103 resultados para metadata repository

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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In this paper we describe an open learning object repository on Statistics based on DSpace which contains true learning objects, that is, exercises, equations, data sets, etc. This repository is part of a large project intended to promote the use of learning object repositories as part of the learning process in virtual learning environments. This involves the creation of a new user interface that provides users with additional services such as resource rating, commenting and so. Both aspects make traditional metadata schemes such as Dublin Core to be inadequate, as there are resources with no title or author, for instance, as those fields are not used by learners to browse and search for learning resources in the repository. Therefore, exporting OAI-PMH compliant records using OAI-DC is not possible, thus limiting the visibility of the learning objects in the repository outside the institution. We propose an architecture based on ontologies and the use of extended metadata records for both storing and refactoring such descriptions.


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Seguint la tendència mundial de crear dipòsits institucionals d'accés lliure per recopilar i preservar els documents d'investigació generats en les institucions acadèmiques, el CESCA i el CBUC han posat en funcionament RECERCAT. RECERCAT és un dipòsit cooperatiu de documents digitals que inclou la literatura de recerca de les universitats i dels centres d'investigació de Catalunya, com ara articles encara no publicats (preprints), comunicacions a congressos, informes de recerca, working papers, projectes de final de carrera, memòries tècniques, etc. La comunicació pretén explicar els processos que s'han seguit per posar en marxa aquest projecte: des de la selecció i adaptació del programari amb el que funciona (DSpace), fins als treballs duts a terme per establir les polítiques d'accés, d’introducció de dades, de metadades Dublin Core necessàries per descriure els documents, el tipus de llicència de les Creative Commons sota la qual es troben subjectes els documents, etc.


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Cooperation between libraries is a universal language spoken in different dialects. In 1996 the libraries of the state-funded universities and the National Library of Catalonia (Spain) formed the Consortium of Academic Libraries of Catalonia (CBUC) to act as a channel for cooperation. The organization and activities of CBUC are an example of how this universal language has been adapted to the specific characteristics of the Libraries of Catalonia. Catalonia is an autonomous region of Spain with 7 million inhabitants with its own language, history and traditions and with a strong feeling of own identity that facilitates the cooperation. Thanks to this (and also to the hard work of the member libraries), since then, CBUC has created a union catalogue, an interlibrary lending program, the Digital Library of Catalonia, a cooperative store, different cooperatives repositories and other cooperation programs. One of these cooperatives repositories is RACO (Catalan Journals in Open Access, www.raco.cat) where can be consulted, in open access, the full-text articles of scientific, cultural and scholar Catalan journals. The main purpose of RACO is to increase the visibility and searches of the journals included and to spread the scientific and academic production published in Catalonia. This purpose makes specific in three aims: encourage the electronic edition of Catalan journals; be the interface that allows the whole search of all the journals and provide the instruments for its preservation. There are currently 244 journals in RACO, that includes more than 85.000 articles (80% in OA) from 50 publishing institutions. Since it got into operation it has had more than 4 millions of queries. These 244 journals offer the full-text of all the published issues. Nevertheless, some journal can have a delay between the introduction of the table of contents and the full-text for the recent issues. From 2005 we have a plan of retrospective digitization that has allowed to digitize more than 350.000 pages of back issues. The RACO repository works with the open source program OJS (Open Journal Systems, http://pkp.sfu.ca/ojs/) and uses Dublin Core Metadata and the interoperability protocol created by Open Archives Initiative (OAI) which allows to increase the visibility of the articles published in journals offering oneself together with other international repositories.


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Aquest projecte vol estudiar la qualitat de les metadades presents en els documents que representen objectes de coneixement LOM (


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The movement of Open Educational Resources (OER) is one of the most important trends that are helping education through the Internet worldwide. "Tecnológico de Monterrey" (http://tecvirtual.itesm.mx/) in Mexico, with other Mexican higher education institutions, is creating an Internet/web based repository of OERs and Mobile Resources for the instruction and development of educational researchers at undergraduate, Master's and Doctoral level. There is a lack of open educational resources and material available at the Internet that can help and assist the development and education of educational researchers in Spanish speaking countries. This OER repository is part of a project that is experimenting new technology for the delivery of OERs from one repository (http://catedra.ruv.itesm.mx/) through an indexed OER catalog (http://www.temoa.info/) to mobile devices (Ipod, Iphone, MP3, MP4). This paper presentation will describe and comment about this project: outcomes, best practices, difficulties and technological constraints.


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This work briefly analyses the difficulties to adopt the Semantic Web, and in particular proposes systems to know the present level of migration to the different technologies that make up the Semantic Web. It focuses on the presentation and description of two tools, DigiDocSpider and DigiDocMetaEdit, designed with the aim of verifYing, evaluating, and promoting its implementation.


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Tríptic informatiu sobre la publicació de documents amb accés obert en el repositori institucional de la UOC, O2 (La Oberta en obert). Aquest informa sobre quins documents hi poden publicar els membres de la comunitat UOC, com fer-ho i els serveis de valor afegit per a tots els usuaris (web 2.0, subscripció per RSS o correu electrònic, exportació al gestor bibliogràfic Refworks, etc.) i per a la recerca (lligam amb l'aplicació d'avaluació de la recerca GIR i informació del factor d'impacte de la revista a SCOPUS, IN-RECS/IN-RECJ i MIAR).


