26 resultados para Wild type TTR

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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Amyloid β-peptide (Aβ) fibril deposition on cerebral vessels produces cerebral amyloid angiopathy that appears in the majority of Alzheimer's disease patients. An early onset of a cerebral amyloid angiopathy variant called hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis of the Dutch type is caused by a point mutation in Aβ yielding AβGlu22→Gln. The present study addresses the effect of amyloid fibrils from both wild-type and mutated Aβ on vascular cells, as well as the putative protective role of antioxidants on amyloid angiopathy. For this purpose, we studied the cytotoxicity induced by Aβ1–40 Glu22→Gln and Aβ1–40 wild-type fibrils on human venule endothelial cells and rat aorta smooth muscle cells. We observed that AβGlu22→Gln fibrils are more toxic for vascular cells than the wild-type fibrils. We also evaluated the cytotoxicity of Aβ fibrils bound with acetylcholinesterase (AChE), a common component of amyloid deposits. Aβ1–40 wild-type–AChE fibrillar complexes, similar to neuronal cells, resulted in an increased toxicity on vascular cells. Previous reports showing that antioxidants are able to reduce the toxicity of Aβ fibrils on neuronal cells prompted us to test the effect of vitamin E, vitamin C, and 17β-estradiol on vascular damage induced by Aβwild-type and AβGlu22→Gln. Our data indicate that vitamin E attenuated significantly the Aβ-mediated cytotoxicity on vascular cells, although 17β-estradiol and vitamin C failed to inhibit the cytotoxicity induced by Aβ fibrils.


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The plant cell wall is a strong fibrillar network that gives each cell its stable shape. It is constituted by a network of cellulose microfibrils embedded in a matrix of polysaccharides, such as xyloglucans. To enlarge, cells selectively loosen this network. Moreover, there is a pectin-rich intercellular material, the middle lamella, cementing together the walls of adjacent plant cells. Xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolases (XTHs) are a group of enzymes involved in the reorganisation of the cellulose-xyloglucan framework by catalysing cleavage and re-ligation of the xyloglucan chains in the plant cell wall, and are considered cell wall loosening agents. In the laboratory, it has been isolated and characterised a XTH gene, ZmXTH1, from an elongation root cDNA library of maize. To address the cellular function of ZmXTH1, transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants over-expressing ZmXTH1 (under the control of the CaMV35S promoter) were generated. The aim of the work performed was therefore the characterisation of these transgenic plants at the ultrastructural level, by transmission electron microscopy (TEM).The detailed cellular phenotype of transgenic plants was investigated by comparing ultra-thin transverse sections of basal stem of 5-weeks old plants of wild type (Col 0) and 35S-ZmXTH1 Arabidopsis plants. Transgenic plants show modifications in the cell walls, particularly a thicker middle lamella layer with respect the wild type plants, supporting the idea that the overexpression of ZmXTH1 could imply a pronounced wall-loosening. In sum, the work carried out reinforces the idea that ZmXTH1 is involved in the cell wall loosening process in maize.  


