12 resultados para Wind quintets (Bassoon, clarinet, flute, horn, oboe)

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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The classical statistical study of the wind speed in the atmospheric surface layer is madegenerally from the analysis of the three habitual components that perform the wind data,that is, the component W-E, the component S-N and the vertical component,considering these components independent.When the goal of the study of these data is the Aeolian energy, so is when wind isstudied from an energetic point of view and the squares of wind components can beconsidered as compositional variables. To do so, each component has to be divided bythe module of the corresponding vector.In this work the theoretical analysis of the components of the wind as compositionaldata is presented and also the conclusions that can be obtained from the point of view ofthe practical applications as well as those that can be derived from the application ofthis technique in different conditions of weather


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En este trabajo se relatan los acontecimientos que dieron pié a la relación simbiótica entre Johann Sebastian Bach y el oboe. Es un escrito de carácter divulgativo para el cual se consultaron tanto fuentes primarias como secundarias, las cuales se plasman aquí a manera de resumen. Como resultado de esta relación, nos ha llegado la colección más grande de música para oboe solista jamás escrita por un solo compositor.


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El projecte és una proposta d’exploració i reflexió personal sobre la respiració en la interpretació musical amb el clarinet i els aspectes corporals i pedagògics relacionats que fan possible l’estat psicofísic necessari per a una interpretació fluïda, creativa i amb veu pròpia. Per al seu desenvolupament, s’ha aprofundit en el coneixement de l’anatomia i fisiologia de la respiració, així com en la consciència corporal per aplicar-ho a la interpretació amb el clarinet i desenvolupar unes eines per a la seva didàctica. El mètode de treball consta de tres fases: la documentació, les entrevistes i les sessions didàctiques. Tot plegat ha significat un profund aprenentatge a nivell personal.


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The European Space Agency Soil Moisture andOcean Salinity (SMOS) mission aims at obtaining global maps ofsoil moisture and sea surface salinity from space for large-scale andclimatic studies. It uses an L-band (1400–1427 MHz) MicrowaveInterferometric Radiometer by Aperture Synthesis to measurebrightness temperature of the earth’s surface at horizontal andvertical polarizations ( h and v). These two parameters will beused together to retrieve the geophysical parameters. The retrievalof salinity is a complex process that requires the knowledge ofother environmental information and an accurate processing ofthe radiometer measurements. Here, we present recent resultsobtained from several studies and field experiments that were partof the SMOS mission, and highlight the issues still to be solved.


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The MAGIC collaboration has searched for high-energy gamma-ray emission of some of the most promising pulsar candidates above an energy threshold of 50 GeV, an energy not reachable up to now by other ground-based instruments. Neither pulsed nor steady gamma-ray emission has been observed at energies of 100 GeV from the classical radio pulsars PSR J0205+6449 and PSR J2229+6114 (and their nebulae 3C58 and Boomerang, respectively) and the millisecond pulsar PSR J0218+4232. Here, we present the flux upper limits for these sources and discuss their implications in the context of current model predictions.


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Context.LS 5039 has been observed with several X-ray instruments so far showing quite steady emission in the long term and no signatures of accretion disk. The source also presents X-ray variability at orbital timescales in flux and photon index. The system harbors an O-type main sequence star with moderate mass-loss. At present, the link between the X-rays and the stellar wind is unclear. Aims.We study the X-ray fluxes, spectra, and absorption properties of LS 5039 at apastron and periastron passages during an epoch of enhanced stellar mass-loss, and the long term evolution of the latter in connection with the X-ray fluxes. Methods.New XMM-Newton observations were performed around periastron and apastron passages in September 2005, when the stellar wind activity was apparently higher. April 2005 Chandra observations on LS 5039 were revisited. Moreover, a compilation of H EW data obtained since 1992, from which the stellar mass-loss evolution can be approximately inferred, was carried out. Results.XMM-Newton observations show higher and harder emission around apastron than around periastron. No signatures of thermal emission or a reflection iron line indicating the presence of an accretion disk are found in the spectrum, and the hydrogen column density () is compatible with being the same in both observations and consistent with the interstellar value. 2005 Chandra observations show a hard X-ray spectrum, and possibly high fluxes, although pileup effects preclude conclusive results from being obtained. The H EW shows yearly variations of 10%, and does not seem to be correlated with X-ray fluxes obtained at similar phases, unlike what is expected in the wind accretion scenario. Conclusions.2005 XMM-Newton and Chandra observations are consistent with 2003 RXTE/PCA results, namely moderate flux and spectral variability at different orbital phases. The constancy of the seems to imply that either the X-ray emitter is located at 1012 cm from the compact object, or the density in the system is 3 to 27 times smaller than that predicted by a spherical symmetric wind model. We suggest that the multiwavelength non-thermal emission of LS 5039 is related to the observed extended radio jets and is unlikely to be produced inside the binary system.


