23 resultados para micro corporation
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
Este estudio abarca el diseño, desarrollo tecnológico y fabricación, mediante la utilización de tecnologías de Micro y Nanosistemas, de herramientas en el orden de las micras y los nanómetros. Estos dispositivos serán utilizados en el estudio, identificación e interactuación con células vivas, ya que sus pequeñas dimensiones los hacen idóneos para su aplicación en el campo de la Biología Celular. Estas micro y nanoherramientas pueden usarse para el estudio, identificación o actuación de células vivas desde el exterior. Pero también pueden ser microinyectadas, lipofectadas o fagocitadas por parte de la misma célula, y de esta manera hacer estudios o actuar de forma intracelular.
En el present treball de recerca s’ha portat a terme la síntesi i caracterització de fibres a escala micro- i nanomètrica mitjançant l’auto-assemblatge dels compostos 1 i 2. Aquests compostos estan formats per una unitat de perilendiimida (PI) i una unitat d’estilbè i, en base a estudis previs desenvolupats al nostre grup de recerca, haurien de comportar-se com a sistemes acceptor-donador d’electrons fotoinduïts. Per tant, les corresponents estructures obtingudes podrien presentar activitat fotovoltaica. En primer lloc, s’ha abordat la síntesi dels compostos 1 i 2, seguint la metodologia posada a punt prèviament al nostre grup de recerca. A continuació, s’han estudiat les propietats òptiques de 1 i 2 en dissolució, la qual cosa ha permès establir que: (a) tal i com es pretenia, tots dos compostos presenten transferència electrònica fotoinduïda entre la unitat electró-acceptora de PI i la unitat electró-donadora de trans-estilbè; (b) la diferent morfologia de la cadena alquílica lateral del grup de PI a 1 i 2 afecta la seva capacitat d’auto-assemblatge mitjançant interaccions intermoleculars de tipus π-π. A continuació, s’han assajat diferents metodologies per a la fabricació de micro- i nanoestructures auto-assemblades de 1 i 2. Els millors resultats s’han obtingut mitjançant l’ús de motlles d’òxid d’alúmina i per al compost 2 degut al menor impediment estèric de la seva cadena alquílica lateral. La caracterització de les estructures resultants en aquest cas mitjançant tècniques microscòpiques i espectroscòpiques han permès demostrar la formació de nanotubs de 200 nm de diàmetre, d’uns 15 μm de longitud i en què les unitats de PI s’ordenen amb els seus sistemes aromàtics de forma co-facial o gairebé co-facial. La possible activitat fotovoltaica d’aquestes estructures s’estudiarà posteriorment.
Este trabajo presenta un análisis del efecto positivo que puede tener el microvoluntariado (crowdsourcing) en las variables psicológicas entre trabajadores de una gran empresa, así como la viabilidad de crear una comunidad práctica para abordar un problema de salud específico. Para el desarrollo de este documento hemos recogido y analizado diferentes tipos de bibliografía, científica y no científica, con el fin de dar una explicación más global de lo que es el crowdsourcing y contextualizar este tipo de voluntariado para lograr una mayor comprensión de esta práctica.
Purpose: The paper analyzes the micro-angels investment behaviour, looking both to the criteria used in the selection of their investment projects and to the characteristics of their guidance role during the investment period. Design/Methodology/Approach: The paper focuses on a double bottom line movement of French micro-angels clubs that has been operating since 1983. Our primary source of data is an online survey carried out during March 2012, asking members of clubs all over France for different aspects of their procedures. Findings: Our findings suggest that micro-angels are interested in small, socially or environmentally friendly projects having the potential to contribute to the development of their neighbourhood. We find that women are even more interested than men in such projects. Educated micro-angels value entrepreneurial motivation and understanding of the project more than less-educated micro-angels. We also point out the factors that micro-angels consider important in accompanying enterprises. Here we find that gender makes little difference. However, retired micro-angels value financial diagnosis made conjointly with entrepreneurs, while both active micro-angels and educated micro-angels value more the use of their network to help micro-entrepreneurs. Practical/Social Implications: Given the potential benefits of micro-angels investing and guiding the development of micro-enterprises, a social micro-angel investment on a major scale in developing countries could help in tackling some of the problems faced by the development of microfinance, such as the over-indebtedness of micro-entrepreneurs. Practitioners and new initiatives would gain from understanding what adaptations need to be made. Originality/value: We expect to add to the venture capital theory to take into account non-economic motives.
