15 resultados para auditory attention detection

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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The mismatch negativity is an electrophysiological marker of auditory change detection in the event-related brain potential and has been proposed to reflect an automatic comparison process between an incoming stimulus and the representation of prior items in a sequence. There is evidence for two main functional subcomponents comprising the MMN, generated by temporal and frontal brain areas, respectively. Using data obtained in an MMN paradigm, we performed time-frequency analysis to reveal the changes in oscillatory neural activity in the theta band. The results suggest that the frontal component of the MMN is brought about by an increase in theta power for the deviant trials and, possibly, by an additional contribution of theta phase alignment. By contrast, the temporal component of the MMN, best seen in recordings from mastoid electrodes, is generated by phase resetting of theta rhythm with no concomitant power modulation. Thus, frontal and temporal MMN components do not only differ with regard to their functional significance but also appear to be generated by distinct neurophysiological mechanisms.


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Report for the scientific sojourn carried out at the University Medical Center, Swiss, from 2010 to 2012. Abundant evidence suggests that negative emotional stimuli are prioritized in the perceptual systems, eliciting enhanced neural responses in early sensory regions as compared with neutral information. This facilitated detection is generally paralleled by larger neural responses in early sensory areas, relative to the processing of neutral information. In this sense, the amygdala and other limbic regions, such as the orbitofrontal cortex, may play a critical role by sending modulatory projections onto the sensory cortices via direct or indirect feedback.The present project aimed at investigating two important issues regarding these mechanisms of emotional attention, by means of functional magnetic resonance imaging. In Study I, we examined the modulatory effects of visual emotion signals on the processing of task-irrelevant visual, auditory, and somatosensory input, that is, the intramodal and crossmodal effects of emotional attention. We observed that brain responses to auditory and tactile stimulation were enhanced during the processing of visual emotional stimuli, as compared to neutral, in bilateral primary auditory and somatosensory cortices, respectively. However, brain responses to visual task-irrelevant stimulation were diminished in left primary and secondary visual cortices in the same conditions. The results also suggested the existence of a multimodal network associated with emotional attention, presumably involving mediofrontal, temporal and orbitofrontal regions Finally, Study II examined the different brain responses along the low-level visual pathways and limbic regions, as a function of the number of retinal spikes during visual emotional processing. The experiment used stimuli resulting from an algorithm that simulates how the visual system perceives a visual input after a given number of retinal spikes. The results validated the visual model in human subjects and suggested differential emotional responses in the amygdala and visual regions as a function of spike-levels. A list of publications resulting from work in the host laboratory is included in the report.


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Report for the scientific sojourn carried out at the University Medical Center, Swiss, from 2010 to 2012. Abundant evidence suggests that negative emotional stimuli are prioritized in the perceptual systems, eliciting enhanced neural responses in early sensory regions as compared with neutral information. This facilitated detection is generally paralleled by larger neural responses in early sensory areas, relative to the processing of neutral information. In this sense, the amygdala and other limbic regions, such as the orbitofrontal cortex, may play a critical role by sending modulatory projections onto the sensory cortices via direct or indirect feedback.The present project aimed at investigating two important issues regarding these mechanisms of emotional attention, by means of functional magnetic resonance imaging. In Study I, we examined the modulatory effects of visual emotion signals on the processing of task-irrelevant visual, auditory, and somatosensory input, that is, the intramodal and crossmodal effects of emotional attention. We observed that brain responses to auditory and tactile stimulation were enhanced during the processing of visual emotional stimuli, as compared to neutral, in bilateral primary auditory and somatosensory cortices, respectively. However, brain responses to visual task-irrelevant stimulation were diminished in left primary and secondary visual cortices in the same conditions. The results also suggested the existence of a multimodal network associated with emotional attention, presumably involving mediofrontal, temporal and orbitofrontal regions Finally, Study II examined the different brain responses along the low-level visual pathways and limbic regions, as a function of the number of retinal spikes during visual emotional processing. The experiment used stimuli resulting from an algorithm that simulates how the visual system perceives a visual input after a given number of retinal spikes. The results validated the visual model in human subjects and suggested differential emotional responses in the amygdala and visual regions as a function of spike-levels. A list of publications resulting from work in the host laboratory is included in the report.