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El proyecto SICA2, presentado por Beatriz Barros y Miguel Ángel Aguirre, de la Consejería de Economía, Innovación y Ciencia de la Junta de Andalucía, supone una innovadora extensión del concepto de CRIS universitario a un ámbito regional para el conjunto de las universidades andaluzas. El sistema de recogida y validación de la información científica en tiempo real se basa en una primera fase SICA que organiza la investigación en unidades mínimas o 'Grupos PAIDI' y que ya implementó el estándar CVN para las nueve universidades andaluzas que forman parte del proyecto. Esta segunda fase de integración tiene además prevista su prolongación en el repositorio institucional Reposit-AN de ámbito igualmente regional que se alimentará de los metadatos procedentes del sistema CRIS de la Junta de Andalucía y se presentará oficialmente a final de año.


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Toni Prieto, Técnico IC del Servicio de Bibliotecas y Documentación (SBD) de la UPC, en su presentación 'Experiencias de interoperabilidad entre CRIS y repositorios en Catalunya', describió la integración del repositorio UPCommons y del CRIS DRAC (Descriptor de la Recerca i l'Activitat Acadèmica) de la UPC. El resultado de esta integración es un esquema integrado de archivo CRIS/IR en dos fases, envío y revisión, en el que los metadatos se introducen en DRAC -para posteriormente ser transferidos, validados y enriquecidos si procede- y el archivo de texto completo asociado se realiza en UPCommons. De manera similar funciona la integración de GIR (Gestió Integral de la Recerca, basado en Universitas XXI Investigación) y el repositorio O2 en la UOC, permitiendo la asignación del identificador handle de un ítem en O2 a una referencia en GIR. Ambos sistemas, DRAC en la UPC y GIR en la UOC, están integrados en el Proyecto CVN de generación de CVs normalizados. Se mencionaron asimismo experiencias posteriores de integración CRIS/IR actualmente en curso en la Universitat de Barcelona y en la U Pompeu Fabra, y se mostró el impacto significativo de la estrategia de integración de sistemas sobre el ritmo de incorporación de contenidos a UPCommons.


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Learning object repositories are a basic piece of virtual learning environments used for content management. Nevertheless, learning objects have special characteristics that make traditional solutions for content management ine ective. In particular, browsing and searching for learning objects cannot be based on the typical authoritative meta-data used for describing content, such as author, title or publicationdate, among others. We propose to build a social layer on top of a learning object repository, providing nal users with additional services fordescribing, rating and curating learning objects from a teaching perspective. All these interactions among users, services and resources can be captured and further analyzed, so both browsing and searching can be personalized according to user pro le and the educational context, helping users to nd the most valuable resources for their learning process. In this paper we propose to use reputation schemes and collaborative filtering techniques for improving the user interface of a DSpace based learning object repository.


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Learning objects have been the promise of providing people with high quality learning resources. Initiatives such as MIT Open-CourseWare, MERLOT and others have shown the real possibilities of creating and sharing knowledge through Internet. Thousands of educational resources are available through learning object repositories. We indeed live in an age of content abundance, and content can be considered as infrastructure for building adaptive and personalized learning paths, promoting both formal and informal learning. Nevertheless, although most educational institutions are adopting a more open approach, publishing huge amounts of educational resources, the reality is that these resources are barely used in other educational contexts. This paradox can be partly explained by the dificulties in adapting such resources with respect to language, e-learning standards and specifications and, finally, granularity. Furthermore, if we want our learners to use and take advantage of learning object repositories, we need to provide them with additional services than just browsing and searching for resources. Social networks can be a first step towards creating an open social community of learning around a topic or a subject. In this paper we discuss and analyze the process of using a learning object repository and building a social network on the top of it, with respect to the information architecture needed to capture and store the interaction between learners and resources in form of learning object metadata.


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Durant la última dècada hem viscut l’explosió de la fotografia digital. Les possibilitats de captar imatges s’ha multiplicat de manera gairebé infinita sense implicar costos afegits pel fotògraf. Això ens obliga a replantejar-nos la necessitat d’establir uns criteris ben definits per avaluar, triar i eliminar les fotografies que ingressen als nostres arxius. El treball que es presenta aquí té com a objectiu establir uns protocols per tal de poder aplicar aquests procediments al nous fons que passin a formar part del nostre patrimoni documental. Finalment, s’ha dut a terme l’experiència d’entregar al productor d’un fons part de la seva documentació per tal que ell l’avalués i després comparar els resultats amb l’avaluació duta a terme des de l’arxiu. Paraules clau: avaluació, tria, eliminació, fotografia born-digital, ingrés, metadades, arxiu digital, formats de preservació


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In this paper we identify the requirements for creating formal descriptions of learning scenarios designed under the European HigherEducation Area paradigm, using competences and learning activities as the basic pieces of the learning process, instead of contents and learning resources, pursuing personalization. Classical arrangements of content based courses are no longer enough to describe all the richness of this new learning process, where user profiles, competences and complex hierarchical itineraries need to be properly combined. We study the intersection with the current IMS Learning Design specification and theadditional metadata required for describing such learning scenarios. This new approach involves the use of case based learning and collaborativelearning in order to acquire and develop competences, following adaptive learning paths in two structured levels.


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LORs, addressing content management and preservation, have the positive collaterals of institutional positioning and dissemination, but their main benefit is the empowerment of interest-centred learning communities, as we recognise that learning is much more than content, which becomes infrastructure: the LOR provides the learner interaction with the LOs, but also with other learners and teachers.