27 resultados para TRNA-mediatedtrans-splicing

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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Report for the scientific sojourn carried out at the University of St. Andrews, United Kingdom, from November 2007 until January 2008. Therapeutic transgene expression is a valuable strategy to counteract the limitations associated with oncolytic adenoviruses. Late phase expression is desirable to avoid early cell death for proper virus production. In this 3 months-collaboration, we have constructed a late expression system based on ribosome skipping downstream fiber protein and compared it with a splicing-based method of late gene expression. Despite expressing high amounts of the transgene when utilizing the ribosome skipping-system, flow cytomety assays indicate a delayed transgene-expression kinetics compared with the splicing-based one. Furthermore, when using the ribosome skipping system not only fiber protein expression is more altered but also viral production. These results suggest splicing-based expression strategy as a more suitable system for expression of transgenes late in the viral life cycle of an oncolytic adenovirus.


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This note develops a flexible methodology for splicing economic time series that avoids the extreme assumptions implicit in the procedures most commonly used in the literature. It allows the user to split the required correction to the older of the series being linked between its levels and growth rates on the basis what he knows or conjectures about the persistence of the factors that account for the discrepancy between the two series that emerges at their linking point. The time profile of the correction is derived from the assumption that the error in the older series reflects the inadequate coverage of emerging sectors or activities that grow faster than the aggregate.


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Understanding the molecular mechanisms responsible for the regulation of the transcriptome present in eukaryotic cells isone of the most challenging tasks in the postgenomic era. In this regard, alternative splicing (AS) is a key phenomenoncontributing to the production of different mature transcripts from the same primary RNA sequence. As a plethora ofdifferent transcript forms is available in databases, a first step to uncover the biology that drives AS is to identify thedifferent types of reflected splicing variation. In this work, we present a general definition of the AS event along with anotation system that involves the relative positions of the splice sites. This nomenclature univocally and dynamically assignsa specific ‘‘AS code’’ to every possible pattern of splicing variation. On the basis of this definition and the correspondingcodes, we have developed a computational tool (AStalavista) that automatically characterizes the complete landscape of ASevents in a given transcript annotation of a genome, thus providing a platform to investigate the transcriptome diversityacross genes, chromosomes, and species. Our analysis reveals that a substantial part—in human more than a quarter—ofthe observed splicing variations are ignored in common classification pipelines. We have used AStalavista to investigate andto compare the AS landscape of different reference annotation sets in human and in other metazoan species and found thatproportions of AS events change substantially depending on the annotation protocol, species-specific attributes, andcoding constraints acting on the transcripts. The AStalavista system therefore provides a general framework to conductspecific studies investigating the occurrence, impact, and regulation of AS.


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Removal of introns during pre-mRNA splicing is a critical process in gene expression, and understanding its control at both single-gene and genomic levels is one of the great challenges in Biology. Splicing takes place in a dynamic, large ribonucleoprotein complex known as the spliceosome. Combining Genetics and Biochemistry, Saccharomyces cerevisiae provides insights into its mechanisms, including its regulation by RNA-protein interactions. Recent genome-wide analyses indicate that regulated splicing is broad and biologically relevant even in organisms with a relatively simple intronic structure, such as yeast. Furthermore, the possibility of coordination in splicing regulation at genomic level is becoming clear in this model organism. This should provide a valuable system to approach the complex problem of the role of regulated splicing in genomic expression.


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Poor understanding of the spliceosomal mechanisms to select intronic 3' ends (3'ss) is a major obstacle to deciphering eukaryotic genomes. Here, we discern the rules for global 3'ss selection in yeast. We show that, in contrast to the uniformity of yeast splicing, the spliceosome uses all available 3'ss within a distance window from the intronic branch site (BS), and that in 70% of all possible 3'ss this is likely to be mediated by pre-mRNA structures. Our results reveal that one of these RNA folds acts as an RNA thermosensor, modulating alternative splicing in response to heat shock by controlling alternate 3'ss availability. Thus, our data point to a deeper role for the pre-mRNA in the control of its own fate, and to a simple mechanism for some alternative splicing.


