94 resultados para possibility-conditions

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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A general asymptotic analysis of the Gunn effect in n-type GaAs under general boundary conditions for metal-semiconductor contacts is presented. Depending on the parameter values in the boundary condition of the injecting contact, different types of waves mediate the Gunn effect. The periodic current oscillation typical of the Gunn effect may be caused by moving charge-monopole accumulation or depletion layers, or by low- or high-field charge-dipole solitary waves. A new instability caused by multiple shedding of (low-field) dipole waves is found. In all cases the shape of the current oscillation is described in detail: we show the direct relationship between its major features (maxima, minima, plateaus, etc.) and several critical currents (which depend on the values of the contact parameters). Our results open the possibility of measuring contact parameters from the analysis of the shape of the current oscillation.


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A general asymptotic analysis of the Gunn effect in n-type GaAs under general boundary conditions for metal-semiconductor contacts is presented. Depending on the parameter values in the boundary condition of the injecting contact, different types of waves mediate the Gunn effect. The periodic current oscillation typical of the Gunn effect may be caused by moving charge-monopole accumulation or depletion layers, or by low- or high-field charge-dipole solitary waves. A new instability caused by multiple shedding of (low-field) dipole waves is found. In all cases the shape of the current oscillation is described in detail: we show the direct relationship between its major features (maxima, minima, plateaus, etc.) and several critical currents (which depend on the values of the contact parameters). Our results open the possibility of measuring contact parameters from the analysis of the shape of the current oscillation.


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The circumstances that were the driving forces behind Europe's economic growth beginning in the 19th century are diverse, and not easily prioritized. Until the 1970's, specifically, in Economy and Economic History, attention was focused on different institutional and technological variables, and various regularities were proposed. Nevertheless, new studies also underlined that the evolution of economic activity could not be understood considering only the new production possibilities offered by market economies. As a result, today it is also accepted that those processes can not be explained without considering two additional circumstances: the energy flows that sustained them, and the changes undergone in their transformation In this context, a question arises that takes on special importance. Which was the influence of the biological change in the economic growth?. A part of the flows of energy must be made into food, and this transformation can only happen with the participation.


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We study whether people's behavior in unbalanced gift exchange markets with repeated interaction are affected by whether they are on the excess supply side or the excess demand side of the market. Our analysis is based on the comparison of behavior between two types of experimental gift exchange markets, which vary only with respect to whether first or second movers are on the long side of the market. The direction of market imbalance could influence subjects' behavior, as second movers (workers) might react differently to favorable actions by first movers (firms) in the two cases. While our data show strong deviations from the standard game-theoretic prediction, we find mainly secondary treatment effects. Wage offers are not higher when there is an excess supply of firms, and workers do not respond more favorably to a given wage when there is an excess supply of labor. The state of competition does not appear to have strong effects in our data. We also present data from single-period sessions that show substantial gift exchange even without repeated interactions.


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It is the size of the elasticity of substitution that has been the central issue in the long debate over the possibility of continuous growth in the presence of exhaustible resources. This paper reviews the debate and comes to the surprising conclusion that , unnoticed by the pessimists, the optimist position has gradually evolved so that it now approximates that of the pessimists. The paper also summarises some preliminary work by the author that indicates that this common position may not be correct


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We study markets where the characteristics or decisions of certain agents are relevant but not known to their trading partners. Assuming exclusive transactions, the environment is described as a continuum economy with indivisible commodities. We characterize incentive efficient allocations as solutions to linear programming problems and appeal to duality theory to demonstrate the generic existence of external effects in these markets. Because under certain conditions such effects may generate non-convexities, randomization emerges as a theoretic possibility. In characterizing market equilibria we show that, consistently with the personalized nature of transactions, prices are generally non-linear in the underlying consumption. On the other hand, external effects may have critical implications for market efficiency. With adverse selection, in fact, cross-subsidization across agents with different private information may be necessary for optimality, and so, the market need not even achieve an incentive efficient allocation. In contrast, for the case of a single commodity, we find that when informational asymmetries arise after the trading period (e.g. moral hazard; ex post hidden types) external effects are fully internalized at a market equilibrium.


