13 resultados para Teams in the workplace Queensland
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
As a result of the growing interest in studying employee well-being as a complex process that portrays high levels of within-individual variability and evolves over time, this present study considers the experience of flow in the workplace from a nonlinear dynamical systems approach. Our goal is to offer new ways to move the study of employee well-being beyond linear approaches. With nonlinear dynamical systems theory as the backdrop, we conducted a longitudinal study using the experience sampling method and qualitative semi-structured interviews for data collection; 6981 registers of data were collected from a sample of 60 employees. The obtained time series were analyzed using various techniques derived from the nonlinear dynamical systems theory (i.e., recurrence analysis and surrogate data) and multiple correspondence analyses. The results revealed the following: 1) flow in the workplace presents a high degree of within-individual variability; this variability is characterized as chaotic for most of the cases (75%); 2) high levels of flow are associated with chaos; and 3) different dimensions of the flow experience (e.g., merging of action and awareness) as well as individual (e.g., age) and job characteristics (e.g., job tenure) are associated with the emergence of different dynamic patterns (chaotic, linear and random).
Background: Care for patients with colon and rectal cancer has improved in the last twenty years however still considerable variation exists in cancer management and outcome between European countries. Therefore, EURECCA, which is the acronym of European Registration of cancer care, is aiming at defining core treatment strategies and developing a European audit structure in order to improve the quality of care for all patients with colon and rectal cancer. In December 2012 the first multidisciplinary consensus conference about colon and rectum was held looking for multidisciplinary consensus. The expert panel consisted of representatives of European scientific organisations involved in cancer care of patients with colon and rectal cancer and representatives of national colorectal registries. Methods: The expert panel had delegates of the European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO), European Society for Radiotherapy & Oncology (ESTRO), European Society of Pathology (ESP), European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO), European Society of Radiology (ESR), European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP), European CanCer Organisation (ECCO), European Oncology Nursing Society (EONS) and the European Colorectal Cancer Patient Organisation (EuropaColon), as well as delegates from national registries or audits. Experts commented and voted on the two web-based online voting rounds before the meeting (between 4th and 25th October and between the 20th November and 3rd December 2012) as well as one online round after the meeting (4th20th March 2013) and were invited to lecture on the subjects during the meeting (13th15th December 2012). The sentences in the consensus document were available during the meeting and a televoting round during the conference by all participants was performed. All sentences that were voted on are available on the EURECCA website www.canceraudit.eu. The consensus document was divided in sections describing evidence based algorithms of diagnostics, pathology, surgery, medical oncology, radiotherapy, and follow-up where applicable for treatment of colon cancer, rectal cancer and stage IV separately. Consensus was achieved using the Delphi method. Results: The total number of the voted sentences was 465. All chapters were voted on by at least 75% of the experts. Of the 465 sentences, 84% achieved large consensus, 6% achieved moderate consensus, and 7% resulted in minimum consensus. Only 3% was disagreed by more than 50% of the members. Conclusions: It is feasible to achieve European Consensus on key diagnostic and treatment issues using the Delphi method. This consensus embodies the expertise of professionals from all disciplines involved in the care for patients with colon and rectal cancer. Diagnostic and treatment algorithms were developed to implement the current evidence and to define core treatment guidance for multidisciplinary team management of colon and rectal cancer throughout Europe.
Background: Care for patients with colon and rectal cancer has improved in the last twenty years however still considerable variation exists in cancer management and outcome between European countries. Therefore, EURECCA, which is the acronym of European Registration of cancer care, is aiming at defining core treatment strategies and developing a European audit structure in order to improve the quality of care for all patients with colon and rectal cancer. In December 2012 the first multidisciplinary consensus conference about colon and rectum was held looking for multidisciplinary consensus. The expert panel consisted of representatives of European scientific organisations involved in cancer care of patients with colon and rectal cancer and representatives of national colorectal registries. Methods: The expert panel had delegates of the European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO), European Society for Radiotherapy & Oncology (ESTRO), European Society of Pathology (ESP), European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO), European Society of Radiology (ESR), European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP), European CanCer Organisation (ECCO), European Oncology Nursing Society (EONS) and the European Colorectal Cancer Patient Organisation (EuropaColon), as well as delegates from national registries or audits. Experts commented and voted on the two web-based online voting rounds before the meeting (between 4th and 25th October and between the 20th November and 3rd December 2012) as well as one online round after the meeting (4th-20th March 2013) and were invited to lecture on the subjects during the meeting (13th-15th December 2012). The sentences in the consensus document were available during the meeting and a televoting round during the conference by all participants was performed. All sentences that were voted on are available on the EURECCA website www.canceraudit.eu. The consensus document was divided in sections describing evidence based algorithms of diagnostics, pathology, surgery, medical oncology, radiotherapy, and follow-up where applicable for treatment of colon cancer, rectal cancer and stage IV separately. Consensus was achieved using the Delphi method. Results: The total number of the voted sentences was 465. All chapters were voted on by at least 75% of the experts. Of the 465 sentences, 84% achieved large consensus, 6% achieved moderate consensus, and 7% resulted in minimum consensus. Only 3% was disagreed by more than 50% of the members. Conclusions: It is feasible to achieve European Consensus on key diagnostic and treatment issues using the Delphi method. This consensus embodies the expertise of professionals from all disciplines involved in the care for patients with colon and rectal cancer. Diagnostic and treatment algorithms were developed to implement the current evidence and to define core treatment guidance for multidisciplinary team management of colon and rectal cancer throughout Europe.