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Background: Alternatively spliced exons play an important role in the diversification of gene function in most metazoans and are highly regulated by conserved motifs in exons and introns. Two contradicting properties have been associated to evolutionary conserved alternative exons: higher sequence conservation and higher rate of non-synonymous substitutions, relative to constitutive exons. In order to clarify this issue, we have performed an analysis of the evolution of alternative and constitutive exons, using a large set of protein coding exons conserved between human and mouse and taking into account the conservation of the transcript exonic structure. Further, we have also defined a measure of the variation of the arrangement of exonic splicing enhancers (ESE-conservation score) to study the evolution of splicing regulatory sequences. We have used this measure to correlate the changes in the arrangement of ESEs with the divergence of exon and intron sequences. Results: We find evidence for a relation between the lack of conservation of the exonic structure and the weakening of the sequence evolutionary constraints in alternative and constitutive exons. Exons in transcripts with non-conserved exonic structures have higher synonymous (dS) and non-synonymous (dN) substitution rates than exons in conserved structures. Moreover, alternative exons in transcripts with non-conserved exonic structure are the least constrained in sequence evolution, and at high EST-inclusion levels they are found to be very similar to constitutive exons, whereas alternative exons in transcripts with conserved exonic structure have a dS significantly lower than average at all EST-inclusion levels. We also find higher conservation in the arrangement of ESEs in constitutive exons compared to alternative ones. Additionally, the sequence conservation at flanking introns remains constant for constitutive exons at all ESE-conservation values, but increases for alternative exons at high ESE-conservation values. Conclusion: We conclude that most of the differences in dN observed between alternative and constitutive exons can be explained by the conservation of the transcript exonic structure. Low dS values are more characteristic of alternative exons with conserved exonic structure, but not of those with non-conserved exonic structure. Additionally, constitutive exons are characterized by a higher conservation in the arrangement of ESEs, and alternative exons with an ESE-conservation similar to that of constitutive exons are characterized by a conservation of the flanking intron sequences higher than average, indicating the presence of more intronic regulatory signals.


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We describe the use of dynamic combinatorial chemistry (DCC) to identify ligands for the stem-loop structure located at the exon 10-5'-intron junction of Tau pre-mRNA, which is involved in the onset of several tauopathies including frontotemporal dementia with Parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17). A series of ligands that combine the small aminoglycoside neamine and heteroaromatic moieties (azaquinolone and two acridines) have been identified by using DCC. These compounds effectively bind the stem-loop RNA target (the concentration required for 50% RNA response (EC(50)): 2-58 μM), as determined by fluorescence titration experiments. Importantly, most of them are able to stabilize both the wild-type and the +3 and +14 mutated sequences associated with the development of FTDP-17 without producing a significant change in the overall structure of the RNA (as analyzed by circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy), which is a key factor for recognition by the splicing regulatory machinery. A good correlation has been found between the affinity of the ligands for the target and their ability to stabilize the RNA secondary structure.


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We describe the effect of guanidinylation of the aminoglycoside moiety on acridine-neamine-containing ligands for the stem-loop structure located at the exon 10-5′-intron junction of Tau pre-mRNA, an important regulatory element of tau gene alternative splicing. On the basis of dynamic combinatorial chemistry experiments, ligands that combine guanidinoneamine and two different acridines were synthesized and their RNA-binding properties were compared with those of their amino precursors. Fluorescence titration experiments and UV-monitored melting curves revealed that guanidinylation has a positive effect both on the binding affinity and specificity of the ligands for the stemloop RNA, as well as on the stabilization of all RNA sequences evaluated, particularly some mutated sequences associated with the development of FTDP-17 tauopathy. However, this correlation between binding affinity and stabilization due to guanidinylation was only found in ligands containing a longer spacer between the acridine and guanidinoneamine moieties, since a shorter spacer produced the opposite effect (e.g. lower binding affinity and lower stabilization). Furthermore, spectroscopic studies suggest that ligand binding does not significantly change the overall RNA structure upon binding (circular dichroism) and that the acridine moiety might intercalate near the bulged region of the stem->loop structure (UV-Vis and NMR spectroscopy).