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The 2×2 MIMO profiles included in Mobile WiMAX specifications are Alamouti’s space-time code (STC) fortransmit diversity and spatial multiplexing (SM). The former hasfull diversity and the latter has full rate, but neither of them hasboth of these desired features. An alternative 2×2 STC, which is both full rate and full diversity, is the Golden code. It is the best known 2×2 STC, but it has a high decoding complexity. Recently, the attention was turned to the decoder complexity, this issue wasincluded in the STC design criteria, and different STCs wereproposed. In this paper, we first present a full-rate full-diversity2×2 STC design leading to substantially lower complexity ofthe optimum detector compared to the Golden code with only a slight performance loss. We provide the general optimized form of this STC and show that this scheme achieves the diversitymultiplexing frontier for square QAM signal constellations. Then, we present a variant of the proposed STC, which provides a further decrease in the detection complexity with a rate reduction of 25% and show that this provides an interesting trade-off between the Alamouti scheme and SM.


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Background Accurate automatic segmentation of the caudate nucleus in magnetic resonance images (MRI) of the brain is of great interest in the analysis of developmental disorders. Segmentation methods based on a single atlas or on multiple atlases have been shown to suitably localize caudate structure. However, the atlas prior information may not represent the structure of interest correctly. It may therefore be useful to introduce a more flexible technique for accurate segmentations. Method We present Cau-dateCut: a new fully-automatic method of segmenting the caudate nucleus in MRI. CaudateCut combines an atlas-based segmentation strategy with the Graph Cut energy-minimization framework. We adapt the Graph Cut model to make it suitable for segmenting small, low-contrast structures, such as the caudate nucleus, by defining new energy function data and boundary potentials. In particular, we exploit information concerning the intensity and geometry, and we add supervised energies based on contextual brain structures. Furthermore, we reinforce boundary detection using a new multi-scale edgeness measure. Results We apply the novel CaudateCut method to the segmentation of the caudate nucleus to a new set of 39 pediatric attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) patients and 40 control children, as well as to a public database of 18 subjects. We evaluate the quality of the segmentation using several volumetric and voxel by voxel measures. Our results show improved performance in terms of segmentation compared to state-of-the-art approaches, obtaining a mean overlap of 80.75%. Moreover, we present a quantitative volumetric analysis of caudate abnormalities in pediatric ADHD, the results of which show strong correlation with expert manual analysis. Conclusion CaudateCut generates segmentation results that are comparable to gold-standard segmentations and which are reliable in the analysis of differentiating neuroanatomical abnormalities between healthy controls and pediatric ADHD.


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Although paraphrasing is the linguistic mechanism underlying many plagiarism cases, little attention has been paid to its analysis in the framework of automatic plagiarism detection. Therefore, state-of-the-art plagiarism detectors find it difficult to detect cases of paraphrase plagiarism. In this article, we analyse the relationship between paraphrasing and plagiarism, paying special attention to which paraphrase phenomena underlie acts of plagiarism and which of them are detected by plagiarism detection systems. With this aim in mind, we created the P4P corpus, a new resource which uses a paraphrase typology to annotate a subset of the PAN-PC-10 corpus for automatic plagiarism detection. The results of the Second International Competition on Plagiarism Detection were analysed in the light of this annotation. The presented experiments show that (i) more complex paraphrase phenomena and a high density of paraphrase mechanisms make plagiarism detection more difficult, (ii) lexical substitutions are the paraphrase mechanisms used the most when plagiarising, and (iii) paraphrase mechanisms tend to shorten the plagiarized text. For the first time, the paraphrase mechanisms behind plagiarism have been analysed, providing critical insights for the improvement of automatic plagiarism detection systems.


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Covert spatial attention produces biases in perceptual and neural responses in the absence of overt orienting movements. The neural mechanism that gives rise to these effects is poorly understood. Here we report the relation between fixational eye movements, namely eye vergence, and covert attention. Visual stimuli modulate the angle of eye vergence as a function of their ability to capture attention. This illustrates the relation between eye vergence and bottom-up attention. In visual and auditory cue/no-cue paradigms, the angle of vergence is greater in the cue condition than in the no-cue condition. This shows a top-down attention component. In conclusion, observations reveal a close link between covert attention and modulation in eye vergence during eye fixation. Our study suggests a basis for the use of eye vergence as a tool for measuring attention and may provide new insights into attention and perceptual disorders.