Considering teams as complex adaptive systems (CAS) this study deals with changes in team effectiveness over time in a specific context: professional basketball. The sample comprised 23 basketball teams whose outcomes were analysed over a 12-year period according to two objective measures. The results reveal that all the teams showed chaotic dynamics, one of the key characteristics of CAS. A relationship was also found between teams showing low-dimensional chaotic dynamics and better outcomes, supporting the idea of healthy variability in organizational behaviour. The stability of the squad was likewise found to influence team outcomes, although it was not associated with the chaotic dynamics in team effectiveness. It is concluded that studying teams as CAS enables fluctuations in team effectiveness to be explained, and that the techniques derived from nonlinear dynamical systems, developed specifically for the study of CAS, are useful for this purpose.
Considering teams as complex adaptive systems (CAS) this study deals with changes in team effectiveness over time in a specific context: professional basketball. The sample comprised 23 basketball teams whose outcomes were analysed over a 12-year period according to two objective measures. The results reveal that all the teams showed chaotic dynamics, one of the key characteristics of CAS. A relationship was also found between teams showing low-dimensional chaotic dynamics and better outcomes, supporting the idea of healthy variability in organizational behaviour. The stability of the squad was likewise found to influence team outcomes, although it was not associated with the chaotic dynamics in team effectiveness. It is concluded that studying teams as CAS enables fluctuations in team effectiveness to be explained, and that the techniques derived from nonlinear dynamical systems, developed specifically for the study of CAS, are useful for this purpose.
El objetivo del presente trabajo es presentar la propuesta de desarrollo de la materia Proyectos del Grado de Comunicación Audiovisual de la Universidad de Barcelona, que incluye las asignaturas Proyectos I y Proyectos II. Ambas asignaturas son especialmente idóneas para trabajar las competencias transversales del grado, dado que el objetivo de la materia a la que pertenecen es integrar las competencias adquiridas en el conjunto de asignaturas cursadas por los alumnos hasta este momento, poniendo en relación los diferente lenguajes (escrito, oral, audiovisual y multimedia). Todo esto permite que el estudiante adquiera una visión integral y transversal. El presente trabajo reflexiona sobre los mecanismos que permitan al profesorado diseñar de forma colaborativa pautas y estrategias de enseñanza-aprendizaje; los modos de evaluación de las competencias de estas asignaturas, y todos aquellos aspectos claves que deben recoger los planes docentes. Materias como la de Proyectos suponen un reto en la actividad docente, al requerir del trabajo interdisciplinar e integrador de las áreas de conocimiento implicadas y de los docentes vinculados, al tiempo que facilitan la generación de puentes entre el ámbito académico y profesional.
La plataforma ACME (Avaluació Continuada i Millora de l’Ensenyament) va ser creada l’any 1998 per un grup de professors del departament d’Informàtica i Matemàtica Aplicada. L’ACME es va concebre com una plataforma d’e-learning, és a dir, un sistema que mitjançant l’ús d’Internet afavorís l’aprenentatge, permeten la interactivitat entre l’alumne i el professor. La creació de la plataforma ACME tenia com a objectiu reduir el fracàs dels alumnes en les assignatures de matemàtiques, però degut a l’èxit que va suposar en aquestes, es va decidir incorporar la metodologia de treball ACME a altres disciplines com la programació, les bases de dades, la química, l’economia, etc. de manera que actualment es poden desenvolupar activitats ACME en moltes disciplines. Actualment l’ACME s’utilitza com a complement a les classes presencials, on el professor exposa de manera magistral els conceptes i resol algun exercici a mode d’exemple, per a que després l’alumne, utilitzant la plataforma ACME, intenti resoldre els exercicis proposats pel professor.L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és desenvolupar l’anàlisi, disseny i implementació de les modificacions necessàries a incorporar a la plataforma ACME per tal de millorar el gestor de grups, els exercicis Excel i finalment permetre el treball en grup. El projecte consta de tres parts: millorar les interfícies del professor i de l’alumne, la millora del exercicis Excel i la resolució d’exercicis en grup
La integración en los planes de estudio de los preceptos que conforman el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) sefundamenta en el modelo enseñanza-aprendizaje y en la adquisición de un conjunto de competencias. Con su implementación en los grados impartidos en la Facultad de Bellas Artes (UB) –Bellas Artes, Diseño y Conservación de bienes culturales yRestauración– el alumnado desarrolla más actividades autónomas. Esta libertad se traduce en la posibilidad de trabajar enaulas, talleres y laboratorios artísticos en horarios flexibles, en ocasiones, sin el soporte del personal técnico o docente. Estanueva realidad conlleva la necesidad de implantar actividades de grupo que permitan al alumnado progresar en laresponsabilidad del trabajo en común de forma segura y sostenible. Se presenta entonces, la urgencia de sistematizar eldesarrollo de las competencias transversales Trabajo en Equipo (CTE) y Sostenibilidad (CTS). Para garantizar en los diferentesámbitos de Bellas Artes el equilibrio de recursos, el respeto al medio ambiente, la salud y la seguridad de los alumnos. Y, asímismo, facilitar y mejorar las posibilidades de inserción laboral de los mismos, incentivando y potenciando en la práctica académica sus habilidades colaborativas.
