23 resultados para triple-negative carcinomas

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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En l'actualitat hi ha controvèrsia sobre el tractament del coll negatiu en el carcinoma faringolaríngeo. En el nostre estudi hem inclòs 11 pacients afectats de carcinoma escamós faringolaríngeo N0, i després de realitzar una injecció amb Tc99m-nanocoloide hem identificat els possibles ganglis sentinella mitjançant limfogammagrafia, SPECT-CT i sonda gamma. S'han detectat de mitjana 2,0 possibles ganglis sentinella. En tres casos no s'ha detectat gangli sentinella. En un futur la realització d'aquesta tècnica, que està en fase de desenvolupament, pot evitar el sobretractament cervical.


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Hi ha evidències a la literatura obtingudes de registres poblacionals que senyalen canvis en les característiques epidemiològiques, de tractament i supervivència dels pacients amb carcinomes de la laringe al llarg de les últimes dècades. Hem dut a terme un estudi d’aquestes característiques a partir d’una base de dades hospitalària. D’acord amb els nostres resultats, durant els últims 25 anys s’ha produït un increment en el percentatge de pacients amb carcinoma de laringe del sexe femení, un menor ús de la cirurgia, i una tendència significativa cap a la millora en la supervivència.


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Introducció: El Stromal Derived Factor 1 (SDF-1) és una quimioquina que compta amb la capacitat de modular en la proliferació, supervivència, angiogènesi, quimiotaxi i metàstasi de les cèl•lules tumorals actuant a través del seu receptor: CXCR4. L'objectiu d'aquest estudi és valorar la relació en l'expressió dels gens de SDF-1 i CXCR4 comparant-los amb l'expressió en mucosa sana i determinar l'impacte en la supervivència en pacients amb Carcinoma escamós de cap i coll. Material i mètodes: Es va dur a terme una determinació de l'expressió de SDF-1 i CXCR4 en mostres de biòpsies prèvies al tractament i de mucosa sana en 76 pacients amb carcinoma escamós de cap i coll mitjançant una tècnica de PCR quantitativa. Es va determinar la supervivència ajustada mitjançant una tècnica d'arbres de classificació. Resultats: Van existir diferències significatives en la supervivència en funció dels nivells d'expressió de SDF-1 i CXCR4 (p = 0,004). Conclusions: L'expressió dels gens que codifiquen l'eix SDF-1 / CXCR4 té capacitat pronòstica significativa en pacients amb Carcinoma escatós de cap i coll.


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Los operadores de cable histórico se están adaptando a la convergencia entre el audiovisual y las telecomunicaciones a raíz de las modificaciones legislativas, que les permiten competir en los servicios de televisión, telefonía e Internet ante los grandes operadores.


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El peso del servicio de televisión dentro de la oferta de triple play (Internet, telefonía, televisión) de los operadores de telecomunicación por cable en España está siendo uno de los ejes de análisis del mercado comunicológico, gracias a la tendencia del mercado digital hacia la convergencia y la irrupción de nuevos contenidos audiovisuales a través de Internet. El análisis de datos estadísticos aportados por los operadores de cable refleja, salvo en el caso de TeleCable, que el servicio televisivo en España está lejos de la realidad de otros países europeos, donde el contenido televisivo es líder sólido.


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The occurrence of negative values for Fukui functions was studied through the electronegativity equalization method. Using algebraic relations between Fukui functions and different other conceptual DFT quantities on the one hand and the hardness matrix on the other hand, expressions were obtained for Fukui functions for several archetypical small molecules. Based on EEM calculations for large molecular sets, no negative Fukui functions were found


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Serotonergic and endocannabinoid systems are important substrates for the control of emotional behavior and growing evidence show an involvement in the pathophysiology of mood disorders. In the present study, the absence of the activity of the CB1 cannabinoid receptor impaired serotonergic negative feedback in mice. Thus, in vivo microdialysis experiments revealed increased basal 5-HT extracellular levels and attenuated fluoxetine-induced increase of 5-HT extracellular levels in the prefrontal cortex of CB1 knockout compared to wild-type mice. These observations could be related to the significant reduction in the 5-HT transporter binding site density detected in frontal cortex and hippocampus of CB1 knockout mice. The lack of CB1 receptor also altered some 5-HT receptors related to the 5-HT feedback. Extracellular recordings in the dorsal raphe nucleus revealed that the genetic and pharmacological blockade of CB1 receptor induced a 5-HT1A autoreceptor functional desensitization. In situ hybridization studies showed a reduction in the expression of the 5-HT2C receptor within several brain areas related to the control of the emotional responses, such as the dorsal raphe nucleus, the nucleus accumbens and the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, whereas an overexpression was observed in the CA3 area of the ventral hippocampus. These results reveal that the lack of CB1 receptor induces a facilitation of the activity of serotonergic neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus by altering different components of the 5-HT feedback as well as an increase in 5-HT extracellular levels in the prefrontal cortex in mice.


