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BACKGROUND: The Nuclear Factor I (NFI) family of DNA binding proteins (also called CCAAT box transcription factors or CTF) is involved in both DNA replication and gene expression regulation. Using chromatin immuno-precipitation and high throughput sequencing (ChIP-Seq), we performed a genome-wide mapping of NFI DNA binding sites in primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts. RESULTS: We found that in vivo and in vitro NFI DNA binding specificities are indistinguishable, as in vivo ChIP-Seq NFI binding sites matched predictions based on previously established position weight matrix models of its in vitro binding specificity. Combining ChIP-Seq with mRNA profiling data, we found that NFI preferentially associates with highly expressed genes that it up-regulates, while binding sites were under-represented at expressed but unregulated genes. Genomic binding also correlated with markers of transcribed genes such as histone modifications H3K4me3 and H3K36me3, even outside of annotated transcribed loci, implying NFI in the control of the deposition of these modifications. Positional correlation between + and - strand ChIP-Seq tags revealed that, in contrast to other transcription factors, NFI associates with a nucleosomal length of cleavage-resistant DNA, suggesting an interaction with positioned nucleosomes. In addition, NFI binding prominently occurred at boundaries displaying discontinuities in histone modifications specific of expressed and silent chromatin, such as loci submitted to parental allele-specific imprinted expression. CONCLUSIONS: Our data thus suggest that NFI nucleosomal interaction may contribute to the partitioning of distinct chromatin domains and to epigenetic gene expression regulation.NFI ChIP-Seq and input control DNA data were deposited at Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) repository under accession number GSE15844. Gene expression microarray data for mouse embryonic fibroblasts are on GEO accession number GSE15871.


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The functional consequences of structural variation in the human genome range from adaptation, to phenotypic variation, to predisposition to diseases. Copy number variation (CNV) was shown to influence the phenotype by modifying, in a somewhat dose-dependent manner, the expression of genes that map within them, as well as that of genes located on their flanks. To assess the possible mechanism(s) behind this neighboring effect, we compared histone modification status of cell lines from patients affected by Williams-Beuren, Williams-Beuren region duplication, Smith-Magenis or DiGeorge Syndrome and control individuals using a high-throughput version of chromatin immuno-precipitation method (ChIP), called ChlP-seq. We monitored monomethylation of lysine K20 on histone H4 and trimethylation of lysine K27 on histone H3, as proxies for open and condensed chromatin, respectively. Consistent with the changes in expression levels observed for multiple genes mapping on the entire length of chromosomes affected by structural variants, we also detected regions with modified histone status between samples, up- and downstream from the critical regions, up to the end of the rearranged chromosome. We also gauged the intrachromosomal interactions of these cell lines utilizing chromosome conformation capture (4C-seq) technique. We observed that a set of genes flanking the Williams-Beuren Syndrome critical region (WBSCR) were often looping together, possibly forming an interacting cluster with each other and the WBSCR. Deletion of the WBSCR disrupts the expression of this group of flanking genes, as well as long-range interactions between them and the rearranged interval. We conclude, that large genomic rearrangements can lead to changes in the state of the chromatin spreading far away from the critical region, thus possibly affecting expression globally and as a result modifying the phenotype of the patients. - Les conséquences fonctionnelles des variations structurelles dans le génome humain sont vastes, allant de l'adaptation, en passant par les variations phénotypiques, aux prédispositions à certaines maladies. Il a été démontré que les variations du nombre de copies (CNV) influencent le phénotype en modifiant, d'une manière plus ou moins dose-dépendante, l'expression des gènes se situant à l'intérieur de ces régions, mais également celle des gènes se trouvant dans les régions flanquantes. Afin d'étudier les mécanismes possibles sous-jacents à cet effet de voisinage, nous avons comparé les états de modification des histones dans des lignées cellulaires dérivées de patients atteints du syndrome de Williams-Beuren, de la duplication de la région Williams-Beuren, du syndrome de Smith-Magenis ou du syndrome de Di- George et d'individus contrôles en utilisant une version haut-débit de la méthode d'immunoprécipitation de la chromatine (ChIP), appelée ChIP-seq. Nous avons suivi la mono-méthylation de la lysine K20 sur l'histone H4 et la tri-méthylation de la lysine K27 sur l'histone H3, marqueurs respectifs de la chromatine ouverte et fermée. En accord avec les changements de niveaux d'expression observés pour de multiples gènes tout le long des chromosomes affectés par les CNVs, nous avons aussi détecté des régions présentant des modifications d'histones entre les échantillons, situées de part et d'autre des régions critiques, jusqu'aux extrémités du chromosome réarrangé. Nous avons aussi évalué les interactions intra-chromosomiques ayant lieu dans ces cellules par l'utilisation de la technique de capture de conformation des chromosomes (4C-seq). Nous avons observé qu'un groupe de gènes flanquants la région critique du syndrome de Williams-Beuren (WBSCR) forment souvent une boucle, constituant un groupe d'interactions privilégiées entre ces gènes et la WBSCR. La délétion de la WBSCR perturbe l'expression de ce groupe de gènes flanquants, mais également les interactions à grande échelle entre eux et la région réarrangée. Nous en concluons que les larges réarrangements génomiques peuvent aboutir à des changements de l'état de la chromatine pouvant s'étendre bien plus loin que la région critique, affectant donc potentiellement l'expression de manière globale et ainsi modifiant le phénotype des patients.


