63 resultados para polarized absorption spectra
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
Optical absorption spectra and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observations on InGaAs/InP layers under compressive strain are reported. From the band¿gap energy dispersion, the magnitude of the strain inhomogeneities. Is quantified and its microscopic origin is analyzed in view of the layer microstructure. TEM observations reveal a dislocation network at the layer interface the density of which correlates with ¿¿. It is concluded that local variations of dislocation density are responsible for the inhomogeneous strain field together with another mechanism that dominates when the dislocation density is very low.
The origin of the microscopic inhomogeneities in InxGa12xAs layers grown on GaAs by molecular beam epitaxy is analyzed through the optical absorption spectra near the band gap. It is seen that, for relaxed thick layers of about 2.8 mm, composition inhomogeneities are responsible for the band edge smoothing into the whole compositional range (0.05,x,0.8). On the other hand, in thin enough layers strain inhomogeneities are dominant. This evolution in line with layer thickness is due to the atomic diffusion at the surface during growth, induced by the strain inhomogeneities that arise from stress relaxation. In consequence, the strain variations present in the layer are converted into composition variations during growth. This process is energetically favorable as it diminishes elastic energy. An additional support to this hypothesis is given by a clear proportionality between the magnitude of the composition variations and the mean strain.
The metastable defects of a-Si:H samples annealed at temperatures in the 300-550°C range have been studied by photothermal deflection spectroscopy (PDS). The light-soaked samples show an increase in optical absorption in the 0.8 to 1.5 eV range. The metastable defect density decreases when the annealing temperature increases, while the defect density increases. This decrease in the metastable defect density shows an almost linear correlation with the decrease in the hydrogen content of the samples, determined by IR transmission spectroscopy and thermal desorption spectroscopy.
The optical-absorption spectrum of a cationic Ag0 atom in a KCl crystal has been studied theoretically by means of a series of cluster models of increasing size. Excitation energies have been determined by means of a multiconfigurational self-consistent field procedure followed by a second-order perturbation correlation treatment. Moreover results obtained within the density-functional framework are also reported. The calculations confirm the assignment of bands I and IV to transitions of the Ag-5s electron into delocalized states with mainly K-4s,4p character. Bands II and III have been assigned to internal transitions on the Ag atom, which correspond to the atomic Ag-4d to Ag-5s transition. We also determine the lowest charge transfer (CT) excitation energy and confirm the assignment of band VI to such a transition. The study of the variation of the CT excitation energy with the Ag-Cl distance R gives additional support to a large displacement of the Cl ions due to the presence of the Ag0 impurity. Moreover, from the present results, it is predicted that on passing to NaCl:Ag0 the CT onset would be out of the optical range while the 5s-5p transition would undergo a redshift of 0.3 eV. These conclusions, which underline the different character of involved orbitals, are consistent with experimental findings. The existence of a CT transition in the optical range for an atom inside an ionic host is explained by a simple model, which also accounts for the differences with the more common 3d systems. The present study sheds also some light on the R dependence of the s2-sp transitions due to s2 ions like Tl+.
The origin of the microscopic inhomogeneities in InxGa1-xAs layers grown on GaAs by molecular beam epitaxy is analyzed through the optical absorption spectra near the band gap. It is seen that, for relaxed thick layers of about 2.8μm, composition inhomogeneities are responsible for the band edge smoothing into the whole compositional range (0.05
The optical absorption of hydrogenated amorphous carbon films (a‐C:H) was measured by spectroscopic ellipsometry. The a‐C:H films were deposited at different substrate temperatures by rf‐plasma of methane. A volume distribution of graphitic cluster size was assumed to reproduce the experimental spectra of the absorption coefficient. The changes in the absorption coefficient and the optical gap, induced by deposition temperature, have been interpreted in terms of changes in the graphitic cluster size of the network. The increase in the deposition temperature produces an increase in the size of the graphitic clusters.
