24 resultados para fundamental principles and applications

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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Scintillation counting is one of the most important developments in the application of radioisotopes to procedures needed by scientists, physicians, engineers, and technicians from many diverse discipline for the detection and quantitative measurement of radioactivity. In fact, Scintillation is the most sensitive and versatile technique for the detection and quantification ofradioactivity. Particularly, Solid and Liquid scintillation measurement are,nowadays, standard laboratory methods in the life-sciences for measuringradiation from gamma- and beta-emitting nuclides, respectively. Thismethodology is used routinely in the vast majority of diagnostic and/or researchlaboratories from those of biochemistry and biology to clinical departments.


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This article summarizes the basic principles of electron probe microanalysis, with examples of applications in materials science and geology that illustrate the capabilities of the technique.


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This article summarizes the basic principles of Paleomagnetism, with examples of applications in geology that illustrate the capabilities of the technique.


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This article outlines the basis of the technique and shows some examples of applications in order to exhibit the expectations of this technique invaried scientific fields.


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The study of proteins has been a key element in biomedicine and biotechnology because of their important role in cell functions or enzymatic activity. Cells are the basic unit of living organisms, which are governed by a vast range of chemical reactions. These chemical reactions must be highly regulatedin order to achieve homeostasis. Proteins are polymeric molecules that havetaken on the evolutionary process the role, along with other factors, of controlthese chemical reactions. Learning how proteins interact and control their up anddown regulations can teach us how living cells regulate their functions, as well asthe cause of certain anomalies that occur in different diseases where proteins areinvolved. Mass spectrometry (MS) is an analytical widely used technique to studythe protein content inside the cells as a biomarker point, which describesdysfunctions in diseases and increases knowledge of how proteins are working.All the methodologies involved in these descriptions are integrated in the fieldcalled Proteomics.


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In the present work we review the way in which the electron-matter interaction allows us to perform electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), as well as the latest developments in the technique and some of the most relevant results of EELS as a characterization tool in nanoscience and nanotechnology.


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The classical Lojasiewicz inequality and its extensions for partial differential equation problems (Simon) and to o-minimal structures (Kurdyka) have a considerable impact on the analysis of gradient-like methods and related problems: minimization methods, complexity theory, asymptotic analysis of dissipative partial differential equations, tame geometry. This paper provides alternative characterizations of this type of inequalities for nonsmooth lower semicontinuous functions defined on a metric or a real Hilbert space. In a metric context, we show that a generalized form of the Lojasiewicz inequality (hereby called the Kurdyka- Lojasiewicz inequality) relates to metric regularity and to the Lipschitz continuity of the sublevel mapping, yielding applications to discrete methods (strong convergence of the proximal algorithm). In a Hilbert setting we further establish that asymptotic properties of the semiflow generated by -∂f are strongly linked to this inequality. This is done by introducing the notion of a piecewise subgradient curve: such curves have uniformly bounded lengths if and only if the Kurdyka- Lojasiewicz inequality is satisfied. Further characterizations in terms of talweg lines -a concept linked to the location of the less steepest points at the level sets of f- and integrability conditions are given. In the convex case these results are significantly reinforced, allowing in particular to establish the asymptotic equivalence of discrete gradient methods and continuous gradient curves. On the other hand, a counterexample of a convex C2 function in R2 is constructed to illustrate the fact that, contrary to our intuition, and unless a specific growth condition is satisfied, convex functions may fail to fulfill the Kurdyka- Lojasiewicz inequality.


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In this paper we examine the problem of compositional data from a different startingpoint. Chemical compositional data, as used in provenance studies on archaeologicalmaterials, will be approached from the measurement theory. The results will show, in avery intuitive way that chemical data can only be treated by using the approachdeveloped for compositional data. It will be shown that compositional data analysis is aparticular case in projective geometry, when the projective coordinates are in thepositive orthant, and they have the properties of logarithmic interval metrics. Moreover,it will be shown that this approach can be extended to a very large number ofapplications, including shape analysis. This will be exemplified with a case study inarchitecture of Early Christian churches dated back to the 5th-7th centuries AD


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By means of Malliavin Calculus we see that the classical Hull and White formulafor option pricing can be extended to the case where the noise driving thevolatility process is correlated with the noise driving the stock prices. Thisextension will allow us to construct option pricing approximation formulas.Numerical examples are presented.


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By means of classical Itô's calculus we decompose option prices asthe sum of the classical Black-Scholes formula with volatility parameterequal to the root-mean-square future average volatility plus a term dueby correlation and a term due to the volatility of the volatility. Thisdecomposition allows us to develop first and second-order approximationformulas for option prices and implied volatilities in the Heston volatilityframework, as well as to study their accuracy. Numerical examples aregiven.


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Projective homography sits at the heart of many problems in image registration. In addition to many methods for estimating the homography parameters (R.I. Hartley and A. Zisserman, 2000), analytical expressions to assess the accuracy of the transformation parameters have been proposed (A. Criminisi et al., 1999). We show that these expressions provide less accurate bounds than those based on the earlier results of Weng et al. (1989). The discrepancy becomes more critical in applications involving the integration of frame-to-frame homographies and their uncertainties, as in the reconstruction of terrain mosaics and the camera trajectory from flyover imagery. We demonstrate these issues through selected examples


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Infinitely near base points and Enriques' unloading procedure are used to construct filtrations by complete ideals of C{x, y}. It follows a procedure for getting generators of the integral closure of an ideal.


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The current state of regional and urban science has been much discussed and a number of studies have speculated on possible future trends in the development of the discipline. However, there has been little empirical analysis of current publication patterns in regional and urban journals. This paper studies the kinds of topics, techniques and data used in articles published in nine top international journals during the 1990s with the aim of identifying current trends in this research field


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The current state of regional and urban science has been much discussed and a number of studies have speculated on possible future trends in the development of the discipline. However, there has been little empirical analysis of current publication patterns in regional and urban journals. This paper studies the kinds of topics, techniques and data used in articles published in nine top international journals during the 1990s with the aim of identifying current trends in this research field


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In this article the main possibilities of single crystal and powder diffraction analysis using conventional laboratory x-ray sources are introduced. Several examples of applications with different solid samples and in different fields of applications are shown illustrating the multidisciplinary capabilities of both techniques.