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In this paper, a new class of generalized backward doubly stochastic differential equations is investigated. This class involves an integral with respect to an adapted continuous increasing process. A probabilistic representation for viscosity solutions of semi-linear stochastic partial differential equations with a Neumann boundary condition is given.


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In this paper, results known about the artinian and noetherian conditions for the Leavitt path algebras of graphs with finitely many vertices are extended to all row-finite graphs. In our first main result, necessary and sufficient conditions on a row-finite graph E are given so that the corresponding (not necessarily unital) Leavitt path K-algebra L(E) is semisimple. These are precisely the algebras L(E)for which every corner is left (equivalently, right)artinian. They are also precisely the algebras L(E) for which every finitely generated left (equivalently, right) L(E)-module is artinian. In our second main result, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for every corner of L(E) to be left (equivalently, right) noetherian. They also turn out to be precisely those algebras L(E) for which every finitely generated left(equivalently, right) L(E)-module is noetherian. In both situations, isomorphisms between these algebras and appropriate direct sums of matrix rings over K or K[x, x−1] are provided. Likewise, in both situations, equivalent graph theoretic conditions on E are presented.


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RESUMEN El aumento del CO2 atmosférico debido al cambio global y/o a las prácticas hortícolas promueve efectos directos sobre crecimiento vegetal y el desarrollo. Estas respuestas pueden ocurrir en ecosistemas naturales, pero también se pueden utilizar para aumentar la producción de algunas plantas y de algunos compuestos secundarios. El actual trabajo intenta estudiar los efectos del enriquecimiento atmosférico del CO2 bajo condiciones de invernadero en el crecimiento y la concentración y la composición de metabolitos secundarios de Taxus bacatta, Hypericum perforatum y Echinacea purpurea en condiciones ambientales mediterráneas. La fertilización del CO2 muestra perspectivas interesantes para la mejorara y aplicabilidad de técnicas hortícolas para aumentar productividad de plantas medicinales, a pesar de diferencias claras entre la especie. En general esta técnica promueve aumentos importantes y significativos en producción primaria y, en algunos casos, también en compuestos secundarios. Esto tiene una gran importancia hortícola porque la productividad a nivel de cosecha total aumenta, directamente porque se aumenta la concentración e indirectamente porque se aumenta la biomasa. SUMMARY The increase of atmospheric CO2 due to global change and/or horticultural practices promotes direct effects on plant growth and development. These responses may occur in natural ecosystems, but also can be used to increase the production of some plants and some secondary compounds. Present work tries to study the effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment under greenhouse conditions on growth and in the concentration and composition of secondary metabolites of Taxus bacatta, Hypericum perforatum and Echinacea purpurea under Mediterranean environmental conditions. CO2 fertilization shows interesting perspectives to increase and improve horticultural techniques in order to increase plant medicinal productivity, in spite of clear differences among the species. In general this technique promotes important and significant increases in primary productivity and, in some cases, also in secondary compounds. This has a great horticultural relevance because the total productivity of this kind of products increase at crop level, directly because concentration is increased and /or indirectly because biomass is increased. RESUM L'augment del CO2 atmosfèric a causa del canvi global i/o a les pràctiques hortícoles promou efectes directes sobre creixement vegetal i el desenvolupament. Aquestes respostes poden ocórrer en ecosistemes naturals, però també es poden utilitzar per a augmentar la producció d'algunes plantes i d'alguns compostos secundaris. L'actual treball intenta estudiar els efectes de l'enriquiment atmosfèric del CO2 sota condicions d'hivernacle en el creixement i la concentració i la composició de metabòlits secundaris de Taxus bacatta, Hypericum perforatum i Echinacea purpurea en condicions ambientals mediterrànies. La fertilització del CO2 mostra perspectives interessants per a la millora i aplicabilitat de tècniques hortícoles per a augmentar productivitat de plantes medicinals, a pesar de diferències clares entre l'espècie. En general aquesta tècnica promou augments importants i significatius en producció primària i, en alguns casos, també en compostos secundaris. Això té una gran importància hortícola perquè la productivitat a nivell de collita total augmenta, directament perquè s'augmenta la concentració i indirectament perquè s'augmenta la biomassa.


