell'arte poetica di Metastasio con il primo e unico - e giovanile - tentativo tragico di quest'ultimo, il Giustino, e con il libretto del suo Artaserse. L'intenzione è quella di mostrare il profondo legame tra l'aria e l'azione drammatica: è perciò il dramma musicale che è capace di accogliere la sola forma di coro - l'aria - ancora possibile nel teatro moderno, mentre il vero e proprio coro tragico si rassegna ormai a essere considerato inutile e per così dire fuori contesto (senza dimenticare, tuttavia, che al chiudersi del secolo Vittorio Alfieri tentava di non rinunciare al coro nella sua traduzione dei Persiani di Eschilo; e soprattutto in un tentativo tragico come la sua Alceste seconda o nella tramelogedia Abele). In conclusione una più veloce sezione che vorrebbe semplicemente indicare qualche altra possibile direzione di ricerca: un confronto fra Manzoni e Leopardi - nella prospettiva del coro interesse per il coro, e della differenza fra il soggetto lirico manzoniano e quello leopardiano; un'incursione nel libretto del melodramma verdiano, per misurarvi la funzione del coro manzoniano e la sua persistenza nel testo operistico; e infine qualche appunto sulla ricezione del coro manzoniano e del Coro di morti di Leopardi nel Novecento, assumendo quale punto d'osservazione la poesia di Carlo Michelstaedter, Andrea Zanzotto e Franco Fortini.
Résumé : Le virus de la maladie de Carré (en anglais: canine distemper virus, CDV) qui est pathogène pour les chiens et autres carnivores, est très semblable au virus de la rougeole humaine (en anglais MV). Ces deux virus font partie du genre des Morbillivirus qui appartient à la famille des Paramyxoviridae. Ils induisent des complications dans le système nerveux central (SNC). Au stade précoce et aigu de l'infection du SNC, le CDV induit une démyélinisation (1). Ce stade évolue dans certains cas vers une infection chronique avec progression de la démyélinisation. Pendant le stade précoce, qui suit en général de trois semaines les premiers symptômes, le processus de démyélinisation est associé à la réplication du virus et n'est pas considéré comme inflammatoire (1). Par contre, au stade chronique, la progression des plaques de démyélinisation semble être plutôt liée à des processus immunogènes caractéristiques (2), retrouvés également dans la sclérose en plaques (SEP) chez les humains. Pour cette raison, le CDV est considéré comme un modèle pour la SEP humaine et aussi pour l'étude des maladies et complications induites par les Morbillivirus en général (3). Dans notre laboratoire, nous avons utilisé la souche A75/17-CDV, qui est considérée comme le modèle des souches neurovirulentes de CDV. Nous avons cherché en premier lieu à établir un système robuste pour infecter des cultures neuronales avec le CDV. Nous avons choisi les cultures primaires de l'hippocampe du nouveau-né de rat (4), que nous avons ensuite infecté avec une version modifiée du A75/17, appelée rgA75/17-V (5). Dans ces cultures, nous avons prouvé que le CDV infecte des neurones et des astrocytes. Malgré une infection qui se diffuse lentement entre les cellules, cette infection cause une mort massive aussi bien des neurones infectés que non infectés. En parallèle, les astrocytes perdent leur morphologie de type étoilé pour un type polygonal. Finalment, nous avons trouvé une augmentation importante de la concentration en glutamate dans le milieu de culture, qui laisse présumer une sécrétion de glutamate par les cultures infectées (6). Nous avons ensuite étudié le mécanisme des effets cytopathiques induits par le CDV. Nous avons d'abord démontré que les glycoprotéines de surface F et H du CDV s'accumulent massivement dans le réticulum endoplasmique (RE). Cette accumulation déclenche un stress du RE, qui est caractérisé par une forte expression du facteur de transcription proapoptotique CHOP/GADD 153 et de le la calreticuline (CRT). La CRT est une protéine chaperonne localisée dans le RE et impliquée dans l'homéostasie du calcium (Ca2+) et dans le repliement des protéines. En transfectant des cellules de Vero avec des plasmides codant pour plusieurs mutants de la glycoprotéine F de CDV, nous avons démontré une corrélation entre l'accumulation des protéines virales dans le RE et l'augmentation de l'expression de CRT, le stress du RE et la perte de l'homéostasie du Ca2+. Nous avons obtenu des résultats semblables avec des cultures de cellules primaires de cerveau de rat. Ces résultats suggèrent que la CRT joue un rôle crucial dans les phénomènes neurodégénératifs pendant l'infection du SNC, notamment par le relazgage du glutamate via le Ca2+. De manière intéressante, nous démontrons également que l'infection