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Immunological pressure encountered by protozoan parasites drives the selection of strategies to modulate or avoid the immune responses of their hosts. Here we show that the parasite Entamoeba histolytica has evolved a chemokine that mimics the sequence, structure, and function of the human cytokine HsEMAPII (Homo sapiens endothelial monocyte activating polypeptide II). This Entamoeba EMAPII-like polypeptide (EELP) is translated as a domain attached to two different aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRS) that are overexpressed when parasites are exposed to inflammatory signals. EELP is dispensable for the tRNA aminoacylation activity of the enzymes that harbor it, and it is cleaved from them by Entamoeba proteases to generate a standalone cytokine. Isolated EELP acts as a chemoattractant for human cells, but its cell specificity is different from that of HsEMAPII. We show that cell specificity differences between HsEMAPII and EELP can be swapped by site directed mutagenesis of only two residues in the cytokines' signal sequence. Thus, Entamoeba has evolved a functional mimic of an aaRS-associated human cytokine with modified cell specificity.


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Aquest treball es basa en l’estudi de dues malalties lisosòmiques: la malaltia de Niemann-Pick A/B (NPAB) i la malaltia de Niemann-Pick tipus C (NPC). En relació a la malaltia de NPAB, s’ha realitzat l’expressió in vitro d’algunes de les mutacions de canvi d’aminoàcid trobades en pacients espanyols per tal de detectar les activitats enzimàtiques residuals. Totes les mutacions presenten una activitat molt baixa, gairebé nul•la, excepte la p.L225P i la R608del que tenen un 11% i 20% d’activitat respectivament. Els resultats obtinguts són coherents amb la severitat del fenotip que presenten els pacients. D’altra banda, s’ha caracteritzat un al•lel amb una mutació que afecta a una posició poc conservada d’un donador de splicing i que produeix la generació de trànscrits aberrants corresponents a trànscrits minoritaris de SMPD1, prèviament descrits, que no codifiquen per proteïna funcional. Respecte a malaltia de NPC, s’ha realitzat una anàlisi molecular de pacients espanyols prèviament estudiats identificant, en la majoria dels casos, la segona mutació responsable de la patologia. S’ha descrit per primer cop per aquesta malaltia una gran deleció que inclou el gen NPC1 i altres gens flanquejants i s’ha estudiat l’efecte que tenen les mutacions de splicing trobades a nivell de RNA. Per una d’aquestes mutacions, c.1554-1009G&A, s’ha assajat amb èxit una estratègia terapèutica basada en la utilització d’oligonuclèotids antisentit. D’altra banda, s’està desenvolupant un model cel•lular neuronal de la malaltia de Niemann-Pick tipus C, basat en la utilització de RNAs d’interferència, sobre el qual es podran assajar possibles estratègies terapèutiques en un futur.


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Annotation of protein-coding genes is a key goal of genome sequencing projects. In spite of tremendous recent advances in computational gene finding, comprehensive annotation remains a challenge. Peptide mass spectrometry is a powerful tool for researching the dynamic proteome and suggests an attractive approach to discover and validate protein-coding genes. We present algorithms to construct and efficiently search spectra against a genomic database, with no prior knowledge of encoded proteins. By searching a corpus of 18.5 million tandem mass spectra (MS/MS) from human proteomic samples, we validate 39,000 exons and 11,000 introns at the level of translation. We present translation-level evidence for novel or extended exons in 16 genes, confirm translation of 224 hypothetical proteins, and discover or confirm over 40 alternative splicing events. Polymorphisms are efficiently encoded in our database, allowing us to observe variant alleles for 308 coding SNPs. Finally, we demonstrate the use of mass spectrometry to improve automated gene prediction, adding 800 correct exons to our predictions using a simple rescoring strategy. Our results demonstrate that proteomic profiling should play a role in any genome sequencing project.