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Estudi elaborat a partir d’una estada al Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale, França, entre setembre i octubre del 2006. La PAP va ser identificada inicialment com una proteïna de secreció, que apareixia al suc pancreàtic després de la inducció d’una pancreatitis aguda experimental. Per la PAP s’ha suggerit diferents funcions, algunes no relacionades en aparença, però les més interessants en el camp de la pancreatitis són les activitats antiapoptótiques, mitogéniques i, especialment, antiinflamatóries. Per aprofundir en aquests aspectes de la PAP, s’ha emprat un model de ratolí PAP-/- per observar els efectes de la deleció del gen de la PAP durant la pancreatitis aguda.Per induir la pancreatitis es va fer servir el model de administració de ceruleina a dosi supra-màximes. En aquestes condicions es va observar que en els animals PAP-/-, la severitat del procés era menor. Els marcadors de necrosi pancreàtica, lipasa i amilasa, van presentar nivells menors en els animals PAP-/- que en els corresponents wild type. Per contra, el nombre de PMN infiltrats i la producció de citoquines pro-inflamatories va ser major en el pàncreas dels animals PAP-/-. La intensitat de la resposta inflamatòria observada suggereix que en condicions fisiològiques, el paper anti-inflamatori de la PAP es prou rellevant. Això ja s’havia suggerit en estudis in vitro, en els que es va demostrar que l’activitat antiinflamatòria de la PAP depenia de la via de transducció de senyal Jak/STAT/SOCS3. Aquesta hipòtesi s’ha comprovat in vivo, monitoritzant el nivell d’activació de STAT3 en els pàncreas dels animals després de la inducció de la pancreatitis.Tot plegat confirma que les funcions antiinflamatòries descrites in vitro per la PAP també es poden observar in vivo, de manera que la PAP sembla ser un agent important en la resposta de les cèl•lules pancreàtiques durant la pancreatitis aguda.


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Estudi elaborat a partir d’una estada a la School of Life Sciences de la University of Dundee, Gran Bretanya, entre gener i març del 2007.L'estrès osmòtic causa rà pidament l'activació de la quinasa WNK1, que fosforila i activa a continuació les quinases SPAK i OSR1, que alhora regulen canals i transportadors d’ions preexistents a la membrana cel•lular. El factor de transcripció NFAT5 és el principal regulador de la resposta cel•lular transcripcional secundà ria a hipertonicitat i s’ha descrit que les quinases p38, Fyn, PKA, ERK/MEK i ATM estan involucrades en la seva regulació post-traduccional. No obstant, com que la funció d’aquestes quinases no explica totalment els mecanismes d'activació de NFAT5, s’ha estudiat si l’activitat transcripcional de NFAT5 pot estar regulada per WNK1, SPAK o OSR1. Així doncs, es va observar que l’activitat d’un reporter dependent de NFAT5 no es veu afectada per la presència de cap de les quinases anteriors, en la seva forma wild-type o dominant negatiu. D’altra banda, es va estudiar quin domini de WNK1 és necessari per a que pugui respondre a hipertonicitat i quines quinases poden estar involucrades en la fosforilació de la serina 382 de WNK1. En conclusió, les dades obtingudes apunten que l’activació de WNK1 en resposta a estrès osmòtic requereix la seva fosforilació en la serina 382 per quinases upstream com PAK2 o RSK i que també és necessari un dels seus dominis coiled-coil, almenys els aminoà cids 558 i 561. Aquests processos, però, semblen ser independents de l’activació de NFAT5 en resposta a hipertonicitat.   


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Proyecto de investigación realizado a partir de una estancia en la University of California, Davis, Estados Unidos, entre octubre y desembre del 2007. Clostridium perfringens (C. perfringens) tipo C causa enteritis necrotizante en humanos y enterotoxemias en animales domésticos. Esta bacteria produce beta toxina (CPB), alfa toxina (CPA) y perfringolisina (PFO) durante la fase logarítimca de crecimiento. En nuestro estudio se evaluó la relación entre CPB y la virulencia del aislamiento CN3685 de Cl. perfringens tipo C en un modelo caprino con inoculación intraduodenal. De manera similar a la infección natural por C. perfringens tipo C, el cultivo vegetativo del tipo salvaje de CN3685 provocó dolor abdominal, diarrea hemorrágica, enteritis necrotizante, colitis, edema pulmonar, hidropericardio y muerte en 2 cabritos, a las 24 horas postinoculación. Por otro lado, mediante tecnología Targe Tron® se prepararon mutantes isogénicos carentes de toxina CPB, los cuales fueron inoculados siguiendo el modelo anteriormente descrito. Los resultados mostraron que estos mutantes carecían de todo tipo de virulencia, ya que no se observaron signos clínicos durante las primeras 24 h postinoculación ni tampoco lesiones macroscópicas ni histopatológicas. Posteriormente se desarrolló un modelo experimental similar a los anteriores, en los que se había repuesto la capacidad de producción de CPB en los mutantes. Los dos animales inoculados con estos mutantes complementarios presentaron signos clínicos y lesiones similares a las observadas en el caso del tipo salvaje. Estos resultados muestran que la toxina CPB es necesaria y suficiente para inducir la enfermedad causada por CN3685. Esto a su vez, demuestra la importancia de este tipo de toxina en la patogénesis de C. perfringems tìpo C.