de CDV induit une fragmentation atypique de la CRT. Cette fragmentation induit une re-localisation et une exposition sélective de fragments amino-terminaux de la CRT, connus pour êtres fortement immunogènes à la surface des cellules infectées et non infectées. A partir de ce résultat et des résultats précédents, nous proposons le mécanisme suivant: après l'infection par le CDV, la rétention dans le RE des protéines F et H provoque un stress du RE et une perte de l'homéostasie du Ca2+. Ceci induit la libération du glutamate, qui cause une dégénération rapide du SNC (sur plusieurs jours ou semaines) correspondant à la phase aiguë de la maladie chez le chien. En revanche, les fragments amino-terminaux de la CRT libérés à la surface des cellules infectées peuvent avoir un rôle important dans l'établissement d'une démyélinisation d'origine immunogène, typique de la phase chronique de l'infection de CDV. Summary : The dog pathogen canine distemper virus (CDV), closely related to the human pathogen measles virus (MV), belongs to the Morbillivirus genus of the Paramyxoviridae family. Both CDV and NIV induce complications in the central nervous system (CNS). In the acute early stage of the infection in CNS, the CDV infection induces demyelination. This stage is sometimes followed by a late persistent stage of infection with a progression of the demyelinating lesions (1). The acute early stage occurs around three weeks after the infection and demyelinating processes are associated with active virus replication and are not associated to inflammation (1). In contrast during late persistent stage, the demyelination plaque progression seems to be mainly due to an immunopathological process (2), which characteristics are shared in many aspects with the human disease multiple sclerosis (MS). For these reasons, CDV is considered as a model for human multiple sclerosis, as well as for the study of Morbillivirus-mediated pathogenesis (3). In our laboratory, we used the A75/17-CDV strain that is considered to be the prototype of neurovirulent CDV strain. We first sought to establish a well characterized and robust model for CDV infection of a neuronal culture. We chose primary cultures from newborn rat hippocampes (4) that we infected with a modified version of A75/17, called rgA75/17-V (5). In these cultures, we showed that CDV infects both neurons and astrocytes. While the infection spreads only slowly to neighbouring cells, it causes a massive death of neurons, which includes also non-infected neurons. In parallel, astrocytes undergo morphological changes from the stellate type to the polygonal type. The pharmacological blocking of the glutamate receptors revealed an implication of glutamatergic signalling in the virus-mediated cytopathic effect. Finally, we found a drastic increase concentration of glutamate in the culture medium, suggesting that glutamate was released from the cultured cells (6). We further studied the mechanism of the CDV-induced cytopathic effects. We first demonstrated that the CDV surface glycoprotein F and H markedly accumulate in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). This accumulation triggers an ER stress, which is characterized by increased expression of the proapoptotic transcription factor CHOP/GADD 153 and calreticulin (CRT). CRT is an ER resident chaperon involved in the Ca2+ homeostasis and in the response to misfolded proteins. Transfections of Vero cells with plasmids encoding various CDV glycoprotein mutants reveal a correlation between accumulation of viral proteins in the ER, CRT overexpression, ER stress and alteration of ER Ca2+ homeostasis. Importantly, similar results are also obtained in primary cell cultures from rat brain. These results suggest that CRT plays a crucial role in CNS infection, particularly due to CRT involvement in Ca2+ mediated glutamate releases, and subsequent neurodegenerative disorders. Very intriguingly, we also demonstrated that CDV infection induces an atypical CRT fragmentation, with relocalisation and selective exposure of the highly immunogenic CRT N-terminal fragments at the surface of infected and neighbouring non-infected cells. Altogether our results combined with previous findings suggest the following scenario. After CDV infection, F and H retention alter Ca2+ homeostasis, and induce glutamate release, which in turn causes rapid CNS degeneration (within days or a week) corresponding to the acute phase of the disease in dogs. In contrast, the CRT N-terminal fragments released at the surface of infected cells may rather have an important role in the establishment of the autoimmune demyelination in the late stage of CDV infection.