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DNA sequence variation has been associated with quantitative changes in molecular phenotypes such as gene expression, but its impact on chromatin states is poorly characterized. To understand the interplay between chromatin and genetic control of gene regulation, we quantified allelic variability in transcription factor binding, histone modifications, and gene expression within humans. We found abundant allelic specificity in chromatin and extensive local, short-range, and long-range allelic coordination among the studied molecular phenotypes. We observed genetic influence on most of these phenotypes, with histone modifications exhibiting strong context-dependent behavior. Our results implicate transcription factors as primary mediators of sequence-specific regulation of gene expression programs, with histone modifications frequently reflecting the primary regulatory event.


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The aberrant transcription factor EWS-FLI1 drives Ewing sarcoma, but its molecular function is not completely understood. We find that EWS-FLI1 reprograms gene regulatory circuits in Ewing sarcoma by directly inducing or repressing enhancers. At GGAA repeat elements, which lack evolutionary conservation and regulatory potential in other cell types, EWS-FLI1 multimers induce chromatin opening and create de novo enhancers that physically interact with target promoters. Conversely, EWS-FLI1 inactivates conserved enhancers containing canonical ETS motifs by displacing wild-type ETS transcription factors. These divergent chromatin-remodeling patterns repress tumor suppressors and mesenchymal lineage regulators while activating oncogenes and potential therapeutic targets, such as the kinase VRK1. Our findings demonstrate how EWS-FLI1 establishes an oncogenic regulatory program governing both tumor survival and differentiation.


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SUMMARY The expression state of a eukaryotic gene depends in part on its location in the chromosome. This position effect results from the organization of eukaryotic genomes into discrete functional domains, defined by local differences in chromatin structure. The expression of genes within each domain appears to be defined and maintained by the concerted action of regulatory elements such as promoters, enhancers, silencers and locus control regions. Individual domains may be bordered by boundary elements that separate regions of permissive and silent chromatin. When located next to chromosomal elements such as telomeres, genes can be subjected to epigenetic silencing. In yeast, this is mediated by the propagation of the SIR proteins from telomeres towards more centromeric regions. Particular transcription factors can protect downstream genes from silencing when tethered between the gene and the telomere, and they may thus act as chromatin domain boundaries. Here we have studied one of these transcription factors, CTF-1, that binds directly histone H3. A deletion mutagenesis localized the barrier activity to CTF-1 histone-binding domain. A saturating point mutagenesis of this domain identified several amino-acid substitutions that similarly inhibited the boundary and histone-binding activities. Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments indicated that the barrier protein efficiently prevents the spreading of SIR proteins, and that it separates domains of hypoacetylated and hyperacetylated histones. Together, these results suggest a mechanism by which proteins such as CTF-1 may interact directly with histone H3 to prevent the propagation of a silent chromatin structure, thereby defining boundaries of permissive and silent chromatin domains. RESUME L'expression des gènes eucaryotes dépend en partie de leur localisation sur les chromosomes. Cet effet de position résulte de l'organisation des génomes eucaryotes en domaines fonctionnels, définis par des changements locaux au niveau de la structure de la chromatine. Dans chacun de ces domaines, l'expression des gènes est définie et maintenue par l'action concertée de différents éléments régulateurs tels que les promoteurs, les amplificateurs, les silenceurs et les locus control régions. Ces domaines peuvent être entourés par des éléments barrière, séparant les régions de chromatine répressive des régions permissive pour l'expression des gènes. Lorsqu'ils se situent à proximité d'éléments chromosomiques comme les telomères, les gènes peuvent être réprimés de manière épigénétique. Chez la levure, cette répression est établie par la propagation des protéines SIR depuis les télomères vers les régions centromériques. Certains facteurs de transcription peuvent empêcher la répression d'un gène, lorsqu'ils sont placés entre ce gène et le télomère. Nous avons étudié un de ces facteurs, CTF-1, qui a la particularité de lier directement l'histone H3. La délétion de certaines parties de CTF-1 a permis de déterminer que la région responsable de l'activité barrière correspond au domaine d'interaction avec H3. Plusieurs mutations points effectuées dans ce domaine inhibent à la fois l'activité barrière et la capacité de lier H3. Des expériences d'immuno-précipitation de la chromatine indiquent que la protéine barrière CTF-1 prévient efficacement la propagation des protéines SIR et sépare des domaines contenant des histones hypo-acétylées de ceux constitués d'histones hyper-acétylées. Ces résultats suggèrent que CTF-1 interagit directement avec l'histone H3 pour empêcher la propagation de la chromatine répressive, délimitant ainsi des domaines de chromatine permissive et des domaines de chromatine silencieuse.