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la Stanford University, EEUU, entre 2007 i 2009. El present projecte es basa 1) en la síntesi de cadenes d'ARN dirigides a la inhibició de l'expressió gènica per un mecanisme d'ARN d'interferència (siRNAs o short interefering RNAs) i 2) en l'avaluació de l'activitat in vitro d'aquests oligonucleòtids en cultius cel•lulars. Concretament, la meva recerca ha estat enfocada principalment a l'estudi de cadenes de siRNA modificades amb nucleobases 5-metil i 5-propinil pirimidíniques. Es tractava d'avaluar l'efecte que exerceixen els factors estèrics en el major groove (solc major) dels siRNAs sobre la seva activitat biològica. En aquest sentit, he dut aterme síntesi de fosforamidits de nucleòsis pirimidínics modificats a la posició C-5 de la nucleobase. A continuació he incorporat aquestes unitats nucleosídiques en cadenes d'ARN emprant un sintetitzador d’ADN/ARN i he estudiat l'estabilitat dels corresponents dúplexs d'ARN mitjançant experiments de desnaturalització tèrmica. Finalment he dut a terme experiments d'inhibició de l'expressió gènica en cèl.lules HeLa per tal d'avaluar l'activitat biològia d'aquests siRNAs modificats. Els resultats d'aquests estudis han posat de manifest que la presència de grups voluminosos com el propinil a l'extrem 5' del dúplex de siRNA (definit per la cadena guia o antisense) influeix de forma molt negativa en la seva activitat biològica. En canvi, grups menys voluminosos com el metil hi influeixen positivament, de manera que algunes de les cadenes sintetitzades han resultat ser més actives que els corresponents siRNAs naturals (wild type siRNAs). A més, aquest tipus de modificació contribueix positivament en l'estabilitat de cadenes de siRNA en sèrum humà. Aquest treball ha estat publicat (Terrazas, M.; Kool, E.T. "Major Groove Modifications Improve siRNA Stability and Biological Activity" Nucleic Acids Res. 2009, in press).


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Els esteroids juguen papers clau en el creixement I el desenvolupament d’eucariotes multicel•lulars. En plantes, aquestes hormones, anomenades Brassinosteroides (BRs), estan involucrades en una gran varietat de processos biològics essencials per a les plantes. S’han descrit anteriorment dos receptors de BRs del tipus Leucine Rich Repeat Receptor Like Kinase LRR-RLK, BRASSINOSTEROID RECEPTOR LIKE 1 i 3 (BRL1 i BRL3 respectivalemt) que són homòlegs al receptor principal BRI1 i són necessaris pel desenvolupament vascular. Tot i que els principals components de la senyal ja han estat identificats pel seu homòleg més pròxim, el receptor BRI1, els complexes de BRL1 i BRL3 juntament amb els candidats co-receptors així com els components de la ruta de senyalització encara no han sigut identificats. Per tal d’entendre millor la funció molecular d’aquests receptors de BRs en la planta aquesta tesis doctoral planteja dues aproximacions: com a primera aproximació, vaig realitzar un estudi fenotípic del desenvolupament del teixit vascular a la planta model Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis). Disposant d'una amplia bateria de mutants de síntesis de la hormona i senyalització del receptor BRI1, vam analitzar quantitativament el seu patró vascular a la tija d'Arabidopsis. Vam establir els paràmetres en les plantes silvestres [Col-0 wild type, (WT)] i els vam analitzar a tots i cadascun dels mutants. Això conjuntament amb una col•laboració amb la Dr. Marta Ibañes, física de la Universitat de Barcelona que va construir un model matemàtic per simular la formació del patró vascular ens va permetre el•laborar una hipòtesis que vam demostrar experimentalment i va ser publicada a la revista PNAS. Posteriorment vam observar que les plantes knock-out d'aquests dos receptors BRL1 y BRL3 a diferència de BRI1, no tenien cap fenotip obvi en el teixit vascular de la planta adulta. Així, a continuació, per entendre quina necessitat té la planta de disposar de tres receptors tant altament homòlegs que poden percebre la mateixa hormona, vam utilitzar una aproximació bioquímica en col•laboració amb el Prof. de Vries de la Universitat de Wageningen (Holanda) per tal de purificar els complexes dels receptors in vivo i els seus interactors. Això ens ha permès entendre millor el paper funcional d'aquests receptors en la planta. Els resultats d’aquests experiments estan resumits en un article en preparació que aviat estarà en revisió.


