26 resultados para penetrating eye injury

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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The use of body percussion through BAPNE method in neurorehabilitation offers the possibility of studying the development of motor skills, attention, coordination, memory and social interaction of patients with neurological diseases. The experimental protocol was carried out on 52 patients with severe acquired brain injury. Patients were selected for the cut - off scores in the standard neuropsychologic al tests of sustained attention , divided and alert ; at least one emisoma intact, cut -off scores in the standard for procedural and semantic memory ; eye sight , hearing and speech intact. The first group of patients has supported the protocol BAPNE tougher with the traditional rehabilitation activities . The control group continued to perform exclusively the cognitive and neuromotor rehabilitation according to traditional protocols. At 6 months after administration of the protocol is expected to re-test to assess if present , the maintenance of the effects of rehabilitation obtained. Experimentation is carried out for 10 weeks following the protocol of BAPNE method in the Roboris Foundation of Rome.


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Objective: To compare pressure–volume (P–V) curves obtained with the Galileo ventilator with those obtained with the CPAP method in patients with ALI or ARDS receiving mechanical ventilation. P–V curves were fitted to a sigmoidal equation with a mean R2 of 0.994 ± 0.003. Lower (LIP) and upper inflection (UIP), and deflation maximum curvature (PMC) points calculated from the fitted variables showed a good correlation between methods with high intraclass correlation coefficients. Bias and limits of agreement for LIP, UIP and PMC obtained with the two methods in the same patient were clinically acceptable.


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A medida que avanza la tecnolog a, cada vez son m as comunes los libros digitales. Por eso, existen varias formas de mejorar la experiencia de lectura del usuario, como mostrar la de nici on de una palabra que resulte dif cil, o resaltar lo importante del texto cuando se pasa la vista por encima. En este proyecto, se ha investigado la base de esto con la ayuda de un Eye Tracker. Se ha implementado una clasi caci on en palabras f aciles y dif ciles dependiendo de c omo una persona lee, y una forma de saber si se est a leyendo el texto o pasando la vista por encima.


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El treball consisteix en realitzar una aplicació que faci ús de l'Eye Tracker. L'objectiu marcat es realitzar una aplicació que permeti escriure coses a l'ordinador a persones discapacitades fent ús del dispositiu "Eye Tracker". Aquesta aplicació intentarà facilitar les coses a les persones discapacitades pel que fa a l'ús de l'ordinador i s'intentarà que l'aplicació acabi amb una de les limitacions més importants en persones que no poden fer ús de les mans, i per tant, no poden escriure en l'ordinador.


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Background: Peach fruit undergoes a rapid softening process that involves a number of metabolic changes. Storing fruit at low temperatures has been widely used to extend its postharvest life. However, this leads to undesired changes, such as mealiness and browning, which affect the quality of the fruit. In this study, a 2-D DIGE approach was designed to screen for differentially accumulated proteins in peach fruit during normal softening as well as under conditions that led to fruit chilling injury. Results:The analysis allowed us to identify 43 spots -representing about 18% of the total number analyzed- that show statistically significant changes. Thirty-nine of the proteins could be identified by mass spectrometry. Some of the proteins that changed during postharvest had been related to peach fruit ripening and cold stress in the past. However, we identified other proteins that had not been linked to these processes. A graphical display of the relationship between the differentially accumulated proteins was obtained using pairwise average-linkage cluster analysis and principal component analysis. Proteins such as endopolygalacturonase, catalase, NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase, pectin methylesterase and dehydrins were found to be very important for distinguishing between healthy and chill injured fruit. A categorization of the differentially accumulated proteins was performed using Gene Ontology annotation. The results showed that the 'response to stress', 'cellular homeostasis', 'metabolism of carbohydrates' and 'amino acid metabolism' biological processes were affected the most during the postharvest. Conclusions: Using a comparative proteomic approach with 2-D DIGE allowed us to identify proteins that showed stage-specific changes in their accumulation pattern. Several proteins that are related to response to stress, cellular homeostasis, cellular component organization and carbohydrate metabolism were detected as being differentially accumulated. Finally, a significant proportion of the proteins identified had not been associated with softening, cold storage or chilling injury-altered fruit before; thus, comparative proteomics has proven to be a valuable tool for understanding fruit softening and postharvest.


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The main goal of this research is to investigate how people with different cultural background differ in their interaction style and visual behavior on search engine results pages (SERP), more specifically between groups from the Middle Eastern region vs. Western Europe. We conducted a controlled eye-tracking experiment to explore and evaluate the visual behavior of Arabs and Spaniardusers when scanning through the first page of the search results in Google. Big differences can be observed in the 4 aspects studied: U.A.E. participants stayed on the SERPs for longer, they read more results and they read each snippet in a more complete way than Spaniards. In Spain, people tended to scan the SERP, reading less text on each snippet, and choose a result among the first top rankedones without hardly seeing those in bottom positions.


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[spa] La mayoría de siniestros con daños corporales se liquidan mediante negociación, llegando a juicio menos del 5% de los casos. Una estrategia de negociación bien definida es, por tanto, fundamental para las compañías aseguradoras. En este artículo asumimos que la compensación monetaria concedida en juicio es la máxima cuantía que debería ser ofrecida por el asegurador en el proceso de negociación. Usando una base de datos real, implementamos un modelo log-lineal para estimar la máxima oferta de negociación. Perturbaciones no-esféricas son detectadas. Correlación ocurre cuando más de una siniestro se liquida en la misma sentencia judicial. Heterocedasticidad por grupos se debe a la influencia de la valoración del forense en la indemnización final.