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This paper reconsiders the empirical evidence on the asymmetricoutput effects of monetary policy. Asymmetric effects is a common feature ofmany theoretical models, and there are many different versions of suchasymmetries. We concentrate on the distinctions between positive andnegative money-supply changes, big and small changes in money-supply, andpossible combinations of the two asymmetries. Earlier research has foundempirical evidence in favor of the former of these in US data. Using M1 asthe monetary variable we find evidence in favor of neutrality of big shocksand non-neutrality of small shocks. The results may, however, be affected bystructual instability of M1 demand. Thus, we substitute M1 with the federalfunds rate. In these data we find that only small negative shocks affectreal aggregate activity. The results are interpreted in terms of menu-costmodels.


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Caveolins are a crucial component of caveolae but have also been localized to the Golgi complex, and, under some experimental conditions, to lipid bodies (LBs). The physiological relevance and dynamics of LB association remain unclear. We now show that endogenous caveolin-1 and caveolin-2 redistribute to LBs in lipid loaded A431 and FRT cells. Association with LBs is regulated and reversible; removal of fatty acids causes caveolin to rapidly leave the lipid body. We also show by subcellular fractionation, light and electron microscopy that during the first hours of liver regeneration, caveolins show a dramatic redistribution from the cell surface to the newly formed LBs. At later stages of the regeneration process (when LBs are still abundant), the levels of caveolins in LBs decrease dramatically. As a model system to study association of caveolins with LBs we have used brefeldin A (BFA). BFA causes rapid redistribution of endogenous caveolins to LBs and this association was reversed upon BFA washout. Finally, we have used a dominant negative LB-associated caveolin mutant (cavDGV) to study LB formation and to examine its effect on LB function. We now show that the cavDGV mutant inhibits microtubule-dependent LB motility and blocks the reversal of lipid accumulation in LBs.


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We have investigated the nucleation rate at which cavities are formed in 4He and 3He at negative pressures due to thermal fluctuations. To this end, we have used a density functional that reproduces the He liquid-gas interface along the coexistence line. The inclusion of thermal effects in the calculation of the barrier against nucleation results in a sizable decrease of the absolute value of the tensile strength above 1.5 K.


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Depending on the 3He concentration, thermal nucleation in 3-4He supersaturated liquid mixtures at negative pressures may be originated either by bubble or by 3rich drop formation. We have investigated this phenomenon within a density-functional approach, determining the regions in the pressure¿3He-concentration plane where bubbles or drops likely drive the nucleation process. As an illustrative example, we also give the homogeneous nucleation pressure corresponding to 50 and 100 mK temperature.


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Following a model based on the SU(8) symmetry that treats heavy pseudoscalars and heavy vector mesons on an equal footing, as required by heavy quark symmetry, we study the interaction of baryons and mesons in coupled channels within an unitary approach that generates dynamically poles in the scattering T-matrix. We concentrate in the exotic channels with negative charm quantum number for which there is the experimental claim of one state.


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Scroll waves in excitable media, described by the Barkley model, are studied. In the parameter region of weak excitability, negative tension of wave filaments is found. It leads to expansion of scroll rings and instability of wave filaments. A circular filament tends to stretch, bend, loop, and produce an expanding tangle that fills up the volume. The filament does not undergo fragmentation before it touches the boundaries. Statistical properties of such Winfree turbulence of scroll waves are numerically investigated.


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The enzyme HMG-CoA reductase (HMGR) has a key regulatory role in the mevalonate pathway for isoprenoid biosynthesis, critical not only for normal plant development, but also for the adaptation to demanding environmental conditions. Consistent with this notion, plant HMGR is modulated by many diverse endogenous signals and external stimuli. Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is involved in auxin, abscisic acid, ethylene and brassinosteroid signaling and now emerges as a positive and negative multilevel regulator of plant HMGR, both during normal growth and in response to a variety of stress conditions. The interaction with HMGR is mediated by B" regulatory subunits of PP2A, which are also calcium binding proteins. The new discoveries uncover the potential of PP2A to integrate developmental and calcium-mediated environmental signals in the control of plant HMGR.