Estudi elaborat a partir d’una estada al Stony Brook University al juliol del 2006. El RbTiOPO4 (RTP) monocristal•lí és un material d' òptica no lineal molt rellevant i utilitzat en la tecnologia làser actual, químicament molt estable i amb unes propietats físiques molt destacades, entre elles destaquen els alts coeficients electro-òptics i l'alt llindar de dany òptic que presenta. En els últims anys s’està utilitzant tecnològicament en aplicacions d'òptica no lineal en general i electro-òptiques en particular. En alguns casos ja ha substituït, millorant prestacions, a materials tals com el KTP o el LNB(1). Dopant RTP amb ions lantànids (Ln3+) (2-4), el material es converteix en un material làser auto-doblador de freqüència, combinant les seves propietats no lineals amb les de matriu làser. El RTP genera radiació de segon harmònic (SHG) a partir d’un feix fonamental amb longituds d’ona inferiors a 990 nm, que és el límit que presenta el KTP.La determinació de la ubicació estructural i l’estudi de l'entorn local del ions actius làser és de fonamental importància per a la correcta interpretació de les propietats espectroscòpiques d’aquest material. Mesures de difracció de neutrons sobre mostra de pols cristal•lí mostren que els ions Nb5+ i Ln3+ només substitueixin posicions de Ti4+ (8-9). Estudis molt recents d'EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) semblen indicar que quan la concentració d'ió Ln3+ es baixa, aquest ió presenta la tendència a substituir l'ió alcalí present a l'estructura (10).Després dels resultats obtinguts en el present treball a partir de la tècnica EXAFS a la instal•lació sincrotò del Brookhaven National Laboratory/State University of New York (Stony Brook) es pot concloure definitivament que els ions Nb s’ubiquen en la posició Ti (1) i que els ions Yb3+ es distribueixen paritariament en les dues posicions del Ti (1 i 2). Aquests resultats aporten una valuosa informació per a la correcta interpretació dels espectres, tant d’absorció com d’emissió, del material i per la avaluació dels paràmetres del seu comportament durant l'acció làser.
Actualment, la resposta de la majoria d’instrumentació operacional i dels dosímetres personals utilitzats en radioprotecció per a la dosimetria neutrònica és altament dependent de l’energia dels espectres neutrònics a analitzar, especialment amb camps neutrònics amb una important component intermitja. En conseqüència, la interpretació de les lectures d’aquests aparells es complicada si no es té un coneixement previ de la distribució espectral de la fluència neutrònica en els punts d’interès. El Grup de Física de les Radiacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (GFR-UAB) ha desenvolupat en els últims anys un espectròmetre de neutrons basat en un Sistema d’Esferes Bonner (BSS) amb un contador proporcional d’3He com a detector actiu. Els principals avantatges dels espectròmetres de neutrons per BSS són: la seva resposta isotròpica, la possibilitat de discriminar la component neutrònica de la gamma en camps mixtos, i la seva alta sensibilitat neutrònica als nivells de dosi analitzats. Amb aquestes característiques, els espectròmetres neutrònics per BSS compleixen amb els estándards de les últimes recomanacions de la ICRP i poden ser utilitzats també en el camp de la dosimetria neutrònica per a la mesura de dosis en el rang d’energia que va dels tèrmics fins als 20 MeV, en nou ordres de magnitud. En el marc de la col•laboració entre el GFR - UAB i el Laboratorio Nazionale di Frascati – Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (LNF-INFN), ha tingut lloc una experiència comparativa d’espectrometria per BSS amb els feixos quasi monoenergètics de 2.5 MeV i 14 MeV del Fast Neutron Generator de l’ENEA. En l’exercici s’ha determinat l’espectre neutrònic a diferents distàncies del blanc de l’accelerador, aprofitant el codi FRUIT recentment desenvolupat pel grup LNF. Els resultats obtinguts mostren una bona coherència entre els dos espectròmetres i les dades mesurades i simulades.
We describe a model structure for coloured operads with values in the category of symmetric spectra (with the positive model structure), in which fibrations and weak equivalences are defined at the level of the underlying collections. This allows us to treat R-module spectra (where R is a cofibrant ring spectrum) as algebras over a cofibrant spectrum-valued operad with R as its first term. Using this model structure, we give sufficient conditions for homotopical localizations in the category of symmetric spectra to preserve module structures.
We developed a procedure that combines three complementary computational methodologies to improve the theoretical description of the electronic structure of nickel oxide. The starting point is a Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics simulation to incorporate vibrorotational degrees of freedom into the material model. By means ofcomplete active space self-consistent field second-order perturbation theory (CASPT2) calculations on embedded clusters extracted from the resulting trajectory, we describe localized spectroscopic phenomena on NiO with an efficient treatment of electron correlation. The inclusion of thermal motion into the theoretical description allowsus to study electronic transitions that, otherwise, would be dipole forbidden in the ideal structure and results in a natural reproduction of the band broadening. Moreover, we improved the embedded cluster model by incorporating self-consistently at the complete active space self-consistent field (CASSCF) level a discrete (or direct) reaction field (DRF) in the cluster surroundings. The DRF approach offers an efficient treatment ofelectric response effects of the crystalline embedding to the electronic transitions localized in the cluster. We offer accurate theoretical estimates of the absorption spectrum and the density of states around the Fermi level of NiO, and a comprehensive explanation of the source of the broadening and the relaxation of the charge transferstates due to the adaptation of the environment
The rigorous and transparent treatment of the effects of nuclear vibrational motion in two-photon absorption (TPA) was discussed. Perturbation formula for diatomic molecules were developed and applied to the X¹Σ+–A¹Π transition in CO. The analysis showed that the vibrations played an important role in TPA, just as their role in the calculation of conventional nonlinear optical (NLO) hyperpolarizabilities