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Inspired by experiments that use single-particle tracking to measure the regions of confinement of selected chromosomal regions within cell nuclei, we have developed an analytical approach that takes into account various possible positions and shapes of the confinement regions. We show, in particular, that confinement of a particle into a subregion that is entirely enclosed within a spherical volume can lead to a higher limit of the mean radial square displacement value than the one associated with a particle that can explore the entire spherical volume. Finally, we apply the theory to analyse the motion of extrachromosomal chromatin rings within nuclei of living yeast.


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When located next to chromosomal elements such as telomeres, genes can be subjected to epigenetic silencing. In yeast, this is mediated by the propagation of the SIR proteins from telomeres toward more centromeric regions. Particular transcription factors can protect downstream genes from silencing when tethered between the gene and the telomere, and they may thus act as chromatin domain boundaries. Here we have studied one such transcription factor, CTF-1, that binds directly histone H3. A deletion mutagenesis localized the barrier activity to the CTF-1 histone-binding domain. A saturating point mutagenesis of this domain identified several amino acid substitutions that similarly inhibited the boundary and histone binding activities. Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments indicated that the barrier protein efficiently prevents the spreading of SIR proteins, and that it separates domains of hypoacetylated and hyperacetylated histones. Together, these results suggest a mechanism by which proteins such as CTF-1 may interact directly with histone H3 to prevent the propagation of a silent chromatin structure, thereby defining boundaries of permissive and silent chromatin domains.


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Early pregnancy and multiparity are known to reduce the risk of women to develop breast cancer at menopause. Based on the knowledge that the differentiation of the breast induced by the hormones of pregnancy plays a major role in this protection, this work was performed with the purpose of identifying what differentiation-associated molecular changes persist in the breast until menopause. Core needle biopsies (CNB) obtained from the breast of 42 nulliparous (NP) and 71 parous (P) postmenopausal women were analyzed in morphology, immunocytochemistry and gene expression. Whereas in the NP breast, nuclei of epithelial cells were large and euchromatic, in the P breast they were small and hyperchromatic, showing strong methylation of histone 3 at lysine 9 and 27. Transcriptomic analysis performed using Affymetrix HG_U133 oligonucleotide arrays revealed that in CNB of the P breast, there were 267 upregulated probesets that comprised genes controlling chromatin organization, transcription regulation, splicing machinery, mRNA processing and noncoding elements including XIST. We concluded that the differentiation process induced by pregnancy is centered in chromatin remodeling and in the mRNA processing reactome, both of which emerge as important regulatory pathways. These are indicative of a safeguard step that maintains the fidelity of the transcription process, becoming the ultimate mechanism mediating the protection of the breast conferred by full-term pregnancy.


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BACKGROUND: Structural mutations (SMs) play a major role in cancer development. In some cancers, such as breast and ovarian, DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) occur more frequently in transcribed regions, while in other cancer types such as prostate, there is a consistent depletion of breakpoints in transcribed regions. Despite such regularity, little is understood about the mechanisms driving these effects. A few works have suggested that protein binding may be relevant, e.g. in studies of androgen receptor binding and active chromatin in specific cell types. We hypothesized that this behavior might be general, i.e. that correlation between protein-DNA binding (and open chromatin) and breakpoint locations is common across divergent cancers. RESULTS: We investigated this hypothesis by comprehensively analyzing the relationship among 457 ENCODE protein binding ChIP-seq experiments, 125 DnaseI and 24 FAIRE experiments, and 14,600 SMs from 8 diverse cancer datasets covering 147 samples. In most cancers, including breast and ovarian, we found enrichment of protein binding and open chromatin in the vicinity of SM breakpoints at distances up to 200 kb. Furthermore, for all cancer types we observed an enhanced enrichment in regions distant from genes when compared to regions proximal to genes, suggesting that the SM-induction mechanism is independent from the bias of DSBs to occur near transcribed regions. We also observed a stronger effect for sites with more than one protein bound. CONCLUSIONS: Protein binding and open chromatin state are associated with nearby SM breakpoints in many cancer datasets. These observations suggest a consistent mechanism underlying SM locations across different cancers.