We use CEX repeated cross-section data on consumption and income, to evaluate the nature of increased income inequality in the 1980s and 90s. We decompose unexpected changes in family income into transitory and permanent, and idiosyncratic and aggregate components, and estimate the contribution of each component to total inequality. The model we use is a linearized incomplete markets model, enriched to incorporate risk-sharing while maintaining tractability. Our estimates suggest that taking risk sharing into account is important for the model fit; that the increase in inequality in the 1980s was mainly permanent; and that inequality is driven almost entirely by idiosyncratic income risk. In addition we find no evidence for cyclical behavior of consumption risk, casting doubt on Constantinides and Duffie s (1995) explanation for the equity premium puzzle.
This paper examines two principal categories of manipulative behaviour. The term'macro-manipulation' is used to describe the lobbying of regulators to persuadethem to produce regulation that is more favourable to the interests of preparers.'Micro-manipulation' describes the management of accounting figures to produce abiased view at the entity level. Both categories of manipulation can be viewed asattempts at creativity by financial statement preparers. The paper analyses twocases of manipulation which are considered in an ethical context. The paperconcludes that the manipulations described in it can be regarded as morallyreprehensible. They are not fair to users, they involve an unjust exercise ofpower, and they tend to weaken the authority of accounting regulators.
Informe final del projecte realitzat per al Centre de Cooperació per al Desenvolupament de la UPC.
En el presente trabajo se describe el método de la determinación de la dureza efectuando las mediciones a escala microscópica. Se establece la relación entre la escala de dureza de Mohs y las unidades Vickers de dureza (VHN). Se describen también los cuatro tipos de aparatos microscópicos que pueden ser utilizados en dicho método.
Stress in local isolation structures is studied by micro‐Raman spectroscopy. The results are correlated with predictions of an analytical model for the stress distribution and with cross‐sectional transmission electron microscopy observations. The measurements are performed on structures on which the Si3N4 oxidation mask is still present. The influence of the pitch of the periodic local isolation pattern, consisting of parallel lines, the thickness of the mask, and the length of the bird"s beak on the stress distribution are studied. It is found that compressive stress is present in the Si substrate under the center of the oxidation mask lines, with a magnitude dependent on the width of the lines. Large tensile stress is concentrated under the bird"s beak and is found to increase with decreasing length of the bird"s beak and with increasing thickness of the Si3N4 film.
The compounds responsible for the colours and decorations in glass and glazed ceramics include: colouring agents (transition metal ions), pigments (micro-and nano-precipitates of compounds that either do not dissolve or recrystallize in the glassy matrix) and opacifiers (microcrystalline compounds with high light scattering capability). Their composition, structure and range of stability are highly dependent not only on the composition but also on the procedures followed to obtain them. Chemical composition of the colorants and crystallites may be obtained by means of SEM-EDX and WDX. Synchrotron Radiation micro-X-ray Diffraction has a small beam size adequate (10 to 50 microns footprint size) to obtain the structural information of crystalline compounds and high brilliance, optimal for determining the crystallites even when present in low amounts. In addition, in glass decorations the crystallites often appear forming thin layers (from 10 to 100 micrometers thick) and they show a depth dependent composition and crystal structure. Their nature and distribution across the glass/glazes decorations gives direct information on the technology of production and stability and may be related to the color and appearance. A selection of glass and glaze coloring agents and decorations are studied by means of SR-micro- XRD and SEM-EDX including: manganese brown, antimony yellow, red copper lusters and cobalt blue. The selection includes Medieval (Islamic, and Hispano Moresque) and renaissance tin glazed ceramics from the 10th to the 17th century AD.
El present projecte està enfocat en la mecanització de micro-canals, on la fabricació anivell micro s’entén per a mecanitzacions de menys de 1 mil•límetre, mitjançantl’electroerosió i s’emmarca dins el grup de recerca en enginyeria del producte procés iproducció (GREP) de la universitat de Girona. Avui en dia la biomedicina és un sectorque està creixent i representa una gran oportunitat per a aquest tipus de mecanitzat, jaque alguns productes són de mida micromètrica i es necessita una alternativa almecanitzat tradicional per tal d’abaratir costos, guanyar precisió i qualitat superficial.La mecanització de micro-canals, geometria utilitzada en aquest sector, de granprecisió i elevat acabat superficial són requisits necessaris per donar respostes a lesnecessitats d’aquest camp. L’acer inoxidable 316L és un material molt utilitzat enbiomedicina gràcies a la seva biocompatibilitat. Exemples de la seva aplicació podenser els implants, les pròtesis, utensilis mèdics, etc
A simple and most promising oxide-assisted catalyst-free method is used to prepare silicon nitride nanowires that give rise to high yield in a short time. After a brief analysis of the state of the art, we reveal the crucial role played by the oxygen partial pressure: when oxygen partial pressure is slightly below the threshold of passive oxidation, a high yield inhibiting the formation of any silica layer covering the nanowires occurs and thanks to the synthesis temperature one can control nanowire dimensions