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Background: GTF2I codes for a general intrinsic transcription factor and calcium channel regulator TFII-I, with high and ubiquitous expression, and a strong candidate for involvement in the morphological and neuro-developmental anomalies of the Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS). WBS is a genetic disorder due to a recurring deletion of about 1,55-1,83 Mb containing 25-28 genes in chromosome band 7q11.23 including GTF2I. Completed homozygous loss of either the Gtf2i or Gtf2ird1 function in mice provided additional evidence for the involvement of both genes in the craniofacial and cognitive phenotype. Unfortunately nothing is now about the behavioral characterization of heterozygous mice. Methods: By gene targeting we have generated a mutant mice with a deletion of the first 140 amino-acids of TFII-I. mRNA and protein expression analysis were used to document the effect of the study deletion. We performed behavioral characterization of heterozygous mutant mice to document in vivo implications of TFII-I in the cognitive profile of WBS patients. Results: Homozygous and heterozygous mutant mice exhibit craniofacial alterations, most clearly represented in homozygous condition. Behavioral test demonstrate that heterozygous mutant mice exhibit some neurobehavioral alterations and hyperacusis or odynacusis that could be associated with specific features of WBS phenotype. Homozygous mutant mice present highly compromised embryonic viability and fertility. Regarding cellular model, we documented a retarded growth in heterozygous MEFs respect to homozygous or wild-type MEFs. Conclusion: Our data confirm that, although additive effects of haploinsufficiency at several genes may contribute to the full craniofacial or neurocognitive features of WBS, correct expression of GTF2I is one of the main players. In addition, these findings show that the deletion of the fist 140 amino-acids of TFII-I altered it correct function leading to a clear phenotype, at both levels, at the cellular model and at the in vivo model.


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Interaction between brain endocannabinoid (EC) and serotonin (5-HT) systems was investigated by examining 5-HT-dependent behavioural and biochemical responses in CB1 receptor knockout mice. CB1 knockout animals exhibited a significant reduction in the induction of head twitches and paw tremor by the 5-HT2A receptor selective agonist ()DOI, as well as a reduced hypothermic response following administration of the 5-HT1A receptor agonist (±)-8-OH-DPAT. Additionally, exposure to the tail suspension test induced enhanced despair responses in CB1 knockout mice. However, the tricyclic antidepressant imipramine and the 5-HT selective reuptake inhibitor fluoxetine induced similar decreases in the time of immobility in the tail suspension test in CB1 receptor knockout and wild-type mice. No differences were found between both genotypes with regard to 5-HT2A receptor and 5-HT1A receptors levels, measured by autoradiography in different brain areas. However, a significant decrease in the ability of the 5-HT1A receptor agonist (±)-8-OH-DPAT to stimulate 35SGTPS binding was detected in the hippocampal CA1 area of CB1 receptor knockout mice. This study provides evidence that CB1 receptors are involved in the regulation of serotonergic responses mediated by 5-HT2A and 5-HT1A receptors, and suggests that a reduced coupling of 5-HT1A receptors to Gi/o proteins in the hippocampus might be involved in these effects.