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Estudi elaborat a partir d’una estada a la University of Wales, Bangor, Regne Unit entre setembre i desembre del 2006. Els sons distractors augmenten el temps de reacció i el nombre de respostes incorrectes en una tasca de classificació visual, demostrant que hi ha distracció conductual durant la realització de la tasca visual. L’enregistrament concomitant de potencials evocats durant la distracció mostra un patró neuroelèctric característic, el potencial de distracció, que es caracteritza per una ona trifàsica. Darrerament, s’ha demostrat que factors “des de dalt” associats al muntatge experimental tindrien una gran influència en els efectes que els estímuls distractors tindrien en la tasca. Estudis recents mostrarien que aquesta resposta d’atenció exògena es pot modular per la càrrega en memòria de treball, reduint-ne la distracció amb la càrrega, fet que contradiu altres dades que mostraven l’efecte oposat. L’objectiu d’aquest estudi ha estat investigar en quines condicions la càrrega en memòria de treball pot exercir un efecte modulador en les respostes conductuals i cerebrals als sons novedosos distractors, i establir la dinàmica espacio-temporal d’aquesta modulació.


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Estudi elaborat a partir d’una estada a la Universitat de Aarhus, Dinamarca, durant juliol 2006. En el present treball s’investiguen, per primer cop, les propietats de absorció bifotòniques del fotosensibilitzador 2,7,12,17-tetrafenilporficè (TPPo) i del seu complex de pal•ladi (II) (PdTPPo). Ambos compostos han rebut molta atenció com a possibles otosensibilitzadors per a Teràpia Fotodinàmica (TFD). S’utilitza la detecció de la fosforescència de l’oxigen singlet, centrada a 1270 nm i produïda per l’absorció de dos fotons, per quantificar la magnitud de la secció d’absorció bifotònica, "delta", dels porficèns estudiats. Els experiments se han dut a terme en el marge espectral 750-850 nm i a l’infraroig proper a 1100nm. Aquestes longituds d’ona corresponen a les zones d’absorció bifotònica en les bandes de Soret i Q. Les propietats bifotòniques obtingudes es comparen i contrasten amb les dades conegudes de la tetrafenilporfirina (TPP), isòmer estructural del tetrafenilporficè però amb més gran simetria, i es troba que en la banda de Soret (que coincideix amb la regió de la pell més transparent) els valors de delta per el TPPo i PdTPPo son aproximadament 2000 GM en el màxim, pràcticament cent vegades més grans que per la TPP. A més a més, aquestos valors son dos ordres de magnitud més grans que els obtinguts a l’irradiar a 1100 nm (bandes Q). Aquestes observacions es poden explicar mitjançant la amplificació per ressonància deguda a la presència de transicions monofotòniques ressonants en la regió de les bandes Q. Els elevats valors de "delta" obtinguts per els tetrafenilporficèns estudiats junt a les principals característiques que aquestos presenten (elevat rendiment de formació d’oxigen singlet, estabilitat química i fotoquímica, absència de citotoxicitat,...) qualifiquen al TPPo y PdTPPo com a possibles fotosensibilitzadors per a Teràpia Fotodinàmica Bifotònica.


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Report for the scientific sojourn at the University of Queensland, Australia, between June to October 2007. The integration of sensory information coming from different modalities is a subjectively effortless and automatic process. However, recent findings converge on the idea that there might be some limitations on how much multisensory information can our brains integrate at a given moment. The overall objective of this research visit was to expand and reinforce our current line of research addressing the role that attention plays on the mechanisms responsible for multisensory integration. There is also a critical review of the literature as well as a list of research questions of potential interest in the area of the neuropsychology of multisensory attention.


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L’objectiu principal del projecte és el de classificar escenes de carretera en funció del contingut de les imatges per així poder fer un desglossament sobre quin tipus de situació tenim en el moment. És important que fixem els paràmetres necessaris en funció de l’escenari en què ens trobem per tal de treure el màxim rendiment possible a cada un dels algoritmes. La seva funcionalitat doncs, ha de ser la d’avís i suport davant els diferents escenaris de conducció. És a dir, el resultat final ha de contenir un algoritme o aplicació capaç de classificar les imatges d’entrada en diferents tipus amb la màxima eficiència espacial i temporal possible. L’algoritme haurà de classificar les imatges en diferents escenaris. Els algoritmes hauran de ser parametritzables i fàcilment manejables per l’usuari. L’eina utilitzada per aconseguir aquests objectius serà el MATLAB amb les toolboxs de visió i xarxes neuronals instal·lades.