A recombinant rubella virus E1 (rE1) glycoprotein was produced and some of its chemical and immunological features were characterized. Two animal models were then used to establish that the rE1 glycoprotein and rubella virus particles shared antigenic and immunogenic properties. In the first one, sera from rE1 glycoprotein-immunized BALB/c mice neutralized in vitro rubella virus infection. In the second model, severe combined immune deficient (SCID) mice implanted with tonsil fragments from rubella immune donors and immunized with rE1 glycoprotein produced human anti-rubella virus antibodies. Altogether, these results showed that immunization with rE1 glycoprotein elicited neutralizing anti-rubella virus antibodies. This study thus indicated that the rE1 glycoprotein could constitute a non-replicating rubella vaccine.
Canine distemper virus (CDV), a mobillivirus related to measles virus causes a chronic progressive demyelinating disease, associated with persistence of the virus in the central nervous system (CNS). CNS persistence of morbilliviruses has been associated with cell-to-cell spread, thereby limiting immune detection. The mechanism of cell-to-cell spread remains uncertain. In the present study we studied viral spread comparing a cytolytic (non-persistent) and a persistent CDV strain in cell cultures. Cytolytic CDV spread in a compact concentric manner with extensive cell fusion and destruction of the monolayer. Persistent CDV exhibited a heterogeneous cell-to-cell pattern of spread without cell fusion and 100-fold reduction of infectious viral titers in supernatants as compared to the cytolytic strain. Ultrastructurally, low infectious titers correlated with limited budding of persistent CDV as compared to the cytolytic strain, which shed large numbers of viral particles. The pattern of heterogeneous cell-to-cell viral spread can be explained by low production of infectious viral particles in only few areas of the cell membrane. In this way persistent CDV only spreads to a small proportion of the cells surrounding an infected one. Our studies suggest that both cell-to-cell spread and limited production of infectious virus are related to reduced expression of fusogenic complexes in the cell membrane. Such complexes consist of a synergistic configuration of the attachment (H) and fusion (F) proteins on the cell surface. F und H proteins exhibited a marked degree of colocalization in cytolytic CDV infection but not in persistent CDV as seen by confocal laser microscopy. In addition, analysis of CDV F protein expression using vaccinia constructs of both strains revealed an additional large fraction of uncleaved fusion protein in the persistent strain. This suggests that the paucity of active fusion complexes is due to restricted intracellular processing of the viral fusion protein.
Summary SLAM (signalling lymphocyte activation molecule, CD150) serves as a cellular receptor for different morbiliviruses, including measles virus and canine distemper virus. Laboratory cell lines that do not express dog SLAM are therefore quite refractory to infection by wildtype CDV. SLAM expression is not only required for CDV virion attachment, but also for the establishment of cytolytic infection characterized by syncytia formation. In order to determine if SLAM has a direct influence on CDV replication, we compared wild-type and mutated SLAM variants for their capacity to influence viral polymerase activity and syncytia formation. Deletion of immunoreceptor tyrosine-based signalling motif (ITSM) in the cytoplasmic tail of SLAM did not seem to influence viral replication, viral polymerase activity or cell-to cell fusion. Instead, it was the level of cell surface expression of SLAM, which was important. Additional experiments corroborated the importance of SLAM for efficient cell-to cell fusion: Both SLAM, as well as viral fusion (F) and attachment (H) glycoproteins, were found to be required for efficient cell-to-cell fusion, which, in turn, enhanced the activity of the viral polymerase and, viral replication. Wild-type A75/17 canine distemper virus (CDV) strain is known to induce a persistent infection in the central nervous system and in dog footpad keratinocytes in vivo. Recently, it has been shown that the A75/17 virus could also infect canine footpad keratinocytes (CFKs) in vitro. CFK infection with A75/17 was initially inefficient and produced very little virus progeny, however, after only three passages the adapted virus produced more progeny and induced limited syncytia formation. Sequence comparison between the A75/17 and the CFKadapted A75/17-K virus revealed three amino acid differences, one in the phosphoprotein (P), one in the matrix protein (M) and one in the H protein. In order to identify viral determinants of A75/17-K adaptation, recombinant viruses containing one, two or three nucleotides substitutions were analyzed. The amino acid substitution in the M protein was