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The involvement of μ-opioid receptors in different behavioral responses elicited by nicotine was explored by using μ-opioid receptor knock-out mice. The acute antinociceptive responses induced by nicotine in the tail-immersion and hot-plate tests were reduced in the mutant mice, whereas no difference between genotypes was observed in the locomotor responses. The rewarding effects induced by nicotine were then investigated using the conditioning place-preference paradigm. Nicotine produced rewarding responses in wild-type mice but failed to produce place preference in knock-out mice, indicating the inability of this drug to induce rewarding effects in the absence of μ-opioid receptors. Finally, the somatic expression of the nicotine withdrawal syndrome, precipitated in dependent mice by the injection of mecamylamine, was evaluated. Nicotine withdrawal was significantly attenuated in knock-out mutants when compared with wild-type mice. In summary, the present results show that μ-opioid receptors are involved in the rewarding responses induced by nicotine and participate in its antinociceptive responses and the expression of nicotine physical dependence.


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Previous pharmacological studies have indicated the possible existence of functional interactions between μ-, δ- and κ-opioid receptors in the CNS. We have investigated this issue using a genetic approach. Here we describe in vitro and in vivo functional activity of δ- and κ-opioid receptors in mice lacking the μ-opioid receptor (MOR). Measurements of agonist-induced [35S]GTPγS binding and adenylyl cyclase inhibition showed that functional coupling of δ- and κ-receptors to G-proteins is preserved in the brain of mutant mice. In the mouse vas deferens bioassay, deltorphin II and cyclic[d-penicillamine2,d-penicillamine5] enkephalin exhibited similar potency to inhibit smooth muscle contraction in both wild-type and MOR −/− mice. δ-Analgesia induced by deltorphin II was slightly diminished in mutant mice, when the tail flick test was used. Deltorphin II strongly reduced the respiratory frequency in wild-type mice but not in MOR −/− mice. Analgesic and respiratory responses produced by the selective κ-agonist U-50,488H were unchanged in MOR-deficient mice. In conclusion, the preservation of δ- and κ-receptor signaling properties in mice lacking μ-receptors provides no evidence for opioid receptor cross-talk at the cellular level. Intact antinociceptive and respiratory responses to the κ-agonist further suggest that the κ-receptor mainly acts independently from the μ-receptor in vivo. Reduced δ-analgesia and the absence of δ-respiratory depression in MOR-deficient mice together indicate that functional interactions may take place between μ-receptors and central δ-receptors in specific neuronal pathways.


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Serotonergic and endocannabinoid systems are important substrates for the control of emotional behavior and growing evidence show an involvement in the pathophysiology of mood disorders. In the present study, the absence of the activity of the CB1 cannabinoid receptor impaired serotonergic negative feedback in mice. Thus, in vivo microdialysis experiments revealed increased basal 5-HT extracellular levels and attenuated fluoxetine-induced increase of 5-HT extracellular levels in the prefrontal cortex of CB1 knockout compared to wild-type mice. These observations could be related to the significant reduction in the 5-HT transporter binding site density detected in frontal cortex and hippocampus of CB1 knockout mice. The lack of CB1 receptor also altered some 5-HT receptors related to the 5-HT feedback. Extracellular recordings in the dorsal raphe nucleus revealed that the genetic and pharmacological blockade of CB1 receptor induced a 5-HT1A autoreceptor functional desensitization. In situ hybridization studies showed a reduction in the expression of the 5-HT2C receptor within several brain areas related to the control of the emotional responses, such as the dorsal raphe nucleus, the nucleus accumbens and the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, whereas an overexpression was observed in the CA3 area of the ventral hippocampus. These results reveal that the lack of CB1 receptor induces a facilitation of the activity of serotonergic neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus by altering different components of the 5-HT feedback as well as an increase in 5-HT extracellular levels in the prefrontal cortex in mice.