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Aquest treball avarca des de reunions amb personal de qualitat d’una fàbrica decremalleres fins a la proposta d’un prototip d’una màquina que solucionés els seusproblemes concrets de producció. Pel camí s’ha fet recerca envers de solucionsprèvies que fossin factibles a realitzar en uns pocs mesos i amb els medis limitatsdels que es desponiaLes solucions, tant de mètodes d’assaig i observació com de disseny són un reflexclar de procés d’enginyeria en l’àmbit industrial espanyol. Els medis escassegen,però amb temps (tampoc gaire) i enginy es troben formes de satisfer lesnecessitats. Al cap i a la fi és el que s’espera de nosaltres com a enginyers.


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This essay examines the American Civil War of 1861 – 1865, which is also known as the bloodiest war that the United States has ever experienced. The pretext for the war was the abolition of slavery in the South, and after many battles the Southern states lost: as a consequence, they experienced major changes in their economic and social life. This interesting piece from American history can be traced out throughout the characters’ lives in the novel Gone with the Wind which has been thoroughly analyzed in order to draw nearer and to comprehend the changes in the Southern way of life before and after the war. The author, Margaret Mitchell, was born in Atlanta, Georgia, and grew up with the stories about the war. As a result, Gone with the Wind studies not only its causes, but also the years after its end – a period which is not generally a subject of history and receives little attention – and the effects that such reversals have on former planters and slaves. From the position of contemporaneity, the reader can see that such changes in a society do not end with the laying down of an act, or in this case the end of the war, but they continue during many years; thus, the modern world can draw conclusions and lessons for events that are happening at the moment.


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This paper presents a model of the Stokes emission vector from the ocean surface. The ocean surface is described as an ensemble of facets with Cox and Munk's (1954) Gram-Charlier slope distribution. The study discusses the impact of different up-wind and cross-wind rms slopes, skewness, peakedness, foam cover models and atmospheric effects on the azimuthal variation of the Stokes vector, as well as the limitations of the model. Simulation results compare favorably, both in mean value and azimuthal dependence, with SSM/I data at 53° incidence angle and with JPL's WINDRAD measurements at incidence angles from 30° to 65°, and at wind speeds from 2.5 to 11 m/s.


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La fenología y la dinámica poblacional del pulgón del tilo Eucallipterus tiliae Linnaeus han sido estudiadas en parques y jardines de la ciudad de Lleida durante el periodo 2002-2003 en árboles no tratados y en árboles sometidos a tratamiento químico convencional. Los primeros individuos aparecen a comienzos de primavera (abril) y las densidades de población crecen exponencialmente hasta alcanzarse un máximo a finales de mayo. Inmediatamente después del máximo poblacional se produce un descenso brusco de la población hasta la práctica desaparición de los pulgones del árbol. En otoño se detectan machos y hembras ovíparas que hacen la puesta. Esta especie pasa el invierno en forma de huevo. Durante el periodo de mayor abundancia, los pulgones produjeron gran cantidad de melaza causando daños estéticos a los árboles y molestias a los ciudadanos. Estos efectos negativos del pulgón se produjeron a pesar de la estrategia de control utilizada: la aplicación sistemática de insecticidas. El análisis de esta estrategia mostró un número excesivo de tratamientos y una falta de sincronización con la dinámica del pulgón, lo que pone de manifiesto que la estrategia de control de E. tiliae en Lleida puede ser mejorada. Se registró la presencia de diversos enemigos naturales asociados a E. tiliae, principalmente coccinélidos y parasitoides (Hym., Braconidae, Aphidiinae). Sin embargo, no parece que la abundancia de éstos fuera la suficiente para mantener las poblaciones de pulgones por debajo de los niveles considerados molestos.


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PLFC is a first-order possibilistic logic dealing with fuzzy constants and fuzzily restricted quantifiers. The refutation proof method in PLFC is mainly based on a generalized resolution rule which allows an implicit graded unification among fuzzy constants. However, unification for precise object constants is classical. In order to use PLFC for similarity-based reasoning, in this paper we extend a Horn-rule sublogic of PLFC with similarity-based unification of object constants. The Horn-rule sublogic of PLFC we consider deals only with disjunctive fuzzy constants and it is equipped with a simple and efficient version of PLFC proof method. At the semantic level, it is extended by equipping each sort with a fuzzy similarity relation, and at the syntactic level, by fuzzily “enlarging” each non-fuzzy object constant in the antecedent of a Horn-rule by means of a fuzzy similarity relation.


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La finalitat d’aquest Projecte Fi de Grau és descobrir els clarinetistes que hi havia a Barcelona des de la segona meitat del segle XIX fins a la Guerra Civil, tant a nivell d’intèrprets com a nivell de professors. A més, ens hem proposat conèixer en quines institucions educatives aquests professors impartien les seves classes, com l’Escola Municipal de Música de Barcelona o el Conservatori del Liceu. Això ens ha portat, també, a identificar en quines agrupacions musicals desenvolupaven la seva carrera —com l’Orquestra Pau Casals, la Banda Municipal de Barcelona, l’Orquestra del Liceu o diferents orquestres de ball en les quals oferien concerts populars al llarg del territori. La metodologia utilitzada ha estat l'extracció i l’anàlisi de ressenyes hemerogràfiques i la recerca específica sobre la carrera artística del clarinetista que possiblement va realitzar a nivell estatal els primers enregistraments per a aquest instrument: en Josep Nori.