10 resultados para subcontractació

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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Aquest treball parla de l’externalització de serveis. Hi ha una primera part mes bibliogràfica on tractarem d’explicar l’historia del outsourcing, el procés d’externalització, els avantatges e inconvenients, i tot tipus de conceptes per entendre millor tot el treball. Després hi ha una segona part d’investigació, on expliquem com ha evolucionat l’externalització del serveis en el temps, que països son els que mes externalitzen els seus serveis i quin tipus de serveis externalitzen aquets països. Els principals països a estudi son: Espanya, Grècia, Itàlia, Portugal i França. Hem decidit agafar aquets països ja que tot plegats son a la zona sud de Europa y presenten característiques semblants.


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This paper gives a new explanation for the phenomena of subcontracting. A model in which a principal contracts two agents who work in a sequence on a project, have soft information and can collude is considered. Side-contracts between agents can be signed at any stage of the game. Due to limited liability and moral hazard agents obtain a rent. The principal’s problem is to find the preferable contracting structure. It is shown that in this setting a decentralized contracting structure can be superior to a centralized structure for the principal. The paper derives the conditions under which this holds. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: D23, D82, L14, L22. Keywords: Contract delegation, Collusion, Interim side-contracting, Moral hazard.


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Transformación de un modelo de mantenimiento de aplicaciones y sistemas informáticos hacia un modelo de soluciones orientado a servicios gestionados sobre valores cooperativos y gestión democrática cercana a las personas y socialmente responsable, con el objetivo de dar respuesta a las demandas actuales, en el ámbito empresarial, de externalización de servicios.


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Estudi comparatiu dels serveis externs de catalogació i processament físic oferts pels proveïdors de material bibliogràfic a les biblioteques catalanes. Es fa un breu repàs al desenvolupament històric de la catalogació comercial i als elements considerats com a positiu i negatius d'aquesta pràctica. S¿analitzen els serveis oferts per onze de les més importants companyies proveïdores d'arreu del món. En l'àmbit català s'estudien nou companyies que, en aquests moments, estan oferint la catalogació i el processament físic com a valor afegit dels documents lliurats al Servei de Biblioteques de la Diputació de Barcelona i a les biblioteques membres del Consorci de BibliotequesUniversitàries de Catalunya. Per últim, s'ofereix un directori d'empreses, així com el formulari emprat per a realitzar l'enquesta a les companyies proveïdores de l'àmbit català.


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El Servei de Biblioteques Escolars L'Amic de Paper ofereix als centres educatius recursos orientats a donar suport a l'organització, manteniment i dinamització de les biblioteques escolars per tal de millorar la situació en què es troben, amb l'objectiu final d'aconseguir que aquestes siguin el centre de formació i informació que la comunitat educativa necessita.


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In this paper we analyse some of the organisational aspects of the urban solid waste collection and, in particular, the privatization modality of contracting out. We start by discussing some of the theoretical aspects of contracting out. We then specify and estimate an explanatory model on a sample of municipalities that we surveyed. Our purpose is twofold: on the one hand, we identify the economic factors at work when deciding to contract out the service and, on the other hand, we analyse the role of ideological factors in choosing between the public production of the service or contracting it out. The results show a significant effect of the demand for waste collection on contracting out. There also appears to be a neighbouring effect as the municipalities close to other cities that contract out are also more prone to do so. Finally, the decisions to contract seem to have been motivated by pragmatic rather than ideological reasons.


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In this paper we analyse some of the organisational aspects of the urban solid waste collection and, in particular, the privatization modality of contracting out. We start by discussing some of the theoretical aspects of contracting out. We then specify and estimate an explanatory model on a sample of municipalities that we surveyed. Our purpose is twofold: on the one hand, we identify the economic factors at work when deciding to contract out the service and, on the other hand, we analyse the role of ideological factors in choosing between the public production of the service or contracting it out. The results show a significant effect of the demand for waste collection on contracting out. There also appears to be a neighbouring effect as the municipalities close to other cities that contract out are also more prone to do so. Finally, the decisions to contract seem to have been motivated by pragmatic rather than ideological reasons.


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Globalisation and technological advances have made possible to offshore specific productive tasks (that do not require physical proximity to the actual location of the work unit) to foreign countries where these are usually performed at lower costs. We analyse the effect of task trade (i.e. task offshorability) on Spanish regional and national employment levels correlating a newly built index of task-delocalisation index to key variables such as the region’s wealth, the worker’s age and level of education, the importance of the service sector and the technological level of the economic activities undertaken in that particular geographical area. We conclude that approximately 25 per cent of Spanish occupations are potentially affected by task trade / offshoring and that this is likely to benefit Spanish economy (and the performance of specific regions, categories of workers and sectors) being Spain a potential recipient of tasks offshored from abroad. Also we obtain that Spain’s trade in tasks correlates strongly with the above variables, presenting significant regional differences.


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We provide robust and compelling evidence of the marked impact of tertiary education on the economic growth of less developed countries and of its the relatively smaller impact on the growth of developed ones. Our results argue in favor of the accumulation of high skill levels especially in technologically under-developed countries and, contrary to common wisdom, independently of the fact that these economies might initially produce lower-technology goods or perform technology imitation. Our results are robust to the different measures used in proxying human capital and to the adjustments made for cross-country differences in the quality of education. Country-specific institutional quality, as well as other indicators including legal origin, religious fractionalization and openness to trade have been used to control for the robustness of the results. These factors are also shown to speed up technology convergence thereby confirming previous empirical studies. Our estimates tackle problems of endogeneity by adopting a variety of techniques, including instrumental variables -for both panel and cross-section analyses- and the two-step efficient dynamics system GMM.


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Using microdata, we analyse the determinants of firm relocation and conventional outsourcing decisions as a way to reduce employment. The results for a sample of 32 countries show the relevance of factors not considered previously in the literature. Firms that are below average in quality or innovation have a higher propensity to externalise part of their production through outsourcing, while lower relative profitability and longer time to market for new products each imply a higher probability of relocation.