La integración en los planes de estudio de los preceptos que conforman el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) sefundamenta en el modelo enseñanza-aprendizaje y en la adquisición de un conjunto de competencias. Con su implementación en los grados impartidos en la Facultad de Bellas Artes (UB) –Bellas Artes, Diseño y Conservación de bienes culturales yRestauración– el alumnado desarrolla más actividades autónomas. Esta libertad se traduce en la posibilidad de trabajar enaulas, talleres y laboratorios artísticos en horarios flexibles, en ocasiones, sin el soporte del personal técnico o docente. Estanueva realidad conlleva la necesidad de implantar actividades de grupo que permitan al alumnado progresar en laresponsabilidad del trabajo en común de forma segura y sostenible. Se presenta entonces, la urgencia de sistematizar eldesarrollo de las competencias transversales Trabajo en Equipo (CTE) y Sostenibilidad (CTS). Para garantizar en los diferentesámbitos de Bellas Artes el equilibrio de recursos, el respeto al medio ambiente, la salud y la seguridad de los alumnos. Y, asímismo, facilitar y mejorar las posibilidades de inserción laboral de los mismos, incentivando y potenciando en la práctica académica sus habilidades colaborativas.
La integración en los planes de estudio de los preceptos que conforman el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) sefundamenta en el modelo enseñanza-aprendizaje y en la adquisición de un conjunto de competencias. Con su implementación en los grados impartidos en la Facultad de Bellas Artes (UB) –Bellas Artes, Diseño y Conservación de bienes culturales yRestauración– el alumnado desarrolla más actividades autónomas. Esta libertad se traduce en la posibilidad de trabajar enaulas, talleres y laboratorios artísticos en horarios flexibles, en ocasiones, sin el soporte del personal técnico o docente. Estanueva realidad conlleva la necesidad de implantar actividades de grupo que permitan al alumnado progresar en laresponsabilidad del trabajo en común de forma segura y sostenible. Se presenta entonces, la urgencia de sistematizar eldesarrollo de las competencias transversales Trabajo en Equipo (CTE) y Sostenibilidad (CTS). Para garantizar en los diferentesámbitos de Bellas Artes el equilibrio de recursos, el respeto al medio ambiente, la salud y la seguridad de los alumnos. Y, asímismo, facilitar y mejorar las posibilidades de inserción laboral de los mismos, incentivando y potenciando en la práctica académica sus habilidades colaborativas.
La integración en los planes de estudio de los preceptos que conforman el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) sefundamenta en el modelo enseñanza-aprendizaje y en la adquisición de un conjunto de competencias. Con su implementación en los grados impartidos en la Facultad de Bellas Artes (UB) –Bellas Artes, Diseño y Conservación de bienes culturales yRestauración– el alumnado desarrolla más actividades autónomas. Esta libertad se traduce en la posibilidad de trabajar enaulas, talleres y laboratorios artísticos en horarios flexibles, en ocasiones, sin el soporte del personal técnico o docente. Estanueva realidad conlleva la necesidad de implantar actividades de grupo que permitan al alumnado progresar en laresponsabilidad del trabajo en común de forma segura y sostenible. Se presenta entonces, la urgencia de sistematizar eldesarrollo de las competencias transversales Trabajo en Equipo (CTE) y Sostenibilidad (CTS). Para garantizar en los diferentesámbitos de Bellas Artes el equilibrio de recursos, el respeto al medio ambiente, la salud y la seguridad de los alumnos. Y, asímismo, facilitar y mejorar las posibilidades de inserción laboral de los mismos, incentivando y potenciando en la práctica académica sus habilidades colaborativas.
The aim of this paper is to measure the returns to human capital. We use a unique data set consisting of matched employer-employee information. Data on individuals' human capital include a set of 26 competences that capture the utilization of workers' skills in a very detailed way. Thus, we can expand the concept of human capital and discuss the type of skills that are more productive in the workplace and, hence, generate a higher payoff for the workers. The rich information on firm's and workplace characteristics allows us to introduce a broad range of controls and to improve previous research in this field. This paper gives evidence that the returns to generic competences differ depending on the position of the worker in the firm. Only numeracy skills are reward independent of the occupational status of the worker. The level of technology used by the firm in the production process does not directly increase workers’ pay, but it influences the pay-off to some of the competences. JEL Classification: J24, J31