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In the presence of cost uncertainty, limited liability introduces the possibility of default in procurement with its associated bank-ruptcy costs. When financial soundness is not perfectly observable, we show that incentive compatibility implies that financially less sound contractors are selected with higher probability in any feasible mechanism. Informational rents are associated with unsound financial situations. By selecting the financially weakest contractor, stronger price competition (auctions) may not only increase the probability of default but also expected rents. Thus, weak conditions are suffcient for auctions to be suboptimal. In particular, we show that pooling firms with higher assets may reduce the cost of procurement even when default is costless for the sponsor.


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Near linear evolution in Korteweg de Vries (KdV) equation with periodic boundary conditions is established under the assumption of high frequency initial data. This result is obtained by the method of normal form reduction.


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Recent research on the economic performance of women-controlled firms suggests that their underperformance may not result from differences in the managerial ability of women as compared to men, but it can be the result of different levels of start-up resources. Using accounting data, this paper examines the effects that selected start-up conditions have on the economic performance observed in a sample of 4450 Spanish manufacturing firms. The results indicate significant differences regarding the initial conditions, showing lower levels of assets and number of employees what have implications on the economic performance of women-controlled firms.


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The species x location interaction was of great importance in explaining the behaviour of genetic material. The study presented here shows, for the first time, the performance, under field conditions of the new tritordeum species, compared to wheat and triticale in a wide range of Mediterranean countries (Spain, Lebanon and Tunisia). The results obtained revealed that despite the diversity of environmental conditions, the main differences in yield were due to genotypes, especially to differences between species. The multi-local study with different growth conditions revealed important information about the water availability effect on yield. In the lowest yielding environments (Tunisia rainfed), Tritordeum and triticale yields were equivalent. However under better growth conditions (Spain), tritordeum yield was shown to be lower than wheat and triticale. Interestingly, when water limitation was extended during the pre-anthesis period, differences in tritordeum versus wheat-triticale yield rate were larger than when water stress occurred during anthesis. These variations were explained by the fact that kernel weight has been found as the limiting factor for yield determination in tritordeum, and a delay in the anthesis date may have been the cause for the low kernel weight and low yield under Mediterranean drought conditions. Such differences in yield between tritordeum and wheat or triticale could be explained by the fact that tritordeum is a relatively new species and far fewer resources have been devoted to its improvement when compared to wheat and triticale. Our results suggest that breeding efforts should be directed to an earlier anthesis date and a longer grain filling period. tritordeum proved to have possibilities to be grown under drought environments as a new crop, since its performance was quite close to wheat and triticale. Besides, it has qualitative added values that may improve farmers' income per unit land.


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Aquesta relatoria correspon al seminari internacional “Conditions pour la consolidation de la Paix en Côte d’Ivoire” coorganitzat per l’Institut Català Internacional per la Pau, el Centre de Recherche et Action pour la Paix (CERAP), l’Université de Bouaké, i la missió del PNUD a Costa d’Ivori, que es va realitzar a Abidjan entre el 27 i el 29 de setembre de 2010. La situació al país en el moment de la realització del seminari era difícil davant la celebració d’eleccions presidencials pocs mesos després. A la relatoria es recullen diferents aspectes sociopolítics que indicaven les greus fractures a les que s’enfrontava el país, així s’analitzen les qüestions relatives a la propietat de la terra, els problemes relacionats amb la nacionalitat i ciutadania ivoriana, les possibilitats de reorganització de l’estat i la situació del jovent, majoritari a la població ivoriana. Malauradament, les dificultats prèvies a les eleccions és van agreujar amb un resultat ajustat i la proclamació dels dos candidats com a guanyadors. Aquest desafortunat escenari ha fet encara més valuosa la present relatoria.