without effect on viral particle formation. In contrast, the amino acid substitution in the cytoplasmic tail of H protein was clearly important for syncytia formation. Concerning the mutation in the P protein, it led to an increase in viral replication. However, we cannot rule out that the observed effect is due to the amino acid substitutions in the overlapping accessory proteins C and V, also affected by the P mutation. The adaptation of wild-type CDV strains to cell culture almost always involves modifications of M protein. In order to understand the influence of these modifications, we tested recombinant A75/17 viruses bearing different M proteins. Preliminary results demonstrated that the M protein from the Vero-adapted strain reduced syncytia formation. Future studies will focus on the M mRNA and protein stability, its expression level, localisation and its effect on viral particles formation and on the phenotype of infection. Résumé La protéine SLAM (signalling lymphocyte activation molecule ou CD150) est utilisée comme récepteur cellulaire par les morbillivirus parmi lesquels on trouve le virus de la rougeole (VR) ainsi que le virus de la maladie de Carré (CDV). Les lignées cellulaires qui n'expriment pas la protéine SLAM du chien à leur surface sont réfractaires à l'infection par les souches sauvages de CDV. Le récepteur SLAM n'est pas seulement requis pour l'attachement du virion à la surface de la cellule, mais il participe également de façon active à l'établissement d'une infection cytolytique à travers la formation de syncytia. Afin de déterminer si la protéine SLAM exerce une influence directe sur la réplication virale du virus de la maladie de Carré, nous avons généré différentes protéines tronquées de SLAM et comparé leurs capacités à influencer l'activité de la polymérase ainsi que la formation de syncytia. Nos résultas ont montré que la réplication virale, l'activité de la polymérase ainsi que la fusion cellulaire ne semblent pas être influencées par les délétions dans les régions cytoplasmiques du récepteur SLAM. Cependant, ces délétions agissent sur l'expression de la protéine SLAM à la surface des cellules. Les expériences additionnelles ont permis de souligner l'importance de la protéine SLAM dans le phénomène de fusion entre cellules. En effet, la protéine SLAM ainsi que les deux glycoprotéines virales F et H sont requises pour la formation de syncytia, laquelle induit une augmentation de l'activité de la polymérase ainsi que de la réplication virale. La souche virulente A75/17 du virus, de la Maladie de Carré est connue pour induire une infection persistante au niveau du système nerveux central ainsi que dans les kératinocytes de pattes chez le chien. Des études récentes ont montré que des cultures primaires de kératinocytes de chien pouvaient aussi êtres infectées par la souche A75/17 de CDV. En effet, le virus induit une infection persistante en produisant très peu de progéniture. Cependant, trois passages du virus sauvage A75/17 dans ces cultures aboutissent à la sélection d'un virus produisant plus de progéniture et favorisant la formation limitée de syncytia. La comparaison des séquences génomique entre la souche A75/17 et la souche adaptée A75/17-K montre une différence de trois nucléotides. La première mutation, située dans le gène P, modifie la phosphoprotéine (P) ainsi que les protéines V et C. La deuxième se situe dans le gène de la protéine matricielle (M) et la dernière dans celui de la protéine d'attachement (H). Afin de déterminer les facteurs viraux impliqués lors de l'adaptation virale dans la culture primaire de kératinocytes, des virus recombinants contenant une, deux ou trois de ces mutations ont été analysés. La substitution d'un acide aminé dans la protéine M reste sans effet sur la production de particules virales. En revanche, la substitution d'un acide aminé dans la queue cytoplasmique de la protéine H s'avère clairement importante pour la formation de syncytia. Quant à la mutation dans le gène P, elle permet une augmentation de la réplication virale. Cependant, nous ne pouvons pas écarter l'hypothèse que l'augmentation de la réplication virale soit due aux substitutions d'un acide aminé dans les protéines accessoires V et C qui sont, elles aussi, affectées par la mutation dans le gène P. L'adaptation des souches sauvages de CDV aux cultures de cellules induit presque toujours des modifications de la protéine matricielle M. Afin de comprendre l'influence de ces modifications, nous avons testé 'des virus A75/17 recombinants contenant différentes protéines M. Les résultats préliminaires ont démontré que la protéine M de la souche adaptée aux cellules Vero réduisait la formation de syncytia. Les études futures seront axées sur la stabilité de l'ARN messager, celle de la protéine M, de son niveau d'expression, de sa localisation cellulaire et de son effet sur la formation de particules virale ainsi que sur le phénotype de l'infection.