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Background: An excess of caffeine is cytotoxic to all eukaryotic cell types. We aim to study how cells become tolerant to atoxic dose of this drug, and the relationship between caffeine and oxidative stress pathways.Methodology/Principal Findings: We searched for Schizosaccharomyces pombe mutants with inhibited growth on caffeinecontainingplates. We screened a collection of 2,700 haploid mutant cells, of which 98 were sensitive to caffeine. The genes mutated in these sensitive clones were involved in a number of cellular roles including the H2O2-induced Pap1 and Sty1 stress pathways, the integrity and calcineurin pathways, cell morphology and chromatin remodeling. We have investigated the role of the oxidative stress pathways in sensing and promoting survival to caffeine. The Pap1 and the Sty1 pathways are both required for normal tolerance to caffeine, but only the Sty1 pathway is activated by the drug. Cells lacking Pap1 aresensitive to caffeine due to the decreased expression of the efflux pump Hba2. Indeed, ?hba2 cells are sensitive to caffeine, and constitutive activation of the Pap1 pathway enhances resistance to caffeine in an Hba2-dependent manner. Conclusions/Significance: With our caffeine-sensitive, genome-wide screen of an S. pombe deletion collection, we havedemonstrated the importance of some oxidative stress pathway components on wild-type tolerance to the drug.


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Background: 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) is a popular recreational drug widely abused by young people. The endocannabinoid system is involved in the addictive processes induced by different drugs of abuse. However, the role of this system in the pharmacological effects of MDMA has not been yet clarified.Methods: Locomotion, body temperature and anxiogenic-like responses were evaluated after acute MDMA administration in CB1 knockout mice. Additionally, MDMA rewarding properties were investigated in the place conditioning and the intravenous self-administration paradigms. Extracellular levels of DA in the nucleus accumbens were also analyzed after a single administration of MDMA by in vivo microdialysis. Results: Acute MDMA administration increased locomotor activity, body temperature and anxiogenic-like responses in wild type mice, but these responses were lower or abolished in knockout animals. MDMA produced similar conditioned place preference and increased dopamine extracellular levels in the nucleus accumbens in both genotypes. Nevertheless, CB1 knockout mice failed to self-administer MDMA at any of the doses used. Conclusions: These results indicate that CB1 cannabinoid receptors play an important role in the acute prototypical effects of MDMA, and are essential in the acquisition of an operant behavior to self-administer this drug.


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We report a Spanish family with autosomal-dominant non-neuropathic hereditary amyloidosis with a unique hepatic presentation and death from liver failure, usually by the sixth decade. The disease is caused by a previously unreported deletion/insertion mutation in exon 4 of the apolipoprotein AI (apoAI) gene encoding loss of residues 60-71 of normal mature apoAI and insertion at that position of two new residues, ValThr. Affected individuals are heterozygous for this mutation and have both normal apoAI and variant molecules bearing one extra positive charge, as predicted from the DNA sequence. The amyloid fibrils are composed exclusively of NH2-terminal fragments of the variant, ending mainly at positions corresponding to residues 83 and 92 in the mature wild-type sequence. Amyloid fibrils derived from the other three known amyloidogenic apoAI variants are also composed of similar NH2-terminal fragments. All known amyloidogenic apoAI variants carry one extra positive charge in this region, suggesting that it may be responsible for their enhanced amyloidogenicity. In addition to causing a new phenotype, this is the first deletion mutation to be described in association with hereditary amyloidosis and it significantly extends the value of the apoAI model for investigation of molecular mechanisms of amyloid fibrillogenesis.