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[spa] La mayoría de siniestros con daños corporales se liquidan mediante negociación, llegando a juicio menos del 5% de los casos. Una estrategia de negociación bien definida es, por tanto, fundamental para las compañías aseguradoras. En este artículo asumimos que la compensación monetaria concedida en juicio es la máxima cuantía que debería ser ofrecida por el asegurador en el proceso de negociación. Usando una base de datos real, implementamos un modelo log-lineal para estimar la máxima oferta de negociación. Perturbaciones no-esféricas son detectadas. Correlación ocurre cuando más de una siniestro se liquida en la misma sentencia judicial. Heterocedasticidad por grupos se debe a la influencia de la valoración del forense en la indemnización final.


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Injury to the central nervous system (CNS), including stroke, traumatic brain injury andspinal cord injury, cause devastating and irreversible damage and loss of function. Forexample, stroke affects very large patient populations, results in major suffering for the patients and their relatives, and involves a significant cost to society. CNS damage implies disruption of the intricate internal circuits involved in cognition, the sensory-motor functions, and other important functions. There are currently no treatments available to properly restore such lost functions. New therapeutic proposals will emerge from an understanding of the interdependence of molecular and cellular responses to CNS injury, in particular the inhibitory mechanisms that block regeneration and those that enhanceneuronal plasticity...


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The biological consequences of constitutive fibroblast growth factor-4 (fgf4) expression have been analysed during anterior CNS development of mouse chimeric embryos. Severe mutant embryos exhibit exencephaly, absence of eye development and anomalous differentiation of neuropithelium. These embryos also show ectopic limb buds resembling the early phases of limb development. Because our results show that anterior CNS in those chimeric embrios does not express shh ectopically, we suggest that malformations may be due to interference between the ectopic expression of fgf4 in the cephalic area and the receptors for the members of the FGF family that regulate brain and eye development, namely fgf8. If this is correct, the results indirectly suport the crucial role of fgf8 in patterning the anterior CNS.


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Peer reviewed


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Evaluar una arquitectura de la información en un sitio web ya desplegado no resulta una tarea sencilla. La mayoría de las técnicas se centran en examinar la usabilidad del sistema que, aunque afecta a la arquitectura de la información, no es el único factor que influye en ella. La principal técnica que se utiliza es el test de estrés de navegación. Se muestra un aporte metodológico para hacer dicha técnica más informativa, llevándola más allá de la simple anotación en papel por parte del usuario de respuestas a las preguntas de navegación planteadas. Se propone la combinación de ésta con otras técnicas de evaluación de la usabilidad: la técnica de pensar en voz alta o thinking aloud y un cuestionario de usabilidad. Se ha utilizado un sistema de seguimiento de la mirada o eye tracking para complementar la información obtenida mediante las técnicas aplicadas. El enfoque metodológico planteado se ha puesto a prueba analizando una serie de sitios web de bibliotecas de universidades públicas españolas. Se muestra en los resultados la validez del enfoque empleado, así como el valor que dicho enfoque y el uso del eye tracking aportan al análisis de la arquitectura de la información respecto al test de estrés de navegación tradicional.


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The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) treatment on the development of chilling injury (CI) symptoms in four plum cultivars and to determine the relationship between the climacteric behavior of the cultivar and its sensitivity to this disorder. Significant differences in ripening pattern were found between the cultivars after long-term storage. Among the climacteric cultivars, ‘Royal Zee’ plums showed a higher ethylene production rate than ‘Linda Rosa and ‘Friar’ cultivars. On the other hand, the ‘Angeleno’ cultivar behaved as a suppressed climacteric type. The development of translucency symptoms was higher in ‘Royal Zee’ than in ‘Linda Rosa’ and ‘Friar’ plums, and was almost absent in the suppressed climacteric cultivar. 1-MCP treatment significantly reduced ethylene production and the percentage of fruit affected by translucency in all climacteric cultivars. This treatment also delayed the ripening of the fruit during shelf life. In contrast, 1-MCP treatment did not affect the quality of ‘Angeleno’ plums. Collectively these results suggest that the development of chilling injury in plums is related to the climacteric behavior of the cultivar and demonstrated the beneficial effects of 1-MCP maintaining plum quality during storage.


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A sign of presence in virtual environments is that people respond to situations and events as if they were real, where response may be considered at many different levels, ranging from unconscious physiological responses through to overt behavior,emotions, and thoughts. In this paper we consider two responses that gave different indications of the onset of presence in a gradually forming environment. Two aspects of the response of people to an immersive virtual environment were recorded: their eye scanpath, and their skin conductance response (SCR). The scenario was formed over a period of 2 min, by introducing an increasing number of its polygons in random order in a head-tracked head-mounted display. For one group of experimental participants (n 8) the environment formed into one in which they found themselves standing on top of a 3 m high column. For a second group of participants (n 6) the environment was otherwise the same except that the column was only 1 cm high, so that they would be standing at normal ground level. For a third group of participants (n 14) the polygons never formed into a meaningful environment. The participants who stood on top of the tall column exhibited a significant decrease in entropy of the eye scanpath and an increase in the number of SCR by 99 s into the scenario, at a time when only 65% of the polygons had been displayed. The ground level participants exhibited a similar decrease in scanpath entropy, but not the increase in SCR. The random scenario grouping did not exhibit this decrease in eye scanpath entropy. A drop in scanpath entropy indicates that the environment had cohered into a meaningful perception. An increase in the rate of SCR indicates the perception of an aversive stimulus. These results suggest that on these two dimensions (scanpath entropy and rate of SCR) participants were responding realistically to the scenario shown in the virtual environment. In addition, the response occurred well before the entire scenario had been displayed, suggesting that once a set of minimal cues exists within a scenario,it is enough to form a meaningful perception. Moreover, at the level of the sympathetic nervous system, the participants who were standing on top of the column exhibited arousal as if their experience might be real. This is an important practical aspect of the concept of presence.