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The cytokine macrophage migration inhibitory factor plays a central role in inflammation, cell proliferation and tumorigenesis. Moreover, macrophage migration inhibitory factor levels correlate with tumor aggressiveness and metastatic potential. Histone deacetylase inhibitors are potent antitumor agents recently introduced in the clinic. Therefore, we hypothesized that macrophage migration inhibitory factor would represent a target of histone deacetylase inhibitors. Confirming our hypothesis, we report that histone deacetylase inhibitors of various chemical classes strongly inhibited macrophage migration inhibitory factor expression in a broad range of cell lines, in primary cells and in vivo. Nuclear run on, transient transfection with macrophage migration inhibitory factor promoter reporter constructs and transduction with macrophage migration inhibitory factor expressing adenovirus demonstrated that trichostatin A (a prototypical histone deacetylase inhibitor) inhibited endogenous, but not episomal, MIF gene transcription. Interestingly, trichostatin A induced a local and specific deacetylation of macrophage migration inhibitory factor promoter-associated H3 and H4 histones which did not affect chromatin accessibility but was associated with an impaired recruitment of RNA polymerase II and Sp1 and CREB transcription factors required for basal MIF gene transcription. Altogether, this study describes a new molecular mechanism by which histone deacetylase inhibitors inhibit MIF gene expression, and suggests that macrophage migration inhibitory factor inhibition by histone deacetylase inhibitors may contribute to the antitumorigenic effects of histone deacetylase inhibitors.


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Copy number variants (CNVs) influence the expression of genes that map not only within the rearrangement, but also to its flanks. To assess the possible mechanism(s) underlying this "neighboring effect", we compared intrachromosomal interactions and histone modifications in cell lines of patients affected by genomic disorders and control individuals. Using chromosome conformation capture (4C-seq), we observed that a set of genes flanking the Williams-Beuren Syndrome critical region (WBSCR) were often looping together. The newly identified interacting genes include AUTS2, mutations of which are associated with autism and intellectual disabilities. Deletion of the WBSCR disrupts the expression of this group of flanking genes, as well as long-range interactions between them and the rearranged interval. We also pinpointed concomitant changes in histone modifications between samples. We conclude that large genomic rearrangements can lead to chromatin conformation changes that extend far away from the structural variant, thereby possibly modulating expression globally and modifying the phenotype. GEO SERIES ACCESSION NUMBER: GSE33784, GSE33867.


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We investigated the functional role of the Leishmania histone H1 and demonstrate for the first time that addition of histone H1 has a strong effect on microccocal digestion, chromatin condensation of parasite nuclei and that its overexpression can modulate parasite infectivity in vivo.


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Epigenetic post-transcriptional modifications of histone tails are thought to help in coordinating gene expression during development. An epigenetic signature is set in pluripotent cells and interpreted later at the onset of differentiation. In pluripotent cells, epigenetic marks normally associated with active genes (H3K4me3) and with silent genes (H3K27me3) atypically co-occupy chromatin regions surrounding the promoters of important developmental genes. However, it is unclear how these epigenetic marks are recognized when cell differentiation starts and what precise role they play. Here, we report the essential role of the nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor β (PPARβ, NR1C2) in Xenopus laevis early development. By combining loss-of-function approaches, large throughput transcript expression analysis by the mean of RNA-seq and intensive chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments, we unveil an important cooperation between epigenetic marks and PPARβ. During Xenopus laevis gastrulation PPARβ recognizes H3K27me3 marks that have been deposited earlier at the pluripotent stage to activate early differentiation genes. Thus, PPARβis the first identified transcription factor that interprets an epigenetic signature of pluripotency, in vivo, during embryonic development. This work paves the way for a better mechanistic understanding of how the activation of hundreds of genes is coordinated during early development.


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Telomeres are associated with chromatin-mediated silencing of genes in their vicinity. However, how epigenetic markers mediate mammalian telomeric silencing and whether specific proteins may counteract this effect are not known. We evaluated the ability of CTF1, a DNA- and histone-binding transcription factor, to prevent transgene silencing at human telomeres. CTF1 was found to protect a gene from silencing when its DNA-binding sites were interposed between the gene and the telomeric extremity, while it did not affect a gene adjacent to the telomere. Protein fusions containing the CTF1 histone-binding domain displayed similar activities, while mutants impaired in their ability to interact with the histone did not. Chromatin immunoprecipitation indicated the propagation of a hypoacetylated histone structure to various extents depending on the telomere. The CTF1 fusion protein was found to recruit the H2A.Z histone variant at the telomeric locus and to restore high histone acetylation levels to the insulated telomeric transgene. Histone lysine trimethylations were also increased on the insulated transgene, indicating that these modifications may mediate expression rather than silencing at human telomeres. Overall, these results indicate that transcription factors can act to delimit chromatin domain boundaries at mammalian telomeres, thereby blocking the propagation of a silent chromatin structure.