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The “one-gene, one-protein” rule, coined by Beadle and Tatum, has been fundamental to molecular biology. The rule implies that the genetic complexity of an organism depends essentially on its gene number. The discovery, however, that alternative gene splicing and transcription are widespread phenomena dramatically altered our understanding of the genetic complexity of higher eukaryotic organisms; in these, a limited number of genes may potentially encode a much larger number of proteins. Here we investigate yet another phenomenon that may contribute to generate additional protein diversity. Indeed, by relying on both computational and experimental analysis, we estimate that at least 4%–5% of the tandem gene pairs in the human genome can be eventually transcribed into a single RNA sequence encoding a putative chimeric protein. While the functional significance of most of these chimeric transcripts remains to be determined, we provide strong evidence that this phenomenon does not correspond to mere technical artifacts and that it is a common mechanism with the potential of generating hundreds of additional proteins in the human genome.


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Background: We present the results of EGASP, a community experiment to assess the state-ofthe-art in genome annotation within the ENCODE regions, which span 1% of the human genomesequence. The experiment had two major goals: the assessment of the accuracy of computationalmethods to predict protein coding genes; and the overall assessment of the completeness of thecurrent human genome annotations as represented in the ENCODE regions. For thecomputational prediction assessment, eighteen groups contributed gene predictions. Weevaluated these submissions against each other based on a ‘reference set’ of annotationsgenerated as part of the GENCODE project. These annotations were not available to theprediction groups prior to the submission deadline, so that their predictions were blind and anexternal advisory committee could perform a fair assessment.Results: The best methods had at least one gene transcript correctly predicted for close to 70%of the annotated genes. Nevertheless, the multiple transcript accuracy, taking into accountalternative splicing, reached only approximately 40% to 50% accuracy. At the coding nucleotidelevel, the best programs reached an accuracy of 90% in both sensitivity and specificity. Programsrelying on mRNA and protein sequences were the most accurate in reproducing the manuallycurated annotations. Experimental validation shows that only a very small percentage (3.2%) of the selected 221 computationally predicted exons outside of the existing annotation could beverified.Conclusions: This is the first such experiment in human DNA, and we have followed thestandards established in a similar experiment, GASP1, in Drosophila melanogaster. We believe theresults presented here contribute to the value of ongoing large-scale annotation projects and shouldguide further experimental methods when being scaled up to the entire human genome sequence.


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Immunity-related GTPases (IRG) play an important role in defense against intracellular pathogens. One member of this gene family in humans, IRGM, has been recently implicated as a risk factor for Crohn's disease. We analyzed the detailed structure of this gene family among primates and showed that most of the IRG gene cluster was deleted early in primate evolution, after the divergence of the anthropoids from prosimians ( about 50 million years ago). Comparative sequence analysis of New World and Old World monkey species shows that the single-copy IRGM gene became pseudogenized as a result of an Alu retrotransposition event in the anthropoid common ancestor that disrupted the open reading frame (ORF). We find that the ORF was reestablished as a part of a polymorphic stop codon in the common ancestor of humans and great apes. Expression analysis suggests that this change occurred in conjunction with the insertion of an endogenous retrovirus, which altered the transcription initiation, splicing, and expression profile of IRGM. These data argue that the gene became pseudogenized and was then resurrected through a series of complex structural events and suggest remarkable functional plasticity where alleles experience diverse evolutionary pressures over time. Such dynamism in structure and evolution may be critical for a gene family locked in an arms race with an ever-changing repertoire of intracellular parasites.