Lassa virus (LASV) causing hemorrhagic Lassa fever in West Africa, Mopeia virus (MOPV) from East Africa, and lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) are the main representatives of the Old World arenaviruses. Little is known about how the components of the arenavirus replication machinery, i.e., the genome, nucleoprotein (NP), and L protein, interact. In addition, it is unknown whether these components can function across species boundaries. We established minireplicon systems for MOPV and LCMV in analogy to the existing LASV system and exchanged the components among the three systems. The functional and physical integrity of the resulting complexes was tested by reporter gene assay, Northern blotting, and coimmunoprecipitation studies. The minigenomes, NPs, and L proteins of LASV and MOPV could be exchanged without loss of function. LASV and MOPV L protein was also active in conjunction with LCMV NP, while the LCMV L protein required homologous NP for activity. Analysis of LASV/LCMV NP chimeras identified a single LCMV-specific NP residue (Ile-53) and the C terminus of NP (residues 340 to 558) as being essential for LCMV L protein function. The defect of LASV and MOPV NP in supporting transcriptional activity of LCMV L protein was not caused by a defect in physical NP-L protein interaction. In conclusion, components of the replication complex of Old World arenaviruses have the potential to functionally and physically interact across species boundaries. Residue 53 and the C-terminal domain of NP are important for function of L protein during genome replication and transcription.
Wild-type A75/17-Canine distemper virus (CDV) is a highly virulent strain, which induces a persistent infection in the central nervous system (CNS) with demyelinating disease. Wild-type A75/17-CDV, which is unable to replicate in cell lines to detectable levels, was adapted to grow in Vero cells and was designated A75/17-V. Sequence comparison between the two genomes revealed seven nucleotide differences located in the phosphoprotein (P), the matrix (M) and the large (L) genes. The P gene is polycistronic and encodes two auxiliary proteins, V and C, besides the P protein. The mutations resulted in amino acid changes in the P and V, but not in the C protein, as well as in the M and L proteins. Here, a rescue system was developed for the A75/17-V strain, which was shown to be attenuated in vivo, but retains a persistent infection phenotype in Vero cells. In order to track the recombinant virus, an additional transcription unit coding for the enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) was inserted at the 3' proximal position in the A75/17-V cDNA clone. Reverse genetics technology will allow us to characterize the genetic determinants of A75/17-V CDV persistent infection in cell culture.
The wild-type A75/17 canine distemper virus (CDV) strain induces a persistent infection in the central nervous system but infects cell lines very inefficiently. In contrast, the genetically more distant Onderstepoort CDV vaccine strain (OP-CDV) induces extensive syncytia formation. Here, we investigated the roles of wild-type fusion (F(WT)) and attachment (H(WT)) proteins in Vero cells expressing, or not, the canine SLAM receptor by transfection experiments and by studying recombinants viruses expressing different combinations of wild-type and OP-CDV glycoproteins. We show that low fusogenicity is not due to a defect of the envelope proteins to reach the cell surface and that H(WT) determines persistent infection in a receptor-dependent manner, emphasizing the role of SLAM as a potent enhancer of fusogenicity. However, importantly, F(WT) reduced cell-to-cell fusion independently of the cell surface receptor, thus demonstrating that the fusion protein of the neurovirulent A75/17-CDV strain plays a key role in determining persistent infection.
Although the pathology of Morbillivirus in the central nervous system (CNS) is well described, the molecular basis of neurodegenerative events still remains poorly understood. As a model to explore Morbillivirus-mediated CNS dysfunctions, we used canine distemper virus (CDV) that we inoculated into two different cell systems: a monkey cell line (Vero) and rat primary hippocampal neurons. Importantly, the recombinant CDV used in these studies not only efficiently infects both cell types but recapitulates the uncommon, non-cytolytic cell-to-cell spread mediated by virulent CDVs in brain of dogs. Here, we demonstrated that both CDV surface glycoproteins (F and H) markedly accumulated in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). This accumulation triggered an ER stress, characterized by increased expression of the ER resident chaperon calnexin and the proapoptotic transcription factor CHOP/GADD 153. The expression of calreticulin (CRT), another ER resident chaperon critically involved in the response to misfolded proteins and in Ca(2+) homeostasis, was also upregulated. Transient expression of recombinant CDV F and H surface glycoproteins in Vero cells and primary hippocampal neurons further confirmed a correlation between their accumulation in the ER, CRT upregulation, ER stress and disruption of ER Ca(2+) homeostasis. Furthermore, CDV infection induced CRT fragmentation with re-localisation of a CRT amino-terminal fragment, also known as vasostatin, on the surface of infected and neighbouring non-infected cells. Altogether, these results suggest that ER stress, CRT fragmentation and re-localization on the cell surface may contribute to cytotoxic effects and ensuing cell dysfunctions triggered by Morbillivirus, a mechanism that might potentially be relevant for other neurotropic viruses.