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This work covers two aspects. First, it generally compares and summarizes the similarities and differences of state of the art feature detector and descriptor and second it presents a novel approach of detecting intestinal content (in particular bubbles) in capsule endoscopy images. Feature detectors and descriptors providing invariance to change of perspective, scale, signal-noise-ratio and lighting conditions are important and interesting topics in current research and the number of possible applications seems to be numberless. After analysing a selection of in the literature presented approaches, this work investigates in their suitability for applications information extraction in capsule endoscopy images. Eventually, a very good performing detector of intestinal content in capsule endoscopy images is presented. A accurate detection of intestinal content is crucial for all kinds of machine learning approaches and other analysis on capsule endoscopy studies because they occlude the field of view of the capsule camera and therefore those frames need to be excluded from analysis. As a so called “byproduct” of this investigation a graphical user interface supported Feature Analysis Tool is presented to execute and compare the discussed feature detectors and descriptor on arbitrary images, with configurable parameters and visualized their output. As well the presented bubble classifier is part of this tool and if a ground truth is available (or can also be generated using this tool) a detailed visualization of the validation result will be performed.


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El projecte ha permès finançar el suport tècnic necessari per a poder desenvolupar materials informatitzats corresponents a activitats teòrico-pràctiques de l’assignatura troncal de la llicenciatura de Psicologia (actualment també en el Grau) “Percepció i Atenció”. Els materials desenvolupats corresponen a diferents punts del programa de l’assignatura i són els següents: demostració de la tècnica d’ombrejat per l’anàlisi de l’atenció focalitzada; parpelleig atencional en sèries de presentacions ràpides d’informació visual (RSVP); canvis encoberts de l’atenció i el mecanisme d’inhibició de retorn; efectes dels filtrats sobre la percepció de la parla i la música; il·lusions auditives i els principis d’organització de la informació sonora complexa; la percepció categòrica dels sons de la parla i la naturalesa continua del processament lèxic (paradigma d’obertura successiva o gating). Per totes aquelles activitats amb continguts de llenguatge, s’han desenvolupat dues versions equivalents, catalana i castellana, per permetre que els estudiants fessin la pràctica en la seva llengua dominant. A la primera fase del projecte, al llarg del curs 2006-07, es van preparar els materials i la programació de les diferents pràctiques i es van poder identificar alguns problemes que es van solucionar posteriorment. En el curs 2007-08 totes les activitats de pràctiques ja es van fer accessibles als estudiants (Plataforma Moodle, Campus Virtual) i la valoració sobre el seu funcionament, feta pels estudiants mitjançant qüestionaris, va ser satisfactòria en més d’un 95% dels casos (els únics problemes detectats estaven relacionats amb les característiques dels ordinadors del usuaris i del navegador utilitzat per accedir als materials). La valoració de les activitats per part dels estudiants va ser globalment positiva i, en el seu ús continuat al llarg dels cursos 2008-09 i 2009-10, s’ha observat una participació creixent (accés voluntari a les activitats) i un aprofitament millor de la informació presentada, que es tradueix en millores en les puntuacions obtingudes en les avaluacions de l'assignatura.


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Este documento refleja el estudio de investigación para la detección de factores que afectan al rendimiento en entornos multicore. Debido a la gran diversidad de arquitecturas multicore se ha definido un marco de trabajo, que consiste en la adopción de una arquitectura específica, un modelo de programación basado en paralelismo de datos, y aplicaciones del tipo Single Program Multiple Data. Una vez definido el marco de trabajo, se han evaluado los factores de rendimiento con especial atención al modelo de programación. Por este motivo, se ha analizado la librería de threads y la API OpenMP para detectar aquellas funciones sensibles de ser sintonizadas al permitir un comportamiento adaptativo de la aplicación al entorno, y que dependiendo de su adecuada utilización han de mejorar el rendimiento de la aplicación.


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The RT-PCR technique for the detection of apple stem grooving virus (ASGV), apple stem pitting virus (ASPV), apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV), apple mosaic virus (ApMV) and pear blister canker viroid (PBCV) was evaluated for health control of fruit plants from nurseries. The technique was evaluated in purified RNA and crude extracts and also in phloem collected in autumn and from young spring shoots. The results obtained for phytoplasma detection with ribosomal and non-ribosomal primers are also presented.